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A great classic written by a great writer.

When we speak of classic who

can be better than shakesphere Shakesphere a playwriter,poet and an
actor who is regarded as one of the greatest English writer of all times
The story julis ceaser starts with ceaser being welcomed after wining
the war where the play set in the city of rome is celebrating his victory,
here we are introduced of the characters that we all know as antony ,
cassius,brutus and casca. While on one hand there is celebration but on
the other hand we also find cassius and brutus suspicious of ceaser
becoming way to powerful and accepting the throne. By the end of the
act we find ceaser being warned by the stranger of the day 15th march.
The second act starts the conspirators convincing brutus to join their plot
and the Calpurnia, ceasers wife having a nightmare and then after we see
ceaser leaving for capitol despite his wifes repeated warning to not to. In
the capitol hes being stabbed by the conspirators and brutus and there he
utters his famous remark et tu brutus. Thenafter antonys ravaging and
inciting speech which negates the effect of brutus speech, the crowd
becomes rioters, the event of fight between antony and cassius and the
story ends with brutus sucide. . He wrote Julius ceaser and play was
performed for the first time in 1599. Written in those times but though it
has remained one of the greatest plays written by shakesphere. Though
Being an avid reader reviewing a work of 15th century is difficult but
what can be a better book than Julius ceaser
the story is brief and simple but dramatic as the intention of the writer
would have been. The downfall of Julius ceaser and with connivance of
brutus takes us aback of a human being treacherous enough to kill a
friend. As shakespheres habit of making sure we hate the villians,
cassius and casca he succeeds and we surely do. There are sure some
apprehensions that came to my mind while reading as to who was the
protagonist ceaser or antony as story focuses quite extensively on
anotonys fight for ceaser and his coronation. Though one of the best
tragedies written in 16th century is still one the best, exceptional and
phenomenal plays of all time and it is still difficult to find such
pronounced, illustrious and distinguished play written by a modern
writer. And who can forget the famous the lines given by this play like
the fault,dear brutus is not in our stars but in ourselves, men at some
times are masters of their fate and ofcourse et tu brutus? I would highly
recommend all of you to read this outstanding, masterly written and
vintage vibe book for your summer vacation.

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