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s ,

Distance (B Stream)
Concept of speed, time and distance is based on the formula
Average speed:
lffiJ *^
Speed x Time: Distance ... (which is the harmonic means of a and b
Speed (s) : Also; if t, and t, is time taken to travel from A to B and B to
A, respectively, the distance 'd'fromAto B is given by:
The rate at which anymovingbodycovers a
particular distance is called its speed. Iab\
d=(t, +rrl
- = *llme , (ab)
Time (t) :
It is the time duration over which the movement ( t,t" )
has occured. The unit used formeasuring time is
synchronous with denominator ofthe unit used for a Ifa bodytravels a distance 'd' fromA to B with speed 'a'in
measuring _speed. Thus, ifthe speed is measured in time t, and travels back from B to A i.e., the same distance
terms oflanih then time is measured in hours. with A of the usual speed 'a', then the change in time
16* _ Distance
taken to cover the same distance is given by:
Unit : SI unit ofspeed is metre per second Change in time: --1 xttlforn>m
(rnps). It is also measured in kilonreters per hour
(krnph) or miles per hour (mph). 1-n xt1;form>n
Conversion ofunits : m
(i) I hour: 60 minutes:60 x 60 seconds.
o Iffirst part ofthe distance is covered at the rate ofv, in
time t, and the second part of the distance is covered at
1km:1000m the rate of v" in time tr, then the average speed is
1 km: 0.625 rnle
(v,t, + v.t.)
1 mile: 1.60 krL i.e. 8 km:5 miles l4l tl+t2
I yard:3 feet \ )
Relative Speed : When two bodies are moving in same direction
I foot: 12 inches
with speeds S, and S, respectively, their relative speed is the
I km/h =,* m/sec, difference of their speeds.
i.e. Relative Spee6: S, - Sz
1m/sec =19 mrn When two bodies are moving in opposite direction with speeds
5 S, and S, respectively, their relative speed is the sum oftheir
l milesftr =4ft1r"". i.e. Relative Speed: Sr + Sz

o Average sPeed =Total Distance

T"t^l tt-.
Example 1 :
The driver of a maruti car driving at the speed of 68 km/h
r S'hile travelling certain distance d, ifa man changes his
a locates a bus 40 metres ahead of him. After l0 seconds.
speed in the ratio m : n, then the ratio of time taken becomes the bus is 60 metres behind. Find the speed of the bus. '
n: m. Solution:
o Ifa certaindistance (d), say from A to B, is covered at 'a' Let speed ofBus = SB km/h.
km/hr and the same distance is covered again say from B to Now, in l0 sec., car covers the relative distance
A in 'b'km/hr, then the average speed during the whole : (60 + 40) m: 100 m
journey is given by :
B-124 Speed, Time & Distance (Boat & Stream)

.'. Relative speed of car: : ,O rr,
ff Suppose the hare at H sees the dog at D.

5 D
[+ r|
.'. 63-SB =36 Se =32kmi h .'. DH: l00m
Example 2 : Let K be the position ofthe hare where the dog sees her.
If a person goes around an equilateral triangle shaped .'. HK:thedistancegonebytheharein 1 min
field at speed of 10, 20 and 40 kmph on the first, second l2 x 1000
and third side respectively and reaches back to the starting =_xlm:296,
point, then find his average speed during thejourney.
.'. DK:100+200:300m
The hare thus has a start of 300 m.
Let the measure of each side of triangle is D km. The
Nor,r.the dog gains (16 - 12) or 4 km'h.
person travelled the distance from A to B with 10 kmph. B
to C with 20 kmph and C toAwith 40 kmph. . . The dog u ill gain 300 m in ::99 min or +]2
!'4 x1000 min.

Again. the distance gone by the hare in

"2 +] min

12 <1000 I
.'. Distance of the place where the hare is caught from
the spot H where the hare took fl ight : 200 + 900 : I 1 00 m
a Iftwo persons (or vehicles or trains) start at the same time
in opposite directions from two points A and B. and after
crossing each other they take x and y hours respectively
IfT* : Time taken by the person to travel from A to B, to complete the journelr then
Tra : Time taken bythe person to travel from B to C and
Tao : Time taken by the person to travel from C to A. ot frrst
Speed I
Then total time : TAB + Tec + Tca Speed o1'second V t
D D D (S+++Z) 7D Example 5 :
l0 20 40 "1. 80 ) +O A train starts from A to B and another from B to A at the
Total distance travelled : D + D + D : 3D same time. After crossing each other they complete their
Hence, average speed -=

3D l2o
journeyin ll27and z{ nours respectively. Ifthe speedof
= =
7D77 =tz11o oh.
the first is 60 km,h, then find the speed ofthe second train.
40 Solution:
Example 3 :
Two guns were fired from the same place at an interval of
1 5 min, but a person in a bus approaching the place hears
speed F
lst train's
7 EB2=-6
= l-x-
the second report 14 min 30 sec after the fust. Find the speed
,rd t t rp..d V;
\l z 7 7
ofthe bus, supposing that sound travels 330 m per sec. 2
Solution: 60
Distance travelled by the bus in 14 min 30 sec could be 2nd train's speed 7
travelled by sound in ( 15 min - 14 min 30 sec) : 30 second.
2nd train's speed: 70 km/h.
.'. Bustravels:330 x 30 in t+1 min.
2 a Ifnew speed is ofusual speed, then
.'. Speed of the bus per hour
330x30x2x60 xr2
29x1000 29 - 29 - 29
-99 +o?9tmlrrr
1 188 Usualtime =
Change in time

[a )
Example 4 :
A hare sees a dog 100 m away from her and scuds offin the
opposite direction at a speed of 12 knlh. Aminute later the
Example 6:
dog perceives her ancl gives chase at a speed of 16 km/h.
How soon will the {og overtake the hare and at what
A boy walking at ]5 ofhis usual speed, reaches his school
distance from the spot where the hare took flight ? 14 min late. Find his usual time to reach the school.
Speed, Time & Distance (Boat & Stream) s-125

Solution: U'Y x Difference between arrival time

t4 =
14* 1 U_V
-: _l Also, required distance = Total 1i-" 1uL"o,
! "I
Example 7 : Example 9 :
A train after travelling 50 km, meets with an accident and A boy walking at a speed of I 0 kmlh reaches his school I 2
min late. Next time at a speed of 15 kmrh reaches his school
then oroceeds at
'5 = ofits former rate and arrives at the 7 min late. Find the distance ofhis school from his house ?
terminal45 minutes late. Had the accident happened 20 km
further on, it would have arrived 12 minutes sooner. Find Differencebetweenthetime= 12-7:5min =1= 1 p
the speed ofthe train and the distance.
60 t2
Solution: Required distance : 15x10 I = 150 2.5 km 1

Let A be the starting place, B the terminal, C and D the ffi " ; ; " ;=
places where the accidents to be placed. o A man leaves point A at t, and reaches the point B at tr.

Another man leaves the point B at q and reaches the point
A att4, then they will meet at
4 (,, -,, X,o -,,)
By travelling at
, of its original rate the train would take -'
(rr-t,)+(ta -t3)
I of its usual time. i.e., oiirs original time more. Example l0:
I A bus leaves Ludhiana at 5 am and reaches Dellti at 12
I noon. Another bus leaves Delhi at 8 am and reaches
of the usual time taken to travel the distance
4 Ludhiana at 3 pm. At what time do the buses meet?
CB:45min. ...(1) Solution:
I Converting all the times into 24 hor.r clocktime, we get 5
; of the usual time taken to travel the distance . am:500, 12iroon: 8am: 800and3pm:
1200, 1500

DB:(45 12)min...(ii) 59)

Required time = 5e6 * -!?99:IooX@
Subtracting (ii) from (i), (1200 - 500) + (1500 - 800)

of the usual time taken to travel the distance

CD= 1l rm. o Relation between time taken with two different modes of
.. Usual time taken on travel l0 km : -{S min. transpoft i t2*l tru : 2(t* + tu)
.. Speed ofthe train per
,j\ hrrur = 1 o, or 15 lim h. where,
t*: time when mode oftransport x is used single way.
From (i), wehave t, :
time when mode of transport y is used single way.
Time taken to travel x 4 min : 3 hrs.
CB:45 tr* : time when mode of fransport x is used both ways.
.'. The distanceCB:25 3 or 75 km. trr: time when mode of transport y is used both ways.
Hence the distance AB : the distance (AC + CB)
: 50 + 75 or 125 km. Example 11 :
o A man covers a certain distance D. If he moves S, speed A man takes 6 hours 30 min. in going by a cycle and coming
faster, he would have taken t time less and if he rnoves S,
back by scooter. He would have lost 2 hours l0 min by
going on cycle both ways. How long would it take him to
speed slower, he would have taken t time more. The ori ginal
go by scooter both ways?
speed is given by
z,.(s, *sr)
Clearly, time takenbyhim to go by scooter both way
Example 8: : 6h.30m - 2h.l0m :4h.20m: a:rh

Aman covers a certain distance on scooter. Had he moved

3 km/h faster, he would have taken 20 min less. If he had Example 12:
moved 2 km/h slower, he would have taken 20 min more. A man trave1s,120 km by ship, 450 lmr by rail and 60 km by
Find the original speed. horse taking'altogether 13 hrs 30 min. The speed of the
Solution: train is 3 times that of the horse and llz times that of the
ship. Find the speed of the train.
lr(3x2) Solution:
' 32 If the speed ofthe horse is x km/hr; that ofthe train is 3x
o Ii rt3rsran u'ith nvo different speeds U & V cover the
same Jrstan"-e. then required distance
andthat ofthe sfrin is :2xkrrlhr
B-126 Speed, Time & Distance (Boat & Stream)

120 450 60 27
2x '3x'x
A train is said to have crossed an object (stationary or movi^rg)
only when the last coach ofthe train crosses the said object
60 150 60' 27 270 _ 27 completely. It implies that the total length ofthe train has crossed
xxx2 x2 the total length ofthe object.
.'. x=20 '
.'. Speed ofthe train : 60 km/hr. Time taken by a train to cross a polela standing man

Exomple 13: Length of train

Rajesh travelled from the city A to city B covering as much Speed of train
distance in the second part as he did in the first part ofhis a Time taken by a train to cross platforrnbridge etc. (i.e. a
journey. His speed during the second part was twice his stationary object with some length)
speed during the first part of the journey. What is his
length of train + length of platformAridge etc
average speed ofjourney during the entire travel ?
(l) His average speed is the harmonic mean oi the speed oftrain
individual speed for the two parts. a When two trains with lengths L, and Lrand with speeds
(2) His average speed is the arithmetic mean of the S, and S, respectively, then
individual speed for the two parts. (a) When they are moving in the same direction, time
(3) His average speed is the geometric mean of the taken by the faster train to cross the slower train
individual speeds for the two parts. Ll +Lz
(4) Cannot be determined. difference of their speeds
Solution: (b) When theyare moving in the opposite direction, time
The first part is % ofthe total distance & the second part is taken bythe trains to cross each other
% of the total distance. Suppose, he ffavels at a km/hr L1+L2
speed during the first half & b km/hr speed during the . sum oftheir speeds
second half. When distance travelled is the same in both
a Suppose two trains or two bodies are moving in the same
. parts of the journey, the average speed is gives by the
direction at u km/hr and v hthr respectively such that u >
formula ---
i.e. the harmonic mean ofthe two speeds. v, then
a+b their relative qpeed: (u- v) km.&r.
Example 14: If their iengths be x km and y km respectively, then time
Two liiends X and Y walk from A to B at a distance of 39 taken b1'the faster train to cross the slower train (moving
km, at 3 km an hour urd : I2',
krn an hour respectir el1: Y in the same direction): hrs.
reaches B, returns immediately and meet x at C. Find the a Suppose two trains or two bodies are moving in opposite
distance from A to C .
directionsat u km/hr andv lcn/hr, then their relative speed
: (u + v) kn/hr.

When Y meets X at C, Y has walked the distance AB + Iftheir lengths be x km & ykm, then :

BC and X has walkedthe distanceAC. (x+Y1

rime raken ro cross each other = nrt
a Ifa man is running at a speed of u m/sec in the same direction
in which a train of length L meters is running at a speed
v m/sec, then (v - u) m/sec is called the speed of the train
relative to man. Then the time taken by the train to cross
x:____, / the man v-u seconds

So, both X and Y have walked together a distance , If a man is running at a speed of u m/sec in a direction
:2 x AR:2 x 39:78 km opposite to that in which a train of length L meters is
running with a speed v m/seco then (u + v) is called the
speed of the train relative to man.
Then the time taken by the train to cross the man
The ratio ofthe speeds ofX and Y is 3 : ,
l rt I I
Hence , the distance travelled by X : AC : * ,f a Iftwo trails start at the same time from two points A and B
O *rL
:36lan towards each other and after crossing, they take a and b
hours in reaching B andArespectively. Then,

A's speed : B's speed = (Jo ,G)

Speed, Time & Distance (Boat & Stream) a-127

Exumple 15 : r...
How long does a train 90 m long running at the rate of
54 km/h take to cross - (g) The man is moving in opposite direction, so
(a) a Mahatma Gandhi's statrte ? Length to be covered: LenS;th of the train, and
(b) aplattbrm 120mlong? relative speed: speed of train + speed of man
(c) another train 150m long, standing on anotherparallel
track'J .:. Requiredti*. =--\=
(d) anothertrain 160 m long running at 36 km,rh in same 18
direction ?
(e) another train 160 m long running at 36 km,&r in opposite
direction ? Stream : It implies that the water in the river is moving or flowing'
(0 a tnan running at 6 km/h in same direction ?
Upstream: Going alainstthe flowofthe river.
Downstream : Going with the flow ofthe river.
(g) a man running at 6 km/h in opposite direction ?
Still water : It implies that the speed ofwater is zero (generally,
Solution: in a lake).
(a) The statue is a stationary object, so time taken by
distance Flou'of r,l'ater
train is same as time taken by train to cover a {')

equal to its oum iength.

Now, 54 kmA = 54 x : 15rn/s
.'. Required time - ]15 :6 sec, Let the speed of a boat (or man) in still water be X m/sec
and the speed of the strealn (or current) be Y m/sec.
(b) The plattorm is stationarv ollength - 110 rn.
Length to be co'u'ered
o Speed ofboat wrth the stream (or downstream or DiS)
: Length ofthe trarn r Length ofthe platform :(X+Y)m/sec.
:90+ 120:210m
. Speed ofboat against the stream (or upstream or U/S)
.'. Requiredti-. =
210 :14sec. :1f, Y)m/sec.
l5 r Speed ofboat in still water is
(c) Length to be covered
(x+Y)+(x -Y) Downstream + Upstream
: Length of the train + length of the other train x=
:90-150-2-10m. 2

. Requiredrir.,. - 111 -
16 sec a Speed ofthe stream or current is Y:
(d) Another train is moving in same direction. Dosnstream - Upstream
Length to be covered l
: Length ofthe train + length ofthe other train
:90+ t60:250m Example 16:
Relative speed: 54-36: l8 kmPh' A boat is rowed down a river 28 km in 4 hours and up a
251 river l2kn-r in 6 hours. Find the speed ofthe boat and the
.'. Requiredtir" = =5osec. river.
18 Solution:
(e) Another train is moving in opposite direction. Downstreatn speed is ?! r-pn
Length to be covered 4
: Length ofthe train + length ofthe other train ]? -: t-pt,
:90+ 160:250m Upstream speed is
Relative speed :54 + 36:90 kmPh
Speed ofBoat - I
lDounstream - Upstream Speed)
.'. Required sPeed = ,:'50 = lo r". '
18 '90 = L t-.ll-15kmph
rlt The man is moving in same direction,
so Length to be covered: Length ofthe train, current = 1 (Downstrearl-Upstream speed)
Speed of
and relative speed: speed of train - speed of man
90 ,
R:ouired time = =;(1 - 2) = 2.5 kmPh
8-128' Speed, Time & Distance (Boat & Stream)

Example 17:
P, Q, and R are the three towns on a river which flows _36-1.44 _34.56 =2.8g k:In
uniformly. Q is equidistant from P and R. I row from P t2 t2
to Q and back in l0 hours and I can row from P to R in
o A man rows a certain distance dou,nstream in X hours and

4 hours. Compare the speed of myboat in still water with

returns the same distance in Y hours. Ifthe stream flows at
that of the river. the rate of Z kmlh, then the speed ofthe man in still water

is given by '

Let the speed of the boat be v, and the speed of the z(x+Y)nnrt,,
current be v, and d be the distance between the cities. Y-X
r And ifspeed ofman in still water is Z kmll then the speed
dd - of stream is given bY
v1*y2 andvt-v2 =6
zu -x\xm's,

Vr *Vo 6
Example 19.:
vl -v2 4
Two ferries start at the same time from opposite sides of a
river, travelling across the water on routes at right angles
or 2v,
-'r l0 or vr'r =5:l
to the shores. Each boat travels at a constant speed though
,z their speeds are different. Theypass each other at a point
Required ratio= (5 + 1) : 5 : 6 : 5 720m from the nearer shore. Both boats remain at their sides
for l0 minutes before starting back. On the return trip they
a Aman can rowx lffiih in still water. If in a stream which is
meet at 400m from the other shore. Find the width of the
flowing of Y kmAr, it takes himZ hours to row to a place
and back, the distance between the two places is
z(x2 - Let the width ofthe river be x.
2X Let a, b be the speeds ofthe ferries.
Example 18: 720 (x-720)
A man can row 6 km/h in still water. When the river is
running at 1.2 kmlh, it takes him I hour to row to a place
a b ...(i)
. and back. How far is the place ?
(s - -10 t +00 -10 t()_t-r - 400)
rr)__ ..(i,)
Solution : aabb
Man's rate downstream (6 ' 1.2 ) : 7.1 km h.
: (Time for ferry i to reach other shore + 10 minute wait +
Man's rate upstream : (6 - 1.2) km h : 4.8 km h. time to cover400m)
Let the required distance be x km. : Tirne for freely2tocova 720m to other shore + 10 minute
xx : wait+ Time to cover (x -400m))
fhen or4.8x+ 7.2x: 7.2 x 4.8
7+ a3 1
a 720
Using 1i1, we get
J_ _ 7.2x 4.8 _. b
(x-320) (x +320) a (x -320)
By directformula : uslns(ut.
----o\-'" a +-=
a b (x+320)
r'(02 -(1.2)2) On, solving weget, x = 1760m
Required distance =

1. A monkey ascends a greased pole 12 metres high. He (a) 20min (b) l5min
ascends 2 ,oetres in first minute and slips down I
metre in (c) 10min (d) 5min
the alternate minute. In which minute, he reaches the top ? 3. A man walks half of the journey at 4 km,& by cycle does
(a) 2lst (b) 22nd one third ofjourney at 12kmlh and rides the remainder
(c) 23rd (d) 24th journey in a horse cart at 9 km/h, thus completing the
2. In a 800 m race around a stadium having the circumference whole journev in 6 hours and 12 minutes. The length of
of 200 m, the top runner meets the last runner on the the journev is
5th minute of the race. Ifthe top runner runs at twice the
speed of the last runner, what is the time taken by the
(a) 36km (b) _km
top runner to finish the race ? 67
(c) 40kn (d) 28l<rrr
Speed, Time & Distance (Boat & Stream) e-129

4. A train does a journey without stoppage in 8 hours, if it 13. A man starts from B to K, another from K to B at the same
had travelled 5 km/h faster, it would have done thejourney time. Afta passing each other they complete their journep
in 6 hours 40 minutes. Find its original speed. t4
(a) 25klrnth (b) 401an4r in 3, and4, hours, respectively. Findthe speed ofthe
(c) 4skn/h (d) 36.shn/h
second man ifthe speed of the first is l2 km/hr.
5. A train leaves station X at 5 a.m. and reaches station Y
at 9 a.m. Another train leaves station Y at 7 a.m. and
(a) 12.5knph O) lOknph
reaches station X at l0: 30 a.m. At what time do the two (c) 12.66knph (d) 2Okrnph
trains cross each other ? 14. A boat, while going downstream in a river covered a distance
(a) 7:36am &) 7:56am of 50 mile at an average speed of 60 miles per hour. While
(c) 8:36am (d) 8:56am returning, because ofthe water resistance, it took one hour
6. A goods train leaves a station at a certain time and at a fifteen minutes to cover the same distance . What was the
fixed speed. After 6 hows, an express train leaves the same average speed ofthe boat during the wholejourney?
station and moves in the same direction at a uniform speed (a) 40mph (b) 48mph
of 90 kmph. This train catches up the goods train in 4 (c) 50mph (d)55mph
hours. Find the speed ofthe goods train. 15. Two trains, 130 m and I 1 0 m long, are going in the same
(a) 361crph (b) 4Okmph direction. The faster train takes one minute to pass the
(c) 3Okmph (d) 42kmph other completely. If they are moving in opposite directions,
7. A thiefgoes awaywith a Maruti car ata speed of40 km/h. they pass each other completely in 3 seconds. Find the
The theft has been discovered after halfan hour and the speed ofeach train.
owner sets offin another car at 50 km/h. When will the (a) 38 m/sec, 36 m/sec O) 42rn/sec,38 m/sec
owner overtake the thief from the start. (c) 36 m/sec, 42m/sec (d) None of these
16. A ship after sailing l2km towards south from a particulari
(a) z j r,ou., (b) 2lv20rnn place covered 5 km more towa(ds east. Then the
straightwaydistance ofthe ship from that place is
(c) I hr45min (d) cannot be determined ISSC CGL, Tier-I-20151
(a) l8kn O) l5kn
B. A starts 3 min after B for a place 4.5 km away. B on (c) l3kn (d) llkn
reaching his destination, immediately returns back and i7. A car covers four successive 7 km distances at speeds of
after walking a km meets A. If A walks I hn in 18 . l0 km/trour, 20 km/hour, 60 km/hour respectively. Its
minutes then what is B's speed ? average speed over this distance is
(a) 5 km/h (b) 4 km/h ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20151
(c) 6krvh (d) 3.51adh (a) km/hour
40 (b) 20 km/hour
9. A long distance runner runs 9 laps of a 400 metres track (c) 60krn/hour (d) 30km/irour
everyday. His timings (in minutes) for four consecutive
days are 88, 96, 89 and 87 resplectireh'. On an alera-se. 18. A boat moves downstream at the rate of I km in Z1
how many metres/minute does the runner cover ? minutes arrd upstream at the rate of 5 km an hour. What is
(a) 40n/min (b) 45m,min the speed (in km/hour) ofthe boat in the still water?
(c) 38n/min (d) 49n/mn ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20151
10. In a flight of 600 km, an aircraft was slowed doun due to (a) 8 (b) 4
bad weather. Its average speed for the trip was reduced by . u,
200 kn,/ hr and the time of flight increased by 30 minutes.
(c) t, (d)
The duration ofthe flight is: 19. A man starts from a place P and reaches theplace QinT
(a) hours
I (b) 2 hours hours. He travels l/4th of the distance at l0 km/hout and
(c) hours
3 (d) 4 hours the remaining distance at 12 km/hour. The distance, in
11. A boat running downstreamcovers a distance of 16 km in kilometre, between P and Q is [SSC CGL, Tiei-II-2015]
2 hours while for covering the same distance upstream, it (a) 72 (b) 80
takes 4 hours. What is the speed ofthe boat in still water? (c) e0 (d)70.
(a) 4kmA (b) 6lcx,41 n. TwoplacesPandQare 162 kmapart. Atrain leavesPforp
(c) 8 kn/h (d) Data inadequate and simultaneously another train leaves p for P. They
12. A train aftertravelling 150 kn meets with an accident and meet at the end of6 hours. Ifthe former train travels 8 km/
then proceeds with 3/5 of its former speed and arrives at hour faster than the othei, then speed of train from @is
its destination 8 h late. Had the accident occurred 360 km ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20151
further. it would have reached the destination 4 h late. l5
\\'hat is the total distance travelled bythe train? (a) 9i km,4rour
2"6 O) l0; km/hour
(a) 8-{0km (b) 960lar1
(c) 870kn (d) llmkn 5l
(c) 12] km/hour (d) 8; km/hour
B-130 Speed, Time & Distance (Boat & Stream)

21. If a man walks at the rate of 5 km/hour, he misses a train by 31. B starts 4 minutes afterAfrom the samepoint, for aplace at
7 minutes. However, ifhe walks at the rate of 6 km/hour, he a distance of 7 miles from the starting point. A on reaching
reaches the station 5 minutes before the arrival ofthe train. the destination tums back and walks a mile where he meets
The distance covered by him to reach the station is B. IfA s speed is a mile in 8 minutes then B's speed is a mile
ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20l 5l in minutes.
_ [SSC CGL, Tier-II-20171
(a) 6lsn O) 71cn (a) e (b) 12 (c) 10 (d) 8
(c) 4kn (d) 6.25lan 32. Travelling at 60 km/h, a person reaches his
?2. A train, 200 m long, is running at a speed of 54 km/hr. The destination in a certain time. He covers 60%o of hisjoumey
time in seconds that will be taken bytrain to cross a 175 m
long bridge is [SSC CGL, Tier-I-2016j io ifi of the time. At what speed (in km/h) should he
(a) 12.s (b) 20 (c) 2s (d) l0 5

23. Two donkeys are standing 400 meters apart. First donkey travel to cover the remaining journey so that he reaches
can run at a speed of 3 m/sec and the second can run at2 time? [SSC CGL, Tier-II-20181
the destination right on
m/sec. Iftwo donkeys run towards each other after how (a) q (b)48 @)a (036
much time (in sec) will theybump into each other? 33. Abhi rows upstream a distance of 28 ian in 4 h and rows
ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20161
downstream a distance of50 km in 2 h. To iow a distance of
(a) fi (b) 80 (c) 400 (d) N 44.8 km in still water, hewilltake:
24. Rubi goes to a multiplex at the speed of 3 km,trr to see a CGL, Tier-tr-20181
movie and reaches 5 minutes late. If she travels. at the (a) 28h (b) 3.2h (c) 2.4h (d) 2.2h
speed of 4I(m/hr she reaches 5 minutes early. Then the y. A train travelling at the speed ofx km h crossed a 200 m
distance ofthe multiplex from her starting point is long platform in 30 seconds and overtook a man walking in
ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20161 the same direction at the speed of 6 km/h in 20 seconds.
(a) 2lcn (b) 5kn (c) 2m (d) 5m What is the value of x? [SSC CGL, Tier-II-20181
25. A man travels some distance at a speed of 12 km,trr and (a) 50 (b) Y (c) s6 (d) 0
refums at a speed of9 krnhr. tfthe total fime taken byhim 35. A and B started their journeys &om X to Y and Y to X,
is 2 hrs 20 min, the distance is [SSC CGI Tier-Il-20lfl respectively: After crossin_e each other, A and B completed
(a) 35lcn (b) 2lkn (c) thrt (d) l?l<rn
26. A and B are 15 kms apart and u&en trar,elling to$'a.rds the remaining parts of then joumeys in e ] fr and 8 h
each other meet after half an hour whereas they meet nvo
and a halfhours later if theytravel in the same direction. respectively. If the speed of B is 28 km,h, then the speed
The faster of the two travels at the speed of (in km/h) ofAis: [SSC CGL. Tier-II-2018]
ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20161
(a) 4 (b) 42 (c) 32 (d) 5
(a) lskdhr O) lSlqdhr 7
36. Walking at
(c) l0kn/hr (d) 8km/hr "9 - of his usual speed, a perron reaches his
27. A bus starts running with the initial speed of2l km/hr and office l0 minutes later than the usual time. His usual time
its speed increases everyhourby 3 kmlhr. Howmanyhours in minutes is: [SSC CGlTier-I-20181
will it take to cover a distance oi252km2 (a) 3s (b) n @) 42 (d) 30
ISSC CGL, Tier-I-20171 37. A train without stoppage travels with an average speed of 50
(a) 3 (b s (c) 8 (d) l0 km,/h, andwith stoppage, it travels with an average speed of
28. A racing car going at an average speed of I 08 kmihr takes 40 km/h. For how many minutes does the train stop on an
15 minutes to complete a lap on a racing track. By how average per hour? [SSC CGI4 Tier-I-2018]
rnuch should it increase its speed (in hnihr) to complete (a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (d) 15
thelapin 12minutes? [SSCCGL,Tier-II-2017] 38. A motorboat whose speed is 20 km/h in still water takes 30
@) 2a (b) 2l minutes more to go 24 l<rn upstream than to cover the same
(c) Z7 (d) 30
distance downstream. Ifthe speed ofthe boat in still water.
29. TrainAtakes 45 minutes more than train B to travel a dis-
is increased by 2krnlh, then how much time will it take to
tance of 450 km. Due to engine trouble speed of train B
go 39 hn downstream and 30 km upstream?
falls by a quarter, so it takes 30 minutes mue than Train A
to complete the same journey. What is the speed of Train A ISSC CGL, Tier-I-20211
(inkmihrf [SSC CGL, Tier-II-2017]
(a) 2h40m (b) 3h 10m
(a) e0 (b) 120 (c) 100 (d) 110
(c) 3h40m (d) 2h50m
30. Two cars A and B travel from one city to another, at speeds
39. A bus covered a distance of I 62 km. If speed of this bus
is 15 m/s, then what will be the time taken?
of 7 2 km/hr and 90 kn,&r respectively. If car B takes I hour
lesser than carAfcir the journey, then what is the distance ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20211
(in km) between the two cities? [SSC CGL, Tier-II-2017]
(a) 4 hours (b) 2 hours
(c) 3 hours (d) 5 hours
(a) n0 O) ffi @) 240 (d) M
Speed, Time & Distance (Boat & Stream) . s.131

q. Length of a train is 330 meters and it is moving at the cross each other ? [SSC CGL, Tier-II-2021]
speed of 72 km/hr. In how much time will it takes cross @) A seconds (b) 35 seconds
a platform of length 7 l0 metres? (c) 28 seconds (d) 21 seconds
ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20211 42. Vinay and Mahesh are 25O metres apart from each other.
(a) 52 seconds O) 56 seconds They are moving towards each other with the speed of
(c) 72 seconds (d) 64 seconds 36 kmihr and 54 km/hr respectively. In how much time
41. Two trains whose len_rths are 450 metres and 300 metres will they meet each other? [SSC CGL, Tier-II-20211
are moving towards each other at the speed of 162 kml (a) 12 seconds (b) 20 seconds {
hr and 108 km/hr respectir,ely. If distance between trains (c) l0 seconds (d) 15 seconds
is 300 metres, then in horr much time, these trains will

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