BME 205 Rubric Case 12 Hepatitis

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BME 205 Case 13 Hepatitis

Due 4/30, 9a, submitted on D2L

Role Must Have Points Comments

Slide 1 Title (descriptive for the pathology) 1 Set a template with font/background; you want
the whole presentation to look similar. Set a
Copy Editor Date 1 reasonable deadline for the group (Sunday by
Group number 1 6pm?). Gather the slides. Organize the slides.
All names/roles 1 Submit on D2L. Confirm email to your group,
Relevant image 1 Dr F. DO NOT re-write or re-format.
Slide 2 Relevant image with annotation about your virus 1 The patient (virus) is assigned based on
group#. Think like a patient. What would you
Patient How did you get this virus? 1 notice about your body? What other factors
(assigned What are your early symptoms? 1 will be going on that you may not notice. Be
virus below) What are your extreme symptoms? 1 specific
For how long are you contagious to those in your 1
Slide 3 Baltimore Classification? 1 Be very specific in your answers this week.
Diagnosis What is the blood borne Ab or marker for this type? 1
What is the target organ and cell type? 1
What is the antigen for virus entry to your cells 1
Relevant image with annotation 1
Slide 4 What is the shape of your virus (include capsid or 1 Two points are for the research lab, and 1
major finding from the lab.
Science envelop)? Show this as a schematic/annotation.
Does it contain RNA or DNA? 1
Find a research lab that studies this virus 1
1 major finding from this lab 1
Antigenic shift? Drift? 1
Slide 5 Name one antiviral that is used to treat this 1 Be very specific in your answers. Refer to the
in-class worksheet.
Treatment infection
How does the antiviral work? Slide 29 1
How long must the patient take the antiviral before 1
they are no longer contagious to others?
Is immunization possible? 1
Relevant image with annotation 1
Slide 6 Pick one region on earth / demographics 1 Choose areas with fewer health care options.
Epidemiology tells the numbers of people with
World Health Epidemiology for this virus 1 that disease or diagnosis, and their
Expert Patient population most frequently infected 1 demographics. You will further investigate
Treatment available here? 1 sub-populations that are most frequently
Relevant image with annotation 1 infected.

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