Bimestrales de Inglés 3er periodo 2018...

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Circle the letter that best completes the sentence.

41. It is Sunday. I ___ go to school today.

A. Doesn`t have
B. Haven`t to
C. Don`t have
D. Don’t`have to

42. It`s Sunday. My sister ___ go to school today

A. Doesn`t have
B. Doesn`t have to
C. Don`t have
D. Don`t have to

43. You look sick. You ___ go to the doctor.

A. Have should
B. To should
C. Should to
D. should

44. ____ I eat everything, Mom?

A. Must
B. Must to
C. Must have
D. Do must

45. You ____ talk in class!

A. Don`t must
B. Haven`t must
C. Mustn`t
D. Not must

46. I have many problems. What ___ I do?

A. Must to
B. Should to
C. should
D. have to

47. The phone is ringing. Please, ___ it.

A. Must answer
B. Answer
C. Should answer
D. Have to answer

Complete the following chant.

Do you know about 48____ living? Yes, of course I do. I know about health and about 49___ and for 50____ too. Do
I 51_________all kinds of food? Yes, of course, you do. You have to eat 52_____ and 53____ and 54____ too. Do
you know about the food groups? Yes, of course, I do. I know about 55___ , 56_____, 57______, chicken, 58_____
fruits and salads, too. Do I eat a balanced diet? Yes, of course, you should. You should sleep well and should do
sport and stop smoking, too!


A. diet
B. healthy
C. sport
D. slepp


A. do sport
B. eat
C. diet
D. bread

A. sport
B. oil
C. do sport
D. milk


A. do sport
B. have do milk
C. diet to have
D. Have to eat


A. Bananas
B. Bread
C. chicken
D. milk


A. potatoes
B. fruits
C. oil
D. bananas


A. bread
B. bananas
C. milk
D. chicken


A. milk
B. chicken
C. oil
D. bread
E. fruits


A. bananas
B. fruits
C. bread
D. potatoes


A. bread
B. oil
C. milk
D. potatoes


A. fruits
B. bananas
C. milk
D. oil

Circle the letter of the one phrase or word that is incorrect.

59. We should to know what our bodies need

A. should
B. to
C. know
D. no error

60. I must have to help with the house chores.

A. must
B. have to
C. help
D. no error


Before you read

Factories like these are often called “sweat shops”. The use of badly paid and badly treated workers to make
products cheaply is called. “Sweated labour”.
The famous jeans company Levi Strauss $Co., for example, is one of the companies that has it clothes made in
countries where wages are very low and working conditions are terrible. Here are more well – known labels from
some of the other companies that do this:
Guess?, Lee, Wrangler, Calvin Klein, Arizona for the department store, JC Penny`s, hunt Club also for JC Penny`s,
Polo for Ralph Lauren, Fila, Sasson, etc.

Cheap Labour
Labour is a lot chaper in Mexico than in the United States, so it is cheap and convenient for American companies to
have their products made in Mexico. Not surprisingly, a lot of the factories that make these products were built
near the US/ Mexican border. These factories are known as “maquila” or “maquiladora”.

Since the North American Free Trade Agreement was signed in 1994, the number of maquilas has grown very fast
and they are spreading to other parts of the country. Some maquilas have only a few workers, others have more
than a thousand. Some maquilas are registered, but many more are “underground”.

Bad pay, bad conditions

Pay and working conditions can be terrible. This is what two women told human rights workers about the maquila
where they work in Tehuacan, south- east of Mexico city:

Each shift os from 8.30 am to 8.30 pm, but if workers do not complete the number of clothes thay have been told
to make that day, they must work longer without any pay; on Saturdays, people must work from 8 am to 5 pm
without a lunch break; workers are very badly paid; Girls as young as 12 and 13 work in the factory; when workers
leave the factory to go lunch or to go home they are searched to make sure they haven`t stolen anything; when
women are hired, they are tested to see if they are pregnant. If they are pregnant, they are fired. If you arrive 15
minutes late, you must work for 3 days without pay. When one man is sick for a day, he looses a whole week`s pay.
The work can also be dangerous. For example, the women have no protective goggles to wear when they are
sewing at their machines. Sometimes the needles break and fly up into their faces.

What can sweat shop workers do?

Although these things are against the Mexican labour law, the women feel that they can do nothing about their
situation. They had been working without protest until one day when maquila workers organized and independent
trade union and one of its leaders was assassinated. This happened about ten years ago. And on one occasion when
some human rights workers visited a maquila, armed guards put guns to their heads. The maquila workers were
terrified that their bosses might find out who had been talking.
Many of the workers in Tehuacan are members of Mexico`s indigenous peoples. Father Hidalgo Anastacio
Miramon is a priest who is concerned about the problems of the indigenous workers in Tehuacan. He says that
indigenous people all over Mexico are being driven off their land. They had been living happily before the maquilas
arrived to town. Now their communities are broken, and the people are poor and hungry. The maquilas take

advantage of this; they recruit indigenous people and then use very harsh methods to try to make them into a new
industrial workforce.

Select the best answer from the text to the following questions:

41. Sweat shops are:

A. Excellent job opportunities

B. Factories where wages are very poor and working conditions are terrible.
C. The fanciest and trendiest places to boy informal garment
D. No error

42. A union is:

A. The workers associated to The North American Free Trade Agreement.

B. A place where people work very hard for very low pay.
C. An association of individuals or groups for some common purpose.
D. No error

43. What happened when maquila workers organized an independent trade union about 10 years ago?

A. Armed guards put guns to their heads.

B. They lost their jobs
C. One of this leaders was assassinated
D. No error

44. Who is Miriam ching Louie?

A. The manger of Levi Strauss $Co.

B. An indigenous leader.
C. She works for a self- help organization for workers in the garment industry
D. No error

46. It is very expensive for American companies to have their products made in Mexico.

A. We don`t know
B. False. Labour is a lot cheaper in Mexico than in the United States
C. True
D. No error

47. “These things are against the Mexican labour law” means:

A. The Mexican government is in opposition to this situation

B. The Mexican government accepts this situation and approves it
C. The Mexican government ignores this situation
D. No error

48. “The maquilas take advantage of this; they recruit indigenous people and then use very harsh methods to try
to make them into a new industrial workforce.” Consider the text. What does the pronoun this refer to in this

A. Father Hidalgo Anastacio Miramon is a priest who is concerned about the problems of the indigenous
workers in Tehuacan.

B. Workers in Tehuacan are broken, and the people are poor and hungry
C. He says that indigenous people All over Mexico are being driven off their land.
D. No error

Read the following first sentences of different articles and then, match them with the headlines below.

49. “Devasting avalanches have taken place in Austria`s Tyrol Province, one of the country`s most visited areas by
Bristish tourists, causing far- reaching economic consequences.”

A. “Colombia earthquake damages coffee mills, crop not hit”

B. “Avalanche debate Begins”
C. “Radio Estrella grows, spreads the word”
D. “As Neighborlines Fades, Fences Turn Inward”

50. “A new kind of problem has started out on the suburban frontiers concerning fences, giving a touch of “Fort
Apache” to all Ranch homes”
A. “Radio Estrella grows, spreads the word”
B. “Avalanche debate Begins”
C. “As Neighborlines Fades, Fences Turn Inward”
D. “Colombia earthquake damages coffee mills, crop not hit”

51. “The earthquake that hit the Colombian central coffee growing region, damaged 40% of the coffee mills where
farmers wash and dry their beans”
A. “Radio Estrella grows, spreads the word”
B. “Avalanche debate Begins”
C. “As Neighborlines Fades, Fences Turn Inward”
D. “Colombia earthquake damages coffee mills, crop not hit”
52. “A checkered butterfly found only in the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico is creating a division between
environmentalists and the people in the village”.
A. “Radio Estrella grows, spreads the word”
B. “Avalanche debate Begins”
C. “Checkered Butterfly Said to be Endangered”
D. “Colombia earthquake damages coffee mills, crop not hit”
53. “ Dr. Consuelo to her callers listens carefull to another real life problem from a Los Angeles radio studio as
other callers from New York and Miami hold waiting for her advice especially on interpersonal conflicts.”
A. “Radio Estrella grows, spreads the word”
B. “Avalanche debate Begins”
C. “Checkered Butterfly Said to be Endangered”
D. “Colombia earthquake damages coffee mills, crop not hit”

Subject and Reflexive Pronouns circle the letter that best completes the sentences.

55. George and sue couldn`t attend the first years of school. They learned to read and write by _______
A. They
B. Himself
C. Themselves
D. She

56. the cat hurt ___ while it was playing with a knife.
A. Yourself
B. Yourselves
C. itself
D. it
57. ______ have to know
A. yourselves
B. yourself
C. your
D. you

58. John doesn’t love anybody; he only loves ______.

A. Himself
B. He
C. Yourself
D. Him
59. We don`t like to think of _____ in that way.
A. Us
B. We
C. Ourselves
D. Our
60. Have you ever caught us looking at ______ on the mirror before a party?
A. Yourself
B. Themselves
C. itself
D. ourserlves



Schooll Bullying

School Bullying refers to all types of bullying, done on school property, whether it is peer – to peer bullying, bullying
of younger children by older children, or bullying in which a teacher is either a victimo r a culprit. According to the
National Center for Education Statistics, nearly a third of all students aged 12 – 18 reported having been bullied at
school in 2007, some almost daily.

Mode of School Bullying

Physical bullying is bullying that takes the form of physical abuse, such as pushing, shoving, hitting, fighting, spitting,
and tripping. Threats of physical harm and attempts to force people to act in ways they would prefer not to are also

Emotional bullying that involves factors other than physical interaction, such as insults, derogatory remarks, name
calling, and teasing. Also included are attempts to ostracize the victim, such as being left out or ignored, which is
sometimes referred to as social bullying, as distinguished from verbal bullying. Emotional bullying could also take
the form of purposely misplacing or hiding someone`s belongings. Emotional bullying can be done in person or
through cyberbullying.

Medium of school Bullying

Face – to face bullying is bullying in which students confront each other in person. Cyber bullying is bullying that
takes place online, through either email, chat rooms, social networking services, text messages, instant messages,
website postings, blogs, or a combination of means.

Specific Targets of school Bullying

Homophobic bullying is sometimes distinguished because it has a particular target population. Bullying of students
with disabilities is another type of bullying with a focused target population. Racist bullying is a third type of
focused bullying that targets people of a specific race or cultural. Religious bullying targets people who have
specific religious beliefs.

41. School bullying refers to:

A. Bullying that happens at home
B. Bullying that happens at school
C. Bullying that happens in the street
D. Bullying that happens in a restaurant

42. Two different types of bullying are:
A. School bullying and emotional bullying
B. School bullying and physical bullying
C. Emotional and physical bullying
D. Physical and school bullying

43. The cyberbullying can be done:

A. Face to face
B. At School
C. Through email, chat room or social networks, etc.
D. By the teacher

44. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, how many students were reported for being
bullied in 2007?

A. A third of all stents aged 12 - 18

B. All students
C. 12
D. 18

45. Some of the specific targets of school Bullying are

A. Emotional and physical
B. Emotional, physical and homophobic
C. Racist and homophobic
D. Religious, racist and homophobic

46. The emotional bullying can be done

A. Only in person
B. Face to face or through cyberbullying
C. Face to face
D. In the school

47. The racist bullying refers to

A. Bullied people from a specific religious belief

B. Bullied people because of their disabilities
C. Bullied people from a specific race or culture
D. Bullied people from school.

48. The school bullying can be performed by

A. Teachers only
B. Students only
C. Peers only
D. Students and teachers

49. The author of the text intended to

A. Defend the school bullying

B. Show a general view of school bullying
C. Attack the school bullying
D. Show some example of school bullying

50. We can find this text in

A. A web site
B. A novel
C. A history magazine
D. A milk carton

Peter Gene Hernandez (born October 8, 1985), 51 by his stage name Bruno Mars, is 52 American Singer songwriter
and record producer. Raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, by a family of musicians, Mars 53 making music at a young age
and performed in various musical venues 54 his hometown throughout his childhood. He graduated from high
school and then moved to Los Angeles, California, to 55 a musical career. Mars produced songs for other artists,
joining production team The Smeezingtons.

Mars had ans unsuccessful stint with Motown Records, but 56 sined with Atlantic in 2009. He became recognized as
a solo artist after lending his vocals and co –writing the hooks for the songs “Nothin On you”by B. o B, and
“Billionaire” by Travie McCoy, which 57 worldwide hits. He also co-wrote the this “Right Round” by flo Rida
featuring ke$ha, and “Wavin fFlag” by K`naan, 58 him to work with an assortment of artists from various genres.
Mars`debut studio album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans (2010) peaked at number three on the Billboard 200. Anchored
by the worldwide- one singles “just the way you are”, “Grenade” and the hit single “The Lazy song”. The album 59
for seven Grammy Awards, winning Best pop vocal performance for “just the way you are”. His second album,
unorthodox jukebox (2012), peaked at number one in the United States. The album spawned the international hot
singles, “Locked out of heaven” and “When I was your man”, so far.60 to his solo music, Bruno has collaborated
with numerous other artists, notably being featured on the worldwide hits “Lighyers” ( with bad meets evil),
“Young, wild & free” (with snoop dogg and wiz khalifa) ans those already referenced.


A. Known
B. Know
C. Knows
D. Knew

A. And
B. By
C. A
D. An


A. began
B. begin
C. begins
D. begun

A. In
B. On
C. Under
D. Pursuing


A. Per set
B. pursue
C. pour
D. purr


A. That
B. Those
C. To
D. Then


A. Was
B. Were
C. Is
D. Are


A. Allowing
B. Allows
C. Allowed
D. Allow


A. Was nominated
B. Is nominated
C. Were nominated
D. Nominate


A. However
B. Firstly
C. In addition
D. Unless



Marque la respuesta correcta

41. A building where products are made

A. Flat
B. World
C. Factory
D. Village

42. A population center larger than a town

A. Land
B. City
C. House
D. Mixture

43. The planet earth and its inhabitants

A. Land
B. World
C. Village
D. Flat

44. A combination of different substances

A. Mixture
B. City
C. House
D. Factory

45. A smooth, level surface

A. House
B. Land
C. City
D. Flat

The Walt Disney Company was started in 1923 ____ 46 ___ Walt Disney and his brother Roy. They rented a small
office in Los Angeles and ___ 47 ___ to produce small animated films. In 1928., they ___ 48 Mickey Mouse and
Pluto; Goofy, and Donald Duck ___ 49 ___ soon to follow. With the help of these cartoon characters, the walt
Disney Company grew into the huge international entertainment ___ 50 ___ it is today. Besides ___ 51 ___ movies,
Disney publishes books, produces music, and runs Disneyland in California, Disneyworld in Florida, Euro Disney
outside of Paris and Tokyo Disney ___52___ Japan. The Disney brand is one of the ___53 ___ famous names
throughout the world.


A. for
B. by
C. to
D. was


A. began
B. begin
C. begins
D. begen


A. created
B. have created
C. are creating
D. created have


A. was
B. are
C. were
D. in


A. where
B. whose
C. that
D. near


A. to produce

B. producing
C. produce
D. No error


A. In
B. Near
C. Out
D. Walk


A. more
B. less
C. most
D. No error

The first English settlers to arrive in what is now the USA are known as the pilgrim fathers because of the fact that
they wished to form a new country free from the religious persecution they felt they were suffering in Britain at the
time. ( A pilgrim is someone who makes a religious jorney). They set sail from ply mouth in Britain on September 6,
1620, and their ship the mayflower, arrived on land on November 11. Their hope was to create a new world that
God would approve of. Some historians believe that this aim still has a modern day legacy, reflected in the fact
that the USA is statistically much more religious than the UK and, in fact, the whole or Europe, with well over half of
Americans saying that they are religious in some way.

54. The American people ancestors came from

A. Great Britain
C. The Whole Of Europe
D. No error

55. The pilgrims suffered persecution because of their

A. Political ideas
B. Religious beliefs
C. Desire to go America
D. No error

56. The first settlers arrived in America in the

A. Sixteenth century
B. Fifteenth century
C. Seventeenth century
D. No error

57. The first settlers arrived in America

A. By plane
B. By ship
C. On horse
D. No error

58. According to the text, American people considered they are.

A. pilgrims
B. persecuted
C. a religious nation
D. No error

59. Plymouth and Mayflower are, respectively, the name of

A. A harbor and a ship

B. A ship and a city
C. A city and a girl
D. No error

60. The journey from Britain to the USA lasted

A. Three months
B. Two months
C. One month
D. No error


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