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Annual Examination-2023

Subject: History Class: 6th Total marks: 75

Name. Roll No.

Q1. Choose the best option. (10)

1. The ottoman caliphate started in the year.

a. 1299AD b. 1453AD c. 1517 AD d. 1566AD

2. The capital of the Fatimids was.

a. Damascus b. Baghdad c. Cairo d. Alleppo

3. Iran became a great power by.

a. Fatimids b. Safavid c. Ottaman d. Seljuks

4. The Tomb of Hazrat lal Shahbaz Qalander is in;

a. Lahore b. Pakpattan c. Sehwen d. Delhi

5. Mehmud Ghaznavi attacked and invaded South Asia about;

a. 12 times b. 17 times c. 19 times d. 23 times

6. Prithviraj was defeated in the battle of tarain by;

a. Mehmud Ghaznavi b. Muhammad Ghauri C. Qubuddin Aibek

d. Muhammad Bin Qasim
7. Ibtahim Lodhi was defeated in the;

a. First battle of panipat b. Second battle of panipat c. third battle of panipat

d. Fourth battle of panipat
8. The war of independence started from;

a. Meerat b. Delhi c. Kanpur d. Agra

9 Ain Akbari was written by;

a. Bairam khan b. Jahangir c. Akbar d. Abu al Fazal

10. Akbar was grandson of;

a. Humayun b. Jahangir c. Baber d. Shah Jahan

Q2. Write Short answers of the following questions. (Any five) (30)
1. What was similar in the Persian and Greek civilizations?
2. Describe the importance of the historical city of Taxila.
3. Highlight some of the impacts of Greek Civilization on the subcontinent.
4. Who was Kanishka?
5. Who was Chandragupta?
6. Explain the importance of Arthrashastra for Chandragupta Mauryan.
7. How was the challenge of poverty tackled by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Madinah?
8. Make a timeline to show rule of Khulafa e Rashideen.

Q3. Write answers of the following questions in detail. (Any two) (25)
1. Who was Alexander the Great?Describe his encounterwith raja porus.
2. Write note on Cyrus the Great?
3. Explain a few contributions of Ashoka as the great king.
4. Holy Prophet was the greatest of the human beings .Justify your answer.
5. Evaluate the importance of Charter of Madinah.

Q4. Class participation/Behaviour (10)

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