English II Week 3 Worksheet 2 (1)

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English II

Worksheet n°2
Name: Date: Major:

Add one more question about free-time activities to the chart. Then ask two people the questions. Write their
names and complete the chart.

Name: Name:
1. What sports do you like to watch
or play?
2. What do you do on the
3. What do you like to do when the
weather is nice?
4. What do you like to do when it is
5. How often do you play
6. _________________________?

B. Complete the chart with a suitable sport or activity.

People play… People do… People go…

C. Answer these questions with true answers.

1. What sports do you play? How often?


2. What sports do your friends play?


3. Do you go biking?

4. What sports do people in your country like?


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