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Unit 6

What Does Workstation Mean?

• A workstation (WS) is a computer dedicated to a user

or group of users engaged in business or professional
• It includes one or more high resolution displays and a
faster processor than a personal computer (PC).
• A workstation also has greater multitasking capability
because of additional random access memory (RAM),
drives and drive capacity.
• A workstation may also have a higher-speed graphics
adapters and more connected peripherals.
Workstation Management:
• Workstation management in computer networks refers to the
administration and maintenance of individual computers, also
known as workstations, within a networked environment. It
involves various tasks and processes aimed at ensuring the optimal
performance, security, and usability of the workstations.
• Here are some key aspects of workstation management:
1. Configuration and Deployment: Workstation management
includes setting up and configuring individual workstations
according to the organization's requirements. This involves
installing the operating system, software applications, device
drivers, and network settings. Workstation deployment involves
the mass rollout of these configurations across multiple
2. Patch and Update Management: Keeping workstations up to date
with the latest security patches, bug fixes, and software updates is
crucial for maintaining a secure and stable network. Workstation
management involves monitoring for new updates, testing them
in a controlled environment, and deploying them efficiently across
the workstations.
3.Performance Monitoring: Monitoring the performance of
workstations helps identify any bottlenecks, resource
utilization issues, or hardware failures. Workstation
management involves tracking various performance metrics
such as CPU usage, memory utilization, disk activity, and
network traffic to ensure optimal performance and
troubleshoot any performance-related problems.
4.Security Management: Workstations are vulnerable to
various security threats, including malware, unauthorized
access, and data breaches. Workstation management focuses
on implementing and maintaining security measures such as
antivirus software, firewalls, and encryption to protect the
workstations and the network from potential security risks.
5.User Management: Managing user accounts, permissions, and access rights on
workstations is an important aspect of workstation management. It involves creating,
modifying, and deleting user accounts, controlling user access to resources, enforcing
password policies, and ensuring proper user authentication mechanisms are in place.
6.Backup and Recovery: Workstation management includes implementing backup
solutions to protect critical data stored on workstations. Regular backups of user files,
configurations, and system settings are performed, and recovery processes are
established to restore data in the event of hardware failures, data corruption, or
accidental deletions.
7.Remote Management: With the increasing prevalence of remote work, workstation
management often includes remote administration capabilities. This allows system
administrators to manage and troubleshoot workstations remotely, perform software
installations, apply updates, and provide support without physically accessing the
• Overall, workstation management plays a vital role in ensuring the reliability,
security, and efficiency of individual workstations within a computer network. It
helps organizations maintain a stable and productive computing environment while
minimizing downtime and security risks.
Computer Management
• Computer management is the process of
managing, monitoring and optimizing a computer
system for performance, availability, security
and/or any base operational requirement.
• It is broad term that includes manual and
automated administrative processes in the
operations of a computer.
• Computer management is also known as PC
management or desktop management.
Computer management includes various tasks such as:
1. Updating or patching a computer’s operating system with the
latest updates and fixes
2. Installing, configuring and executing anti-virus/anti-malware
software on a computer to identify, remove and provide
protection against malicious attacks
3. Managing all components on the computer in relation to drivers,
permissions and basic functioning
4. Creating and managing users
5. Troubleshooting hardware, software and/or network and Internet
6. Using disk defragmentation and disk cleanup services to remove
unnecessary data and improve disk response
7. Enabling, disabling and optimizing startup and background
applications to increase/maintain processing speed
8. Computer management is also a default system management
feature within the Windows XP OS.
• Computer Management is a collection of
Windows administrative tools that you can
use to manage a local or remote computer.
The tools are organized into a single console,
which makes it easy to view administrative
properties and to gain access to the tools that
are necessary to perform your
computer-management tasks.
Using Computer Management, an administrator can perform the following
actions on local and remote machines:

• Create and manage shares

• Display a list of connected users
• Manage services such as Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name
System (DNS)
• Start and stop system services
• Configure properties of storage devices
• Monitor system events and application errors
• Display device settings and add new device drivers
Computer Management
• Computer management in a computer network involves the administration and control of all the
computers within the network. It includes various tasks and processes aimed at ensuring the
proper functioning, security, and optimization of the computers. Here are some key aspects of
computer management in a computer network:
1. Hardware inventory: Maintain an inventory of all the computers in the network, including
details about their hardware components, specifications, and configurations. This information
helps in tracking and managing computer resources efficiently.
2. Operating system deployment and updates: Deploy and manage operating systems across
computers within the network. This involves tasks such as initial OS installation, configuration,
and regular updates to ensure that computers are running the latest versions with security
patches and bug fixes.
3. Software deployment and management: Install, update, and manage software applications on
network computers. This can be done using centralized software distribution systems that allow
administrators to remotely deploy and manage software across multiple computers.
4. Patch management: Regularly apply software patches and updates to address security
vulnerabilities and enhance the stability of the computer systems. This includes managing
updates for the operating system, software applications, and device drivers.
5. Security management: Implement and maintain security measures to protect computers and
the network from threats and unauthorized access. This includes configuring firewalls,
implementing antivirus and anti-malware software, setting up intrusion detection and
prevention systems, and enforcing strong password policies.
6.Configuration management: Standardize and manage computer configurations to ensure
consistency and compliance with organizational policies. This involves defining and enforcing
configuration settings for hardware, software, network settings, user permissions, and security
7.Performance monitoring and optimization: Monitor the performance of computers to
identify and resolve issues that may affect their performance. This includes tracking resource
usage, analyzing performance metrics, and optimizing computer configurations for better
8.Backup and recovery: Implement regular backup solutions to protect critical data stored on
computers. This involves scheduling and automating backups, verifying data integrity, and
establishing recovery plans to minimize downtime and data loss in the event of system failures
or disasters.
9.Remote administration: Utilize remote management tools to administer and control
computers from a central location. This allows administrators to perform tasks such as
software installations, updates, configuration changes, and troubleshooting without physically
accessing each computer.
10.User support and troubleshooting: Provide technical support to users, assisting with
computer-related issues, troubleshooting problems, and resolving hardware or software
failures. This may involve help desk support, remote assistance, or on-site visits.
• Effective computer management in a computer network ensures the stability, security, and
optimal performance of the computers. It simplifies administrative tasks, reduces
downtime, and enhances productivity for network users.
Trust relationship between domains in network configuration and

• In network configuration and administration, a trust relationship between domains refers to

the establishment of a secure and authenticated connection between different domains or
network entities. This relationship allows for the sharing of resources, services, and
information while ensuring appropriate access controls and security measures are in place.
• A domain, in this context, typically refers to a logical grouping of network resources and
entities that share a common security policy and administrative authority. Domains can be
based on different technologies and protocols, such as Active Directory domains in Windows
environments or domains in DNS (Domain Name System).
• Establishing a trust relationship between domains is crucial in scenarios where there is a
need for collaboration or resource sharing between different administrative boundaries.
Here are a few key aspects related to trust relationships in network configuration and
• Authentication and Authorization: Trust relationships involve authentication mechanisms to
verify the identities of users or systems from one domain to another. This ensures that only
authorized entities can access shared resources or services across domains. Common
methods for authentication in trust relationships include shared secret keys, digital
certificates, or mutual authentication protocols.
• Resource Sharing: Trust relationships enable the controlled sharing of network resources
such as files, printers, databases, or services between domains. By establishing trust,
administrators can define access permissions and privileges, allowing users from one
domain to access resources hosted in another domain.
• Single Sign-On (SSO): Trust relationships can facilitate Single Sign-On functionality,
where users authenticate once and gain access to multiple resources across trusted
domains without re-authentication. This improves user experience and simplifies
administration by reducing the number of credentials users need to remember.
• Federation: Trust relationships are often used in federated identity management
systems, where trust is established between multiple domains or organizations.
This allows for seamless and secure access to shared resources and services, even
across organizational boundaries.
• Trust Levels: Trust relationships can be established at different levels, depending on
the level of security and control required. For example, a one-way trust allows
resources in one domain to trust and authenticate users from another domain,
while a two-way trust enables mutual trust and authentication between both
• Trust Validation and Maintenance: Trust relationships require ongoing validation
and maintenance to ensure their integrity and security. Administrators need to
monitor and manage trust relationships regularly, verifying authentication
mechanisms, reviewing access controls, and updating trust configurations as
• Overall, trust relationships between domains play a vital role in network
configuration and administration, enabling secure resource sharing, collaboration,
and efficient management of network environments.
account policies in network configuration and administration in computer

• Account policies in network configuration and administration are a set of rules and settings that
define the parameters for user accounts and their associated privileges within a computer
network. These policies help enforce security, manage user access, and ensure compliance with
organizational requirements. Here are some common aspects of account policies in network
configuration and administration:
• Password Policies: Password policies define the requirements for creating and managing
passwords. They typically include rules regarding password length, complexity (e.g., the use of
uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters), expiration periods, and
password history (preventing users from reusing old passwords).
• Account Lockout Policies: Account lockout policies determine the conditions under which user
accounts are locked after a specified number of failed login attempts. This helps protect against
brute-force attacks or unauthorized access attempts. Policies may specify the number of failed
attempts, the lockout duration, and whether an administrator needs to unlock the account.
• Account Expiration Policies: Account expiration policies set a predefined lifespan for user
accounts, requiring users to change their passwords or renew their accounts periodically. This
helps ensure that inactive or unused accounts are disabled or removed from the system, reducing
the risk of unauthorized access.
• Account Permissions and Privileges: Account policies govern the assignment of permissions and
privileges to user accounts based on roles or job requirements. They define what resources (files,
folders, applications, network services, etc.) a user can access and what actions they can perform
within the network. Account permissions are typically granted based on the principle of least
privilege, where users are given the minimum level of access necessary to perform their tasks.
• Account Creation and Deactivation: Policies specify the procedures and criteria for creating new
user accounts, including user registration, approval workflows, and account provisioning. They
also cover the deactivation or removal of accounts when an employee leaves the organization or
no longer requires access to network resources. Timely account management helps maintain
security and minimize unauthorized access.
• Account Auditing and Monitoring: Account policies may include provisions for auditing and
monitoring user activities. This involves tracking login attempts, privilege escalations, and critical
actions performed by user accounts. The objective is to detect suspicious behavior, unauthorized
access, or policy violations and to take appropriate action when necessary.
• Account Recovery and Password Reset: Policies can outline procedures for account recovery and
password reset in case of forgotten passwords or account lockouts. These procedures may include
security questions, two-factor authentication, or verification through alternative contact methods
to ensure the account's legitimate owner is regaining access.
• These account policies form an integral part of network security and play a crucial role in
managing user accounts, access controls, and compliance within computer networks. They help
mitigate security risks, maintain data confidentiality, and enforce best practices for user account

Folder security
sharing files and printer user profile in network configuration and

• In network configuration and administration, sharing files and printers within user profiles refers
to the ability to provide access to specific files, folders, and printers based on individual user
profiles or roles. This ensures that users have appropriate access to shared resources while
maintaining security and control over the network. Here's an overview of sharing files and printers
within user profiles:
• Sharing Files:
• User Profiles: User profiles are created for each individual user in the network, containing
personalized settings, preferences, and access permissions. Within user profiles, administrators
can define specific folders or files that are accessible to each user.
• File Sharing Permissions: Administrators can set file-level permissions on shared folders and files,
allowing or restricting access based on user profiles. These permissions determine whether a user
can read, write, modify, or delete specific files.
• Access Control Lists (ACLs): Access Control Lists can be utilized to manage file sharing permissions
at a granular level. ACLs allow administrators to assign permissions to individual users or groups,
specifying what actions can be performed on files or folders.
• Folder Redirection: Administrators can configure folder redirection to redirect specific folders
within a user's profile to a network location. This enables centralized storage and backup of user
files, ensuring accessibility and data protection.
• Offline File Access: Offline file access allows users to access specific files and folders even when
not connected to the network. Administrators can configure offline file synchronization to ensure
users can work with files seamlessly, with changes automatically synchronized when they
reconnect to the network.
• Sharing Printers:
• Printer Sharing: Network printers can be shared among users by configuring printer sharing
settings. Administrators can enable printer sharing on a designated printer and assign appropriate
permissions to user profiles or groups.
• Printer Access Control: Access to shared printers can be controlled by defining permissions for
individual users or groups. This ensures that only authorized users can print to specific printers.
• Print Queue Management: Administrators can manage the print queues associated with shared
printers, prioritizing print jobs, monitoring printer status, and resolving any print-related issues.
• Printer Mapping: Network administrators can map printers to user profiles or groups using login
scripts or Group Policy. This automatically connects users to the appropriate printers when they
log in to the network.
• Printer Driver Deployment: Administrators can deploy printer drivers to user profiles or groups to
ensure that users have the necessary drivers to print to shared printers without requiring manual
• By sharing files and printers within user profiles, network administrators can streamline access to
shared resources, provide personalized experiences, and maintain control over data security
within the network. It allows users to access the files and printers they need while ensuring that
sensitive information remains protected and accessible only to authorized individuals.

managing network bindings in network
administration and configuration
• Managing network bindings in network administration and configuration involves controlling the order and
priority of network interfaces and protocols on a computer system. Network bindings determine which
network interface or protocol is used for communication when multiple interfaces or protocols are available.
Here are the key aspects of managing network bindings:
• Network Interface Priority: When a computer system has multiple network interfaces, such as Ethernet,
Wi-Fi, or VPN connections, network interface priority determines the order in which the interfaces are used
for network communication. Administrators can configure the interface priority to specify which interface
should be used by default or in specific scenarios.
• Protocol Binding Order: In situations where multiple network protocols are installed on a system, such as
IPv4, IPv6, NetBIOS, or AppleTalk, the protocol binding order defines the priority of these protocols. It
determines which protocol is used first for network communication. Administrators can adjust the protocol
binding order based on their network requirements and compatibility.
• Advanced Network Settings: Operating systems often provide advanced network settings that allow
administrators to manage network bindings more granularly. These settings may include options to prioritize
specific protocols or interfaces, enable or disable certain protocols or services, or configure metric values for
routing decisions.
• Load Balancing and Failover: Network bindings can be configured to support load balancing and failover
scenarios. Load balancing distributes network traffic across multiple interfaces, improving performance and
avoiding bottlenecks. Failover ensures that if one interface or protocol becomes unavailable, the system
seamlessly switches to an alternative interface or protocol for uninterrupted network connectivity.

• Routing and Gateways: Managing network bindings also involves configuring routing tables and
gateways. Administrators can specify the preferred interface or protocol for sending traffic to
specific IP addresses or network ranges. By controlling the routing decisions, administrators can
optimize network traffic and control how different networks are accessed.
• Network Bridging and VLANs: In some cases, network administrators may need to manage
network bindings for network bridging or virtual LANs (VLANs). Network bridges connect multiple
network interfaces into a single logical interface, allowing traffic to be passed between networks.
VLANs create virtual network segments within a physical network, and managing network
bindings helps determine which interfaces are associated with specific VLANs.
• Network Profile Management: Some operating systems provide network profile management
features, allowing administrators to define different network configurations for various scenarios
(e.g., home, office, public Wi-Fi). Managing network bindings within different profiles ensures that
the appropriate interfaces and protocols are used depending on the network environment.
• By effectively managing network bindings, network administrators can optimize network
connectivity, prioritize traffic, improve performance, and ensure the appropriate use of network
interfaces and protocols based on their specific requirements.
What is Network Binding
• This binding allows checking whether a device
is currently available on the network. This is
either done using ping (opens new window)or
by a successful TCP connection on a specified
• It is also capable to perform bandwidth speed
• Network bindings enable communication
among network adapter card drivers,
protocols, and services.
• In this example, the workstation service is
bound to each of three protocols, and each
protocol is bound to at least one network
adapter card.
• It describes the function of bindings in a
network and the process for configuring them.
Figure shows an example of network
Managing Network Binding
• Network binding, in the context of computer networking, refers to the process of associating
or binding a network protocol or service to a specific network interface or adapter on a
computer system. It allows the computer to determine which network interface should be
used for transmitting and receiving data related to a particular protocol or service.
• In most modern operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS, a computer can
have multiple network interfaces, such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth, each with its own
unique IP address. Network binding allows the operating system to prioritize and allocate the
appropriate network interface for different network-based operations.
• For example, if a computer is connected to both a wired Ethernet network and a wireless
Wi-Fi network, network binding determines which network interface should be used for
specific tasks. This could involve selecting the Ethernet interface for faster and more reliable
connections, while the Wi-Fi interface could be utilized for mobility or when the Ethernet
connection is unavailable.
• Network binding can be configured through the operating system's network settings or
network management utilities. By specifying the binding order or priority of network
interfaces, administrators or users can control how the computer utilizes different network
connections for various protocols, services, or applications.
Installing Network Adapter
1. Identify the Network Adapter: Determine the type of network adapter you need
to install. This could be an Ethernet adapter, a Wi-Fi adapter, or a Bluetooth
2. Check Compatibility: Ensure that the network adapter is compatible with your
computer's operating system and hardware specifications. Check the
manufacturer's documentation or website for compatibility information.
3. Obtain the Adapter: Purchase the network adapter if necessary. It may come as a
separate hardware component, or it might already be integrated into your
4. Prepare the Computer: Before physically installing the adapter, shut down your
computer and disconnect it from the power source. If it's a laptop, remove the
battery if possible. This step ensures safety and prevents any damage during the
installation process.
5. Install the Hardware: If the network adapter is a separate component, locate an
available expansion slot on your computer's motherboard (e.g., PCI or PCIe slot)
and gently insert the adapter into the slot. Secure it in place with screws if
necessary. If the adapter is already built-in, skip this step.
6. Connect Cables/Antennas: For wired adapters, connect the appropriate
Ethernet cable to the network adapter and to the router or modem. For
wireless adapters, attach any necessary antennas to the adapter. The
specific steps may vary depending on the type of adapter you have.
7. Power On the Computer: Once the hardware is installed and
cables/antennas are connected, reattach the power source to your
computer and turn it on.
8. Install Drivers: After booting up, your operating system may detect the
new network adapter, but it might not function correctly until you install
the required drivers. Insert the driver installation disc that came with the
adapter or download the latest drivers from the manufacturer's website.
Follow the provided instructions to install the drivers.
9. Configure Network Settings: Once the drivers are installed, configure
your network settings. This typically involves accessing the network
settings menu in your operating system and providing the necessary
information, such as Wi-Fi network credentials or IP settings.
10. Test the Connection: After configuring the network settings, test the
network adapter by attempting to connect to the desired network. Check
if you have internet connectivity and ensure that the adapter is
functioning properly.
Configuring Network Adapter
1. Open Network Settings: Depending on your operating system, open the network settings
menu. In Windows, you can go to "Control Panel" > "Network and Internet" > "Network
and Sharing Center" or right-click on the network icon in the taskbar and select "Open
Network & Internet Settings." On macOS, go to "System Preferences" > "Network." The
steps may vary slightly depending on your OS version.
2. Select the Adapter: Identify the network adapter you want to configure from the list of
available adapters. It could be a wired Ethernet adapter or a wireless Wi-Fi adapter. If you
have multiple adapters, ensure you choose the correct one.
3. Configure IP Settings: If you're using a static IP address, select the adapter and click on
"Properties" or "Advanced" to access the IP settings. Set the IP address, subnet mask,
default gateway, and DNS server addresses according to your network requirements. If
you're using DHCP, ensure that the "Obtain an IP address automatically" or similar option
is selected.
4. Wireless Network Configuration (Wi-Fi): If you're configuring a Wi-Fi adapter, select the
adapter and click on "Properties" or "Advanced" to access the wireless network settings.
Here, you can enter the SSID (network name), security type (WEP, WPA, WPA2), and the
corresponding password or key. Make sure you have the correct credentials to connect to
the desired Wi-Fi network.
5. Proxy Settings (if applicable): If your network
requires a proxy server, you can configure the proxy
settings in the network adapter properties. Access
the properties of the adapter, find the proxy settings
section, and enter the required proxy server address
and port.
6. Apply the Settings: Once you have configured the
desired settings, click on "Apply" or "OK" to save the
changes. Your network adapter will now use the
updated configuration.
7. Test the Connection: After configuring the network
adapter, test the connection to ensure that it is
working correctly. Check if you can access the
internet or connect to other devices on the network.
If there are any issues, double-check the settings and
make any necessary adjustments.

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