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NAME: Walther Solorzano Palma DATE: 14/03/2024

Writing Process Worksheet

(Accompanies Unit 7, page 81)

ASSIGNMENT: Write about a vacation you took.

Think of adjectives to describe your vacation. Make notes in the chart below.

Transportation Airplane

Weather Sunny

Food Mexican food

Hotel Smart Cancun The Urban Oasis

People My family

Entertainment Xcaret park

Problems Traffic, high prices

On a separate piece of paper, write a first draft of your paragraph.

I traveled to Cancun in September 2021 with my family, we

flew from the city of Guayaquil to Cancun by plane, once we
arrived we stayed at the Smart Cancun Hotel, the weather was
quite sunny, we really enjoyed the Mexican food: tacos,
micheladas, burritos. During those days we toured the city and
went to the Xcaret water park, where we had a great time in all
the attractions. Some of the problems we encountered were
traffic and high prices for almost everything.

Connectivity Level 1  Unit 7

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Meet with a partner and read each other’s paragraphs. After reading the paragraph,
complete the Peer Feedback Checklist below. Then give your feedback to your


1. Is the paragraph interesting? x
If yes, write why. If no, suggest ways to make it more interesting.
a. I find it interesting because I have never visited
b. Chile, and the wine culture seems to be quite
2. Is the paragraph clear? x
If yes, write why. If no, point out the parts that are not clear
and suggest ways to make them clearer.
a. It is very easy to understand what my
b. partner writes about her trip to Chile.
3. Did your partner use the new vocabulary correctly? x
If no, circle the words that are used incorrectly.
4. Did your partner use the simple past correctly? x
If no, underline the sentences with incorrect tenses.
5. Are there any misspelled words or incorrect punctuation? x
If yes, circle the misspelled words and the incorrect punctuation.

Tell your partner to revise his or her paragraph based on your feedback. Revise your
paragraph based on your partner’s feedback.

I appreciate my partner's positive comments about my paragraph.

Connectivity Level 1  Unit 7

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Writing Process Worksheet

(Accompanies Unit 2, page 23)

ASSIGNMENT: Write about one of the experiences you wrote notes about
in Talking Points. Include as many details as you can. Use
participial adjectives.

Choose one of the experiences from Talking Points. Take notes below.

when: September 2021

where: Cancun
who were you with I was with my family

what happened: -I traveled to Cancun.

-We flew from the city of Guayaquil to Cancun
-We stayed at the Smart Cancun Hotel.
-We really enjoyed the Mexican food: tacos,
micheladas, burritos.
-We toured the city.
-We visited the Xcaret water park.

how did you feel I felt very excited about the trip, because I
really wanted to see the city.

On a separate piece of paper, write a first draft of the paragraph.

I traveled to Cancun in September 2021 with my family, we flew from

the city of Guayaquil to Cancun by plane, once we arrived we stayed
at the Smart Cancun Hotel, we really enjoyed the Mexican food:
tacos, micheladas, burritos. During those days we toured the city
and went to the Xcaret water park, where we had a great time in all
the attractions. I felt very excited about the trip, because I really
wanted to see the city.
Connectivity Level 2  Unit 2
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Meet with a partner. Read each other’s paragraph. After reading the paragraph,
complete the Peer Feedback Checklist. Then give your partner your feedback.


1. Is the paragraph interesting? x
If no, suggest ways to make it interesting.
a. I find it interesting because I have never visited
b. Chile, and the wine culture seems to be quite
2. Is the paragraph clear? x
If no, point out the parts that are not clear and suggest
ways to make them clearer.
a. I appreciate my partner's positive
b. comments about my paragraph.
3. Did your partner use the past simple and present perfect correctly? x
If no, underline the sentences with incorrect tenses.
4. Are there any misspelled words or incorrect punctuation? x
If yes, circle the misspelled words and the incorrect punctuation.

Tell your partner to revise his or her paragraph based on your feedback. Revise your
paragraph based on your partner’s feedback.

My partner's comments about my paragraph are quite positive.

Connectivity Level 2  Unit 2

© 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. Photocopying for classroom use is permitted.  Writing Process Worksheets

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