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1) Management accounting information focuses on external reporting.

La información de contabilidad de gestión se centra en la presentación de informes
- FALSE: Management accounting information focuses on internal reporting.

2) A good cost accounting system is narrowly focused on a continuous reduction of

Un buen sistema de contabilidad de costos se enfoca estrechamente en una reducción
continua de costos.
- FALSE: A good cost accounting system is broadly focused to provide
information that helps managers at all levels implement, monitor, and
evaluate company strategies.

3) Modern cost accounting plays a significant role in management decision making.

La contabilidad de costos moderna juega un papel significativo en la toma de
decisiones de gestión.

4) The balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows are used for
financial accounting, but not for management accounting.
El balance, la cuenta de resultados y el estado de flujos de efectivo se utilizan en
contabilidad financiera, pero no en contabilidad de gestión.
- FALSE: The balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows are
used for financial accounting and also for management accounting.

5) An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System is a single database that collects data
and feeds into applications that support each of the company’s business activities,
such as purchases, production, distribution, and sales.
Un Sistema de Planificación de Recursos Empresariales (ERP) es una base de datos
única que recopila datos y alimenta aplicaciones que respaldan cada una de las
actividades comerciales de la empresa, como compras, producción, distribución y

6) Cost accounting provides information only for management accounting purposes.

La contabilidad de costos proporciona información solo con fines de contabilidad de
- FALSE: Cost accounting provides information for financial accounting as well
as for management accounting purposes.

7) The key to a company’s success is always to be the low cost producer in a particular
La clave del éxito de una empresa es siempre ser el productor de bajo costo en una
industria en particular.
- FALSE: The low cost producer in a particular industry will not necessarily be

8) Companies generally follow one of two basic strategies: 1) providing a quality

product or service at low prices, or 2) offering a unique product or service often
priced higher than competing products.
Las empresas suelen seguir una de dos estrategias básicas: 1) ofrecer un producto o
servicio de calidad a precios bajos, o 2) ofrecer un producto o servicio único a
menudo con un precio más alto que los productos competidores

9) An effective way to cut costs is to eliminate activities that do not improve the product
attributes that customer’s value.
Una forma efectiva de reducir costos es eliminar actividades que no mejoren los
atributos del producto que valoran los clientes.

10) For optimal planning success it is best if each business function within the value
chain is performed one at a time in sequence.
Para obtener un éxito óptimo en la planificación, es mejor realizar cada función
empresarial dentro de la cadena de valor una a la vez en secuencia.
- FALSE: Optimally, success is achieved when two or more of the individual
business functions work concurrently as a team.

11) For best results, cost management emphasizes independently coordinating supply
chain activities within your company and not interfering with other companies.
Para obtener los mejores resultados, la gestión de costos enfatiza coordinar de manera
independiente las actividades de la cadena de suministro dentro de su empresa y no
interferir con otras empresas.
- FALSE: Cost management emphasizes integrating and coordinating supply
chain activities across all companies within the supply chain.

12) Key success factors include cost, quality, timeliness, and innovation.
Los factores clave de éxito incluyen el costo, la calidad, la puntualidad y la

13) Distribution refers to promoting and selling products or services to customers or

prospective customers.
La distribución se refiere a promocionar y vender productos o servicios a clientes o
clientes potenciales.

- FALSE: Marketing refers to promoting and selling products or services to
customers or prospective customers.

14) The production component of the value chain refers to acquiring, coordinating, and
assembling resources to produce a product or deliver a service.
El componente de producción de la cadena de valor se refiere a adquirir, coordinar y
ensamblar recursos para producir un producto o entregar un servicio.

15) Value chain refers to its value to the employee.

La cadena de valor se refiere a su valor para el empleado.
- FALSE: Value chain refers to its value to the customer.

16) It is difficult to control activities without a budget.

Es difícil controlar actividades sin un presupuesto.

17) To take advantage of changing market opportunities, the annual budget should be
strictly enforced.
Para aprovechar las oportunidades de mercado cambiantes, el presupuesto anual debe
cumplirse estrictamente.
- FALSE: To take advantage of changing market opportunities, the annual
budget should be updated to reflect those changes.

18) A budget is a tool used to plan and express strategy.

Un presupuesto es una herramienta utilizada para planificar y expresar estrategia.

19) It is generally easy to quantify expected benefits and costs when applying the cost-
benefit approach.
Generalmente es fácil cuantificar los beneficios y costos esperados al aplicar el
enfoque de costo-beneficio.
- FALSE: It is challenging and generally costly to quantify expected benefits and
costs when applying the cost-benefit approach.

20) The purpose of a budget is strictly technical. It does not influence behavior.
El propósito de un presupuesto es estrictamente técnico. No influye en el
- FALSE: The purpose of a budget is both technical and behavioral. It does
influence behavior.

21) The controller (also called the chief accounting officer) is the financial executive
primarily responsible for both management accounting and financial accounting.
El controlador (también llamado director de contabilidad) es el ejecutivo financiero
responsable principalmente de la contabilidad de gestión y la contabilidad financiera.

22) Management accountants have important ethical responsibilities that are related to
competence, confidentiality, integrity, and objectivity.
Los contadores de gestión tienen responsabilidades éticas importantes relacionadas
con competencia, confidencialidad, integridad y objetividad.

23) When faced with a potential ethical conflict, the managerial accountant should first
consult any internal procedures of that organization.
Cuando se enfrenta a un posible conflicto ético, el contador gerencial debe consultar
primero cualquier procedimiento interno de esa organización.


1) Management accounting:
a. focuses on estimating future revenues, costs, and other measures to forecast
activities and their results.
b. provides information about the company as a whole.
c. Reports information that has occurred in the past that is verifiable and reliable
d. Provides information that is generally available only on a quarterly or annual
Contabilidad de gestión
a. Se centra en estimar ingresos futuros, costos y otras medidas para prever
actividades y sus resultados
b. Proporciona información sobre la empresa en su conjunto
c. Informa sobre información que ha ocurrido en el pasado y es verificable y
d. Proporciona información que generalmente solo está disponible trimestral o
- A: focuses on estimating future revenues, costs, and other measures to forecast
activities and their results

2) Financial accounting:
a. focuses on the future and includes activities such as preparing next year's
operating budget

b. must comply with GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles)
c. reports include detailed information on the various operating segments of the
business such as product lines or departments
d. is prepared for the use of department heads and other employees
Contabilidad financiera:
a. Se centra en el futuro e incluye actividades como la preparación del presupuesto
operativo del próximo año.
b. Debe cumplir con los principios contables generalmente aceptados (GAAP, por sus
siglas en inglés).
c. Los informes incluyen información detallada sobre los diversos segmentos
operativos del negocio, como líneas de productos o departamentos.
d. Se prepara para el uso de jefes de departamento y otros empleados
- B: must comply with GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles)

3) Financial accounting provides the PRIMARY source of information for:

a. Decision making in the finishing department
b. Improving customer service
c. Preparing the income statement for shareholders
d. Planning next year’s operating budget
La contabilidad financiera proporciona la PRINCIPAL fuente de información para:
a. toma de decisiones en el departamento de acabado.
b. Mejorar el servicio al cliente
c. Preparer el estado de ingresos para los accionistas
d. Planificar el presupuesto operativo del próximo año
- C: preparing the income statement for shareholders.

4) Which of the following types of information are used in management accounting?

a. financial information
b. nonfinancial information.
c. information focused on the long term.
d. All of these answers are correct.
¿Cuál de los siguientes tipos de información se utiliza en la contabilidad de gestión?
a. información financiera
b. información no financier
c. información enfocada a largo plazo
d. Todas estas respuestas son correctas.
- D: All of these answers are correct.

5) Modern cost accounting plays a role in:

a. planning new products
b. evaluating operational processes
c. controlling costs
d. All of these answers are correct.
La contabilidad de costos moderna desempeña un papel en:
a. Planificar nuevos productos
b. Evaluar procesos operativos.

c. Controlar costos.
d. Todas estas respuestas son correctas.
- D: All of these answers are correct.

6) Financial accounting provides a historical perspective, whereas management

accounting emphasizes:
a. the future
b. past transactions
c. a current perspective
d. reports to shareholders
La contabilidad financiera proporciona una perspectiva histórica, mientras que la
contabilidad de gestión enfatiza:
a. el futuro
b. transacciones pasadas
c. una perspectiva actual.
d. informes para accionistas
- A: the future

7) An Enterprise Resource Planning System can best be described as:

a. a collection of programs that use a variety of unconnected databases
b. a single database that collects data and feeds it into applications that support each
of the company’s business activities, such as purchases, production, distribution,
and sales.
c. a database that is primarily used by a purchasing department to determine the
correct amount of a particular supply item to purchase
d. a sophisticated means of linking two or more companies to facilitate their
planning processes
Un Sistema de Planificación de Recursos Empresariales se puede describir mejor como:
a. una colección de programas que utilizan diversas bases de datos no conectadas
b. una base de datos única que recopila datos y los alimenta en aplicaciones que
respaldan cada una de las actividades comerciales de la empresa, como compras,
producción, distribución y ventas.
c. una base de datos que se utiliza principalmente por un departamento de compras
para determinar la cantidad correcta de un artículo de suministro en particular
para comprar.
d. un medio sofisticado para vincular dos o más empresas para facilitar sus procesos
de planificación
- B: a single database that collects data and feeds it into applications that
support each of the company’s business activities, such as purchases,
production, distribution, and sales

8) Which of the following is NOT one of the questions management accountants might
attempt to help answer in the formulation of strategy?
a. Who are our most important customers?
b. What substitute products exist in the marketplace?

c. Does the strategy comply with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting
d. Will adequate cash be available to implement the strategy?
¿Cuál de las siguientes NO es una pregunta que los contadores de gestión podrían intentar
ayudar a responder en la formulación de estrategias?
a.¿Quiénes son nuestros clientes más importantes?
b. ¿Qué productos sustitutos existen en el mercado?
c.¿Cumple la estrategia con los Principios Contables Generalmente Aceptados
d. ¿Estará disponible suficiente efectivo para implementar la estrategia?
- C: Does the strategy comply with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting

9) In designing strategy, a company must match the opportunities and threats in the
marketplace with:
a. those of the CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
b. its resources and capabilities
c. branding opportunities
d. capabilities of current suppliers
Al diseñar una estrategia, una empresa debe coincidir las oportunidades y amenazas en el
mercado con:
a. las del CFO (Director Financiero)
b. sus recursos y capacidades
c. oportunidades de marca
d. capacidades de proveedores actuals
- B: its resources and capabilities

10) Place the four business functions in the order they appear along the value chain:
A = Customer service
B = Design
C = Distribution
D = Production
a. A B D C
b.A C D B
c. B D C A
d.B A D C
Coloque las cuatro funciones comerciales en el orden en que aparecen a lo largo de la
cadena de valor
- C: B D C A

11) The value chain is the sequence of business functions in which:

a. value is deducted from the products or services of an organization
b. value is proportionately added to the products or services of an organization
c. products and services are evaluated with respect to their value to the supply chain
d. usefulness is added to the products or services of an organization
La cadena de valor es la secuencia de funciones comerciales en las cuales:

a. se resta valor a los productos o servicios de una organización.
b. se agrega valor de manera proporcional a los productos o servicios de una
c. los productos y servicios se evalúan con respecto a su valor para la cadena de
d. se añade utilidad a los productos o servicios de una organización.
- D: usefulness is added to the products or services of an organization

12) __________ is the generation of, and experimentation with, ideas related to new
products, services, or processes.
a. Research and development
b. Design of products, services, or processes
c. Production
d. Marketing
__________ es la generación y experimentación de ideas relacionadas con nuevos
productos, servicios o procesos. a. Investigación y desarrollo b. Diseño de productos,
servicios o procesos c. Producción d. Marketing
- A: Research and development

13) __________ is the detailed planning and engineering of products, services, or

a. Distribution
b. Design of products, services, or processes
c. Production
d. Marketing
__________ es la planificación detallada e ingeniería de productos, servicios o procesos.
a. Distribución b. Diseño de productos, servicios o procesos c. Producción d. Marketing
- B: Design of products, services, or processes

14) __________ is the acquisition, coordination, and assembly of resources to produce a

product or deliver a service.
a. Research and development
b. Customer service
c. Production
d. Marketing
__________ es la adquisición, coordinación y ensamblaje de recursos para producir un
producto o entregar un servicio. a. Investigación y desarrollo b. Servicio al cliente c.
Producción d. Marketing
- C: Production

15) __________ is the manner by which companies promote and sell their products or
services to customers or perspective customers.
a. Distribution
b. Customer service
c. Research and development
d. Marketing

__________ es la manera en que las empresas promocionan y venden sus productos o
servicios a clientes o clientes potenciales. a. Distribución b. Servicio al cliente c.
Investigación y desarrollo d. Marketing
- D: Marketing

16) __________ describe(s) the flow of goods, services, and information from the
purchase of materials to the delivery of products to consumers, regardless of whether
those activities occur in the same organization or with other organizations.
a. Supply chain
b. Key success factors
c. Continuous improvement
d. Customer focus
__________ describe el flujo de bienes, servicios e información desde la compra de
materiales hasta la entrega de productos a los consumidores, independientemente de
si esas actividades ocurren en la misma organización o con otras organizaciones. a.
Cadena de suministro b. Factores clave de éxito c. Mejora continua d. Enfoque en el
- A: Supply chain

17) Strategy should focus PRIMARILY on the organization’s:

a. Shareholders
b. Customers
c. Products
d. employees
La estrategia debe centrarse PRINCIPALMENTE en: a. accionistas b. clientes c.
productos d. empleados
- B: Customers

18) To be successful, a company needs to be:

a. customer driven
b. "driven" by the board of directors
c. employee driven
d. management driven
Para tener éxito, una empresa necesita ser: a. orientada al cliente b. "dirigida" por la junta
directiva c. orientada al empleado d. dirigida por la gerencia
- A: customer driven

19) Which of the following is NOT a way for a company to improve customer response
a. Increase capacity of bottleneck operations.
b. Purchase material in larger quantities.
c. Use faster delivery procedures.
d. Produce the product more quickly.
¿Cuál de las siguientes NO es una forma para que una empresa mejore el tiempo de
respuesta al cliente? a. Aumentar la capacidad de operaciones con cuello de botella. b.

Comprar materiales en cantidades mayores. c. Utilizar procedimientos de entrega más
rápidos. d. Producir el producto más rápidamente.
- B: Purchase material in larger quantities.

20) The process of preparing a budget:

a. forces coordination and communication across business functions
b. increases accounting efficiencies
c. reduces overcapacity
d. promotes production automation
El proceso de preparar un presupuesto: a. fuerza la coordinación y comunicación entre las
funciones comerciales b. aumenta la eficiencia contable c. reduce la capacidad excesiva
d. promueve la automatización de la producción
- A: forces coordination and communication across business functions

21) Control includes:

a. implementing planning decisions
b. evaluating performance
c. providing feedback to help with future decision making
d. All of these answers are correct
El control incluye: a. implementar decisiones de planificación b. evaluar el rendimiento c.
proporcionar retroalimentación para ayudar con la toma de decisiones futuras
- D: All of these answers are correct

22) A budget:
a. is a quantitative expression of a proposed management plan
b. helps translate strategy into actions
c. aids in the coordination and communication among various business functions
d. All of these answers are correct.
Un presupuesto: a. es una expresión cuantitativa de un plan de gestión propuesto b. ayuda
a traducir la estrategia en acciones c. ayuda en la coordinación y comunicación entre
diversas funciones comerciales d. Todas estas respuestas son correctas.
- D: All of these answers are correct.

23) For strategic decisions, emphasis is placed on the __________ role(s) of management
a. problem-solving
b. scorekeeping
c. attention-directing
d. Both b and c are correct.
Para decisiones estratégicas, se enfatiza en los roles __________ de la contabilidad de
gestión. a. resolución de problemas b. registro de puntuación c. dirección de atención d.
Ambas b y c son correctas.
- A: problem-solving

24) Tracking the type of product returned is a PRIMARY example of:

a. problem solving

b. scorekeeping
c. attention directing
d. Both a and b are correct.
Rastrear el tipo de producto devuelto es un ejemplo PRIMARIO de: a. resolución de
problemas b. registro de puntuación c. dirección de atención d. Ambas a y b son
- C: attention directing

25) A daily sales report is a PRIMARY example of:

a. problem solving
b. scorekeeping
c. attention directing
d. Both a and b are correct.
Un informe diario de ventas es un ejemplo PRIMARIO de: a. resolución de problemas b.
registro de puntuación c. dirección de atención d. Ambas a y b son correctas.
- B: scorekeeping

26) Making a recommendation regarding the lease or purchase of a fleet of vehicles is a

PRIMARY example of:
a. problem solving
b. scorekeeping
c. attention directing
d. Both a and b are correct.
Hacer una recomendación sobre el arrendamiento o compra de una flota de vehículos es
un ejemplo PRIMARIO de: a. resolución de problemas b. registro de puntuación c.
dirección de atención d. Ambas a y b son correctas.
- A: problem solving

27) _______________ means reporting and interpreting information that helps managers
to focus on operating problems, imperfections, inefficiencies, and opportunities.
a. Scorekeeping
b. Attention directing
c. Problem solving
d. None of these answers are correct.
______________ significa informar e interpretar información que ayuda a los gerentes a
centrarse en problemas operativos, imperfecciones, ineficiencias y oportunidades. a.
Registro de puntuación b. Dirección de atención c. Resolución de problemas d. Ninguna
de estas respuestas es correcta.
- B: Attention directing

28) Management accounting is considered successful when it:

a. helps creditors evaluate the company's performance
b. helps managers improve their decisions
c. is accurate
d. is relevant and reported annually

La contabilidad de gestión se considera exitosa cuando: a. ayuda a los acreedores a
evaluar el rendimiento de la empresa b. ayuda a los gerentes a mejorar sus decisiones c.
es precisa d. es relevante y se informa anualmente
- B: helps managers improve their decisions

29) Which statement is FALSE?

a. “What gets measured gets managed.”
b. People react to measurements.
c. Employees spend more attention on those variables that are not getting
d. “If I can’t measure it, I can’t manage it.”
¿Cuál de las siguientes afirmaciones es FALSA? a. "Lo que se mide se gestiona." b. Las
personas reaccionan a las mediciones. c. Los empleados prestan más atención a aquellas
variables que no se están midiendo. d. "Si no puedo medirlo, no puedo gestionarlo."
- C: Employees spend more attention on those variables that are not getting

30) The PRIMARY criterion when faced with a resource allocation decision is:
a. cost minimization
b. reduction in the amount of time required to perform a particular job
c. achievement of organizational goals
d. how well the alternative options help achieve organizational goals in relation
to the costs incurred for these systems
El CRITERIO PRIMARIO cuando se enfrenta a una decisión de asignación de recursos
es: a. minimización de costos b. reducción en la cantidad de tiempo requerido para
realizar un trabajo en particular c. logro de objetivos organizacionales d. qué tan bien las
opciones alternativas ayudan a alcanzar los objetivos organizacionales en relación con los
costos incurridos por estos sistemas
- D: how well the alternative options help achieve organizational goals in
relation to the costs incurred for these systems

31) As teamwork has become more prominent in the last few years, differences between
staff and line management:
a. have increased
b. have become more important relative to promotions
c. have diminished
d. have only been evident in the employee reward system
A medida que el trabajo en equipo ha cobrado más importancia en los últimos años, las
diferencias entre el personal y la administración de línea: a. han aumentado b. se han
vuelto más importantes en relación con las promociones c. han disminuido d. solo han
sido evidentes en el sistema de recompensas para empleados
- C: have diminished

32) Line management includes:

a. manufacturing managers
b. human-resource managers

c. information-technology managers
d. management-accounting managers
La administración de línea incluye: a. gerentes de fabricación b. gerentes de recursos
humanos c. gerentes de tecnología de la información d. gerentes de contabilidad de
- A: manufacturing managers

33) Staff management includes:

a. manufacturing managers
b. human-resource managers
c. purchasing managers
d. distribution managers
La administración de personal incluye: a. gerentes de fabricación b. gerentes de recursos
humanos c. gerentes de compras d. gerentes de distribución
- A: manufacturing managers

34) Responsibilities of a CFO include all of the following EXCEPT

a. providing financial reports to shareholders
b. managing short-term and long-term financing
c. investing in new equipment
d. preparing federal, state, and international tax returns
Las responsabilidades de un CFO incluyen todas las siguientes EXCEPTO: a.
proporcionar informes financieros a los accionistas b. gestionar financiamiento a corto y
largo plazo c. invertir en nuevos equipos d. preparar declaraciones de impuestos
federales, estatales e internacionales
- C: investing in new equipment

35) Management accounting is an integral part of the __________ function in an

a. treasurer’s
b. controller’s
c. internal audit
d. president’s
La contabilidad de gestión es una parte integral de la función __________ en una
organización. a. tesorero b. controlador c. auditoría interna d. president
- B: controller’s


1) For each report listed below, identify whether the major purpose of the report is for
(1) routine internal reporting, (2) nonroutine internal reporting, or for (3) external
reporting to investors and other outside parties.
a. study detailing sale information of the top-ten selling products

b. weekly report of total sales generated by each store in the metropolitan area
c. annual Report sent to shareholders
d. monthly report comparing budgeted sales by store to actual sales
Para cada informe enumerado a continuación, identifica si el propósito principal del
informe es (1) informe interno rutinario, (2) informe interno no rutinario o (3) informe
externo para inversores y otras partes externas.
a. estudio detallado de la información de ventas de los diez productos más
b. informe semanal de ventas totales generadas por cada tienda en el área
c. informe anual enviado a los accionistas
d. informe mensual que compara las ventas presupuestadas por tienda con las
ventas reales
- Answer:
a. (2) nonroutine internal reporting
b. (1) routine internal reporting
c. (3) external reporting to investors and other outside parties
d. (1) routine internal reporting

2) Classify each cost item into one of the business functions of the value chain, either (1)
R&D, (2) design, (3) production, (4) marketing, (5) distribution, or (6) customer
a. cost of samples mailed to promote sales of a new product
b. labor cost of workers in the manufacturing plant
c. bonus paid to a person with a 90% satisfaction rating in handling customers
with complaints
d. transportation costs for shipping products to retail outlets
Clasifica cada ítem de costo en una de las funciones comerciales de la cadena de valor, ya
sea (1) I+D, (2) diseño, (3) producción, (4) marketing, (5) distribución o (6) servicio al
a. costo de muestras enviadas por correo para promover las ventas de un nuevo
b. costo laboral de los trabajadores en la planta de fabricación
c. bonificación pagada a una persona con un índice de satisfacción del 90% al
manejar quejas de clients
d. costos de transporte para enviar productos a puntos de venta minorista
- Answer:
a. (4) marketing
b. (3) production
c. (6) customer service
d. (5) distribution

3) Classify each cost item of Ripon Printers into one of the business functions of the
value chain, either (1) R&D, (2) design, (3) production, (4) marketing, (5)
distribution, or (6) customer service.
a. cost of customer order forms
b. cost of paper used in manufacture of books
c. cost of paper used in packing cartons to ship books
d. cost of paper used in display at national trade show
e. depreciation of trucks used to transport books to college bookstores
f. cost of the wood used to manufacture paper
g. salary of the scientists attempting to find another source of printing ink
h. cost of defining the book size so that a standard-sized box is filled to capacity
Clasifica cada ítem de costo de Ripon Printers en una de las funciones comerciales de la
cadena de valor, ya sea (1) I+D, (2) diseño, (3) producción, (4) marketing, (5)
distribución o (6) servicio al cliente.
a. costo de formularios de pedido del cliente
b. costo del papel utilizado en la fabricación de libros
c. costo del papel utilizado en cajas de embalaje para enviar libros
d. costo del papel utilizado en la exhibición en una feria comercial nacional
e. depreciación de camiones utilizados para transportar libros a librerías
f. costo de la madera utilizada para fabricar papel
g. salario de los científicos que intentan encontrar otra fuente de tinta de impresión
h. costo de definir el tamaño del libro para que una caja de tamaño estándar se
llene a capacidad
- Answer:
a. (4) marketing
b. (3) production
c. (5) distribution
d. (4) marketing
e. (5) distribution
f. (3) production
g. (1) research and development
h. (2) design

4) For each type of report listed below, identify one planning decision and one
controlling decision for which the information would be helpful. Assume you are a
Walgreen Company store.
a. annual financial statements for the past three years
b. report detailing sales by department by each hour of the day for the past week
c. special study regarding increased road traffic due to the construction of a new
shopping mall at a near-by intersection
Para cada tipo de informe enumerado a continuación, identifica una decisión de
planificación y una decisión de control para las cuales la información sería útil.
Supongamos que eres una tienda de la empresa Walgreen.
a. estados financieros anuales de los últimos tres años.
b. informe detallando las ventas por departamento y por cada hora del día de la
semana pasada.
c. estudio especial sobre el aumento del tráfico debido a la construcción de un
nuevo centro comercial en una intersección cercana
- Answer: Please note that answers will vary, but may include the following:
a. Planning: Decision by shareholder about whether to purchase
more stock in the company.
Control: Decision by bank to determine if financial ratios maintained in
the line-of-credit (LOC) agreement warrant increasing the LOC
b. Planning: Decisions regarding future staffing needs.
Control: Decision regarding whether the recent sales promotion led to
an increase in revenue.
c. Planning: Decision of the store manager about whether to change
the types of retail items carried.
Control: Decision of the store manager regarding performance of the
analyst that prepared the special study.

5) For each of the following activities, identify whether the main role of accounting is
(1) problem solving, (2) scorekeeping, or (3) attention directing.
a. analyzing the impact of introducing a new product on production
b. comparing results between actual costs and budgeted costs for each step of
manufacturing a product
c. preparing a report that analyzes changes in cost resulting from reducing the
number of tubing sizes used during production from six down to two
d. reporting sales by branch for the sales manager
Para cada una de las siguientes actividades, identifica si el papel principal de la
contabilidad es (1) resolución de problemas, (2) registro de puntuación o (3) dirección de
A. analizar el impacto de introducir un nuevo producto en la producción

B. comparar resultados entre costos reales y costos presupuestados para cada
paso de la fabricación de un product
C. preparar un informe que analiza cambios en el costo resultantes de reducir el
número de tamaños de tubos utilizados durante la producción de seis a dos
D. informar las ventas por sucursal para el gerente de ventas
- Answer:
a. (1) problem solving
b. (3) attention directing
c. (1) problem solving
d. (2) scorekeeping


1) Describe management accounting and financial accounting.

Describe la contabilidad de gestión y la contabilidad financiera.
- Answer:
Management accounting provides information to internal decision makers of
the business such as top executives, managers, sales representatives, and
production supervisors. Its purpose is to help managers predict and evaluate
future results. Reports are generated often and usually broken down into
smaller reporting divisions such as department or product line. There are no
rules to be complied with since these reports are for internal use only.
Management accounting embraces more extensively such topics as the
development and implementation of strategies and policies, budgeting, special
studies and forecasts, influence on employee behavior, and nonfinancial as well
as financial information.
Financial accounting, by contrast, provides information to external decision
makers such as investors and creditors. Its purpose is to present a fair picture
of the financial condition of the company. Reports are generated quarterly or
annually and report on the company as a whole. The financial statements must
comply with GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles). A CPA audits,
or verifies, that the GAAP are being followed.

2) Is financial accounting or management accounting more useful to an operations

manager? Why?
¿Es más útil para un gerente de operaciones la contabilidad financiera o la contabilidad
de gestión? ¿Por qué?
- Answer:
Management accounting is more useful to an operations manager because
management accounting reports operating results by department or unit
rather than for the company as a whole, it includes financial as well as
nonfinancial data such as on-time deliveries and cycle times, and it includes
quantitative as well as qualitative data such as the type of rework that was
needed on defective units.

3) Is it possible to have an active cost management program without an Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) System?
¿Es más útil para un gerente de operaciones la contabilidad financiera o la
contabilidad de gestión? ¿Por qué?
- Answer:
Yes, an active cost management program can occur without an Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) System. Cost management is a philosophy that
guides management in their short-run and long-run planning and control
decisions that increase value for customers and lower costs of products and
services. Cost management is not dependent on any particular system or
database, but it is rather an overall philosophy of operation.

4) Briefly describe how managers make use of management accounting information.

Describe brevemente cómo los gerentes utilizan la información de contabilidad de
- Answer:
ONE: To choose strategy, to communicate it, and to determine how best to
implement it.
TWO: To plan business operations related to designing, producing, and
marketing a product or service. This includes preparing budgets
and determining the prices and cost of products and services. A
company must know the cost of each product and service to decide
which products to offer and whether to expand or discontinue
product lines.
THREE: To control business operations that includes comparing actual
results to the budgeted results and taking corrective action when

5) Generally, companies follow one of two broad strategies: offering a quality product
at a low price, or offering a unique product or service priced higher than the
competition. Assume you are opening a small food outlet across the street from your
campus. How might that business be operated under each of the two broad
strategies? Consider the following specific operational areas:
Generalmente, las empresas siguen una de dos estrategias amplias: ofrecer un
producto de calidad a bajo precio o ofrecer un producto o servicio único a un precio
más alto que la competencia. Supongamos que estás abriendo un pequeño
establecimiento de comida al otro lado de la calle de tu campus. ¿Cómo podría operar
ese negocio bajo cada una de las dos estrategias amplias? Considera las siguientes
áreas operativas específicas

a. target customers
b. products offered
c. product pricing
d. location choice
e. advertising content
f. advertising media
- Answer:
The purpose of this question is to explore some of the differences in business
operations as a result of a broad strategic choice. Answers will differ from
student to student, but you should see some specific themes.
Operational Area Low Price Strategy Differential Strategy
Target customers Target customers might Target customers might be more
be students on a tight wealthy students, faculty, or
budget. perhaps neighbors who live
Products offered Few products, heavy High quality products, probably a
emphasis on tight cost reasonable choice, restaurant
control, probably set up as might have a lot of ambience.
a high volume operation.
Product pricing Priced at or lower than Higher priced products.
the competition in the
Location choice Convenient to the target Not as convenient, perhaps in a
customers. higher-end shopping or
entertainment area. Customers
might seek out the high quality and
be willing to travel a bit for it.
Advertising content Advertising would Advertising would emphasize
emphasize the low price of quality or ambience.
the products offered.
Advertising media Media that would be Media that would be looked at by
looked at by the target the target customer, local
customers, such as student magazines and newspapers.

6) Briefly explain the planning and control activities in management accounting. How
are these two activities linked to each other?
Explica brevemente las actividades de planificación y control en la contabilidad de
gestión. ¿Cómo están vinculadas entre sí estas dos actividades?
- Answer:
Planning business operations relates to designing, producing, and marketing a
product or service. This includes preparing budgets and determining the
prices and cost of products and services. A company must know the cost of
each product and service to decide which products to offer and whether to
expand or discontinue product lines.

Controlling business operations includes comparing actual results to the
budgeted results and taking corrective action when needed.
Feedback links planning and control. The control function provides
information to assist in better future planning.

7) Complete a performance report for the month of May, 2007, for the Daily Bulletin, a
regional newspaper showing four columns: 1) Actual Result; 2) Budgeted Amount; 3)
Difference: Actual Result minus Budgeted Amount; 4) Difference as a Percentage of
Budgeted Amount, given the following data:
Completa un informe de rendimiento para el mes de mayo de 2007, para el Daily
Bulletin, un periódico regional, mostrando cuatro columnas: 1) Resultado real; 2)
Cantidad presupuestada; 3) Diferencia: Resultado real menos Cantidad
presupuestada; 4) Diferencia como porcentaje de la Cantiºdad presupuestada, dados
los siguientes datos:

Budgeted Advertising pages 900

Advertising pages sold 910
Advertising revenue $4,368,000
Budget advertising revenue $4,410,000
Does the report indicate any
cause for managerial investigation?
- Answer:
The performance report should look something like the following:
Actual Budgeted Difference Difference as a Percentage
Result Amount (Actual Result of Budgeted Amount
(1) (2) – Budgeted (4) = (3) / (2)
(3) = (1) – (2)
Advertising pages sold 910 pages 900 pages 10 pages 1.1% Favorable
Average rate per page $4800 $4900 $100 2.0% Unfavorable
(Advertising Revenues) / Unfavorable
(Advertising pages sold)
Advertising revenues $4,368,000 $4,410,000 $42,000 1.0% Favorable
The overall 1% favorable difference in advertising revenue is caused by offsetting
differences in advertising pages sold (favorable) and the average rate per page
(unfavorable). The performance report highlights the unfavorable drop in the
advertising rate per page. While the percentage drop in advertising revenue per
page is not dramatic, management might want to investigate the reasons behind
such a drop. Some possibilities include: aggressive price reductions to obtain
revenue, a general drop in newspaper media spending, some aggressive competition,
or an unrealistic budget.

8) How does a controller help “control” a company?
¿Cómo ayuda un controlador a "controlar" una empresa?
- Answer:
By reporting and interpreting relevant data, the controller exerts a force or
influence that impels management toward making better-informed decisions.
The controller of Caterpillar described the job as “a business advisor to …
help the team develop strategy and focus the team all the way through
recommendations and implementation.”

9) You have been employed as an entry-level management accountant for a little under a
year. You suspect that your immediate supervisor is involved in a significant fraud
involving diverting of company assets to personal use. Briefly describe the steps you
might take to resolve this dilemma.
Has sido contratado como contador de gestión de nivel de entrada durante un poco menos
de un año. Sospechas que tu supervisor inmediato está involucrado en un fraude
significativo que implica desviar los activos de la empresa para uso personal. Describe
brevemente los pasos que podrías tomar para resolver este dilema.
- Answer:
The management accountant should first consult any internal company
procedures concerning the resolution of ethical issues, and make sure these
procedures are followed as closely as possible. At the same time, the
management accountant should make sure that the facts are accurate, and are
not based on rumors or inaccurate information. If these policies do not resolve
the situation, present the facts to the next higher managerial level. Clarify the
relevant ethical issues with an objective advisor (e.g., Institute of Management
Accountants hotline). Consult your own attorney to be aware of your own
rights and responsibilities. If all internal review procedures have still not
resolved the ethical situation, the managerial accountant might have to resign
and write an informative letter to an appropriate representative of the
organization, and perhaps notify other parties.


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