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Resistance Training Plyometrics Running

Bridge / Knee Flexion Loading / Hinge Dynamic Movemet Progression Double Leg Plyometrics Single Leg Plyometrics Running Progression
ATC - Concentric/Eccentric/Isometric Wall Drill Snap Downs Pool / Deep Water Running
Hip Bridge Pogo Hops Assisted Ankle Hops
Bridge March F/B/M/L Ankle Hops / Jump Rope SL Snap Downs
Cook Hip Lift Squat Patterns Shuffle (L/F/B) Box Jump/Depth Drop (stagger height) SL Assisted Ankle Hops Alter G - Progression
Heels Up Bridge A Progression 12,18,24,30,36,42 SL Ankle Hops / Jump Rope
Small Lift Hold Once at 18-24 (depending on body size, jump ability)
Full Hip Extension KB RDL / RDL March Counter Movement Jump (+test) SL Box Jump and Depth Drop Curve
March Replacement DB Squat Jump 6,12,18
Stright Leg Bridge March SL Pogo Hops (F/B/M/L) SL Hop Sled March
SL Box Hip Lift Sled March (heavy) Broad Jump
Slide Board Leg Curl SL Anterior Hop (+test)
Eccentric Skipping Depth Vertical Jump Medial and Lateral (skater) Hops Strider Progression
Concentic/Eccentric SL RDL A Skip 12,18, 24, 30, 36 SL Depth Jumps 10's (build capacity)
SL Eccentric Height --> Distance 6,12,18 30's, 50's, 100's
Glute Ham Raise Straight Leg Run Tuck Jumps Sprints
Nordic Curl (+test) KB Swing Double Hops Run Rocket (heavy to light)
5's, 10's, 15's
SL Tuck Jumps Build Ups
Triple Hop Gassers
Cut 60's

Predictive Cone Agility

Non-Predictive Cone Agility
Triple Hop and Triple Hop / Crossover (+test) Baserunning
300yd Shuttle Testing
2 w/ 2 minutes rest
First > Second > Third > Fourth Total
SL Snapdowns > SL Pogos > SL Hop > 25-30 Jumps
A-Skip (15yds) > Lateral A-Skip (15yds) > Skater Jumps (if cleared SL Hop) x4/Side > 3-5 Sets
Sprint x10yds > Shuffle 5 into 10y Sprint > Skater Back into 10y Sprint > Shuffle 5 Back to 10y Sprint Under 100yds TOTAL

Spring Ankle Pos. 5 w/ Peroneal Bias 2x20s/Side
Spring Ankle Pos. 5 w/ Post. Tib Bias 2x20s/Side
Meidroth - 3/9/2023 Meidroth 3/10/2023
DL Pogos FWD/BWD/L/R 1x10yd/Side SL Snapdowns 2x4/Side
SL Snapdowns 2x4/Side SL Pogos FWD/BWD/MED/LAT 1x5yds/Side
SL Pogos FWD/BWD 2x10yd/Side A-Switch 1x5/Side
A-Switch 1x5/Side Lateral A-Switch 1-2's 2x5yds
A-Switch 1-2's 2x3/Side Lateral A-Skip 1x15yd/Side
A-Skip 1x15yd SL Rotational Bound 3x5/Side
Lateral A-Skip 2x15yd/Side HK Lateral Start 2x10yd/Side
Lateral Bound 3x5/Side Curvi-Sprint 2x20yd/Side
Lateral Start 2x10yd/Side Mini-Pole x4
Shuffle 5yd Back to Sprint 2x10yd/Side
Meidroth 3/11/2023 Meidroth 3/12/2023
SL Pogos FWD/BWD/MED/LAT 1x5yds/Side SL Pogos FWD/BWD/MED/LAT 1x5yds/Side
SL Rotational Bound 3x5/Side 8 Vector 2-1 Hops 2x1/Side
8 Vector 2-1 Hops 4x1/Side A-Switch 1x5/Side
A-Switch 1x5/Side A-Switch 1-2's 1x5/Side
A-Switch 1-2's 1x5/Side 5yd Sprint Cut 135 to 10yd Sprint x2/Side
Lateral A-Skip 1x15yd/Side 5yd Sprint to 5yd Backpedal x2/Side
5yd Sprint Cut 135 to 10yd Sprint x3/Side 15yd Lead to Base Turn x6
5yd Sprint to 5yd Backpedal x3/Side DP Turns x6

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