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Article in The Planter · December 2023

DOI: 10.56333/tp.2023.030

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3 authors, including:

Fabian Lim Chin Wen Juwaidah Sharifuddin

Universiti Putra Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia


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The Planter, Kuala Lumpur, 99 (1173): 789-804 (2023)

Impact of MSPO Certification on Profit Among

Palm Oil Growers in Malaysia
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Jalan Universiti 1, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification is a regulatory requirement for all oil palm growers
and processing facilities in Malaysia. However, unlike the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO),
MSPO does not offer any monetary benefits. Growers have concerns about the increased costs of implementing
MSPO. The objective of this research was to identify whether there was a cost increase in terms of overall
cost per tonne of oil palm bunch, cost per area, and any changes in production. Similar methods to those
used in numerous articles on RSPO were employed, utilising the Population, Intervention, Comparison,
and Outcome (PICO) Framework coupled with a questionnaire to collect data. The data were then
analysed using a paired t-test. Samples were collected from MSPO-certified estates with the assistance of
the Incorporated Society of Planters (ISP) and Malaysian Estate Owners’ Association (MEOA) network.
While we initially aimed to collect 72 samples, we managed to obtain 76 respondents. The findings
revealed a significant cost increase per tonne of oil palm bunch, as well as an increase in cost per area
after the estates adopted MSPO. However, there was also a significant recorded increase in yield production.
When compared to current data, the yield increase, coupled with the oil palm price from the previous year,
could not justify the increase in cost and resulted in lower profits. It would be ideal for MSPO-certified
estates to obtain RSPO certification to increase their revenue, as RSPO has an impact on the selling price
of the oil palm. It is recommended that future studies include an in-depth analysis to gain a more holistic
and detailed understanding of the impact of sustainability certification on oil palm plantations.
Furthermore, a separate study focusing solely on smallholders would be beneficial as it may reveal a
different picture.

Keywords: MSPO, RSPO, sustainability, oil palm.

The oil palm tree has long been recognised as In 2015, the Malaysian government, in
a lucrative crop. It was introduced during the collaboration with Malaysian Palm Oil
colonial era, and Malaysia has emerged as the Certification Council (MPOCC) and its
second largest producer of oil palm, following partners, officially launched the Malaysian
Indonesia. The country has been exporting both Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification.
crude palm oil (CPO) and final palm oil products This certification programme began its
worldwide. According to the Malaysian Palm implementation on 1 January, 2015. The
Oil Board’s (MPOB) statistical report from introduction of MSPO was a historic milestone
2020, Malaysia possesses approximately for the Malaysian sustainable palm oil industry,
5.8 million hectares of oil palm land, yielding a as it represented the first certification scheme
production of 19.14 tonnes of CPO. developed under Malaysia’s own initiative. This

Impact of MSPO certification on profit among palm oil growers in Malaysia

move demonstrated Malaysia’s commitment Objective

to promoting environmentally friendly and
socially responsible practices within the palm This research focuses on studying the costs
oil sector. associated with implementing MSPO standards.
After a grace period of three years, on However, recognising the need for a
24 February 2017 the government announced comprehensive analysis, the study further
the mandatory implementation of MSPO divided the costs into two categories: the cost
certification for all oil palm estates, smallholders, per tonne of fresh fruit bunches (FFB)
and its entire supply chain. The mandatory harvested and the cost per area. In addition to
implementation came into effect starting analysing costs, the research also examines the
31 December 2019. With that, all oil palm difference in FFB yields before and after the
plantation and its supply chain was mandated implementation of MSPO.
to be certified by 1 January 2020.
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil MATERIALS AND METHODS
(RSPO) is the predecessor of MSPO in some
Research design
way. It is an internationally recognised
independent body that certifies oil palm The primary data for this research was collected
plantations based on its own standards. Based through the distribution of a questionnaire. The
on implementation of RSPO certification, it was questionnaire was developed following the
expected that implementing MSPO would guidelines provided in the book, “Oil Palm
introduce an additional cost factor and increase Cultivation and Management” by Turner and
the costs for the oil palm industry. Several Gillbanks (2003). This book serves as a
journal publications and reports (Watts et al., comprehensive resource for oil palm practices,
2021; Yeong et al., 2021) have indicated the cost covering both standard practices and
increase for plantations with RSPO certification. environmentally friendly approaches, as well
Additionally, word of mouth among plantation as day-to-day operations. Additional
owners and managers has also served as a supplementary information was obtained from
source of information, highlighting the rise in the book by Rankine and Fairhurst (1998).
cost and the challenges associated with
implementing RSPO certification. Research procedure
During the initiation of mandatory MSPO
certification, many plantation owners and The research was also done using the PICO
managers anticipated that implementing MSPO Framework (Population, Intervention,
would be similar to RSPO in terms of Comparison, and Outcome). PICO Framework
challenges and requirements. However, they was originally used for medical studies to
expressed dissatisfaction for various reasons. identify suitable treatment on patients.
One significant concern was the perceived However, PICO Framework has been used in
difficulty in implementing MSPO, especially for other field of studies including marketing,
those lacking technical know-how. Moreover, leadership, and biology. It was discovered that
the additional costs involved in the certification PICO Framework was used in similar studies
process was a major concern for many on sustainability certification such as by Yeong
plantation owners. et al. (2021) and was deemed suitable.

The Planter, Vol. 99, No. 1173, December 2023

PICO framework the paired t-test, as it offers full functionality

for this purpose.
For this study, PICO parameter was defined as: Therefore, the paired t-test was utilised to
a. Population - Oil palm estates. compare the parameters before and after the
Smallholders were not included in this implementation of MSPO. Additionally, as
study since the majority of planted oil mentioned earlier, additional data on harvesting,
palm was by estates. According to maintenance, and general charges were
MSPO Trace at the time this paper was collected and subjected to the paired t-test for
written (July 2023), 91 per cent of further analysis and support.
planted oil palm is from estates,
b. Intervention - MSPO certification, Hypothesis
c. Comparison - Before and after
Based on the problem statement, three main
certification. In order to standardise,
hypotheses were tested for cost per tonne FFB
only three years before and three years
(RM/t), cost per area (RM/ha) and yield per
after the certification was being
area (t/ha). The three hypotheses for all three
compared. Therefore, a total of six
years of data is collected. The year that
the entity was certified is classified as H0: There is no significant change.
part of before certification, and HA1: There is significant increase.
d. Outcome - financial costing and yield HA2: There is significant decrease.
performance is being measured.
Paired t-test
Overall cost per tonne of fresh fruit
Paired t-test was commonly used to test the bunches (RM/tonne)
variance of mean between two linked groups.
Daya (2003) has explained how paired t-test Based on the analysis done, the mean before
was often used in the medical field when MSPO certification was RM278.98 per tonne
comparing treatments on the same patient or of FFB. However, the mean cost after MSPO
group of patients. In the report, Daya (2003) certification was RM299.31 per tonne of FFB.
gave samples that are appropriate for use of With the P value lesser than alpha (<0.05), null
paired t-test and when it was not suitable. hypothesis was rejected. The findings show
To determine statistical significance, the that there was a highly significant difference,
paired t-test was chosen as it is suitable for in that the cost of FFB production was higher
comparing means between treatments within after MSPO certification. The increase in cost
the same sample. The guide to using the paired is 14 per cent between before and after MSPO
t-test by Pandis (2015) provided a clear certification (Table 1).
explanation of its application. Similarly, Rietveld
and Hout (2017) also offered a comprehensive Overall cost per area
explanation and provided sufficient data on how
to use the paired t-test, including its Paired t-test was also done on the overall cost
assumptions. In this research, the Microsoft per area (Table 2). The mean cost before
application MS-Excel was selected to conduct MSPO certification was RM4 848.12 per

Impact of MSPO certification on profit among palm oil growers in Malaysia


Before MSPO After MSPO

Mean 278.9802985 299.3146269
Variance 651.5837759 571.4505484
Observations 134 134
Pearson correlation 0.014466184
Hypothesised mean difference 0
df 133
t Stat -6.779853265
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.000000000178
t Critical one-tail 1.656391244
P(T<=t) two-tail 3.56721E-10
t Critical two-tail 1.977961264


Before MSPO After MSPO

Mean 4848.119179 5460.359254
Variance 2459009.878 2980829.547
Observations 134 134
Pearson correlation 0.329168848
Hypothesised mean difference 0
df 133
t Stat -3.70581466
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.000154031
t Critical one-tail 1.656391244
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.000308062
t Critical two-tail 1.977961264

hectare. After MSPO certification, the mean per hectare. All respondents replied to this. It
cost was RM5 460.36 per hectare. At P value was discovered that mean yield before the
of 0.00015, was lower than the alpha. intervention of MSPO was 18.68 tonnes per
Therefore, null hypothesis was not accepted. hectare. The mean yield after MSPO
The cost per area was highly significant. The intervention was 19.85 tonnes per hectare. The
cost was higher after the implementation of analysis also stated the P value was lower than
MSPO. Based on percentage, the increase of alpha (<0.05), therefore null hypothesis was
cost per area was around 12.6 per cent higher. rejected. There was a highly significant increase
in yields after MSPO intervention. However,
Yield per area
the increase was at around 4 per cent of FFB
The yield per area was measured in tonnes per hectare (Table 3).

The Planter, Vol. 99, No. 1173, December 2023

Harvesting operation cost (RM/tonne) cent in terms of cost per tonne (Table 4).

Harvesting operational cost was analysed using Maintenance operation cost (RM/ha)
paired t-test as well. The P value was lower
than alpha, therefore alternative hypothesis was The study found that the mean of maintenance
accepted. There was a highly significant cost before MSPO certification was
increase in cost between before and after the RM93.69 per hectare. However, the cost was
MSPO certification intervention. The mean noted to be higher at RM107.33 per hectare
before MSPO certification was RM73.87 per after MSPO certification. Given the P value is
tonne compared to mean of RM85.66 per lower than alpha, alternative hypothesis was
tonne of FFB produced after MSPO accepted. The cost was significantly higher
certification. This was an increase of 15.9 per after the intervention. In terms of percentile,


Before MSPO After MSPO

Mean 18.67365672 19.85358209
Variance 3.180990287 2.834720907
Observations 134 134
Pearson correlation 0.140975338
Hypothesised mean difference 0
df 133
t Stat -6.007607591
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.0000000085
t Critical one-tail 1.656391244
P(T<=t) two-tail 1.69618E-08
t Critical two-tail 1.977961264


Before MSPO After MSPO

Mean 73.87335821 85.65649254
Variance 142.8949488 110.6946109
Observations 134 134
Pearson correlation 0.43082265
Hypothesised mean difference 0
df 133
t Stat -11.31872112
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.00000000000000000000161
t Critical one-tail 1.656391244
P(T<=t) two-tail 3.21756E-21
t Critical two-tail 1.977961264

Impact of MSPO certification on profit among palm oil growers in Malaysia

18.5 per cent was calculated to be the increase accepted. There was no significant difference
(Table 5). in general charges, between before and after
MSPO intervention. The difference was only
General charges (RM/tonne) 1.5 per cent lower than before the intervention
(Table 6).
General charges were captured and calculated
as Ringgit Malaysia (RM) per tonne. The The cost impact of MSPO
general charges cost before MSPO
certification were RM109.60 per tonne but was The survey included a question asking
noted to be lower, i.e., RM107.99 per tonne respondents about the difference in costs
after MSPO certification. However, the P value before and after implementing MSPO. Out of
was higher than alpha. The null hypothesis was the 76 respondents, 71 of them indicated that

Before MSPO After MSPO

Mean 93.69216418 107.3287313
Variance 217.2360878 193.6171721
Observations 134 134
Pearson correlation 0.077620504
Hypothesised mean difference 0
df 133
t Stat -8.108285801
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.00000000000014847
t Critical one-tail 1.656391244
P(T<=t) two-tail 2.96941E-13
t Critical two-tail 1.977961264


Before MSPO After MSPO

Mean 109.6023881 107.9859701
Variance 679.3450409 496.5802709
Observations 134 134
Pearson correlation 0.364333783
Hypothesised mean difference 0
df 133
t Stat 0.682015838
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.248207473
t Critical one-tail 1.656391244
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.496414947
t Critical two-tail 1.977961264

The Planter, Vol. 99, No. 1173, December 2023

Does MSPO affect No. responded
overall cost? Potential Number of
factors respondents
Yes, increase 71
Yes, decrease 0 Harvesting 1
No changes 5 Maintenance 5
General charges 5
Salary/wages 22
costs had increased, while five respondents
Everything 6
mentioned no changes (Table 7). None of the Safety/PPE 6
respondents indicated a decrease in costs. As Chemical 5
a result, the majority of the respondents (93.4%) Fertiliser 11
confirmed that implementing MSPO had Pesticides 9
indeed led to an overall increase in costs. Diesel 2
Material cost 7
Main contribution to cost difference CB/Auditor fee 8
Advisory fee 4
The highest number of respondents indicated Training 5
that salary and wages were the potential factors Infrastructure 9
contributing to cost difference (Table 8). In Conservation effort 2
the questionnaire response, those that indicated
this mentioned that it is due to the chemical trap at the chemical store and general
implementation of minimum wages. This was upgrades. The auditor’s fee was mentioned
also reflected in piece rated salary. eight times while the advisory fee was
The lowest indicated was harvesting cost mentioned four times. Training cost was also
which was by only one respondent. However, noted five times while conservation efforts
no further clarification on this cost was given. were sighted twice. However, both training and
It was noted in general that maintenance cost conservation efforts were not further
and general charges were indicated five times elaborated on. Finally, the term ‘Everything’
in both. was indicated as much as six times.
Material cost was also noted to be a factor.
Fertiliser cost was mentioned 11 times, which Changes in yields
was the second highest reference, pesticide
was mentioned nine times, chemical was When participants were questioned if there
mentioned five times, Personal Protection were any differences in terms of yields,
Equipment (PPE) was mentioned six times, and 28 responded indicating an increase in yields.
diesel cost twice. Two on the other hand indicated a decrease in
There was also notable mention of yields. However, 60 per cent of the respondents
upgrading infrastructure, as much as nine times. stated there were no differences in terms of
This was inclusive of upgrading security, yields between before and after implementing
upgrading store, oil trap at the lubricant store, MSPO (Table 9).

Impact of MSPO certification on profit among palm oil growers in Malaysia

TABLE 9 primary driver of cost increase, with a total of

CHANGES IN FFB YIELDS 22 references mentioned. With the
implementation of MSPO, the estate would
Changes Number of have to be transparent in its dealing and
in yields participants
payment with the workers. Salary in the estate
Yes, increase 28 comes in two forms, i.e. daily wages or normal
Yes, decrease 2 wages. This was derived directly from
No 46 Minimum Wages Order. Therefore, if there
were changes in Minimum Wages Order, it
would affect the worker’s daily wages. During
DISCUSSION the writing of this project, Minimum Wages
2020 was enforced. The minimum wage was
Overall cost per tonne and overall cost
set at RM1 200.00 per month. Therefore, the
per area
wages for a day of work will be RM46.15.
The paired t-test showed that there was a Daily wages = Monthly wages / 26
highly significant increase in cost per tonne working days
when compared before and after intervention. = RM46.15 per day
The same result was also found when the cost
per area was analysed. This was also the same Harvesting work itself is regulated by
as reported by the respondent. Of the Unions, namely the Malayan Agricultural
76 respondents, 71 indicated the cost did indeed Producers Association (MAPA). A set of rules
rise. One potential reason for this was most and guides were provided by MAPA to
likely the auditor’s fee. There was a total of calculate and determine the rate to pay
eight respondents who mentioned the auditor’s harvesters. MAPA also dictates on the
fee was a reason for the rise in cost. There inclusion of Special Gratification Price (SGP)
was a plausibility that there were separate based on the price of CPO. Therefore, if the
charges for different auditors, e.g., MSPO and price of CPO increases for the month, so too
RSPO auditors. will the harvester ’s rate. Before MSPO
implementation, the estate may not have
Harvesting cost comparison honoured the MAPA/NUPW agreement
guidelines, even if it was a member of MAPA.
Additional data specifically focused on Estates that are not members of MAPA, may
harvesting cost operations were compiled for choose not to honour the guidelines. With that
the research. The results revealed a significant said, members were to pledge to honour it but
difference, indicating a 15.9 per cent increase may not do it regardless. With the intervention
in harvesting costs, between the period before of MSPO, estates that are MAPA members
and after the implementation of the sustainability have no choice, but to honour the guidelines.
certification. This observation suggests that one This would most likely raise the salary of
of the contributing factors to the overall cost harvesters, especially when they include the
increase was the rise in harvesting operations SGP and Productivity Incentive (PI). MAPA
cost. takes extra care to ensure the calculations for
The respondents identified salary as the harvesters are in accordance with the

The Planter, Vol. 99, No. 1173, December 2023

Malaysian Government Minimum Wages was instructed, this rate must also
Order. Therefore, complying with MAPA’s accommodate for the difference, usually as a
guidelines will automatically adhere to the raise. Unlike the harvesting rate, there was no
Government’s Order. direct guide to calculate piece-rated rate for
Given that harvesting operations also maintenance work, except for the Minimum
include the costs of tools and transportation, it Wages Order. Therefore, whatever rate was
is plausible that these factors contributed to the set, one must still adhere to the Minimum Wages
overall cost increase. Out of the respondents, Order. In the case where workers were unable
a total of seven indicated that material costs to obtain their daily rate through their piece-
was one of the reasons for the overall cost rated work, the estate must still top up the
increase. This suggests that the respondents workers’ wages to reach the set minimum
agree with the notion that the cost of harvesting wages. Piece-rated work is not limited to
tools played a role in the increased expenses harvesting only but to most work in the estate.
related to harvesting operations. Additionally, This includes, but is not limited to, weeding,
two respondents specifically mentioned ‘diesel’ slashing, pruning of oil palm trees, filling of
as a contributing factor. It is worth noting that nursery bags, fertilising, pest control, palm
harvesters were provided with PPE in counting, census, and pest census.
accordance with safety procedures. Six The respondents highlighted that the costs
respondents mentioned PPE as a factor in the of chemicals, fertilisers, and pesticides were
cost increase. However, it was understood that among the reasons for the overall increase in
harvesters did not require a significant amount costs. The implementation of the Minimum
of PPE, typically limited to cotton hand gloves, Wages Order indirectly contributed to higher
helmets, and goggles. These items were costs for these materials. Producers likely
relatively inexpensive and did not require passed on the additional production costs to the
frequent replacement. estates, resulting in higher expenses. In terms
of absolute figures, the cost variance in
Maintenance operation cost
maintenance operations was the highest, at
When we look into overall maintenance cost, 18.5 per cent. This is primarily due to the greater
it was calculated to be significantly higher after number of operations involved in maintenance
the intervention of MSPO. This was also noted work compared to harvesting work. Most
to have P value lower than alpha, thus null maintenance operations require the use of
hypothesis was rejected. As mentioned earlier, chemicals. With fertilising operations occurring
salary was most likely a major factor. When up to seven times a year and weeding up to six
MSPO standards were enforced, the piece- times a year, even a slight increase in the cost
rated work was also adjusted to accommodate of chemicals could significantly impact the
for the implementation of the Minimum Wages estate’s overall expenses.
Order. Piece-rated work is work that is paid There is also a possibility that the cost of
according to the amount they have worked. PPE and training played a significant role, in
For example, one hectare sprayed with addition to the chemical costs. Considering that
weedicide will be paid RM10. Therefore, the most maintenance workers are involved in the
piece-rated rate for spraying weedicide was use of various chemicals, it is logical for
RM10 per hectare. Since the minimum wage responsible employers to provide appropriate

Impact of MSPO certification on profit among palm oil growers in Malaysia

and sufficient PPE. Among the workers, keystone of Principle 6 of MSPO should be
sprayers who carry out spraying activities are upheld. There are a few practices that may
most likely to require an extensive range of assist in controlling costs while maintaining
PPE. This typically includes eye goggles, standards.
respirators, nitrile gloves, aprons, and rubber One method that can be utilised is the use
boots. Respirators, especially those that comply of empty fruit bunches (EFB) and palm oil mill
with standards and effectively absorb all volatile effluent (POME). Estates located near a mill
organic compounds (VOCs), are often one of may have access to EFB, POME, or both.
the most expensive types of PPE. The filter According to Turner and Gillbanks (2003),
cartridges in respirators usually require frequent applying 20 to 40 tonnes per hectare of EFB
replacement to ensure optimal protection. can sufficiently reduce the use of chemical
Nitrile gloves are another relatively expensive fertilisers or even replace them entirely. This
item, as they are different from regular rubber approach would be economically viable if the
gloves and are claimed to prevent chemical estate can obtain EFB for free, which is often
seepage. Aprons are generally inexpensive but the case. However, it is important to note that
require frequent replacement. while EFB is free, it is not as nutrient-dense as
Workers who are sprayers require training chemical fertilisers. Chemical fertilisers
and regular refresher courses to prioritise their typically require an average application rate of
safety. Estate personnel such as supervisors 1 tonne per hectare, whereas EFB would
and executives also require training and require significantly higher amounts, ranging
refresher courses, which are typically conducted from 20 to 40 tonnes per hectare. Therefore,
through specialised programmes and courses. the transportation and handling costs would also
This is particularly important for Occupational increase accordingly. Considering the rising cost
Safety and Health Coordinators, who may need of chemical fertilisers, it would be advantageous
to attend specialised training to fulfil their for the estate to replace some of their fertiliser
auditing and training responsibilities within their usage with organic alternatives such as EFB
respective estates. According to the and POME, wherever feasible.
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
(OSHA), premises with a certain number of General charges costing
workers are required to have a Safety Council.
No significant differences in terms of costs
Therefore, in estates with a large number of
were observed in the general charges category.
workers and supervisors, it is likely that a
Therefore, the factors contributing to the overall
Safety Council would be established.
cost increase are limited to harvesting and
Occupational Safety and Health officers or
maintenance operations only.
coordinators, depending on the size of the
However, some respondents mentioned that
organisation, would be hired or elected to fulfil
the reason for the cost increase was the general
these roles. With the presence of these officers
charges category. General charges include
or coordinators, both in-house and external
costs incurred other than those related to
training would be required on a regular basis.
harvesting operations and maintenance
Good agricultural practices offsetting cost operations. Respondents indicated that factors
such as auditor’s fees and advisory fees
Good agricultural practices (GAP) which is the contributed to the overall cost increase. While

The Planter, Vol. 99, No. 1173, December 2023

this may be true, statistically, the overall cost also upgraded and fitted with oil traps for the
of general charges remained the same. In same reason. These renovation costs would
absolute figures, the general charges were be considered one-time expenses, and it is
actually lower by 1.5 per cent after certification. unlikely that additional costs would be incurred
The scenario where the cost of general in the future. However, maintenance expenses
charges was lower after implementing MSPO for these facilities would still be necessary after
can be attributed to the one-time charges the upgrade. Additionally, fire extinguishers for
incurred prior to the implementation. These safety compliance would most likely be
charges were likely related to the preparations purchased only once, as indicated by the
for the certification audit, as mentioned by the respondents.
respondents, such as infrastructure upgrade Other forms of costs that would likely be
costs. These costs are typically incurred once incurred only once are related to environmental
every few years. conservation efforts, as mentioned by two
To provide further elaboration on respondents. These costs include the installation
infrastructure, respondents mentioned the of signboards and setting of boundary markers
upgrade of workers’ housing or quarters as a to demarcate specific areas. Additionally, the
significant item. This upgrade was necessary replanting of forest trees and fruit tree seedlings
to comply with the Employees’ Minimum in High Biodiversity Value Areas would occur
a limited number of times. These expenses are
Standards of Housing, Accommodations, and
part of the initial efforts to establish and
Amenities Act (1966). Although this Act was
maintain environmental conservation measures
introduced in 1966, many employees did not
and are not expected to be repeated frequently.
adhere to the guidelines outlined. Consequently,
Based on the legal requirement (Principle
when MSPO auditors assess legal compliance,
2 of MSPO), companies are obligated to obtain
the condition of workers’ housing becomes one
all necessary permits and licenses to manage
of the checked items. To meet the requirement,
their estates. Since the cost of general charges
estates would invest in upgrading the amenities was not significantly different before and after
provided to workers. This upgrade would implementing MSPO, it suggests that these
typically incur a one-time cost and would not estates were already in compliance with the
be a recurring expense. required permits and licenses. Therefore, the
Another infrastructure cost that would be overall cost difference between before and
incurred as a one-time expense is the upgrading after the intervention would be close to zero in
of stores or warehouses. This was frequently this regard. It is worth noting that other best
mentioned by respondents when referring to practices, such as proper disposal of scheduled
the upgrading of chemical stores. Non- waste, may result in additional costs for the
compliance in this area would indicate that these estates.
stores did not meet the requirements of the
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 Increase in overall yield
(OSHA 1994). To ensure the proper handling
of chemicals and prevent environmental There was a slight discrepancy between the
contamination, these stores must be equipped respondents’ answers and the analysis of the
with chemical traps. Similarly, workshops and data. The respondents provided data on their
stores for petrol, oil, and lubricants (POL) were performance over a span of six years, which

Impact of MSPO certification on profit among palm oil growers in Malaysia

indicated a highly significant increase in yields average CPO price for the past three years
after the MSPO intervention. However, when (2018-2020) was RM2 373 per tonne of CPO.
the respondents were directly asked about the Average oil extraction rate (OER) was around
increase, only 28 out of 76 responded 21 per cent. With this figure, an estimation
affirmatively, while two indicated a decrease, could be created. Based on these figures, it
and the majority of 46 respondents reported was computed that the total earnings’ decrease
no variance between before and after the after MSPO intervention would be
intervention. This can be explained by the fact RM519 501.09 for one fiscal year (Table 10).
that the difference in means between the two The calculation has accounted for all related
groups was only 4 per cent. In the context of costs, and despite the increase in yield, the net
plantation terms, this difference could be earnings were still lower. To make a significant
considered negligible or not statistically difference, the price of CPO would need to be
significant. higher. Unlike RSPO, MSPO does not offer
Although the percentage increase in yield an additional monetary reward in the form of a
may seem small (4% or 1.17 t/ha), when this price premium for certified sustainable palm
figure is multiplied by the total land area, the oil. Therefore, without a higher price for the
resulting increase is still substantial. The mean palm oil produced under MSPO certification,
land area based on the sample taken was the increase in yield alone may not be sufficient
3 589.76 hectares. Therefore, multiplying to offset the overall lower earnings.
3 589.76 hectares by 1.17 tonnes per hectare
would yield a total increase of 4 200.02 tonnes CONCLUSION
of crop. While the percentage may appear
modest, the total yield increase is indeed Based on the data collected from the
impressive in terms of the overall production. 76 respondents, it can be concluded that
implementing all the sustainability principles of
Consideration of increased cost against MSPO would lead to an increase in costs. This
increased yield increase was observed in both the cost per
tonne of FFB harvested and the cost per
Based on Trading Economics Website (https:/ hectare of the plantation area. Furthermore,
/, the majority of the respondents agreed that


Description Before MSPO After MSPO

Cost (RM/t) 278.98 299.31
Yield (t/ha) 18.67 19.85
Average CPO price (RM) 2 373 2 373
Average land size (ha) 3 589.76 3 589.76
Average OER 21% 21%
Revenue (RM) 33 398 484.83 35 509 369.25
Cost (RM) 18 697 468.14 21 327 853.65
Net earnings (RM) 14 701 016.69 14 181 515.60

The Planter, Vol. 99, No. 1173, December 2023

MSPO does result in increased costs. against modern-day slavery and child labour.
The study also revealed that there was a Children should have the right to education, a
significant increase in yields during the study nurturing childhood, and access to basic
period. However, the actual percentage of necessities such as electricity and clean water.
increased production was only 4 per cent. Proper housing should be provided, avoiding
Despite this increase, when considering the substandard living conditions. Therefore,
mean area, mean tonnage, and average price sustainability certifications like MSPO should
of CPO over a three-year period (2018-2020), be implemented to uphold these principles.
it was found that the net income decreased by
RM0.5 million. This indicates that the increase Recommendation 2 - Environmental impact
in production was not sufficient to offset the focus
additional costs incurred, resulting in a reduction From an environmental perspective,
in overall profitability. implementing MSPO would compel companies
Implementing MSPO is a government and estates to adhere to government regulations
mandate and a requirement for all oil palm regarding environmental protection. The cost
estates in Malaysia. From this study, it has been of general charges, which primarily consists
shown that there are no monetary benefits in of environmental protection charges, did not
implementing MSPO while facing a reduction show a significant increase. Therefore, the cost
in profits. However, implementing MSPO of safeguarding the environment was deemed
demonstrates the plantation’s commitment not significant. Even if the costs were
towards sustainability. Obtaining at least one substantial, it is crucial to recognise that there
sustainability certification would be the first step is one earth, one planet to live in. Protecting
in raising the profile and reputation of the oil the environment is not optional; it is a necessity
palm sector at the national and global levels. as we consider our collective responsibility
The European Parliament (EP) has hinted at towards our home planet.
boycotting the procurement of oil palm due to
Finding - Lower overall profit after MSPO
the plantations’ alleged unsustainable practices,
which stem from their first report 2016/
2222(INI) (European Parliament, 2017, April Recommendation 1 - Estate’s own initiative
4, p. 5). Considering the decrease in income after
implementing MSPO, estate owners and
Recommendation managers should contemplate pursuing RSPO
certification in addition to MSPO. The principles
Finding - Sustainability focus mindset
of both certifications are relatively similar,
Recommendation 1 - Social impact focus requiring only a slightly greater effort to achieve
From a humanitarian standpoint, it is the “Gold Standard” of oil palm certification.
important to prioritise the observation of Moreover, while MSPO does not provide any
workers’ rights rather than focusing solely on monetary benefits, implementing RSPO has
profit. The concerns raised by the European been reported to yield financial gains, as
Union (EU) regarding plantations should be highlighted by Tey et al. (2021). Given the
directly addressed. It is crucial to ensure that similarity of principles between the two
workers are treated fairly, with a strong stance sustainability certifications, transitioning from

Impact of MSPO certification on profit among palm oil growers in Malaysia

MSPO to RSPO should not pose significant buyers who value sustainable sourcing.
challenges. Many plantation owners would Additionally, price premiums or
likely recognise the additional effort involved incentives for MSPO-certified
in obtaining RSPO certification as a products could be established to
worthwhile endeavour although RSPO also incentivise certification.
imposes additional membership requirements iii. Technical support: The government
apart from certification requirements. can provide technical assistance and
expertise to help plantation owners
Recommendation 2 - Government’s action
navigate the certification process,
Secondly, considering that MSPO
implement sustainable practices, and
certification is a regulatory mandate by the
improve overall productivity. This
Government of Malaysia, it would be beneficial
support can come in the form of
for the government to provide incentives to
training programmes, advisory
MSPO certification owners even after the
services, or research and development
31 December 2019 deadline. Currently, the
incentive is only provided for companies that
iv. Recognition and promotion:
registered for audits before the 2020 deadline.
Recognising and promoting MSPO-
While MSPO certification ensures compliance
certified estates through awards,
with legal requirements, it does not inherently
certifications, or marketing campaigns
provide any proactive motivation for plantation
can enhance their reputation and
owners and managers. However, offering
create positive branding. This
incentives would encourage plantation owners
recognition can contribute to increased
to wholeheartedly embrace and implement the
market demand and consumer
standards, rather than merely fulfilling their
preference for sustainably produced
obligations. Incentives can take various forms,
palm oil.
such as:
By offering incentives, the government can
i. Financial support: The government can foster greater participation and commitment to
offer financial assistance or subsidies MSPO certification, leading to enhanced
to offset the costs associated with sustainability practices and positive outcomes
implementing and maintaining MSPO for both the environment and the palm oil
certification. The government of industry as a whole.
Malaysia only provided for those
whom registered before 31 December ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
2019 but does not include for those
after. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude
ii. Market access and premiums: The to Associate Prof Dr Juwaidah Sharifuddin for
government can facilitate market her invaluable guidance and supervision
access and create opportunities for throughout the study. Her expertise and insights
MSPO-certified products. This can be have been instrumental in shaping the research
done through preferential treatment in and ensuring its quality. I am also deeply
government procurement, trade grateful to my wife, Ann, for her unwavering
agreements, or collaborations with support and encouragement from the very

The Planter, Vol. 99, No. 1173, December 2023

beginning. Her ideas and moral support have ASSOCIATION (MAPA). 2021.
been a constant source of inspiration for me. I
extend my sincere appreciation to my superiors 2021.
and mentors, Mr Subhas Datta, Mr Florian MALAYSIAN PALM OIL BOARD (MPOB). 2021.
Moduit, Mr Ravindaran, Mr Tan LG, and
Mr Lim BA, for their guidance, support, and MALAYSIAN PALM OIL CERTIFICATION
COUNCIL (MPOCC). 2021. https://www.mpocc.
for providing alternative viewpoints that
enriched the study. I would also like to thank MALAYSIAN PALM OIL COUNCIL (MPOC).
Mr Tee H W, Mr Rudolf, Mr Romeo, 2021.
Mr Rashid, Mr Janeerio, Mr Hasamuddin, MALAYSIAN SUSTAINABLE PALM OIL (MSPO).
2013. Part 3: General principles for oil palm
Mr Robert, Mr Jamaluddin, and other
plantations and organised smallholders 2013.
colleagues and friends who generously shared MS2530-3:2013. Standards Malaysia 2013.
their professional views and provided moral MALAYSIAN SUSTAINABLE PALM OIL (MSPO).
support throughout the research process. 2021.
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