Rebuilding a Cheap Chinese EL84 Amp

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Tube, Solid State,

Loudspeaker Technology

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Rebuilding a Cheap Chinese EL84 Amp

By Merlin Blencowe

A cheap and cheerful valve amp gets a lobotomy.

ny hi-fi enthusiasts who, like me, ing beneath—clearly being overrun. On ance and lower noise but only half the
spend too much time on a certain further investigation I found the EL84s gain, so I decided to use an input triode
popular Internet auction site can were biased to a scorching 15W each DC coupled to a cathodyne phase inverter
hardly have failed to notice the enormous (3W above their rated maximum), the (also known as a concertina or split-load).
influx of very cheap Chinese valve ampli- chassis had no safety earth and one of This offers the same gain as the original
fiers in the last couple of years. Many the screen-grid resistors also caught fire design but with lower noise and unques-
of them boast suspiciously remarkable after being shorted by some glue near tionable balance, provided the outputs are
performance at mouth-watering prices. the PCB. Clearly it needed some inter- equally loaded. PSRR is poor, but can be
Against my better judgment this was nal reworking, by which I mean a com- optimized (see below). A further advan-
enough to pique my curiosity, so I de- plete overhaul! tage is that this arrangement produces
cided to buy the cheapest one I could almost entirely second harmonic distor-
find and see whether it would live up to REDESIGNING THE CIRCUIT tion, whereas the long tailed pair produc-
my (understandably low) expectations. I I decided to keep the same valve com- es mainly third, which is more obnoxious
found a tiny little “Mengyue Mini” push- plement of EL84s and 6N3Ps (similar and harder to cure with feedback.
pull EL84 stereo for £100 including to a 2C51 or 5670), and to reuse some of Figure 1 shows the main amplifier
shipping (around $200 US). the PSU smoothing capacitors (I could schematic. I decided to load the input
About eight weeks later it arrived, find no replacements that were so small) triode, U1A, with a 68kΩ anode load
astoundingly undamaged, and the box but to redesign the circuit. Tracing the resistor R2, which was a compromise
read “Aria Mini”—they seem to re- PCB indicated that the original circuit between keeping noise down and current
brand these little amps every few weeks. consisted of an input triode feeding one consumption low. The total load on U1B
The power valves supplied were actu- power valve and also a potential divider. should be R1 × A, where A is the gain
ally 6P14s, which are Russian EL84 The divider then fed a second, identical of the cathodyne, which is about 0.95.
equivalents. The outward finish was very triode, which inverted the signal and fed This ensures that signal current flowing
good—much nicer than I was expect- this to the other power valve. Global in both triodes is equal but out of phase,
ing, and I decided to go right ahead negative feedback was applied to the causing no modulation of the HT, and
and plug it in; the tasteless blue LED cathode of the input triode from the this condition is more or less met by set-
uplights came on and it actually played speaker terminal, though the gain of the ting R5 and R6 to 33kΩ.
music as promised! To its credit it actu- amp rose slightly with frequency, imply- Nearly all noise present on the supply
ally sounded quite pleasant—worth the ing poor HF stability. rail appears on the anode of U1B, but
money at least—and managed to drive This old-fashioned “paraphase” ar- hardly any appears at its cathode. Be-
a pair of Leema Xero bookshelf speak- rangement offers high gain and moderate cause U1B has roughly unity gain, by ar-
ers to a satisfactory volume. I also made power supply ripple rejection (PSRR), ranging for half the rail noise to appear at
power, distortion, and noise tests. but poor noise performance and abso- U1A’s anode, this will be passed straight
Furthermore, after about five hours lutely no inherent balance at all, mak- to U1B’s cathode, and will also be in-
of continuous playing the transformer ing it probably the worst possible de- verted and appear at the anode where it
cover became very hot, and removing it sign choice. Arranging the triodes as a will cancel half of the noise already there!
revealed the power transformer sweat- long-tailed-pair would offer better bal- Optimally then, U1B will produce iden-
audioXpress 2009 1
FIGURE 1: Main amp schematic.

tical, but out of phase, PSU noise signals, cathode and grid are kept within a volt and C4 to around 40kHz (the exact fre-
which will be cancelled by the common of one another until the cathode is fully quency is hard to calculate due to the
mode ripple rejection (CMRR) of the warmed up. Without it there is risk of disparity in output impedances from
power stage (while it operates in Class arcing between the high-potential grid the cathodyne). D2-5 are anti blocking-
A). To produce this, R2 would have to and the cold cathode. It also provides distortion components which prevent
equal ra + R3(µ + 1), where ra is U1A’s the bleeder path for the smoothing ca- the grid voltage from ever falling below
internal anode resistance, which is about pacitors at switch-off. D8 lends noth- about -13V, which could otherwise bring
15kΩ in this circuit. My circuit does not ing to the sound—it simply uplights the about a bias shift that would put the
quite achieve this idyll—doing so would valve! (Well, it also helps jack up the valve hard into cutoff for a significant
demand lower value load resistors, but it cathode voltage of U1B, which is always length of time. I first saw this advocated
comes closer than many similar designs handy when DC coupling.) I used super by Paul Ruby1, and later by Jim Carlyle2.
I have seen. bright orange LEDs, fitted inside the It is essential for this amplifier because
R4 is a grid stopper to prevent HF valve-socket spigot to give an even more it is of such limited output power that
oscillation and to allow me to check for “tubey” and less “boy racer” appearance to it will usually be run very close to clip-
grid current (there should be none, of the amp. ping, and a sudden transient can easily
course). D1 ensures that at start-up the The dominant pole is slugged by C3 cause a sensitive valve like an EL84 to

FIGURE 2: Power supply schematic.

2 audioXpress 2009 www.audioXpress .com

block, which sounds far more awful than prevent Vcb exceeding 15V, and also al- insulation of U1B.
a simple clipped signal. lows C14 to discharge quickly at switch- I measured the open-loop gain as
I biased the EL84s relatively cool— off. The whole arrangement is a perfect being 20, falling to 7 with the application
they could probably stand to have their low-cost, small-size substitute for the of feedback, indicating 9dB of feedback.
cathode resistors (R13 and R14) reduced smoothing chokes found in innumerate The inclusion of the stability compensa-
to 270Ω, though I am not inclined to old-fashioned designs. (In fact, why any- tion capacitors C7 and C8 removed all
fiddle now. The paralleled zeners, D6 and one still uses smoothing chokes at all in traces of ringing visible on a square wave,
D7 prevent the cathode voltage ever ris- anything but the largest of amplifiers is and some crude tests suggest the stability
ing above 12V, which is another measure beyond me.) margin is about 8dB—a higher quality
to avoid bias shift. I could have used com- The remainder of the power supply output transformer would improve this,
plete zener biasing m (such as that used is quite conventional, dropping down to no doubt. To anyone tempted to build
by Randy Miller3), but I prefer the natural 260V for the screen grids, which pushes this circuit from scratch the Hammond
adjustment that occurs with age when operation a little more toward warm class 1608 is an obvious choice. I do not pres-
using conventional cathode biasing. AB. R15 and R16 are screen grid stop- ent any layout information because my
pers and are essential for any consci- turret-board construction turned out to
THE POWER SUPPLY entious design (screen grid overload is be rather esoteric (Photo 1); if I did it
The power supply (Fig. 2) is essentially a common failure mode in pentodes). again I would make a PCB.
the same as the original, except for the R24 and C17 are
addition of a capacitor multiplier. The the usual hum-loop
transformer has a 120V winding, which block components
I suspect is used as the primary whenever and are probably
Mengyue sells to a US customer. In my overkill in such a
case it is used as the secondary and feeds puny amplifier. RV2
a voltage doubler and reservoir capacitor is a humdinger trim-
and develops 300V DC for the EL84s. pot, to allow nulling
The original design then fed R22 and of heater hum. This
R23 directly. was also present in
Because the HT was already on the the original circuit,
high side I decided to throw away a few but I have refer-
volts by inserting a cap multiplier here, enced the wiper to
consisting of R21, C14, and Q1. Just the cathode of one
about any transistor having a sufficient of the power valves
Vce rating would do; I used a BUL128 in order to raise the
because it was one of the cheapest 400V heater potential
transistors in the Farnell catalog. Figure above the cathode of
3 shows the ripple voltage present at the the first triode. This
collector and emitter of Q1, indicating offers some further
around 170dB of ripple rejection! Ini- noise reduction and
tially I had problems with collector-base also reduces stress on
failure at startup, so D11 was included to the heater-cathode

FIGURE 3: Ripple voltage measured at the collector and emitter PHOTO 1: Early and late stages of construction, using a mix-
of Q1 under quiescent load. 0.5V/div vertical scale. ture of point-to-point and turret-board.

audioXpress 2009 3
PHOTO 2: Amp.

The final result is very satisfactory. The
transformers now only run warm, as they
should. Despite the reduction in power
(6W into 8Ω, or 8W into 16Ω) the
volume is still sufficient for a small liv-
ing room even when used with modern
loudspeakers (I have tried Leema Xeros,
Xones, and Epos ES14s), and quite im-
pressive through a pair of sensitive Tan-
noy Monitor Golds. I am cautious to say
so, since we are always convinced that our
own creations sound best, but the sound
quality also seems to have improved au-
dibly as well as empirically. Despite being
played in a professional hifi demo-room
this little amp has drawn nothing but
compliments. It seems to bring out mu-
sical details that I have not noticed in
recordings before, and does not exhibit
the shrillness that I encounter in some
solid-state amps. Even my boss gave a fa-
vorable review—high praise indeed! aX

1. Carlyle, J. (2006), Clamped Bias, ABS, RC
Coupled Amp, audioXpress February ed.
3. Miller, R. (2007), “The Six Tee Nine Tube
Amp,” audioXpress. October ed.

4 audioXpress 2009 www.audioXpress .com

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