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Student name:- SYED HUSSAIN SHAH



Code:- 9407
Semester:- I
Assignment:- I
Date:- 26/08/2023

Question number 1:
Suppose you are a journalist and you are required to
interview a famous political leader of Islamic world, what ten
questions you will ask to know about his/her political ideology
and viewpoints about Muslim Ummah?

The inquiries that we can make of a prominent political figure from the
Islamic world as a journalist are given to learn more about their political
philosophy and perspective on the Muslim Ummah:-

1. How would you characterize your political ideology and how does
it relate to Islamic values?
2. What do you think are the most important problems that the
Muslim Ummah is facing, and how would you go about solving
3. How do you see fostering harmony and collaboration among
nations and communities with a majority of Muslims?
4. What do you think about how Islamic ideals and principles
influence governing and formulating policy?
5. How can you strike a balance between upholding religious and
cultural traditions in Muslim societies?
6. What is your opinion on Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
7. How will you elaborate your opinion about the role of United
States in the Middle East?
8. What is your opinion on the future of democracy in the Muslim
9. What according to you is the reason of the rise of extremism in
the Muslim World?

10.What message would you like to convey to the Muslim Ummah?

Qustion number 2:-

Observe your elder sibling’s daily activities closely for a few days and
then write a brief and concise paragraph about his/her daily routine.
The paragraph must be both cohesive and coherent.



The daily routine of my elder sibling is a bit tough. As my elder sibling is

a woman and she is married too. Moreover, she is the mother of four
children. So it becomes really tough for her to manage her day to day
activities. But she is a woman of great strength.

All mothers are dedicated to their families. I am just amazed at my

sister’s devotion to her family. From dawn to late night she is an
epitome of selfless love, care and devotion to her family.

She wakes up early by 4:30 am and the first thing she does is to pray
after ablution. After that she gets busy in making breakfast and lunch
for her family.

She packs everyone’s tiffin box, water bottle etc. After her children go
to school, she never has the time to rest. Washing dishes, and
clothing, cleaning, dusting, ironing, buying vegetables and fruit
from the green grocer, etc. she is busy throughout the day. When
her children reach home, she serves them the lunch. After a little
rest in the afternoon, she makes tea and bakes cakes in the
evening. Then comes the night. Her husband comes home after
his day’s work. At that time too, she is busy making dinner for the
family. She serves them dinner and makes sure everyone has
been satiated. Then again she is washing dishes, cleaning and
getting ready for her next day’s routine. After winding up the
day’s work, she sits for her dinner. Thus I have seen my elder
sister everyday enjoying the grind of chores and work for the sake
of her family.



Write question tags for the following sentences. Notice carefully

whether the statement is positive or negative.


i. The issue needs to be resolved at the earliest, doesn’t it?

ii. She is not interested in politics, is she?
iii. They reviewed the policy last week, didn’t they?
iv. Pakistan is making progress by leaps and bounds, isn’t it?
v. His situation is improving day by day, isn’t it?
vi. I love reading classical literature, don’t I?
vii. We should follow the traffic rules, shouldn’t we?
viii. They were striving hard to be successful, weren’t they?
ix. She has printed a masterpiece, hasn’t she?
x. She will inform me in time, won’t she?


Write an informal letter to one of your class fellows and invite
him/her to join you in your trip to northern areas of Pakistan.


Letter to My Class Fellow to Invite Him to Join Me in My Trip to

Northern Areas of Pakistan.

House #122, street # 5,

Sector #8, KDA ,


Date: August 22, 2023

Dear Faizan,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It has been
quite some time since we last caught up and shared our adventures.
I am writing this letter with great excitement and enthusiasm to
extend an invitation that I believe will create wonderful memories
for both of us.

As you may know, I have been planning a trip to the breathtaking

northern areas of Pakistan. The natural beauty, serene landscapes,
and majestic mountains have been calling out to my adventurous
spirit. After careful consideration, I couldn’t think of anyone better to
join me on this journey than you, my friend.
The trip is planned for a month and we will be exploring various
stunning destinations in the northern region. We will embark on
thrilling hikes, witness the magnificence, of towering peaks, and
immerse ourselves in the vibrant local culture. The itinerary includes
visits to places like Naran, Hunza, Skardu and Gilgit where we can
indulge in photography, experience local cuisine, and create
unforgettable memories together.

I truly believe that sharing such an adventure with a friend like you
would make the trip even more enjoyable and meaningful. We have
always had a great rapport and shared numerous laughs and
memorable moments. I am certain that this journey will add to our
treasured trove of cherished experiences.

Please take some time to consider this invitation, as I value your

companionship and believe it would greatly enhance thing the trip.
The cost and logistic will be shared between us, ensuring a fair and
enjoyable experience for both. I can assure you that this will be an
adventure for a lifetime.

Take care and looking forward to receive your positive response.

Warmest regards.

Syed Hussain Shah.


The following instances contain some highlighted words. Guess the
meaning of these words and use them in sentences of your own.


Words Meanings Sentences

i. Servile i. Submissive i. I don’t like her
ii. Implore ii. Beg servile
iii. Inclined iii. Willing manner.
iv. Incessant iv. Constant ii. She implored
v. Felicity v. Joy, happiness me to go to
the principal’s
iii. Umar is
inclined to
talk to his
boss about
the new deal.
iv. The flickering
of the
lightning was
incessant but
he heard no
v. My felicity
found no
limits when I
received your

Express your agreement as well as disagreement on the following

issues. Choose a different expression each time.

i. Income tax collection in Pakistan will be greatly enhanced this

ii. The greatest obstacle to economic stability is huge
government expenditures.
iii. Foreign language teaching should be introduced at the grass
root level.
iv. Life is action not contemplation.
v. Men and women should be given equal employment


The agreement as well as disagreement of the above topics is given

as follows:-

i. Agreement :-
It is quite plausible that income tax collection in Pakistan will
witness a significant boost this year. Considering the various
economic reforms and increased focus on tax compliance.
ii. Disagreement :-
While substantial government expenditures can pose
challenges, labeling them as the sole greatest obstacle to
economic stability might oversimplify a complex issue.
Economic stability depends on a combination of factors,
including fiscal policies, market conditions, and global
economic trends.
iii. Agreement :-
Introducing foreign language teaching at the grassroot level is a
promising idea. It can foster cultural understanding,
communication skills, and global awareness from an early age.
These aspects are valuable attributes in today’s interconnected
iv. Disagreement :-
While action is undeniably important, contemplation plays an
equally crucial role in a balanced life. Reflective thinking can
lead to well-informed and meaningful actions, enhancing the
quality and effectiveness of one’s endeavors.
v. Agreement :-
Making sure equal employment opportunities for men and
women is an important step towards achieving gender equality
and promoting a just and inclusive society. Fair access to
employment helps harness the talents and contribution of all
individuals, irrespective of their gender.


Look at the front cover given in the question paper and make
ten predictions about the contents of the book.


Based on the given information that the book is a Children’s

Atlas Book titled “Explore the World’s Treasures”, here are
the ten predictions given about the contents.
i. Detailed Maps:-
The book will contain detailed maps showcasing different
regions, countries and continents of the world.
ii. Geographical features:-
It will highlight various geographical features such as
mountains, rivers, lakes, and deserts.
iii. Landmarks and Monuments:-
The book will feature famous landmarks and monuments
from around the world such as the Eiffel Tower, Statue of
Liberty, Great Wall of China etc.
iv. Cultural Diversity:-
It will explore the cultural diversity of different countries,
including information about traditions, festivals, and
v. Wildlife and Nature:-
The book may include sections dedicated to the world’s
diverse wildlife and natural wonders, featuring animals,
plants, and ecosystems.
vi. Historical Sites:-
It might provide information about historical sites and
ancient civilizations, offering insights into their
significance and history.
vii. Fun Facts and Trivia:-
The book may include interesting facts and trivia about
various countries and their unique characteristics.
viii. Exploring Continents:-
It will likely cover each continent separately, highlighting
notable aspects, landmarks and cultural elements specific
to each region.
ix. Activities and Games:-
The book might incorporate interactive activities , puzzles
and games to engage young readers and make learning
interactive and enjoyable.
x. Glossary and Index:-
It will likely include a glossary of geographical terms and
an index to facilitate easy navigation and reference within
the book.

The predictions given above about the cover are based on

the common contents typically found in children’s atlas
books. The actual content may vary depending on the
specific book and its author or publisher.


Suppose your younger brother is staying in a university
hostel. Suggest him some practical measures to resist
negative peer influence and focus on his studies without
wasting his precious time.

Detailed answer:-
House #22, Street #5,
Sector #8, KDA,
Subject: Practical Measures to Stay Focused on Studies
and Resist Negative Peer Influence.

Dear Ahmad,
I hope, this letter finds you in good health and enjoying at
the university hostel. I am writing to share some practical
measures that can help you stay focused on your studies
and resist negative peer influence.
 Set Clear Goals: Define your academic and personal
goals. Having a clear vision will keep you motivated
and make it easier to resist distractions.
 Time Management: Create a study schedule and
allocate specific time for studying and leisure
activities. Stick to the plan and avoid unnecessary
 Choose the Right Friends: surround yourself with
positive and like-minded friends who value
education and support your goals.
 Assert Yourself: Learn to say “No” politely when
faced with negative influences or activities that may
divert you from your studies.
 Seek Guidance: Approach seniors, professors, or
academic advisors for guidance whenever you face
challenges with your studies.
 Join Sturdy Groups: Engage in study groups with
peers who are serious about academics.
Collaborations can enhance learning and keep you
 Utilize Campus Resources: Make the most of the
university’s library, tutoring services, academic
workshops to strengthen your knowledge.
 Take Breaks: Allow yourself short breaks during
study sessions to avoid burnout. Use this time to
engage in refreshing activities.
 Stay Organized: Keep your study materials and
notes in order. An organized study environment will
help you focus better.
 Communicate with Family: Share your progress and
challenges with family members. Their support can
be encouraging during tough times.

Remember, your time at the university is an opportunity to build a

foundation for your future. Embrace these practical measures to
maintain focus on your studies and make the most of this valuable

Wishing you success and a fulfilling academic journey!

Yours lovingly,

Syed Hussain Shah.


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