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SECTION A Choose the best answer for each question. of Questi Candidates may refer to the Periodic Table printed on the last page jon-Answer Sheet. ‘Which ofthe following molecules obey(s) octet rule? (1) Phosphorus pentachloride (2) Silicon tetrachloride (3). Boron trichloride A. (I)only B. @)only C. (1) and (3) only D. @)and (3) only ‘Which of the following molecules is NOT planar in shape? A. BCh B. NBy CHS D. HCN 3. {1 which ofthe following compounds does nitrogen have the highest oxidation umber? AL NBs B. Nay ©. NaNHp D. HONH: 4. Which of the following changes is NOT a redox reaction? A, Fex(SO«)s + HiS > 2FeSO, + $ +180; B. 2Al+6HCI— 2AICh +31 C. CaCOs + COz + H20 -> Ca(HCOs)2 D. 2KCIO3 > 2KCI+30; 2ort ‘Which ofthe following substances CANNOT dissolve in water? A B. c D. CHLCHOH() CaCh(s) HClg) SiOx(s) 6. Which ofthe following ions can act as both an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent? 2 A. B. c Fe™(aq) Cu(aq) CnOP (aq) D. MnO¥(aq) Which ofthe folowing substances can be used to distinguish between concentrated nitric acid and ie wi ‘concentrated sulphuric acid? (1) sodium carbonate powder (2) copper turnings @) cane sugar A B. c (1) and (2) only (1) and (3) only (2) and (3) only (1), @)and 3) Sof 2 8. Sodium azide, NaNs, is used in ir bags in ears. When there isa serious collision, the azide decompose to give nitrogen. The decomposition can be represented by the equation: ‘INaNs(s) —> 2Na(s) + 3N2(@) ve is we mass of sodium azide required to produce 72 dm’ of nitrogen at room temperature and pressure’ (Relative atomic masses: N = 14.0, Na= 23.0; molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24 dm?) A. 65.08 B. 130.0g C. 195.08 9 29256 9. Using graphite as electrodes, which of the following solutions would ive hysogsn upon electrolysis? (1) 1 Msilver nitrate solution (@) 2M sodium hydroxide solution 3) 3 Mcaleium chloride solution A. (only B. Q)only C. (1)and G) only D. (2)and (3) only 12.6 g of metal M and 2.38 dm’ of metal M reacts completely with carbon to give What is the chemical formula of the 10, An oxide of temperature and pressure carbon dioxide measured at room oxide? sic masses: M = 63.5, = 16.0; (Relative ator “Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24 dm’) A. MO B. MOz Cc. M20 D. M203 soft 1. Which of ; of the following Statements About dibromomethane is INCORRECT? A. Itisa polar molecule, 3. Wis teeaedain shape, © Weonsins two polar bonds, D. ‘The bromine stom has a patial negative charge. '2. ‘Which ofthe following statements conceming Hu0 molecules is comes? ‘A. The packing of H2O molecules in ice is less dense and less regular than that in water. B. The packing of H:O molecules in ice is less dense and more regular than that in water. C. The packing of H2O molecules in ice is denser and less regular than that in water. D. 1. The packing of H2O molecules in ice is denser and more regular than that in water. 13. A student uses the following set-up to study the reaction rate between magnesium carbonate and dilute sulphuric acid, cotton woo! ‘magnesium carbonate dilute sulphuric acid electronic balance Which of the following statements about the reaction are correct? (1) This setup can be used to study the reaction rate between magnesium and dilute sulphuric acid. (2) The mass of the reaction mixture decreases with time. (3). The cotton wool prevents the acid from splashing out. A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2)and (3) only D. (1),@)and@) Soft 14. Which ofthe following statements about a catalyst are correct? (1) Wehanges the rate of reaction, (2) Iremains chemically unchanged at the end of a reaction. (3) Ian operate under any conditions. A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), @) and (3) Direction: Question 15 and 16 refer to the following reaction: 2Mn04"(aq) + SH20x(aq) + 6H(aq)-> 2Ma*(aq) + 8H20(1) + 50x(e) 15. Which of the following statements about the change in oxidation numbers of the elements are correct? (1) The oxidation number of manganese decreases from +7 to42. (2) The oxidation number ‘of oxygen increases from -1 to 0, @) The oxidation numberof oxygen decreases from =1 to -2 A. (1) and @) only B. (1) and 3) only C. @2)and (3) only D. (1),(2)and (3) 16. Which of the following methods can be used to monitor the progress ofthe ration? (1) Titrimetric analysis (2) Measuring the change in colour intensity of a reaction mixture (3) Measuring the change in volume of gas formed A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2)and (3) only D. (1),(2)and (3) 6 of 12 17. Compound X. dissolves in ‘Water to solution, the solution tums ‘brown, A Biv a colourless solution, When chlorine gas is bubbles into the Xs probably ammonium iodide, Bi. iron(t sulphate, C. sodium sulphite D. potassium hydroxide 18. Inthe electrolysis of «copper sulphate solution using copper cathode and graphite anode which ofthe following would change? (1) mass of copper cathode (2) colour of the sotution @) pH of the solution A. (1) and Q) only B, (1) and 3) only CC. (2)and 3) only D. (),Q)and@) 19, In which ofthe folowing equations does the underlined substance become oxidized? A. NaxCOx(s) + H:S0«(24) > NagSO«(aq) + CO2(g) + H20()) B. 280x(¢) + Oxs) > 2508) C. Hug) + Hx(g) > CoHs(e) D. EeSOu(aq) + Mg(s) > MgSO«(an) + Fe(s) 20, Which ofthe following attractions willbe overcome when liquid CH2Fa evaporates? (1) Van der Waals’ forces @) Covalent bonds (3) Hydrogen bonds A. (I)only B. (2)only C. (I) and 3) only D. (2)and (3) only Toft 21. Consider the following reaction: 2H40,(0q) 88), ae 019 + 0X8) ‘Which of the following statements is/are cores ifthe concentration of H:Ox(aq) changes from 2M1to | M, while the other conditions remain unchanged? (1) The consumption of MnOxs) wil decrease. 2) The rate of formation of Ox(g) will decrease. G)_ The volume of On(g) formed will decrease, AL B. c. D. (only Q)only (and 3) only (@)and (3) only 22. Consider the following reaction: ANHG(g) + 50x(g) > 4NO(g) + 6H20(g) At 8 certain temperature and pressure, what is the volume of steam formed when 100 em? of ‘ammonia reacts with excess oxygen atthe same temperature and pressure? A D. 175 em* 23. Consider the following chemical cell: electron flow —alPS | ‘copper 1 dilute u MgCh(aq) ‘Which of the following statements about the chemical cell is correct? A. B. c D. Colourless gas bubbles evolve on metal P. ‘The voltage will be smaller if copper is replaced by iron. Chlorine evolves on metal P if metal P is replaced by a graphite electrode. . This chemical cell can be used to electroplate metal P with copper. Sof 2a. Whi : , we of the following reagents can be used to distinguish between sodium sulpite and sodium sulphate? (1) iron(ll) chloride 2) concentrated nitric acid (3) acidified potassium permanganate solution A. (only B. (Q)only CC. (1)and G) only D. (2)and (3) only 25. Consider the following redox reaction: ‘a@MnOs-(aq) + BH (aq) + (aq) > aMinO,(s) + 10x (aq) + cH20(), Which of the following combinations is correct? a 6 © A 3 6 3 B. 2 2 1 c 1 2 1 D. 2 4 2 Sorte 26. Consider the following set-up: digital multimeter filter paper soaked in NaNO,(: plastic sheet ‘copper foil ‘The tendency of four metals (W, X, ¥ and Z) to lose electrons in aqueous solution are compared by ‘measuring the voltage ofthe cel. The following table shows the results. Aa Dietion of sl Gow inthe | Voltage recorded (V) w From W to Cu 40.19 x From Cu to X. 02 Y From ¥ to Cu ant z From Z to Cu #020 Which of the following represents the decreasing order of tendency to lose electrons (it solution) of the metals? aqueous A. X>Y>Z>W B. W>X>Z>¥ C. ¥>W>Z>x D. Z>W>X>¥ loft 21. Aconieal flask that contains di Contains dilute sulphuric acid is placed on an electronic balance. Some sodium hhydrogencarbonate po Dechert then aed tthe Nas. Which af the lowing pap ree ass of the flask and its content. against time? AL a # B. : ea 52 23 a2 ag Ze ay Time Time ¢. Lg on £3 32 S23 gt | Time Time 28. Which of the following acids will give the highest reaction rate when reacting with I g of NaOH(s)? ‘A. 90cm? of 0.2 M HzSOs B. 80cm? of 03M HiSO C. 60cm? of 0.4 MHCI D. 40cm? of 0.5 MHCI oft ied out using copper electrodes. Which of 29. The electrolysis of copper(I) sulphate solution was carried out hee the following graphs represents the mass of the copper cathode agai was used? B eathode Mass of copper cathode Mass of copper Te Time Mass of copper cathode D-Mass of copper eathode Time Time 30. Consider the following statements and choose the best answer: Ist statement 2nd statement Equal volumes of helium and neon ‘Weak van der Waals’ forces exist Contain the same number of atoms at between helium atoms. the same temperature and pressure: ‘The Ist statement i false but the 2nd statement is tue, D. Both statements are false, END OF SECTION A ofa Exam no.: Class / Group: 1 2021-22 Chemistry Total Marks: 90 TWGHs Chen Zao Men College First Term Exam Secondary § Chemistry 12" January 2022 8:25a.m.- -25a.m, (2 hours) This paper must be answered in En Question-Answor Sheet INSTRUCTIONS FOR SECTION B (1) After the announcement of the start of the examination, you should first write your Exam No. in the space provided on Page 1. (2) Refer to the general instructions on the cover of the Question Paper for Section A. (3) Answer ALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this Question-Answer Sheet, (4) An asterisk (1) has been put next to the questions where one mark will be awarded for effective communication. (©) Supplementary answer sheets will be provided on request. Write your Exam No, and mark the question number box. (6) _Noextra time will be given to candidates for filing in the question number boxes after the ‘Time is up’ announcement. Lofts SECTION B ‘Answer ALL questions, Write your answers in the spaces provided. ivity values oftheir '. Ammonia (NHS) and phosphine (PH) are Group V hyde. The eletonegtviy ‘Constituent elements are given below: H=220 N=304 P=219 (@) Draw the electron di IE OUTERMOST iagram for ammonia, showing ELECTRONS IN THI SHELLS only. (1 mark) (© Draw the tre-dimesionl struts of phosphine molecule, Use the 8+ and B= signs to indicate the partial charges of atoms. (marks) (©) Ammonia is very soluble in water but phosphine is not Explain why. marks) ofa 2. For each ofthe follows ing the reaction involved, 'B reactions, state one observable ‘change and write a chemical equation for (©) Adding copper to hot Concentrated sulphuric acid (2 marks) (®) Adding magnesium to concentrated nitric acid (2 marks) 3. The following diagram shows the electrolysis of molten lead(If) bromide using graphite electrodes. i electrode A. electrode B ‘molten lead( tl) bromide heat (@) Explain why electrolysis occurs only when lead(II) bromide is heated. (mark) 30ft4 3 | owing electrodes: (©) Write the half equation forthe reaction taking place at each ofthe following (i) electrode A, (ii) electrode B (2 marks) (©) Describe any observable changes at each of the following electrodes: (D clectrode A (id) electrode B @ marks) (@ Suggest one safety precaution forthe experiment, Explain your answer. (2 marks) oft 4. A student performed two's, Acids, Magnesium wae ne ets 8 dy the react ‘ jifferent the niga aon beeen ages ad in both experiments, Experiment 1 Reaction 1 gofMg ribbon + 1.0M HCKaq) | gof Mg ribbon + 1,0 M CHyCOOH(aq) ® Dr : "= labelled diagram to show the experimental se-up (2 marks) (b) Write an ionic equation for the reaction of magnesium and hydrochloric acid. (1 mark) (©) Suggest how the student knew that the reaction was complete, (1 mark) Sorts 4) Forexperiment and I, state and explain any difference inthe @ (marks) (Gi) total volume of hydrogen collected. (2 marks) An experiment was carried out to investigate the rate of reaction between iron and dilute bhydrochlorc acid, The volume of gas produced was measured at regular intervals, The ‘graph below ‘hows the results of the experiment and the tangent drawn at time ¢= 0, 10. ‘Volume of gas (cm?) a 8 5 (a) The instantaneous rate can be determined from the graph, What i 'S meant by “instantaneous rate’ of a reaction? (0 mark) (ii) From the graph, determine the (mark) (b) At what time did the reaction finish? (1 mark) (©). Suggest another method to follow the progress of this reaction. Explain your answer, (2 marks) 70f 14 , ite electrodes M and N. After § The diagram below shows the electrolysis of solution X using graphite ‘lectrolysis, hydrogen gas and chlorine gas were collected. solution X with universal indicator electrode M. electrode N shh (2) Whatis sotution X? (1 mark) (©) In the experiment, 10.0 em? of hydrogen gas was collected. (At which electrode was hydrogen gas collected? (1 mark) (Determine the theoretical volume of chlorine gas collected at another electrode. Explain ‘Your answer with the aid of chemical equation. (marks) Explain why the volume of chlorine gas collected was les than expected. (mark) Sorts 6. (©) State the Colour chan BE Of the souti Your answer, Solution around electrodes M during the electrolysis. Explain i Clectrodes R and S are both made of graphite. copper electrode Q. zine electrode P dilute sodium nitrate solution CellX Cell Y (@ marks) Consider the following set-up, Electrodes P and @ are made of zinc and copper respectively while graphite electrode R graphite electrode concentrated potassium bromide solution (@) Complete the following table by filling in ‘anode’ or *cathode" to describe the electrodes. electrode P electrode S anode / cathode (mark) (b) Write the half equation forthe expected change at each of the following electrodes: (electrode P il) electrode Q Sorts (2-marks) 7. (© State an expected observation at each ofthe following electrodes: (electrode R (ii) electrode § (2 marks) (2) State the change in pH value ofthe solution in Cell ar clectroysis, (1 mark) 5 The diagram below shows the hydrogen-otypen fel cel hydrogen —> — onern porous anode (nickel) —| = Porous cathode (nickel costed with nickel oxide) unreacted hydrogen «— —! = — unreacted oxygen ar ‘concentrated potassium hydroxide solution (@) Write the hat equation for the reaction taking pace atthe anode (mark) Wott & (0) Writeth : half equation forthe reaction taking place atthe eathode. (mark) (c) Writ ?) Write the overall equation for the reaction in the fuel cell. (1 mark) (@) The two electrodes are made of porous nickel electrodes, State one function of the porous nickel electrodes. (1 mark) (©) Would you expect fuel cells to be widely used in powering domestic electrical appliances? Explain your answer. (1 mark) Mofts ss 2 i sthanoate: )H(aq) 9 Consider the alkaline hydrolysis of ethyl et COO"Na'(aq) + CHSCH:O! = CHa i 5,0 em? portion of CHsCOOCH:CHs(aq) eee analysis, After 15 ere a eeitana The reaction progress was moni a tic quired 7. the reaction mixture was withdraw and then quenched. This portion rea hydrochloric acid for complete reaction. scatiewe reacti b (2) Name the apparatus used to withdraw the 5.0 cm? portion of the (1 mark) (©) Suggest a way to quench the rection mixture, (1 mark) (©) Calculate the concentration of NaOH(aq) inthe 5.0 em? portion, (@ marks) 12of ld 10, Consider the four hydrogen halides HF, HCI, HBr and HI. (@) ‘Sketch the vatiation of biting poins of HF, HCl, HBr and Il Boiling point (°C) (1 mark) g points of the four hydrogen halides. a ee (S marks) END OF SECTION B END OF PAPER 130fld ‘TWGHs Chen Zao Men College $5.1" Term Exam Answer K¢ ey (2021 - 2022) fat ‘A: Multiple Choices (30 marks) . B The central atoms in PCls, SiCl, and BCL contain « tral of 10, 8 and 6 ‘outermost shell electrons respectively. 2B ‘The shapes of BCl, NBrs, H:S and HCN are trigonal planar, trigonal pyramidal, ‘V-shaped and linear respectively. aA 4. D CH:CH:OH molecules form hydrogen bonds with ‘soluble salt, HC! ionizes in water to give H’ and Cl. HO molecules. CaCh is & o>rowo> “There are two C-Br bonds and two C-H bonds in CHaBr- ‘They are all polar bonds. 2B “The HiO molecules in ie ae held regularly by extensive hydrogen bonds. There are many spices among the molecules and hence the density of ic lower than that of water, B.C “The reaction between magnesium and dilute sulphuric acid produces hyérogen, “which has a very low density. The change in mass ofthe reaction mixture may be ‘very small and this may not be detected by the electronic balance. WA ‘The activity ofa extalyst depends on conditions like temperature. For example, enzymes (biological catalysts) are denatured at high temperatures. 15. D 16. D LA 18, D 20, a, 24, 25. 26. 2. B ‘Inthe reaction, sulphur dioxide gains oxygen. A D ic 's Law, From th eqn, mole rato of NH: HsO™= 2:3. By aplyng Avogaio's _ ‘volume ratio of NHy: H:O= 2:3, Hene, volume of steam formed = 100 em 3* my ¥yérogen ions gxin clacton to give hydrogen at mel P. As iron i stonger Feducing agent, the voltage of a Fe/P cell {s larger than a Cw/P cell, Chloride ion is weak reducing agent. wil nt ase eletrons tthe eletode Ths chen! ellis not suitable for electroplating a there i no electricity supply. D 2MnO1 (0g) + 2H (ag) + Faq) + 2MnOx5) +105 (09) + #200) c Meals which lose eleetons more readily than copper would Bive & postive ‘eading. On the other hand, metals which lose elecrons less readily than copper ‘Would give @ negative reading. The higher the volage, the greater is the difference between the electron losing tendencies between copper andthe other metals D The reaction between sodium hydrogencarbonate and dilute sulphuric acid Produces carbon dioxide, which escape from the reaction mixture Hence, the ‘mass of the flask and its content decreases, B ‘An increase inthe concentration of hydrogen ion increases the reaction rate For (A), concentration of H’ = 2x 0.2M= 04M For (B), concentration of H’ = 2 x03 M=0.6M For (C), concentration of H* = 0.4 M For (D), concentration of H* = 0.5 M WA ae Sin should ave ‘certain mass at the beginning, so (C) and (D) are acy 8 copper(Il) ions are preferentially discharged at the cathode, the es opper cathode increases ata constant rate (as current is constant). When pper anode has completely dissolved, no more copper will deposit atthe n ~e ‘Asa result the mass ofthe cathode remains constant afterwards. Avogadro's Law states that equal volumes of all gases at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules. Both helium ‘and neon are ‘monatomic molecules. Section B: Structured Questions (60 marks) yo a * an Correct three-dimensional structure Correct indication of partial charges of atoms (©) In Nib, the hydrogen atoms and the lone pair of eletrons on the nitrogen atom enable its molecules to form hydrogen bonds with te es. However, PHs molecules cannot fo wit molecules. 2. (@ Copper dissolves. / The solution tums from colourless to blue, / Colourless gas bubbles evolves. Cu + 2H:S0, > CuSOs + 2H20 + SOr (b) Magnesium dissolves / brown gas evolves. ‘Mg(s) + 2NOs-(aq) + 4H"(aq) > Mg™(aq) + 2NOx(e) + 2H20(0) 3. (@ When molten, the ions become mobile and the circuit is complete (®) (i) Atelectrode A: 2Br(1) > Brig) + 2e” (ii) At electrode B: Pb? (I) +2e" — Pb(I) (©) (Brown fumes appear at electrode A. i) Sitvery-grey soli is deposited round electrode B. (@) Perform the experiment in a fume cupboard, 1 Bromine, lad) bromide and lead are toxic. 7 4 @ ‘Bas syringe hydrogen ‘magnesium ribbon acid Correct diagram ‘Correct labels (0) Ma(s) + 2H (aq) + Mg (aq) + Hi(@) (©) All magnesium metal dissolved / no more gas bubbles ‘evolved, @ (i) The initial rate of experiment | ‘is higher than that of experiment I because the inital concentration of hydrogen ions in 1.0 M ‘HCI(aq) is higher than that in 1.0 ‘M CHsCOOH(aq). (ii) The total volume of hydrogen collected in experiment [ is qual to that in experiment because the amount of the limiting reactant (magnesium) in both experiments are the same. 3. 6 @) @ Hrstantaneous rte is the rt ta paiculr instant ofthe reaction, Dea Gi) nition rae ee 50.9 cm? mine! (b) Atthe 4 minute (©)_ The progress of this reaction could be followed by measuring th change in pressure inside the react 7 mee on flask As the reaction took place in a closed system, hydrogen gas (potent sl esas there elds te meton tnt, Solution X is concentrated sodium chloride solution, (b) (i) Electrode N (i) The overall reaction i 21(a9) + 2C1(aq) > Hig) + Chis). Referring to the equation, the volume of Ha(g) collected is equal tothe volume of Clg) collected, Hence, the theoretical volume of Cl(g) collected is 10.0 cm, ii) Chlorine gas is quite soluble in water. (©) The solution near electrode M turns red and then colourless. ‘When chlorine dissolves in water, hydrochloric acid (HC!) and hhypochlorous acid (HOCI) form, Hydrochloric acid turns universal indicator red. Hypochlorite ions (ionized from hypochlorous acid) tun the universal indicator colourless. (wo Oy © @ ta) () «© @ © - slectrode loctrte 8 anode / cathode anode cathode AD Zn(s) > Zn (ag) +28 (Cag) + 20> TG (0 The solution around electrode R turns from coloutteys to brown, (li) Cotourtess gas bubbles produced, The solution gradually becomes alkaline and the ptt value of the solution increases, Va(ad + 201-(a9) > 2140) + 26° Ox(8) + 20() + 40" > AOHT(ag) 2NWW) + Ox(a) > HO) The nickel electrodes allow the low of hydrogen, oxyyen and steam into and out of the compartments./ ‘They also act as a catalyst fr the reactions, Any ONE; Fuel cells can be widely used in powering domestic appliances ‘because they produce a steady supply of electriclty./ Fuel cells are not widel because it is not easy ‘expensive, ly used in powering domestic appliances {0 store hydrogen and oxygen / they are wy Ww 9. @® () © @ (5.0 cm’) tpipette Coo! the reaction rapidly in ice / dilute the reaction mixture with a large amount of cold water, HC\(aq) + NaQH(aq) > ‘NaCl(aq) + H20(1) Number of moles of HCI = 0.05 mol dm? TS to =3.78 x 104 mol “+ number of moles of NaOH = 3.78 x 10-4 mol Concentration of NaOH in the portion =3:78%10~ mol “30 716M 1000 The statement correct, Dividing the concentration of NaOH(aq) Average rate of the reaction between The instantaneous rate at the 15! minute can be determined by finding the slope of the tangent to the concentration-time raph at ‘hat instant. by 15 minutes gives the 0-15 minutes, 10. @ i HI 3 Hel (6) Molecules of HCI, HBr and HI are only held by weak van der Waals’ forces, Hydrogen bonds form between HF molecules and hydrogen bond is stronger than van der Waals forces. HF has the highest boiling point. ‘The molecular size increases from HCI to Hl, The van der Waals” forees between HI molecules are strongest and those between HCI molecules are the weakest. The boiling point increases from HCI to HI. ‘Communication mark

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