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‫ פתיחה‬:1 ‫שקופית‬

:Neta opening
Helbra- By: Alice ,Neta, Noa Baranes and Noa Sobol

General information :2 ‫שקופית‬

.Helbra is a special municipality/ town in Germany
All those of you who like hiking and adventures on
mountains,or like to dance wildly in festivals, or even like to
just relax and walk around the town surrounding by beautiful
.churches and historical structures, Helbra is the place for you

Location- Helbra, more precisely, is in the Mansfeld-
Südharz region, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. (What does
it mean?)
Size- The size of Helbra is 9.26 km2 (square kilometers)
.and most of its area are nature reserves and forests

Background information- Helbra doesn’t have a capital
city because it’s a small village. Also, the languages
they speak is German and English. However Not
everyone can speak English from the elderly people but
.teenagers can

Transportation- In order to get there, first you need to
take a flight to Berlin which is the capital of Germany,
then you can use public transport to Helbra like a train,
…a bus and more

Our recomends :3 ‫שקופית‬

Title: Neta is reading

:4 ‫שקופית‬

Title: (name)

Neta: “We think that the best season to visit Helbra is on

The best time to visit Helbra in my opinion, is during the
summer months of June, July, and August
During summer, the weather is very pleasant with average
.temperatures ranging from 20°C to 25°C
This is the ideal time to explore the outdoor attractions in
.Helbra, such as the beautiful countryside and hiking trails
However, if you prefer quieter surroundings, you may
consider visiting Helbra during the seasons of spring or
autumn, when the weather is still pleasant but there are
.fewer tourists

)”?name): “What should you take with you

First of all, it depends on which season you want to
visit Helbra, wether it is pleasant or very cold, and take
. clothes according to that
In addition, I recommend taking a camera to take
pictures of all the beautiful views and places in
!!Halbera, it's so amazing
”?Where can you stay“ :)name(
:We recommend staying at this hotel, it is called
."Gasthof zur Alten Post” and it is in the city center
The hotel is suitable for both children and adults, the
₪price for a few nights at this hotel is cheap only 258
and accessible. Also, the hotel is in high quality and

Places/Activities :5 ‫שקופית‬

”…First of all“ :)name(

First of all, Helbra is special in its own way like we
.have mentioned before
In addition, Helbra unlike other places, is small enough
!to travel the whole area for about two hours
Because of that, you can visit at top speed many places
.and enjoy activities that characterizes the town
Now, we are going to introduce you those activities
.and places
-Helbra winterzauber (winter festival) :)name(
The winter festival stars at the beginning of winter. It
doesn’t have a specific date because every year winter
starts on a different date… Anyways one of the
highlights of the festival is the Christmas market,
where you can experience the festive atmosphere and
.buy delicious food, and warm beverages
Moreover, the winter festival also features live
performances, including music concerts, dance shows
Continue :)name(
Overall, the Helbra Winterzauber is a cherished event
in the town of Helbra, bringing people together to
celebrate the magic of winter. Whether you are doing
festive shopping, watching performances, or thrilling
outdoor activities, this winter festival offers something
.for everyone to enjoy

-Harz mountains :)name(

Geographically, Helbra is located on the edge of the
Harz Mountains. The surrounding area are rolling hills
and green forests, making it an ideal destination for
outdoor activities. In summer you can go hiking or
.cycling here with all your family and friends
Neta: Castle of Helbra
This castle has a very rich history and the origins of the
castle date back to the 12th century when it was
.initially as a medieval fortress
Over the centuries, the castle went through several
architectural transformations resulting in its current
appearance today which is a Renaissance-style
Inside, there are various rooms and chambers intricate
woodwork furniture, very beautiful frescoes, and much
more and all of these giving the idea/ what was the
.lifestyle of its former residents

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