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Franz dreaded being scolded by M Hamel. He was petrified because he was late and he had not
prepared his lesson on rules on participles.

Franz was tempted to spend the day outdoor - Nature was at its best, the little birds were twittering. The
village was engulfed in the warmth and brightness of the radiant sun. As Franz crossed the Black board,
near the town hall, he saw a crowd, people were concentrating on the notice put up. The notice stated
that the districts of Alsace and Lorraine had passed into the hands of the Prussians ( Germany, Poland
and parts of Austria ) Hence people would be compelled to speak German and not French.

There was usually a great commotion, scuttle, clamour and pandemonium when school was going on.
Lessons would be collectively recited, the teacher would persistently rap the ruler on the table. Franz
thought amidst this roar he would sneak into the classroom - but was surprised to note that a silence
prevailed in the classroom. M Hamel did not rebuke him and the last bench which were always vacant
were today occupied. Moreover M Hamel looked somber dressed in a formal attire comprising of a
beautiful green coat, frilled shirt, black silk embroidered hat which he wore on special occasions.

M Hamel then announced that it was going to be their last French lesson. For Franz this news was a bolt
from the blue. He was dumbstruck. Suddenly he was full of remorse, his books and his lessons were no
longer a burden, a liability. He regretted the manner in which he neglected his studies.

When Franz was asked a rule on participles, he regretted not paying attention. He like the others felt
there was plenty of time. M Hamel did not scold him but blamed his parents for sending him to work just
to earn a little money. In fact M Hamel reproached himself for sending Franz to water the garden and
declaring a holiday when he wanted to go fishing.

French according to M Hamel was a very clean and logical language. He insisted they should never
forget it because a language is an important maker of identity. It goes beyond simple differentiation, in
fact it represents a cultural history. Language is more than a means of communication, it is a vehicle to
propagate your culture and customs.

Franz understood every single word that was taught because he had concentrated properly or perhaps
M Hamel had explained it with utmost patience. New topics were given with Alsace, Lorraine written
neatly. They looked like flags floating around the classroom. Every one worked quietly.

Franz wondered if the Germans would compel even the pigeons to coo in German. A foreign language
cannot be imposed on someone forcefully for one identifies with their own mother tongue.

As church bells pealed at 12, M Hamel stood up and wanted to speak, but was choked with emotion
and without uttering any word he just wrote "Viva la France" on the black board and gestured with his
hand the end of class.

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Petrified Frightened Comprising Consisting
Engulfed Covered Remorse Sadness
Radiant Bright & shining Burden Heavy weight
Compelled Forced Liability Nuisance
Commotion Noise Regretted Felt sorry
Scuttle Confusion Reproached Blame yourself
Clamour Shouting Insisted Said firmly
Pandemonium Noise Propagate Spread
Persistently Continuously Concentrated Listen carefully
Sneak Go quietly Utmost Greatest
Prevailed Existed Pealed Rang
Rebuke Scold Choked Suffocated
Vacant Empty Uttering Speaking
Somber Serious Gestured signal
Attire Clothes
Franz did not like to be scolded by his teacher M. Hamel. He was afraid because he had not learnt his
lesson on participles (grammar) wanted to stay outdoor because it was a bright sunny day. But somehow
he made up his mind and started running towards school because he was late. As he crossed the Black
board he saw a crowd looking at the notice. The notice stated that the districts of Alsace and Lorraine
had been taken over by Prussians. So the people will be forced to speak German and not French.
There was always a noise when school was going on. Children would recite their lessons together and
the teacher would tap the ruler on the table. Franz thought amidst the noise he would quietly enter the
class but was so surprised to find complete silence. His teacher did not scold him for coming late. His
teacher was dressed in his beautiful green coat, frilled shirt, black silk embroidered hat.
The teacher then told them, it was going to be their lastly French lesson. This news was very shocking
for Franz, his books no longer felt heavy. He felt sorry for neglecting his studies. Franz now realized two
things:- (1) the old people were present in the class to pay respect to M. Hamel for his 40 years long
service. (2) M Hamel was dressed in his best clothes to teach his last French lesson.
M. Hamel then asked Franz the rules on participles but however much Franz wished he could answer -
he could not. Like others he also felt there was plenty of time. Surprisingly the teacher did not scold him
but blamed his parents for sending him at times to work in the fields, and also blamed himself as he used
to send Franz to water the garden and declare a holiday when he wanted to go fishing.
According to M. Hamel French is a clear and logical language. He said they should never forget it
because a language is a matter of identify, it represents a history, a culture. Language helps to spread our
culture and customs.
The teacher then taught the rules of participles and Franz understood every single word, was it because
he had paid attention or M. Hamel had explained so well. Then they were given a writing exercise. The
words Alsace Lorraine looked like flags floating around the classroom. Franz wondered if the Germans
would force the pigeons to coo in German. In the history class M Hamel tried to teach all that he knew.
As the church bells rang at 12 noon, M. Hamel stood up and wanted to speak, but he was chocked with
emotion and without saying anything wrote Viva la France on the black board and gestured with his
hands the end of the class.

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Word Meaning in English
Dread fear
Chirping twittering
Apprentice (here) trainee/a learner
Rapping thumping
Commotion sudden, short period of noise and confusion
Blushed became pink in the face due to embarrassment
Solemn (here) serious
Thunderclap loud sound of thunder
Wretches unfortunate/unhappy persons
Reproach rebuke/blame
Preferred gave preference to
Logical (here) reasonable
Enslaved made slave
Motionless Still/unmoved
Fix in ... mind imprinted
Twined tangled
Chanted recited/sang
Trembled shook
Angelus (here) a bell rung for prayers
"Vive La France!" long live France
Gesture Sign/movement
1. Franz started for school very late.
2. He feared a scolding from his teacher, M. Hamel. He had not prepared his lesson on participles.
3. There was a big crowd in front of the bulletin-board near the town hall.
4. Usually the people received all kinds of news from there.
5. When he reached his school, he found it unusually quiet.
6. The usual hustle and bustle was not there.
7. He went inside the classroom before everybody. He was frightened.
8. But nothing happened. M. Hamel very kindly asked him to go to his place quickly.
9. Franz was surprised to see many village-elders sitting on desks at the back.
10. At last, M. Hamel broke a shocking news to his students.
11. An order had come from Berlin.
12. All the schools of French districts of Alsace and Lorraine would teach German hence-forth.
13. A new teacher would come to teach German.
14. M. Hamel announced that he would leave that school for good the next day.
15. He was delivering his last lesson in French.
16. M. Hamel was a transformed person.
17. He didn't use his ruler when Franz got mixed up and confused.
18. M. Hamel regretted that the people of Alsace were quite indifferent to the learning of their mother-
tongue, French.
19. He called upon his students and the village-elders to guard French among themselves and never to forget

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20. He declared that French was the most beautiful language in the world.
21. M. Hamel wanted to speak but couldn't. Emotions chocked him.
22. He took a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard as large as he could write : "long Live France!"
23. Then he made a gesture with his hand asking them to go out. The school was "dismissed."

Q.1 What tempted Franz to stay away from school ?
Ans. Franz feared a scolding at school as he had not prepared his lesson on participles, on which his French
teacher M Hamel was to question the class that day. Besides, the warm and bright weather, the chirping
of birds and the drilling of Prussian soldiers also tempted Franz to stay away from school.

Q.2 What shows M Hamel's love for the French language ?

Ans. M Hamel had taught the French language in the school for forty years and was overcome with emotion
when he realised that the villagers would not be able to learn it any more. He wanted them to preserve
the language with them, thus showing his love for the language.

Q.3 Who were sitting on the back benches during M Hamel's last lesson ? Why ?
Ans. The old men of the village were sitting on the back benches during M Hamel's last lesson because they
were sorry that they had not attended school more often.
They wanted to thank their teacher for his forty years of faithful service and to show their respect for the
country that was theirs no longer.

Q.4 What made M Hamel cry towards the end of his last lesson ?
Ans. M Hamel cried towards the end of his last lesson because he loved the French language and felt pity for
the villagers, as they would not be able to learn their mother tongue any longer.

Q.5 What was unusual about M Hamel's dress on his last day in the school ?
Ans. M Hamel's dress on his last day in the school consisted of his beautiful green coat, frilled shirt, and a little
black silk cap, all embroidered, that he never wore except on inspection and prize days.

Q.6 What a thunderclap these words were to me !" What were the words that shocked and surprised
the narrator ?
Ans. The announcement made by M Hamel that there was an order from Berlin to stop teaching French, and
that this was their last French lesson seemed to be a thunderclap to Franz. He would no longer be able
to learn French, his mother tongue.

Q.7 What was the order from Berlin and what changes did it cause in the school ?
Ans. The order from Berlin stated that only German will be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. This
meant that French would no longer be taught in the school.
M Hamel, the French teacher, would have to leave. This also caused the elder villagers to attend the
school for the last lesson in French.

Q.8 How did M Hamel say farewell to his students and the people of the town ?
Ans. Towards the end of his 'Last Lesson', M Hamel stood up to say farewell to his students and the people
of the town. He then turned to the blackboard and wrote, 'Vive La France'. Then he dismissed the class
with a gesture of his hand.

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Q.9 Who did M Hamel blame for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz ?
Ans. M Hamel blamed himself for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz. He was a little
irregular, and took leave whenever he needed it, which reflected on the behaviour and studies of the
students. He also blamed their parents for not taking interest in their education.

Q.10 Why was Franz confused ? What added to his confusion ?

Ans. When Franz reached school, he found the entire place unusually quiet, strange and solemn. He was late
for school and thought that M hamel would scold him. But, to his surprise, M Hamel spoke very kindly
to him and invited him in. However, what confused him the most was the presence of the village elders in
the classroom.

Q.11 How did Franz perform when his turn came to recite ?
Ans. When it was Franz's turn to recite, he got mixed up on the first words and stood at his place, ashamed.
He did not have the courage to look up and face his teacher.

Q.12 How is the mother tongue important ?

Ans. The mother tongue is the representative of a nations true identity and character. It acts as a binding force,
creating unity among the countrymen. M Hamel rightly said that when a people are enslaved, as long as
they hold fast to their language, it is as if they had the key to their prison.

Q.13 What was M Hamel's contribution to the school in Alsace ?

Ans. M Hamel had given forty years of long and faithful service to the school. Though the students found him
cranky, he was a true Frenchman at heart, who took immense pride in teaching his mother tongue. He
loved the school and wanted the children to love their language.

Q.14 Franz was able to understand everything that day. Why ?

Ans. Franz thought that probably he had never paid so much attention in the class, and that M Hamel had
never explained everything with so much patience. Perhaps, these were the very reasons that he was
able to understand everything that day.

Q.15 How did Franz's feeling about M Hamel and school change ?
Ans. Franz was shocked when M Hamel told the students about the order from Berlin and that in was their
last French lesson. He forgot about his teacher's ruler and crankiness; instead, he started liking
M hamel, as he was being separated from him forever.
His feelings towards his school changed, as he did not want to give up his books and lessons, seemingly
old friends. He realised that the French language meant much to him and the difficult concept's had never
actually been so difficult.

Q.16 What is 'Linguistic Chauvinism'? Explain this in reference to M Hamel's views about his
Ans. 'Linguistic Chauvinism' means carrying pride in one's language too far. But the love of Hamel and the
village elders for French doesn't amount to this. Rather, they are victims of it. German is being imposed
on the French speaking people of Alsace. M Hamel feels genuinely proud of French language. He urges
others never to forget such a beautiful language.

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 A sincere French teacher M.Hamel
 Knew his subject well.
 Is passionate about the French language
 Considers French the clearest, the most beautiful and the most logical language in the world.
 Feels that language is the key to a person's sense of freedom.
 Advises villagers to hold on to French despite the ban on using the language.
 Is proud of being French
 Upset and distressed by the occupation of Alsace by the Germans.
 Attached to his town, school and people.
 Is a hard task master
 Particular about discipline.
 Emphasises proper learning of the subjects.
 The students are scared of him.
 An honest and sensitive man
 Shattered by the news of Alsace occupation.
 Blames himself for being selfish at times.
 At the arrival of Prussian soldiers, becomes overwhelmed with emotions and his voice chokes.
 Blames himself for not being sincere and taking holiday or going for fishing.
Characteristics of M. Hamel : Emotional, hardworking, patiriotic, loyal, honest and sensitive
 Sensitive and innocent
 Blames himself for ignoring his lessons.
 Wonders about the German takeover.
 Loves nature
 Enjoys sunshine, bird watching, chasing butterflies.
 Is conscious of his student duties
 Wishes he had prepared for the class.
 Doesn't like being scolded in the class.
 Observant
 Notices even little details on his way to school.
 Quick to observe the changes in his surroundings.
 Observes M. Hamel's efforts to control his emotions.
Characteristics of Franz : Observant, sensitive, nature lover, sincere and empathetic.
Q.1 Describe the change in the attitude of Franz towards his language and his teacher.
Ans. Initially Franz is reluctant to go to school. He has never been a sincere and devoted student. He fears that
his teacher, M Hamel would scold him because he had not learnt his lesson. He finds his teacher strict
and austere.
When he reaches school, he is surprised because M Hamel speaks kindly to him. He is still confused and
absorbing the situation, when M Hamel announces that it is to be their last French lesson. Poor Franz
now regrets not having learnt his lessons. He know little of his Mother tongue and now he would never
be able to learn it. His books, which were a nuisance to him, suddenly seem like old friends. The thought
that he would never see M Hamel again makes him forget all about his crankiness. He begins to feel very
sorry for his teacher.

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Q.2 Explain "M Hamel was an epitome of patience that day __A true patriot." ?
Ans. M Hamel was very patient that day. He did not remark on Franz's being late. He did not scold Franz
when he could not recite the rules of participles. In fact, he blamed all of them, including himself, for
neglecting the study of their mother tongue, the French language. That he was a patriot is demonstrated
by the fact that he praised the French language for its clarity, logic and beauty and exhorted his audience
to hold fast to it. M Hamel had been teaching for forty years in the school, so everyone was overwhelmed
by emotions at the time of his leaving the school. But M Hamel maintained utmost dignity and composure.
He exhibited strong courage and patience and listened to every lesson to the last.
Finally, at the end of the lesson, he wrote on the blackboard, 'Vive La France!, meaning 'long live
France', which showed that he was a true patriot.

Q.3 Why did M Hamel not scold Franz for not learning his lesson ?
Ans. M Hamel did not scold Franz for not learning his lesson as it was too late to do anything about it. It was
M Hamel's last day at school. He was to teach the last lesson to his students that day. Even the environs
reflected the sorrow that was pervading everyone's heart. It was a very emotional day for everyone. M
Hamel's was also not his usual strict self that day as it was not just his another normal day at school. It
was very natural that M Hamel was also moved by the fact that after that day he would no longer teach
French there. He told everybody that they had always put off learning to the next day and now there was
no next day left to learn. He was too engulfed with emotion to think of scolding anyone and so he did not
scold Franz.

Q.4 Explain the importance of the parting message on the day of 'The Last Lesson'. Cite some
examples from the text to support the explanation.
Ans. The day of the last lesson was full of regret and sadness. All the people____the French language teacher,
the students and the village elders were in a very depressed mood. People were stunned by the new
orders from Berlin. It aroused patriotic feelings among them for their language. M Hamel announced that
he was going to deliver his last lesson in French. He called French the most beautiful, the clearest and the
most logical language. He parted with the message that one should safeguard his language as it held the
key to one's freedom. This had a profound effect on the audience. He ended his class by writing 'Vive La
France' on the blackboard. These parting messages evoked the people's patriotism and aroused in them
a sense of love and respect for their mother tongue.

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