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Media influence on sport

Positive and negative effects

Charlie Esson summarises the advantages and
disadvantages associated with media coverage of sport Can there be too much sport on TV?
Overexposure can lead to possible
boredom among spectators and lower
National governing bodies and sports
attendances at televised events.
performers lose control to broadcasters and
Increased profile of the sport and individual Does televised sport create passive Inequalities of coverage. More
sponsors. The traditional nature of a sport can
performers. Increased coverage can benefit smaller ‘armchair’ fans rather than athletes? popular sports like football gain at
be lost, for example, rules and timings are
sports, women’s sport and disability sport. adapted to suit the demands of television. The the expense of minority sports like
media controls the location of events, as well hockey or squash. Certain prestigious
as kick-off times and in some cases playing events are now available only on
seasons (e.g. Super League rugby switched to a satellite TV, which requires a paid
Increased participation levels within a sport, as summer game). subscription, e.g. test cricket, Ryder
television coverage encourages others to take it Can help challenge myths and stereotypes, Cup golf. This means that some
up, e.g. cycling as a result of the Tour de France e.g. that women can’t box or play rugby union. sports have fewer viewers.
or football as a result of World Cup coverage.

More variations of a sport are developed

Disadvantages High-profile sports stars have little
privacy. The demands of media and
to make it more ‘media friendly’, leading to
more matches/fixtures for fans to watch,
Advantages of media
sponsors for interviews, personal
appearances etc. can negatively

of media
impact high-level performers.
e.g. Twenty20 cricket. Rule changes can lead
to a speeding up of the action, and more coverage
excitement/entertainment in a sport.
More breaks in play for adverts disrupts the
spectator experience. The use of technology
Sports events can be accessed across the globe to review decisions can slow down play
via worldwide coverage, which is often live. without resolving controversy.

Media focus can lead to increased standards in

performance as well as improved behaviour as a
The media can sensationalise
result of increased media focus, thereby creating
or overdramatise negative A win-at-all-costs attitude develops
positive role models and sporting celebrities. The
Television money generates high levels events in sport. due to high rewards on offer, leading
use of technology goes hand-in-hand with this, as it
of income for top-level professionals and to negative, deviant acts (e.g.
allows retrospective discipline for foul play missed
makes a sport more appealing to sponsors. drug-taking) and players becoming
by the match officials.
It increases commercial opportunities, negative role models (e.g. in arguing
which further increases the financial gain with officials, diving to try and win a
of a sport/sports performers (e.g. golf, penalty).
tennis, football). Standards of performance
continue to increase. More money is
available to improve sporting facilities.

Download this poster at Charlie Esson teaches PE at Stamford School.

16 PE Review January 2020 17

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