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Feena Marie A.


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Start time / Notes /

Activity Modifications:
Beginner Lesson Plan (A1+)

:00 Strengths & Weaknesses assessment Level Test

1. Strengths & (Strengths &
Weaknesses Introduction/ Example Weakness
Assessment / Assessment)
warm-up Hi I’m Feena and I’ll be your teacher for today. It’s very nice to meet you
activity: ________.
I’ll be doing a short assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. I’ll be
asking you some questions and you’ll have to answer in complete sentences.

1. Is this a watch? Yes it is./ No, it isn’t.

2. Is that a pen? Yes it is./ No, it isn’t.
3. Is the Nile a long river or a short river? The Nile is a long river.
4. Ask me how I’m feeling today. How are you feeling today?
5. What color is the sky? The sky is blue
6. Ask me if there’s a book on the floor. Is there a book on the floor?
7. Is Friday before or after Saturday?. Friday is before Saturday.
8. Are you looking at me or looking at a wall? I’m looking at you
9. Is London a rich city or a poor city? London is a rich city.
10. Is Paris a city or a town? Paris is a city.
11. I am sitting on a chair, and you? I’m sitting on a chair, too.
12. Are the people in England English? Yes they are.
13. Ask me if there Google a big company or a small company. Is
Google a big company or small company?
14. Ask me if I’m going to a restaurant for Lunch today. Are you going to
a restaurant for lunch today?
15. Is English an easy language or a difficult language for you?. English
is an easy language for me.

:06 Introduction/Example PB, p20,22

Fundamentals Next up, we’ll be having basics or fundamentals. Today we are
going to work on years.

I’ll be saying the numbers and you will tell me how it’s read.

For example: 2019 = Two Thousand and Nineteen

Feena Marie A. Garo

1. 1986 - Nineteen Eighty-Six

2. 2008 - Two Thousand and Eight
3. 1987 - Nineteen Eighty-Seven
4. 2013 - Two Thousand and Thirteen
5. 1676 - Sixteen Seventy-Six
6. 1989 - Nineteen Eighty-Nine
7. 2004 - Two Thousand and Four
8. 1523 - Fifteen Twenty-three
9. 1612 - Sixteen Twelve
10. 2020 - Two Thousand and Twenty
Feena Marie A. Garo

:08 Introduction VB1/2 p1-86

3. Vocabulary:
For the next activity, we’ll be practicing Vocabulary.

Let's look at some Spanish words that you’ll translate into English.
Feena Marie A. Garo

:13 *Review any corrections given up to this point as dynamically as possible.

of the language

:14 Introduction TM 2.6 -14.13

5. MGP1:

Now, we’ll be having our First Main Grammar Point.

We’ll be studying the word “city” with the word “in”. I’m going to ask
you questions for an example.
Is London a city in Japan or a city in England? And you’ll answer,
London is a city in England.

Is Beijing a city in Japan or a city in China?

Is Tokyo a city in Vietnam or a city in Japan?
Is Manila a city in the Philippines or Australia?
Is Osaka a city in Japan or a city in Australia?
Is Paris a city in Spain or a city in France?
Is London a city in Japan or a city in England?
Is Madrid a city in Spain or a city in Norway?
Is Milan a city in Austria or a city in Italy?
Is New York a city in the United States or a city in
Is Omaha a city in the United States or a city in Brazil?
Is Sydney a city in New Zealand or a city in Australia?
Is Rome a city in Italy or a city in Turkey?
Is Malaga a city in Spain or a city in Russia?
Is Lisbon a city in Spain or a city in Portugal?
Is Dublin a city in Wales or a city in Ireland?
Is Brussels a city in Belgium or a city in Germany?
Is Glasgow a city in Scotland or a city in Poland?
Is Florence a city in Bolivia or a city in Italy?
Is Hamburg a city in Germany or a city in Finland?

:21 Introduction TM 1.3 – 6.15

6. Agility 1:
For our first agility test, We’ll be practicing the use of before, after
Feena Marie A. Garo

and between.
For an example: What comes before Monday? Sunday comes before

1. What comes before Tuesday? Monday comes before Tuesday.

2. What months comes after December? January comes after
3. What comes after Saturday? Sunday comes after Saturday.
4. What month comes between January and March? February
comes between January and March.
5. What month comes before September? August comes before
6. What comes between Wednesday and Friday? Thursday
comes between Wednesday and Friday.
7. What comes before Saturday? Friday comes before Saturday.
8. What comes after Thursday? Friday comes after Thursday.
9. What comes between Saturday and Monday? Sunday comes
between Saturday and Monday.
10. What month comes before May? April comes before May.
Feena Marie A. Garo

:26 Introduction TBA

7. Correct The next activity will be translation practice.
Feena Marie A. Garo

:31 *Review any corrections given up to this point as dynamically as possible, to show your
8. students the progress they’re making
of the language

:32 Introduction TM 1.3 – 6.15

9. Agility 2:
For the second agility activity, you’ll be transforming sentences into its
affirmative, negative or interrogative forms.

1. This is a watch. (-) This isn’t a watch. (?) Is this a watch?

2. That is a book. (-) That isn’t a book. (?) Is that a book?
3. Those are not pencils. (+) Those are pencils. (?) Are those pencils?
4. Feena is Filipino. (?) Is Feena a Filipino? (-) Feena isn’t a Filipino.
5. Tokyo is not in Japan. (?) Is Tokyo in Japan? (+) Tokyo is in Japan.
6. The sun is yellow. (-) The sun isn’t yellow (?) Is the sun yellow?
7. Is Manila in the Philippines? (-) Manila isn’t in the Philippines. (+) Manila
is in the Philippines.
8. He is handsome. (?) Is he handsome? (-) He isn’t handsome.
9. A pig’s baby is a piglet. (?) Is a pig’s baby a piglet? (-) A pig’s baby isn’t a
10. The plane is going from Madrid to New York. (-) The plane isn’t going
from Madrid to New York. (?) Is the plane going from Madrid to New York?
11. James is our friend. (-) James isn’t our friend (?) Is james our friend?
12. Will tomorrow be a rainy day? (-) Tomorrow won’t be a rainy day (+)
Tomorrow will be a rainy day.
13. Are cats afraid of water? (+) Cats are afraid of water (-) Cats aren’t
afraid of water
14. Can penguins fly? (-) Penguins can’t fly. (+) Penguins can fly.
15. Spain is a beautiful country. (?) Is Spain a beautiful country?

:38 Introduction: TM 7.12 -14.13

10. MGP2:
Let’s move on with our second Main Grammar Point.
We’ll practice the plural form of verbs and nouns.
I’m going to say “This is a book”. You’ll need to change it to its plural form for
an example: “These are books”
1. This is a pen. These are pens.
2. This is a computer. These are computers
3. This is a toy. These are toys.
4. This is a ring. These are rings.
5. This is a bottle. These are bottles.
6. That’s an airplane. Those are airplanes.
7. That’s an umbrella. Those are umbrellas.
8. That’s a balloon. Those are balloons.
9. That’s a kangaroo. Those are kangaroos.
10. That’s an alligator. Those are alligators.
Feena Marie A. Garo

11. This is a spoon. These are spoons.

12. This is an orange. These are oranges.
13. This is a pencil. These are pencils.
14. This is a tissue. These are tissues.
15. That’s a bird. Those are birds.

:45 For your homework, you’ll be watching these videos.

11. Set
homework A) The use of “It’s a”. After watching create your own sentences using the
provided nouns.
1. Good idea Answer: It’s a good idea.
2. Long trip
3. Beautiful day
4. Bad Joke
5. Rainy day
6. Cold City
7. Hot pie
8. Busy weekend
9. New environment
10. Black Cat

B) The use of “She’s a”. After watchging, answer the questions in complete
1. Is she a strange person? Normal!
Answer: No, she’s a normal person.
2. Is she a bad doctor? Great!
3. Is she a weak person? Strong!
4. Is she a funny teacher? Serious!
5. Is she an experienced employee? New!
6. Is she a shy actress? Confident!
7. Is she a lazy employee? Hard-working!
8. Is she an impatient person? Patient!
9. Is she an unhappy person? Happy!
10. Is she an unfriendly colleague? Friendly!

C) Make a 3-minute presentation describing your perfect day.

Use the following:
 To begin with…
 For example…
 In conclusion…

:46 *Review any corrections given up to this point as dynamically as possible to show your students
12. the progress they’re making
of the language
Feena Marie A. Garo

:47 Introduction:
13. Speaking
activity: I’m going to show you pictures of famous landmarks and you’ ll this
template to tell us about the city they are in.


This is _____________. (landmark)

It is in_________________. (city)
Which is in ___________. (country)
_____________ is a _____________ city. (city/adjective)

a. This is the Statue of Liberty

It is in New York
Which is in USA
New York is a busy city

b. This is Alhambra
It is in Granada
Which is in Spain
Granada is a beautiful city

c. This is Taj Mahal.

it is in Agra City
Which is in India.
Agra is a lovely city.

d. This is the Great Wall of China.

It is in Beijing.
Which is in Northern China.
Beijing is large city.

e. This is El Prado.
It is in Madrid.
Which is in Spain
Madrid is an amazing city.

f. This is the Eiffel Tower.

It is in Paris
Which is in France
Paris is an elegant city.

14. Review 1. Review corrections from the improvised speaking activity
(comprehensive 2. Review a selection from the drills your students have found most difficult.

:56 Introduction TM 1.3 – 6.15

15. Agility 3:
For the last agility activity,you’ll be transforming sentences into its affirmative,
negative or interrogative forms.
Feena Marie A. Garo

1. Madrid is in the center of Spain. (-) Madrid isn’t in the center of Spain.
(?) Is Madrid in the center of Spain?
2. That isn’t a window. (-) That is a book. (?) Isn’t that a window?
3. Those are not bikes. (+) Those are bikes. (?) Are those bikes?
4. She’s single. (?) Is she single? (-) She isn’t single.
5. Berlin is not in Germany. (?) Is Berlin in Germany?(+) Berlin is in
6. The sky is blue. (-) The sky isn’t blue (?) Is the sky blue?
7. Is Paris in China? (-) Paris isn’t in China.
8. He’s a fan of dogs . (?) Is he a fan of dogs? (-) He isn’t a fan of dogs.
9. I’m not here (?) Are you here? (-) You’re not here.
10. Chocolate is sweet. (-) Chocolate isn’t sweet. (?) Is chocolate sweet?
11. They’re happy. (-) They aren’t happy (?) Are they happy?
12. Are they laughing? (-) They aren’t laughing (+) They are laughing.
13. Is there milk in the fridge? (+) There’s milk in the fridge. (-) There isn’t
milk in the fridge
14. Are you excited? (-) I’m not excited. (+) I’m excited..
15. There’s a cat in my room. (?) Is there a cat in my room? (-) There isn’t a
cat in my room.
Feena Marie A. Garo

Start time / Notes /

Activity Modifications:
Intermediate Lesson Plan:

:00 Strengths & Weaknesses assessment Level Test

1. Strengths & (Strengths &
Weaknesses Introduction/ Example Weakness
Assessment / Assessment)
warm-up Hi I’m Feena and I’ll be your teacher for today. I’ll be doing a short assessment
activity: of your strengths and weaknesses. I’ll be asking you some questions and you’ll
have to answer in complete sentences.
Feena Marie A. Garo

:06 Next up, we’ll be having basics or fundamentals. I’ll be saying the PB, p23, 28
account number and you will tell me the amount in dollars
Feena Marie A. Garo

:08 For the next activity, we’ll be practicing Vocabulary. VB3/4

3. Vocabulary:
Let's look at some Spanish words that you’ll translate into English.
Feena Marie A. Garo

:13 Review any corrections given up to this point as dynamically as possible to show your students
4. the progress they’re making
of the
language 1:

:14 Now, we’ll be having our First Main Grammar Point. TM 18.12-
5. MGP1: 24.15
I’ll be saying some words in their present tense.
Your task is to say it in its past form.
Example: Every day I accept.
Answer: Yesterday, I accepted.
(take note that there is an additional syllable)

1. Every day I act. Yesterday, I acted.

2. Every day I attend. Yesterday, I attended.
3. Every day I create. Yesterday, I created.
4. Every day I decide. Yesterday, I decided.
5. Every day I expand. Yesterday, I expanded.
6. Every day I point. Yesterday, I pointed.
7. Every day I invite. Yesterday, I invited.
8. Every day I rest. Yesterday, I rested.
9. Every day I shout. Yesterday, I shouted.
10. Every day I wait. Yesterday, I waited.
11. Every day I divide. Yesterday, I divided
12. Every day I expect. Yesterday, I expected.
13. Every day I start. Yesterday, I started.
14. Every day I want. Yesterday, I wanted.
15. Every day I insist. Yesterday, I insisted.
:21 Introduction TM 7.12-14.13
6. Agility 1: Next up, we’ll be our first agility activity.
I’ll be saying some numbers and you will tell me how it’s read.

For example: 5,462 - Five thousand four hundred and sixty-two

1. 838 Eight hunred and eighty-three

2. 3,780 Three thousand seven hundred and eighty
3. 448 Four hundred and forty-eight
4. 55,731 Fifty-five thousand seven hundred and thirty-one
5. 2,257 Two thousand two hundred and fifty-seven
6. 15,793 Fifteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-three
7. 2,189 Two thousand one hundred and eighty-nine
8. 29,871 Twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy one
9. 2,239 Two thousand two hundred and thirty-nine
10. 23,234 Twenty-three thousand two hundred and thirty-four
11. 1,146 One thousand one hundred and forty-six
12. 2,458 Two thousand four hundred an fifty-eight
Feena Marie A. Garo

13. 845 Eight hundred and forty-five

14. 8,869 Eight thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine
15. 5,486 Five thousand four hundred and eighty-six

:26 Now let’s continue with your previous homework, translate the following TBB
7. Correct Spanish sentences to English.

:31 Review any corrections given up to this point as dynamically as possible to show your students
8. the progress they’re making.
of the
Feena Marie A. Garo

language 2:

:32 For the second agility activity we’ll practice can and can’t. Answer my questions TM 7.12-14.13
9. Agility 2: in affirmative or negative form.

1. Can you play the guitar?

2. Can you speak English?
3. Can dogs speak?
4. Can you dance?
5. Can elephants fly?
6. Can you breathe under water?
7. Can you paint?
8. Can cats swim?
9. Can birds fly?
10. Can turtles run?
11. Can you cook?
12. Can you lift a building?
13. Can you sing?
14. Can dogs swim?
15. Can you play the piano?

:38 For the second MGP let’s work on your present perfect TM 18.12-
10. MGP2: with never in a sentence. 24.15

1. When was the last time you saw a UFO?

I’ve never seen a UFO.
2. When was the last time you spoke English as well as Barack
Obama? I’ve never spoken English as well as Barack Obama.
3. When was the last time you broke a world record?
I’ve never broken a world record.
4. When was the last time it took you 10 minutes to tell a joke?
It has never taken me 10 minutes to tell a joke.
5. When was the last time there was a giraffe in your
family? There has never been a giraffe in my family.
6. When did you last buy a Rolls Royce?
I’ve never bought a Rolls Royce.
7. When was the last time you flew in a balloon?
I’ve never worked and slept at the same time.
8. When was the last time you drove a race car?
I’ve never driven a race car.
9. When did you last build an igloo?
I’ve never built an igloo.
10. When did you last hear a song written by me?
I’ve never heard a song written by you.

:45 Homework for next class

11. Set
homework I’m going to send you a link and do the following:

1. Watch this Ted Talk:
Feena Marie A. Garo

v=8S0FDjFBj8o&list=PLua6pzs 27dr-

2. Answer these questions:

● Is the speaker going to talk about something
inspirational? ● How is he going to make it seem like he has
something to say?
● How is he going to start with his opening?
● How does he make the speech intellectual?
● What does the graph show?
● Are his glasses real?
● Why is he wearing those glasses?
● How does it make seem like he’s building to a moment?

3. Prepare a 30-second presentation on your opinion on working

from home using the structures below:
a. People often say...
b. Since 2020...
c. Because of this...

Teacher’s copy
1. Is the speaker going to talk about something inspirational? No, he isn’t
2. How is he going to make it seem like he has something to say? Through his manner of
3. How is he going to start with his opening? He’s going to make a lot of hand gestures,
he’s going to adjust his glasses
4. How does he make the speech intellectual? He shows a picture of a man he has no
idea who he is or what he’s achieved. He simply googled the word “Scientist”
5. What does the graph show? That the majority exceeds the minority
6. Are his glasses real? No, they aren’t. They are just frames.
7. Why is he wearing those glasses? He’s wearing them to look smart
8. How does it make seem like he’s building to a moment? By slowing things down a bit,
changing the tone

:46 *Review any corrections given up to this point as dynamically as possible to show your students
12. the progress they’re making.
of the
language 3:

:47 For the speaking activity, I want you to tell me your opinion about
13. Speaking
Working from home:
1. Overall I feel…
2. I can understand that…
3. Personally speaking…
Feena Marie A. Garo

:50 1. Review corrections from the improvised speaking activity

14. Review 2. Review a selection from the drills your students have found most difficult.

:56 For the last agility activity,you’ll be transforming sentences into its affirmative, TM 7.12-14.13
15. Agility 3: negative or interrogative forms.

16. Madrid is in the center of Spain. (-) Madrid isn’t in the center of Spain. (?)
Is Madrid in the center of Spain?
17. That isn’t a window. (-) That is a book. (?) Isn’t that a window?
18. Those are not bikes. (+) Those are bikes. (?) Are those bikes?
19. She’s single. (?) Is she single? (-) She isn’t single.
20. Berlin is not in Germany. (?) Is Berlin in Germany?(+) Berlin is in
21. The sky is blue. (-) The sky isn’t blue (?) Is the sky blue?
22. Is Paris in China? (-) Paris isn’t in China.
23. He’s a fan of dogs . (?) Is he a fan of dogs? (-) He isn’t a fan of dogs.
24. I’m not here (?) Are you here? (-) You’re not here.
25. Chocolate is sweet. (-) Chocolate isn’t sweet. (?) Is chocolate sweet?
26. They’re happy. (-) They aren’t happy (?) Are they happy?
27. Are they laughing? (-) They aren’t laughing (+) They are laughing.
28. Is there milk in the fridge? (+) There’s milk in the fridge. (-) There isn’t
milk in the fridge
29. Are you excited? (-) I’m not excited. (+) I’m excited..
There’s a cat in my room. (?) Is there a cat in my room? (-) There isn’t a cat in
my room.
Feena Marie A. Garo

Start time / Notes /

Activity Modifications:
Advanced Lesson Plan:

:00 Strengths & Weaknesses assessment Level Test

1. Strengths & (Strengths &
Weaknesses Hi I’m Feena and I’ll be your teacher for today. It’s very nice to meet you Weakness
Assessment / Assessment)
warm-up ________.
activity: I’ll be doing a short assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. I’ll be
asking you some questions and you’ll have to answer in complete sentences.

1. What do you use a pen for? (I use it to write.)

2. Do you drive to work despite the traffic? (I drive to work despite
the traffic.)
3. Tell me to speak slowly. What did you tell me to do? (I told you
to speak slowly.)
4. I wasn’t invited to the party. Ask me why I wasn’t invited to the party.
(Why weren’t you invited to the party?)
5. The bed was so heavy that I couldn’t lift it. Why couldn’t I lift it?
(TOO HEAVY) (You couldn’t lift it because it was too heavy.)
6. It was such spicy food that I couldn’t eat it. Why couldn’t I eat
the food? (You couldn’t eat the food because it was too
7. What did you tell your friends yesterday? (I told them to …)
And what did they tell you? (They told me to….)
8. If you had enough time, would you travel around the world?
(full answer) (If I had enough time. I would travel around the
9. Ask me if I would take an aspirin if I had a headache. (Would
you take an aspirin if you had a headache?)
10. Would you take English classes if your English were perfect? (If
my English were perfect. I wouldn’t take English classes.)
11. How many windows did you break yesterday? I didn’t break any
windows yesterday. And so far today? I haven’t broken any
windows today.
12. Ask me if I remembered to go to work yesterday. (Did
Feena Marie A. Garo

you remember to go to work yesterday?)

13. Ask me if I reminded my sister to call our mother. (Did you
remind your sister to call your mother?)
14. My boss said to me: “Don’t do that again!” What did my boss
tell me? (She told you not to do it again.)
15. What’s a bottle opener for? (A bottle opener is for opening bottles.)

:06 Introduction For basics or fundamentals, you’ll be answering in this form PB, p23, 28
2. example: 1/2 is the same as 50%

:08 For the next activity, we’ll be practicing Vocabulary. VB5/6

3. Vocabulary:
Let's look at some Spanish words that you’ll translate into English.
Feena Marie A. Garo

:13 *Review any corrections given up to this point as dynamically as possible to show your students
4. the progress they’re making
of the
language 1:

:14 For our first Main Grammar Point we are going to talk about “to be TM 26.11 -
5. MGP1: 30.20
used to and to get used to”

I will say “ Nigel is accustomed to living well.” and you would say “
Nigel is used to living well.”

1. Nigel is accustomed to living well. (Nigel is used to living

2. Ronny is accustomed to asking his father for money. (Ronny
is used to asking his father for money.)
3. It took me a long time to get accustomed to Spanish food.
(It took me a long time to get used to Spanish food.)
4. Don’t worry. You’ll get accustomed to it. (Don’t worry. You’ll
get used to it.)
5. I can’t get accustomed to married life. (I can’t get used
to married life.)
6. Aki is getting accustomed to working in Louisiana. (Aki
is getting used to working in Louisiana.)
7. You’ll understand me better once you get accustomed to
Feena Marie A. Garo

my accent. (You’ll understand me better once you get

used to my accent.)
8. Phillip never gets accustomed to traveling in his job.
(Phillip never gets accustomed to traveling in his
9. Nancy is accustomed to dealing with a lot of different people.
(Nancy is used to dealing with a lot of different people.)
10. My sister is accustomed to decorating restaurants. (My sister
is used to decorating restaurants.)
11. As soon as you get accustomed to the food, you’ll enjoy Spain.
(As soon as you get used to the food, you’ll enjoy Spain.)
12. How long did it take you to get accustomed to the Madrid
accent? (How long did it take you to get used to the
Madrid accent?)
13. If you’re not accustomed to the music, it sounds strange.
(If you’re not used to the music, it sounds strange.)
14. It took me a month to get accustomed to it.
(It took me a month to get used to it.)
15. I’m accustomed to working in a large organization. (I’m
used to working in a large organization.

:21 Next for agility we are going to do short answers practicing auxiliary
6. Agility 1: TM 18.12-24-
verbs/modal verbs/pronouns

I will ask you a question, then you will give me the short answer.

1. Is the queen of England a British citizen? (Yes, she is.)

2. Do we know each other? (Yes, we do.)
3. Can Madonna speak English? (Yes, she can.)
4. Will it rain at least once during the next 12 months? (Yes,
it will.)
5. Do women generally live longer than men? (Yes, they do.)
6. Do I live in Spain? (Yes, you do.)
7. Can you understand me when I speak slowly? (Yes, I can.)
8. Would you get angry with me if I told you a funny joke?
(No, I wouldn’t.)
9. Did it snow very often in Sweden last winter? (Yes, it did)
10. Will I be your English teacher for the next 30 years? (No,
you won’t)
11. Have you and I been sitting here for more than one minute?
(Yes, we have.)
12. Was it raining last night when you went to bed? (No, it wasn’t)
Feena Marie A. Garo

13. Would the King of Spain call you personally if you were ill? (No,
he wouldn’t)
14. Are there really ghosts in the castles in Scotland? (Yes, there
15. Has the King of Spain ever spoken to you personally? (No, he

:26 Top correct you’re homework, I’ll show you a list of Spanish sentences. You TBC
7. Correct have to translate each of them in English.

:31 *Review any corrections given up to this point as dynamically as possible to show your students
8. the progress they’re making
of the
language 2:

:32 Change the sentence into an interrogative form.

9. Agility 2: TM 18.12-24-
1. I’ll contact him tomorrow morning. - Will I contact him tomorrow morning? 15
2. They’ll be here until 5:00 p.m. - Will they be here until 5:00 pm?
3. It takes 20 minutes to repair it. - Does it take 20 minutes to repair it?
4. He comes here because he likes the food. - Does he come here because he
likes the food?
5. It rains here about twice a week. - Does it rain here twice a week?
6. He loses his voice at least twice a year. - How often does he lose
his voice?
7. He works with Mr. Smith. - Does he work with Mr. Smith?
8. He’s from Toledo, Ohio. - Is he from Toledo, Ohio?
9. He comes to work by car. - Does he come to work by car?
10. He listens to the classical music station. - Does he listen to the classical
Feena Marie A. Garo

music station?
11. They pay me 10 dollars a month. - Do they pay you 10 dollars a month?
12. He pays me once a month. - Does he pay you once a month?
13. He’s tall, dark, and handsome. - Is he tall dark and handsome?
14. He’s pleasant, intelligent, and hard-working. - Is he pleasant, intelligent and
15. He shouts when he gets angry. - Does he shout when he gets angry?

:38 Past conditional (logical conclusions) TM 26.11 -

10. MGP2: 30.20

Let’s answer in a logical conclusion.

1. He went there because he had no choice. - If he had a choice,

he wouldn’t be there.
2. He became an English teacher because he knew English. - If he
didn’t know English, he wouldn’t become an English teacher.
3. I lost the money because I was careless. - If I wasn’t careless, I
wouldn’t lose the money.
4. The shop was damaged because there was an explosion. - If
there wasn’t an explosion, the shop wouldn’t get damaged.
5. I walked there because I didn’t have my car. - If I had a car, I
wouldn’t have walked there.
6. I didn’t call him because I didn’t know he was at home. - If I had
known he was at home, I would’ve called him.
7. The lights went out because there was a short circuit. - If there
wasn’t a short circuit, the lights wouldn’t go out.
8. Rasputin became famous because he could cure the Czar’s son.
- If Rasputin couldn’t cure Czar’s son, he wouldn’t become
9. He fell ill because he ate too many oysters. - If he hasn’t eaten
too many oysters, he wouldn’t fell ill.
10. He lost control because he didn’t understand human nature. - If
he had understood human nature, he wouldn’t lose control

:45 1. Watch this:

11. Set 2. Answer the following questions:
homework ● What could he see on the smaller screen?
● What does TA stand for?
● What does “bizarre” mean? Can you name a synonym?
● Complete the sentence: minute 4:45 “If we have a bunch of
students in the same classroom coming from different
● What does MOOC stand for?
Feena Marie A. Garo

● What does MAITs stand for?

● How would you describe what a “student breakdown”
3. Prepare a 30-second presentation on your opinion on online
a. Some might say...
b. By the look of things...
c. The point is..


1. What could he see on the smaller screen?
The professor’s face being projected to their class
2. What does TA stand for?
It stands for Teaching Assistant
3. What does “bizarre” mean? Can you name a synonym?
Strange, weird, odd, unusual
4. Complete the sentence: minute 4:45
“If we have a bunch of students in the same classroom coming from
different backgrounds... how can you expect two different students to learn
the exact same material at the same pace?”
5. What does MOOC stand for?
A massive open online course
6. What does MAITs stand for?
Massive Adaptive Interactive Text
7. How would you describe what a “student breakdown” means?
It’s an obstacle that the student encounters. Something that they can’t
understand or they need help with.

:46 *Review any corrections given up to this point as dynamically as possible to show your students
12. the progress they’re making
of the
language 3:

13. Speaking
Speaking Activity- Online vs. face-to-face learning
Let’s have 30 seconds to prepare for a topic.
Our topic will be “Online vs face-to-face learning”.
We’ll use three sentence structures:

1. Some might say...

2. By the look of things...
3. The point is...
:50 Review corrections from the improvised speaking activity
14. Review Review a selection from the drills your students have found most difficult.

:56 Create negative Questions (negative auxiliary verbs/word order) TM 26.11 -

15. Agility 3:
Feena Marie A. Garo

Introduction & Teacher Steps: 30.20

1. He wasn’t chosen for the job. Why wasn’t he chosen for the job?
2. He wasn’t informed of the problem. Why wasn’t he informed of
the problem?
3. She wasn’t invited to the party. Why wasn’t she invited to the
4. She wasn’t given an opportunity. Why wasn’t she given an
5. I wasn’t selected for the position. Why weren’t you selected for
the position?
6. I wasn’t a member of the team. Why weren’t you a member of
the team?
7. I wasn’t here yesterday. Why weren’t you here yesterday?
8. There wasn’t a party last night. Why wasn’t there a party last
9. There weren’t any job offers last week. Why weren’t there any
job offers last week?
10. There isn’t a solution to that problem. Why isn’t there a solution
to that problem?
11. There aren’t any girls at the party. Why aren’t there any girls at
the party?
12. I don’t need their help. Why don’t you need their help?
13. I don’t go see her anymore. Why don’t you see her anymore?
14. I don’t know what to do. Why don’t you know what to do?
15. I don’t have enough time. Why don’t you have enough time?

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