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Classification of Research Statements

The child and the law in Pakistan; Descriptive Research

Research describing the situation of legislation related to children in Pakistan

would be conducted for this topic.

Legal pluralism: its promises and pitfalls for Pakistan; Analytical Research

Research analyzing the potential good and bad impacts of legal pluralism upon
Pakistan would be conducted for this topic.

Study the origin and theory of cryptocurrency; Fundamental Research

Research exploring the fundamentals regarding the origin and theory of

cryptocurrency would be conducted.

How is cryptocurrency used in the Market? Applied Research

Research which explores the use of cryptocurrency in market and also suggests
how can it be used would be conducted.

Whether should Article 62 or 63 disqualify someone forever or for a specific term?

Qualitative Research

Research which analyzes the view of the researcher regarding disqualification

would be conducted.

How many politicians are disqualified under article 62 and 63; Quantitative

Research which discusses the number of politicians who have been disqualified
will be conducted.

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