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and it is longer and thinner than B-DNA.

The Z form
arises most readily in DNA regions that contain either alter-
nating purines and pyrimidines or have cytosines with
extra methyl groups (which do occur in chromosomal
DNA; see Chapter 23). Although the biological signifi-
cance of Z-DNA is not well understood, some evidence
suggests that short stretches of DNA transiently flip into
the Z configuration as part of the process that activates
the expression of certain genes.
A-DNA is a right-handed helix, shorter and thicker
than B-DNA, and can be created artificially by dehy-
groove drating B-DNA. Although A-DNA does not exist in
significant amounts under normal cellular condition,
most RNA double helices are of the A type. A-type helices
have a wider minor groove and a narrower major groove
than B-type helices, so A-RNA is not well suited for base
recognition by RNA-binding proteins from the major
groove. To recognize specific base sequences in A-RNA,
regulatory proteins generally need to unwind the duplex.

DNA Can Be Interconverted Between Relaxed

and Supercoiled Forms
(a) B-DNA (b) Z-DNA
FIGURE 18-5 Alternative Forms of DNA. (a) In the normal B In many situations, the DNA double helix can be twisted
form of DNA, the sugar-phosphate backbone forms a smooth right- upon itself to form supercoiled DNA. Although now
handed double helix. (b) In Z-DNA, the backbone forms a zigzag known to be a widespread property of DNA, supercoiling
left-handed helix. Color is used to highlight the backbones.
was first identified in the DNA of certain small viruses
containing circular DNA molecules that exist as closed
loops. Circular DNA molecules are also found in bacteria,
Another important feature is the antiparallel orienta- mitochondria, and chloroplasts. Although supercoiling is
tion of the two DNA strands, illustrated in Figure 18-4b. not restricted to circular DNA, it is easiest to study in such
This diagram shows that the phosphodiester bonds, which molecules.
join the 5¿ carbon of one nucleotide to the 3¿ carbon of A DNA molecule can go back and forth between the
the adjacent nucleotide, are oriented in opposite directions supercoiled state and the nonsupercoiled, or relaxed, state.
in the two DNA strands. Starting at the top of the To understand the basic idea, you might perform the fol-
diagram, the strand on the left is said to exhibit a 5¿ : 3¿ lowing exercise. Start with a length of rope consisting of
orientation because its first nucleotide has a free 5¿ end two strands twisted together into a right-handed coil; this
and its final nucleotide has a free 3¿ end. Conversely, the is the equivalent of a relaxed, linear DNA molecule. Just
strand on the right exhibits a 3¿ : 5¿ orientation starting joining the ends of the rope together changes nothing; the
from the top because its first nucleotide has a free 3¿ end rope is now circular but still in a relaxed state. But before
and its final nucleotide has a free 5¿ end. The opposite ori- sealing the ends, if you first give the rope an extra twist in
entation of the two strands has important implications for the direction in which the strands are already entwined
both DNA replication and DNA transcription, as we will around each other, the rope is thrown into a positive super-
see in Chapters 19 and 21. coil. Conversely, if before sealing, you give the rope an
The right-handed Watson–Crick helix is an ideal- extra twist in the opposite direction, the rope is thrown
ized version of what is called B-DNA (Figure 18-5a). into a negative supercoil. Like the rope in this example, a
Naturally occurring B-DNA double helices are flexible relaxed DNA molecule can be converted to a positive
molecules whose exact shapes and dimensions depend supercoil by twisting in the same direction as the double
on the local nucleotide sequence. Although B-DNA is helix is wound and into a negative supercoil by twisting in
the main form of DNA in cells (and in test tube solutions the opposite direction (Figure 18-6). Circular DNA mol-
of DNA), other forms may also exist, perhaps in short ecules found in nature, including those of bacteria,
segments interspersed in molecules that are mostly viruses, and eukaryotic organelles, are invariably nega-
B-DNA. The most important of these alternative forms tively supercoiled.
are Z-DNA and A-DNA. As shown in Figure 18-5b, Supercoiling also occurs in linear DNA molecules
Z-DNA is a left-handed double helix. Its name derives when regions of the molecule are anchored to some cell
from the zigzag pattern of its sugar-phosphate backbone, structure and so cannot freely rotate. At any given time,

514 Chapter 18 The Structural Basis of Cellular Information: DNA, Chromosomes, and the Nucleus

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