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Project Report

Name: Vasu Goswami

SID: 200502321
Course: ENEL 835
Professor: Elmer Demeter
Date: April 10 2024
Tabel of contents

1.Introduction .……………………………………………………………………………………………………
1.1 Overview
1.2 Scope of Project
2. Operational Framework……………………………………………………………………………………
3.Protection Strategy Overview……………………………………………………………………………
3.1 Reverse Blocking Protection
4. Fault Level and Load Analysis…………………………………………………………………………...
4.1 Fault Current Calculation
4.2 CT Ratio
4.3 Tripping Time
5. Communication Protocols and Logic Implementation………………………………………..
5.1 IEC 61850 GOOSE Messaging
5.2 Interlocking and Reclosing Logic
6. Voltage and Frequency Protection……………………………………………………………………
7. Inverse Time Curves………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. Conclusion

List of Figures

Fig2.1 Single line Diagram of the system

Fig2.2 System Parameters
Fig3.1 Impedance Diagram
Fig4.1 Base Values of the System
Fig4.2 per unit values for the system
Fig4.3 Calculation of Actual Values
Fig4.4 Calculation of Load Current on LS and HS of the Transformer
Fig4.5 CT ratio on LowSide
Fig4.6 CT for HighSide
Fig4.7 Tripping Time using Time Dial
Fig7.4 GOOSE2 Inverse-Time Curve
Fig4.8 Mmax Calculations
Fig7.1 LS Inverse-Time Curve
Fig7.2 HS Inverse-Time Curve

Fig7.3 GOOSE Inverse-Time Graph

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview

This report provides an overview of the strategies, for integrating distributed generation
(DG) into existing power systems to enhance their sustainability and reliability. It specifically
examines the mechanisms that ensure operations. Areas of focus include the system's
configuration safeguarding against issues and communication protocols among devices.
Through an analysis of these components, our aim is to provide practical recommendations for
the safe and efficient integration of DG, into the power grid. Our ultimate objective is to address
obstacles and facilitate the adoption of energy paving the way for a sustainable energy
landscape for all.

1.2 Scope of Project

It outlines the important technical details needed to combine distributed generation into
the distribution feeder smoothly. One key aspect is using SEL-751A relays, which are advanced
devices that protect the system from problems like overloads and faults. These relays act quickly
to isolate any issues in the system, keeping the rest of the system running smoothly. We're also
creating a detailed diagram to map out how everything connects, making it easier to plan and
understand. It's crucial to follow SaskPower's rules to make sure everything works well together

and meets regulations. This ensures that our integration of distributed generation aligns with
industry standards and operates safely within the established framework.

2. Operational Framework

Fig2.1 Single line Diagram of the system

Given System technical parameters

The parameters given are crucial, for our analysis in fault calculations. We will use these values
as the basis, for determining parameters needed for our fault analysis.

System fault level (Ssys)=600 MVA

Transformer rating (STX)=25 MVA
Transformer impedance (ZTX)= 6%
High side voltage (VH)=138 kV
Low side voltage (VL)=25 kV
Line segment to distributed generation impedance (ZDG)= 5j Ω
Line segment from distributed generation to end of the line impedance (ZLE)= 4j Ω
Maximum load on the transformer (Smax)= 0 to 15 MVA
All resistances are assumed to be zero for making calculations easy.

3. Protection Strategy Overview

Fig2.2 System Parameters

The fundamental, behind protecting the power system is to make sure it stays reliable and
safe. This involves principles like selectivity, sensitivity and speed which help in detecting and
addressing faults efficiently while minimizing interruption to the system. Selectivity means that
protection devices can pinpoint and address faults in areas of the system disconnecting the
affected parts while keeping the rest running smoothly. Sensitivity is about these devices being
able to detect the fault currents ensuring that all issues are caught early on. Speed plays a role,
in identifying and isolating faults reducing outage times and improving overall system

We use two relays, Relay 50 and Relay 51 to protect our system. Relay 50 acts quickly in
response, to levels by opening the circuit breaker while Relay 51 addresses prolonged
overcurrent situations. These relays are vital, for detecting and managing overcurrent issues
promptly to uphold the integrity of the system. Additionally relying on advanced protection
tools like SEL 751A provides comprehensive protection by monitoring voltage, frequency, and
other parameters to safeguard equipment and ensure system stability. By utilizing these relays
and devices we prioritize the safety and dependability of our power system.

3.1 Reverse Blocking Protection

Reverse blocking protection functions resembles a bit like a domino effect, where one action
triggers the next like setting up a line of dominoes. If there's an obstacle in the middle
disrupting the chain reaction the dominoes beyond that point remain unaffected as the
sequence halts there. Similarly, within our system if a fault arises at a junction the nearest
protection relay identifies it and blocks the fault signal from progressing to the next relay. This
mechanism ensures that only essential relays respond to faults preventing shutdowns and
upholding system stability. To assist communication among these relays we used IEC 61850
GOOSE messaging. Comparable, to how traffic lights exchange information in time. These
GOOSE messages enable relay communication and ensure unbroken coordination among all

Fig3.1 Impedance Diagram

4. Fault Levels and Load Analysis

4.1 Fault Current Calculation:

The methodology for calculating the fault current at the low side of the transformer
and determining the maximum load current using applicable formulae involves several
steps. We begin with the base values of the low side of the transformer’s side and figuring out
the load current entails a series of steps. To start we set up system parameters like transformer
rating and impedance values. These calculations play a role, in establishing measures and
ensuring the system can manage electrical loads safely while reacting to faults efficiently.

Fig4.1 Base Values of the System

After doing the first set of calculations the next thing is to figure out the per unit values, for
parts like the system distributed generation (DG) line segment (LE) and transformer on a per
unit basis.

Fig4.2 per unit values for the system

Now, we will calculate actual values based on per unit values set of calculation, for DG, low side
and high side of the transformer.

Fig4.3 Calculation of Actual Values

Here, you'll find the Mathcad calculations for determining the load current on both the low and
high sides of the transformer. These calculations offer information on the current movement in
different load scenarios, which is essential, for setting up the right protection parameters.

Fig4.4 Calculation of Load Current on LS and HS of the Transformer

4.2 CT Ratio

When selecting on the CT ratio, for both low side and high side we follow guidelines specific to
this project that the load current on the secondary side of the CT should be around 1A and the
fault current should not go over 20A.

By taking these factors into reason we make sure that the CT ratios accurately represent the
expected currents in our system. For example, we opt for a CT ratio of 350 on the side to keep
the load current, in check. Similarly, a CT ratio of 65 is chosen for the side to handle fault
currents while staying within limits.

By using Mathcad calculations, we review fault currents, load currents and pickup currents to
justify our CT ratio choices and ensure they meet the criteria. This method helps us achieve
measurement and reliable system protection under various operating conditions

Fig4.5 CT ratio on LowSide

Calculation for the high side CT ratio calculation

Fig4.6 CT for HighSide

4.3 Tripping Time

Selecting the time dial and determining tripping times is crucial for effective protection system
operation This includes examining the systems features and potential faults to establish time
settings and guarantee that protective devices work together seamlessly. Using Mathcad
calculations helps demonstrate this procedure assisting in determining trip times for fault
scenarios and improving the dependability of our protection approach.

Here, we assumed the time dial (TD) = 1.2 using this we’ll be able to calculate low side DG as
well as tripping time for the respective side

Fig4.7 Tripping Time using Time Dial

On the high side, determining the Time Dial is necessary for configuring relay settings
precisely. After calculations, we set the Time Dial to 6.066, as depicted in the Mathcad
calculations provided in Figure 4.6. Additionally, to enhance system stability, we
incorporate a 0.4-second delay into the tripping time on the high side, ensuring
smooth operation during fault conditions.

Fig4.8 Mmax Calculations

5. Communication Protocols and Logic Implementation

5.1 IEC 61850 GOOSE Messaging

When it comes to communication protocols and logic implementation using IEC 61850 GOOSE
messaging is crucial, for coordinating relays and protecting systems. Picture this; where a fault
occurs in a remote part of the power grid. Through the implementation of GOOSE messaging,
relays stationed throughout the grid can swiftly exchange information about the fault, enabling
coordinated actions such as reverse blocking, where upstream relays are informed not to trip

GOOSE messages are packets broadcasted across the Ethernet network sharing details, about
the system status and events. These messages include data attributes called data objects that
convey information, like faults and relay statuses. Through setting up GOOSE messages with
data objects and parameters relays can smoothly share information enabling decision making
and coordinated protective responses. GOOSE messaging involves relays using specific
signals to communicate and coordinate their actions. For example, when there's a
fault, they exchange these signals to decide how to respond, ensuring the system
operates safely and efficiently. It's similar to how people use hand signals or gestures
to communicate and work together effectively.

5.2 Interlocking and Reclosing Logic

The systems of interlocking and reclosing play roles in maintaining the security and reliability of
the power grid. These mechanisms work together efficiently during fault occurrences to reduce
risks and protect equipment. For instance, interlocking rules determine the order of steps taken
when a fault happens making sure that the circuit breaker is quickly activated to isolate the
problem area. This procedure depends on algorithms and communication methods to evaluate
fault situations and activate responses quickly.

Reclosing logic, on the other hand, heads the re-energization of the circuit after a fault
has been cleared. This involves evaluating various parameters, including the status of
the distributed generation (DG) and feeder relays, to determine when it is safe to close
the circuit breaker again. By analyzing real-time data and following to defined criteria,
the reclosing logic minimizes the risk of re-energizing the system too soon, thereby
preventing potential damage.

6. Voltage and Frequency Protection

Protection Settings

In this project case the settings, for voltage and frequency protection (27, 59 81O, 81U) played a
role in keeping the system stable and secure. For example the 27 setting protected against
overvoltage safeguarding equipment from damage due to voltage levels. Similarly, the 59 setting
offered protection against under-voltage to ensure that the voltage stayed within limits and
prevent system instabilities.

Moreover, the 81O and 81U settings were crucial, in guarding against low-frequency situations.
These settings helped maintain the system’s frequency within a specified range to avoid
disruptions and ensure performance. By choosing and configuring these protection settings we
improved the system's resilience. Reduced the risks associated with voltage and frequency

7. Inverse Time Curves

Fig7.1 LS Inverse-Time Curve

The figure demonstrates how the LS 51 relay behaves, under fault scenarios. Using a time dial
(TD) setting of 1.2 the chart shows how the relays response time adjusts with increasing fault
severity. For instance, during a station fault the relay triggers quicker, at a factor of 8.197
indicating the issue. Likewise at the Distributed Generation (DG) location, the relay swiftly reacts
at a factor of 1.805. This inverse time feature ensures that the relay responds instantly to faults
assisting in isolating faulty sections to safeguard the feeder efficiently.

Fig7.2 HS Inverse-Time Curve

The following graph shows how the high-side feeder protection relay, known as Relay HS 51
responds to types of faults based on the IEC U5 curve with a time dial setting of 6.066. It shows
how the relays response time varies for fault scenarios. For instance when there is a fault, at the
side (LS) with a multiple of 8.197 the relay behaves differently compared to a fault at the
Distributed Generation (DG) site with a multiple of 1.805 or a fault at the high side (HS) with a
multiple of 20. This curve indicates that the relays operation times are longer to satisfy
specifically high-side protection needs where coordination with devices is critical. The increased
timing allows lower level protection systems to address faults before intervention by the high
side relay ensuring stability and continuity in the power system.

Fig7.3 GOOSE Inverse-Time Graph

The graph depicts the inverse time curves, for two feeder protection relays; LS 51 and HS 51.
Each relay is configured with its time dial setting, with LS 51 adjusted to 1.2 and HS 51 set at
6.066. An interesting aspect is the inclusion of Relay HS 50 which utilizes GOOSE blocking. This
innovative functionality enables the relay to adapt its operation dynamically in response to
communication signals. The curve illustrates the speed at which each relay reacts to faults at
points within the system whether it be at LS, DG or HS locations.

Fig7.4 GOOSE2 Inverse-Time Curve

The diagram above shows the union of inverse-time curves for LS 51 and HS 51 relays, alongside
the incorporation of GOOSE blocking in the HS 50 relay. With LS 51 set to a time dial of 1.2 and
HS 51 to 6.066, the diagram showcases how each relay responds to different fault scenarios
within the system. The addition of GOOSE blocking in the HS 50 relay highlights an advanced
approach to system protection, where inter-relay communication enables real-time decision-
making. This advanced feature enhances coordination and efficiency, especially in complex
systems with multiple fault sources.

8. Conclusion

In wrapping up our project, we've covered a lot of ground in making sure our power system
stays safe and reliable, especially with the integration of renewable energy sources. We've
focused on using advanced relays like the SEL-751A and clever communication methods such as
GOOSE messaging to keep everything running smoothly. Through careful planning and
calculations, we've managed to protect the system from faults and disruptions while ensuring it
stays stable and resilient.

Looking ahead, there's still room for improvement. We suggest further research into real-time
monitoring and smarter protection strategies to make our power systems even more
dependable. Our project lays the groundwork for future innovations in safeguarding our energy
infrastructure and ensuring a sustainable energy future for everyone.


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