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I like the pages you showed me you made where there are breaks in content as you scroll
down and they are separated by wavy lines

Here’s color palette-

F2F230 icterine
FAFF00 yellow

:hover buttons that circle and disappear upon hovering before clicking
7B9EA8 cadet gray

78586F chinese violet

17301C dark green

F0D2D1 misty rose

All text black

03191E rich black

FC7A1E pumpkin

EFC3F5 pink lavender

We’ll have to see which works best. Maybe Use any of these colors as you think would be
interesting to highlight images or for css shadows, etc.. we can discuss


Home - same basically as index but with some written content

Contact - a submission form with response. Email must be sent to send contact.
Perhaps some javascript so no one can send malicious code. I can find this if you don’t already
have some
Community - a blog type forum page where blogs can be written and comments posted

Shop - large space for carousel images. three - four… maybe use anything free. And arranged
for a price and description below… We will include stripe at a later time.

White Papers - similar to community where papers can be posted as pdfs or imgs that are
linked to a page titled Playground for further blog mechanics.. (eg: posts with comments

Mission - for a mission statement, Paragraph structures centered.

use lorem and i’ll fill it in or send when complete.

Font for h1s and text should be slightly different. Professional font– something not too fancy or
casual.. But the theme is for semi-casual business.

Business name and text should be something similar to Courier but maybe more professional
looking… but is very easy to read – not too dark, fontweight should be medium-thin very legible
but with balance. Slightly nerdy/computer geeky but mostly easy to read.

Logo clickable on all pages to lead back to index or shop…

mission logo links to shop,
about links to shop,
everything else links to index

Shop should have a different color across half the page below images for text.

This is a start. Ill create the imgs. And Let me know what makes sense to you. You obviously
have good experience and if something needs to change or in your opinion stand out, let me
know.. I’m open to suggestions.

I like the bright yellow but it’s possible something ever so slightly more gold is better?

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