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Regulation of Extracellular Osmolarity & Sodium Concentration

Dr. Sheila Marie O. Baria | 12-07-2020 | MWF | 7:30-10:00 AM | Lec
OUTLINE ♦ Decreases urine output (concentrated urine)
 Powerful feedback system regulating plasma osmolarity and
I. Osmolarity
sodium concentration
II. Total Body Water ♦ By altering renal water excretion of water independently
III. Mechanisms for Excreting a Dilute Urine of the rate of solute excretion.
IV. Obligatory Urine Volume  When solutes in the body fluids become too concentrated:
V. Requirements for Excreting a Concentrated Urine ♦ Increased ADH (posterior pituitary gland)
VI. Role of Urea ♦ Increase water reabsorption in distal tubule and collecting
VII. Urine Concentrating Mechanisms and Osmolarities of the ducts.
Nephron Segments ♦ Decrease urine volume.
 When ECF osmolarity is reduced due to excess water
VIII. Estimating Plasma Osmolarity
♦ Decreased ADH.
IX. Osmoreceptor-ADH Feedback
♦ Decreased water reabsorption in the distal tubule and
X. Role of Thirst collecting ducts.
XI. Disorders of Water Balance (Hyponatremia & Hypernatremia) ♦ Increased urine volume.
XII. Quiz Review


 Total concentration of solutes in the ECF.

 Determined by the number of solutes divided by the volume
of ECF.
 Together with ECF, Na concentration is regulated by EC
amount of water.


 Controlled by fluid intake (regulated by factors that control

 Renal excretion of water (controlled by factors that influence
GFR and tubular reabsorption)


Figure 1. Water Diuresis in humans after ingestion of 1 L water.
 Excess water in the body After water ingestion: (1) Increased Urine Volume, (2) Decreased Urine
♦ Osmolarity is reduced Osmolarity (3) causing an INCREASE diluted urine excretion however total
♦ Kidneys excrete as much as 20L/day of dilute urine (50 amount of solute excreted by kidneys is CONSTANT. This prevents plasma
mOsm/L) osmolarity from decreasing markedly during excess water ingestion.
 Deficit of water
♦ Osmolarity is high  Glomerular filtrate osmolarity is about the same as plasma
♦ Kidneys excrete a concentrated urine (1200 – 1400 (300 mOsm/L).
mOsm/L)  To excrete excess H2O, it is necessary to dilute the filtrate as it
 A dilute or concentrated urine is excreted without a change in passes along the tubule.
the excretion of solutes in the body (Na, K).  Achieved by reabsorbing solutes to a greater extent than
 This ability to regulate H2O excretion independent of solute water which occurs only in certain segments of the tubular
excretion is necessary for survival especially when fluid intake system.
is limited.


 Also known as vasopressin

 Secreted by the posterior pituitary gland
 Alters renal excretion of water independent of the rate of
solute excretion
 Deficit of water
♦ Increase ADH secretion
♦ Allows a large amount of water to be reabsorbed in the
distal & collecting tubule.

"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." -Isek Dinesen 1|8

 Additional reabsorption of sodium chloride as the dilute fluid

passes into the late distal convoluted tubule, cortical collecting
duct, and collecting tubule.
 Impermeable to water in the absence of ADH.
 Solutes are continually reabsorbed thus creating a very
diluted urine (as low as 50 mOsm/L).
 Failure to reabsorb water & continued reabsorption of solutes
lead to excretion of a large volume of diluted urine.


 Results from the continuous reabsorption of solutes and

Figure 2. Formation of dilute urine when ADH levels are very low. failure of water reabsorption from distal tubules.
 In healthy kidneys, fluid leaving the ascending loop & early
FORMATION OF DILUTE URINE WHEN ADH LEVELS ARE VERY distal tubule is always diluted regardless of the level of ADH.
LOW ♦ Without ADH, urine is further diluted in the late distal
tubule & collecting ducts and a large volume of dilute urine
 In the ascending loop of Henle, fluid becomes very dilute. In is excreted.
the distal & collecting tubules, fluid becomes further diluted
by reabsorption of NaCl and failure of water reabsorption
when ADH levels are low. The failure to reabsorb water and
continuous reabsorption of solutes lead to a large volume of
dilute urine (milliosmoles per L).


 Water and solutes are reabsorbed in equal proportions.

 Little change in osmolarity occurs.
 Remains isosmotic to the plasma (300 mOsm/L).


 Water is reabsorbed by osmosis until it equilibrates with the

surrounding interstitial fluid of the renal medulla which is very
hypertonic (about 2-4 times the osmolarity of original
glomerular filtrate).
 Tubular fluid becomes more concentrated as it flows into the
inner medulla. Figure 3. Mechanisms of urine dilution.


 In the thick segment (THAL = thick ascending loop), active
 Minimum volume of urine that must be excreted to get rid of
reabsorption of Na+, K+ and Cl- occurs.
the body of products of metabolism and ions that are
 Impermeable to water even in the presence of large amounts
of ADH
 Dictated by the maximal concentrating ability of the kidney
 Tubular fluid becomes more dilute as it ascends the loop
(1200 mOsm/L).
(hypo-osmotic – can be as low as 100 mOsm/L, about 1/3 that
 A 70-kg man must excrete 600 mOsm of solutes per day.
of plasma until leaving the early distal convoluted tubule).
 If maximal urine concentrating ability is 1200 mOsm/L,
 Hypo-osmolarity of fluid in this segment is independent of the
obligatory urine volume can be calculated as:
presence of ADH.
600 𝑚𝑂𝑠𝑚/𝑑𝑎𝑦
= 0.5 𝐿/𝑑𝑎𝑦
1200 𝑚𝑂𝑠𝑚/𝐿
Nice to know!
 Regardless of whether ADH is present or absent,  This minimal loss of volume in the urine contributes to
fluid leaving the early distal tubular segment is dehydration along with losses from lungs, GIT, and skin when
hypoosmotic, with an osmolarity of only 1/3 the water is not available to drink.
osmolarity of plasma.

 The limited ability of the human kidney to concentrate the

urine to a maximal concentration of 1200 mOsm/L explains

"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." -Isek Dinesen 2|8
why severe dehydration occurs if one attempts to drink
 Seawater contains 3.0 to 3.5% NaCl concentration with an
osmolarity between 1000 to 1200 mOsm/L.
 Why then does drinking seawater cause dehydration?
♦ The answer is that the kidney must also excrete other
solutes, especially urea, which contribute about 600
mOsm/L when the urine is maximally concentrated.
♦ Therefore, the maximum concentration of sodium
chloride that can be excreted by the kidneys is about 600
♦ Thus, for every liter of seawater drunk, 1.5 liters of urine
volume would be required to rid the body of 1200
milliosmoles of sodium chloride ingested in addition to
600 milliosmoles of other solutes such as urea.
♦ This would result in a net fluid loss of 0.5 liter for every liter
Figure 3. Formation of a concentrated urine when antidiuretic hormone
of seawater drunk, explaining the rapid dehydration that
(ADH) levels are high. Note that the fluid leaving the loop of Henle is
occurs in shipwreck victims who drink seawater.
diluted becomes concentrated as water is absorbed from the distal tubules
and collecting tubules. With high ADH levels, the osmolarity of the urine is
V. REQUIREMENTS FOR EXCRETING A CONCENTRATING about the same as the osmolarity of the renal medullary interstitial fluid in
URINE the papilla, which is about 1200 mOsm/L. (Numerical values are in
milliosmoles per liter.)


 Provide rapid estimate of urine solute concentration.
 The higher the urine concentration, the higher the urine
 This process involves the operation of the countercurrent
specific gravity.
 Linearly increases with increasing urine osmolarity.
 Depends on the special anatomical arrangement of the loops
 It is the measure of the weight of solutes in each volume of
of Henle and the vasa recta (the specialized peritubular
urine determined by size and number of solute molecules
capillaries of the renal medulla.
♦ Expressed in grams/mL
♦ 25% of human nephrons are juxtamedullary nephrons
♦ Ranges from 1.002 to 1.028
with loops of Henle and vasa recta that go deeply into the
♦ Rises by 0.001 for every 35 to 40 mOsm/L increase in urine
medulla before returning to the cortex.
♦ Critical role of the collecting ducts in this mechanism:
 Altered by glucose, radiocontrast media, and antibiotics
Carry urine through the hyperosmotic renal medulla
before it is excreted.

 High Level of ADH Countercurrent Mechanism Producing a Hyperosmotic Renal

♦ Increases water permeability of distal tubules and Medullary Interstitium
collecting ducts, allowing water reabsorption
 Interstitial fluid osmolarity in all parts of the body is 300
 High Osmolarity of the Renal Medullary Interstitial Fluid
mOsm/L, similar to plasma osmolarity.
♦ Provides osmotic gradient necessary for water
 Interstitial fluid osmolarity of renal medulla is much higher –
reabsorption to occur in presence of high levels of ADH
1200 to 1400 mOsm/L (in the pelvic tip of the medulla).
 The renal medullary interstitium surrounding the collecting
♦ This means it has accumulated large solutes in great excess
ducts are normally hyperosmotic.
of water.
 The presence of high ADH levels move water from the
 Once high solute concentration is achieved, it is maintained by
collecting tubules via osmosis to the interstitium.
balance inflow and outflow of solutes & water in medulla.
 The water is carried away by the vasa recta back into the
 Thus, urine concentrating ability is limited by the ADH levels FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO BUILDUP OF SOLUTE
and by the degree of hyperosmolarity of the renal medulla. CONCENTRATION

 Active transport of Na+ and co-transport of K+, Cl- and other

ions out of the thick portion of the ascending limb of the loop
of Henle into the medullary interstitium.
 Active transport of ions from the collecting ducts into the
medullary interstitium.
 Facilitated diffusion of large amounts of urea from the inner
medullary collecting ducts into the medullary interstitium, far
less than solute reabsorption into the medullary interstitium.
 Diffusion of only small amounts of water from medullary
collecting tubules into the interstitium, far less than the
reabsorption of solutes into the medullary interstitium.

"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." -Isek Dinesen 3|8
 These steps are repeated over and over, with the net effect of
adding more and more solute to the medulla in excess of
 With sufficient time, this process gradually traps solutes in the
medulla and multiplies the concentration gradient established
by the active pumping of ions out of the thick ascending loop
of Henle, eventually raising the interstitial fluid osmolarity to
1200 to 1400 mOsm/L.


 Multiplication of the gradient established by the active pump

Figure 4. Summary of tubule characteristics – urine concentration. in the thick ascending loop of Henle, raising the medullary
interstitial osmolarity to as high as 1200 to 1400 mosm/L.
0, minimal level of active transport or permeability  The repetitive reabsorption of sodium chloride by the thick
+, moderate level of active transport or permeability ascending loop of Henle and continued inflow of new sodium
++, high level of active transport or permeability chloride from the proximal tubule into the loop of Henle.
+ADH, permeability to water or urea is increased by ADH  The sodium chloride reabsorbed from the ascending loop of
Henle keeps adding to the newly arrived sodium chloride, thus
SOLUTE TRAPPING IN THE RENAL MEDULLA "multiplying" its concentration in the medullary interstitium.

 Special Characteristics of Loop of Henle:

♦ Most important cause of high medullary osmolarity
 Active transport of Na+ and co-transport of K+, Cl- and other
ions from the thick ascending Loop of Henle into the
 Capable of establishing 200 mOsm/L concentration gradient
between tubular lumen and interstitial fluid.
 Descending limb of Loop of Henle is very permeable to water
and tubular fluid osmolarity quickly becomes equal to the
renal medullary osmolarity.
 Tubular fluid osmolarity rises as it flows to the tip of the loop.
Figure 5. Countercurrent multiplier system in the loop of Henle for
STEPS IN CAUSING HYPEROSMOTIC RENAL MEDULLA producing a hyperosmotic renal medulla. (Numerical values are in
milliosmoles per liter.)
1. Assume loops are filled with fluid with 300 mOsm/L, same
as in the proximal tubule fluid. VI. ROLE OF UREA
2. Active pump of the thick ascending limb on the loop of
Henle is turned on, reducing concentration inside the tubule ROLE OF UREA IN HYPEROSMOTIC RENAL MEDULLARY
and raising interstitial concentration until a 200-mOsm/L INTERSTITIUM AND TO CONCENTRATED URINE
concentration gradient is reached (maximum limit because
paracellular back diffusion of ions counterbalances the  Urea contributes about 40% (500 mOsm/L) of the renal
transport of ions out of the lumen). medullary interstitium osmolarity.
♦ When the kidney is forming a maximally concentrated
3. Osmosis of water from the descending limb of the loop of urine.
Henle occurs until tubular fluid and interstitial fluid osmolarity  Passively reabsorbed from the inner medullary collecting ducts
equilibrates. Interstitial fluid osmolarity is then maintained at (IMCD) into the interstitium.
400 mOsm/L because of the continued transport of ions of the
4. Additional flow of fluid into the loop from the proximal
tubule pushes the previously hyperosmotic fluid in the  As water flows into the ascending limb, into the distal and
descending limb to flow into the ascending limb. cortical collecting tubule, little urea reabsorption occurs due
There, the pump actively transports the ions out to the to impermeability of these tubules.
interstitium, leaving water in the tubule until the 200  With ADH and consequent water reabsorption to the
mOsm/L gradient is reached. interstitium, urea concentration inside the tubules increases.
 As the fluid reaches the inner medullary collecting duct
5. Again, water from the descending limb, equilibrates with (permeable to urea) further water reabsorption takes place,
the hyperosmotic medullary interstitial fluid. causing an even higher concentration of urea in the tubular
6. As the hyperosmotic tubular fluid in the descending limb fluid.
flows into the ascending limb, this allows more solute buildup
in the medullary interstitium.

"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." -Isek Dinesen 4|8
 Simultaneous reabsorption of water and urea out of the inner VII. URINE CONCENTRATING MECHANISMS AND
medullary collecting ducts maintains a high urea concentration OSMOLARITIES OF THE NEPHRON SEGMENTS
in the tubular fluid.
 Urea recirculation
♦ Occurs from the collecting ducts to the loop of Henle PROXIMAL TUBULE
♦ Provides an additional mechanism for forming a
 Highly permeable to water.
hyperosmotic renal medulla
 65% of filtered electrolytes reabsorbed here.
 Malnutrition
 Osmolarity is the same as plasma (300 mOsm/L).
♦ Associated with a low urea concentration in the inner
medullary interstitium.
♦ Impaired urine concentrating ability.
 Diffusion of urea is facilitated by urea transporters DESCENDING LOOP OF HENLE
◦ Activated by ADH  Highly permeable to water, less permeable to electrolytes.
◦ Increase transport of urea out of the IMCD  Osmolarity gradually increases until it equalizes with the
surrounding interstitial fluid; may reach to 1200 mOsm/L.
 2 Special features of the renal medullary blood flow to
preserve its hyperosmolarity.  Impermeable to water.
♦ Low medullary blood flow  More permeable to NaCl.
 Some passive diffusion of NaCl in to the interstitium.
◦ 1 to 2% of the renal blood flow.
 The tubular fluid becomes more dilute as it flows to the thick
◦ Minimizes solute loss but sufficient to supply metabolic
 Urea from the medullary interstitium (from the inner
♦ Vasa recta serve as countercurrent exchangers
medullary collecting duct) diffuses back into this segment.
◦ To minimize solute washout from the interstitium.
◦ Vasa recta like other capillaries is highly permeable to
solutes in the blood except protein. THICK ASCENDING LOOP
◦ Has a U-shaped configuration.
 Impermeable to water
 Active transport of electrolytes
Steps Involved
 Tubular fluid becomes dilute
 Plasma flowing from the descending limb of the vasa recta
♦ Water diffusion out of the blood.
♦ Solute diffusion from the renal interstitium into the blood.  Early Distal Tubule
 In the ascending limb of the vasa recta, solutes diffuse back ♦ Same properties as the thick ascending loop
into the interstitium and water diffuses back into the vasa
recta. The U-shaped capillary prevents the loss of solutes from  Late Distal Tubule/Cortical Collecting Tubule
the interstitium. ♦ Osmolarity dependent on the levels of ADH
♦ Urea is not permeant, resulting in increased urea
Counter Current Exchanger concentration as water is reabsorbed.
♦ Highly permeable to water.
 The vasa recta do not create the medullary hypersosmolarity,
but preserves it by the diffusion of fluid and solutes into and  Inner Medullary Collecting Duct
out of the medullary interstitium and the blood. ♦ Tubular fluid concentration depends on ADH and
 Though it minimizes solute loss from the interstitium, it medullary interstitial osmolarity established by the
maintains its reabsorptive capacity through bulk flow due to countercurrent mechanism
the colloid osmotic and hydrostatic pressures that favor
reabsorption in these capillaries. POINTS TO CONSIDER
 Even with maximal levels of ADH, urine concentrating ability
of the kidneys will be reduced without medullary interstitial  The kidney can excrete a highly concentrated urine that
hyperosmolarity. contains little sodium.
 Drugs that can increase medullary blood flow can reduce urine ♦ Hyperosmolarity of this urine is due to high concentration
concentrating ability. of other solutes such as urea.
 Large increases in BP can increase medullary blood flow to a ♦ E.g., dehydration with low sodium intake, stimulates
greater extent than other regions in the kidney and tend to formation of angiotensin II and aldosterone, causes avid
wash out the hyperosmotic interstitium, thereby reducing reabsorption from tubules leaving concentrated urea and
urine-concentrating ability. solutes.
 Large quantities of dilute urine can be excreted without
sodium excretion (due to ADH).
♦ Accomplished by decrease in ADH secretions → reduces
water reabsorption in distal tubular segments.
 The obligatory volume is dictated by the max concentrating
ability of the kidney, and the amount of solutes to be excreted.

"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." -Isek Dinesen 5|8
VIII. ESTIMATING PLASMA OSMOLARITY  The opposite sequence of events occurs when the
extracellular fluid becomes too diluted (hypo-osmotic).
♦ For example, with excess water ingestion and a decrease
 Na+ and its associate anions (bicarbonate and Cl) account for
in extracellular fluid osmolarity, less ADH is formed, the
about 94% of solutes in the ECF.
renal tubules decrease their permeability for water, less
 Posm = 2.1 x plasma Na+ concentration.
water is reabsorbed, and a large volume of dilute urine is
 To be exact, and if there is a renal disease, the contributions
of urea and glucose are included (about 3 to 5 % more).
♦ This in turn concentrates the body fluids and returns
 Systems that regulate Na+ concentration and ECF osmolarity:
plasma osmolarity toward normal.
♦ Osmoreceptor–ADH system
♦ Thirst mechanism
IX. OSMORECEPTOR-ADH FEEDBACK  ADH is synthesized in the supraoptic (5/6 of ADH) and
paraventricular nuclei (1/6 of ADH) of the hypothalamus
FEEDBACK MECHANISM OPERATES AS FOLLOWS:  Released from the posterior pituitary (storage)
 Calcium entry in the nerve endings increase to affect
 Osmolarity (plasma sodium concentration) increases above membrane permeability when hypothalamic nuclei are
normal because of water deficit: stimulated – ADH release
♦ Increase in ECF or in plasma Na+ causes the osmoreceptor  AV3V – anteroventral region of the 3rd venticle
cells in the anterior hypothalamus to shrink. ♦ Subfonical organ – upper part
♦ Shrinkage sends additional signal to the cells of the ♦ Organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis – inferior
supraoptic nuclei to send signals down the pituitary stalk part
to the posterior pituitary. ♦ Median preoptic nucleus – multiple nerve connections
♦ Stimulate release of ADH which is stored in the secretory  Osmoreceptors
granules in the nerve endings. ♦ Located in the vicinity of A3V3 and supraoptic nuclei
♦ Increased water permeability of the late distal, cortical, ♦ Neuronal cells excited by changes in ECF osmolarity
and inner medullary collecting ducts.  ADH release is controlled by cardiovascular reflexes:
♦ Increased water permeability causes water reabsorption ♦ Arterial baroreceptor reflex
and decrease urine output. ♦ Cardiopulmonary reflexes
 In addition to increased osmolarity, other stimuli which
increases ADH secretion include:
♦ Decreased arterial pressure
♦ Decreased blood volume

Regulation of ADH Secretion


♦ Increased plasma osmolarity
♦ Decreased blood volume
♦ Decreased blood pressure
♦ Nausea (most powerful stimuli)
♦ Hypoxia
♦ Drugs:
◦ Morphine
◦ Nicotine
◦ Cyclophosphamide


♦ Decreased plasma osmolarity
♦ Increased blood volume
♦ Increased blood pressure
♦ Drugs:
◦ Alcohol
◦ Clonidine
◦ Haloperidol

Figure 6. Osmoreceptor-antidiuretic hormone (ADH) feedback mechanism
for regulating extracellular fluid osmolarity in response to a water deficit.  Adequate fluid intake is necessary to counterbalance
whatever fluid loss does occur through sweating and breathing
 Thus, water is conserved in the body while sodium and other and through the gastrointestinal tract.
solutes continue to be excreted in the urine. This causes  Fluid intake is regulated by the thirst mechanism, which,
dilution of the solutes in the extracellular fluid, thereby together with the osmoreceptor-ADH mechanism, maintains
correcting the initial excessively concentrated extracellular precise control of extracellular fluid osmolarity and sodium
fluid. concentration.

"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." -Isek Dinesen 6|8
 Anteroventral region of the third ventricle and anterolateral 

portion of the preoptic nucleus.
 Act as osmoreceptors to activate the thirst mechanism. HYPONATREMIA
 Increased osmolarity of the CSF in the 3rd ventricle stimulate
 Increased plasma osmolality (hypertonic hyponatremia)
♦ Glucose
♦ Mannitol
♦ Sorbitol
 INCREASES THIRST ♦ Gamma globulin
♦ Increased ECF osmolarity (most important)
♦ Increased angiotensin II (2nd important)  Normal plasma osmolality (pseudohyponatremia)
♦ Decreased ECF blood volume (3rd important) ♦ Lipids (as in DM)
♦ Decreased blood pressure ♦ Protein (as in MM)
♦ Dryness of the mouth  Low plasma osmolality (hypotonic hyponatremia)
♦ Urine osmolality < 100 mOsm/kg
 DECREASES THIRST ◦ Primary polydipsia
♦ Decreased osmolarity ◦ Beer potomania
♦ Decreased angiotensin II ◦ Malnutrition
♦ Increased blood volume ◦ Reset osmostat (pregnancy, psychosis, malnutrition,
♦ Increased blood pressure quadriplegia)
♦ Gastric distention
Urine Osmolality > 100 mOsm/kg
 When the sodium concentration increases only about 2 mEq/L
above normal, the thirst mechanism is activated, causing a  ECF increased (hypervolemic hyponatremia) (edema)
desire to drink water. This is called the threshold for drinking. ♦ Urinary sodium >20mmol/L
◦ Acute or chronic renal failure
◦ Cirrhosis
◦ Nephrotic syndrome
 Low sodium intake, increased levels of hormones to stimulate  Euvolemic Hyponatremia
sodium reabsorption  prevents sodium loss ♦ Urinary sodium > 20mmol/L
 High sodium intake, decrease hormone formation  excrete ◦ SIADH
large amounts of sodium ◦ Hypothyroid
 Important role in regulation of ECF sodium concentration ◦ Stress
 Increase in sodium amount also increase ECF by increasing ◦ Aldosterone insufficiency
water reabsorption ◦ Cortisol insufficiency
 Two reasons why Ang II and aldosterone do not have main ◦ Glucocorticoid deficiency
effect on sodium concentrations. ◦ Drugs
♦ They increase both sodium and water reabsorption by the
renal tubules which cause increase in extracellular fluid Causes Disorders
volume and sodium quantity but little change in sodium Malignancy Small cell lung disease (most common), CNS
(ectopic ADH) disease, leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, duodenal
cancer, pancreatic cancer
♦ As long as the ADH-thirst mechanism is functional,
Pulmonary Infection, acute respiratory failure, mechanical
tendency toward increased plasma Na concentration is
compensated by increased water intake or increased
Miscellaneous Pain, nausea (power simulator of ADH), HIV,
plasma ADH secretion.
general post op state
Pharmacologic Drugs Cyclophosphamide, vincristine, vinblastine,
SALT-APPETITE MECHANISM FOR CONTROLLING ECF SODIUM (enhances or mimics NSAIDs, tricyclics and related agents,
CONCENTRATION AND VOLUME ADH) selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
chlorpropamide, nicotine, bromocriptine,
 Two primary stimuli believed to excite salt appetite: oxytocin, DDVAP
♦ Decreased ECF Na+ concentration. Table 1. Common causes of SIADH.
♦ Decreased blood volume or blood pressure associated
with circulatory insufficiency.  ECF decreased (hypovolemic hyponatremia)
 Neuronal mechanism is analogous to that of thirst mechanism. ♦ Urinary sodium < 20mmol/L – extrarenal loss
 Circulatory reflexes elicited by low BP or decreased blood ◦ Vomiting
volume affect both thirst and salt appetite at the same time. ◦ Diarrhea
◦ Sweating
◦ Third spacing of fluids (burns, pancreatitis, trauma)
♦ Urinary sodium > 20mmol/L – renal loss
◦ Diuretics

"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." -Isek Dinesen 7|8
◦ Na losing nephropathy ♦ Inner medullary collecting tubule
◦ Osmotic diuresis ♦ Cortical collecting tubule
◦ Intrinsic renal disease ♦ Thick ascending limb of loop of henle
◦ Post obstructive diuresis
◦ Addison’s disease 6. In the steps involved in hyperosmotic renal medulla, active
pump of thick ascending limb is turned on, reducing the
HYPERNATREMIA concentration inside the tubule and raising the interstitial
 concentration until how many mOsm is reached?
 Hypervolemic hypernatremia ♦ 100
♦ Hypertonic saline administration, primary ♦ 200
hyperaldosteronism ♦ 300
 Hypovolemic hypernatremia ♦ 400
♦ Increased urine volume
◦ Osmotic diuresis (high urine osmolality)
◦ Central or nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (low urine
osmolality) 7. What preserves the hyperosmolarity of renal interstitium?
♦ Decreased urine volume ♦ Distal tubule
◦ Insensible losses ♦ Thick ascending limb
◦ Osmotic diarrhea ♦ Vasa recta
♦ Lack of access to water ♦ Cortical collecting tubules
 Euvolemia (Hypernatremia associated with normal body Na +)
♦ Renal losses 8. In which segment is tubular fluid very diluted (100mOsm/L)?
◦ Diabetes insipidus ♦ Proximal tubule
◦ Hypodipsia ♦ Descending limb of loop of Henle
♦ Extrarenal losses ♦ Thick ascending loop of Henle
◦ Insensible losses (respiratory, dermal) ♦ Distal and cortical collecting tubule
♦ Urinary sodium varies
9. True of osmoreceptor-ADH feedback system, EXCEPT?
XII. QUIZ REVIEW ♦ Decrease in ECF/ decrease in plasma Na causes the
osmoreceptor cells in the anterior hypothalamus to
1. True of ADH except: shrink.
♦ Vasopressin ♦ Shrinkage and additional signal to the cells of the
♦ Secreted by posterior pituitary gland supraoptic nuclei to send signals down the pituitary stalk
♦ Regulation of extracellular osmolarity and sodium to the posterior pituitary
concentration ♦ Stimulate release of ADH
♦ Magnesium entry in the nerve endings increase to effect ♦ Increase water permeability of the late distal, cortical and
ADH release. (calcium) inner medullary collecting ducts

2. Active reabsorption of Na, K, Cl 10. Potent stimulus for ADH release

♦ Proximal tubule ♦ Hypoxia
♦ Descending limb of loop of henle ♦ Nicotine
♦ Ascending limb of loop of henle ♦ Nausea
♦ Distal and collecting tubule ♦ Decrease in blood pressure

3. Determinants of concentrating ability except

♦ Distal delivery
♦ Active NaCl transport in distal tubule
 Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 13th Edition
♦ Fluid delivery to medullary collecting duct
 Doc Baria’s PowerPoint Presentation and Side Notes
♦ Collecting duct water permeability
 SaVi Trans
4. Factors contributing to the build-up of solute concentration in
the renal medulla
♦ Active transport of sodium ions and co-transport of
potassium, chloride and other ions out of the thick
ascending limb of loop of Henle into the medullary
♦ Passive transport of ions from the collecting ducts into the
medullary interstitium.
♦ Active transport of large amounts of urea from the inner
medullary collecting ducts into the medullary interstitium.
♦ Diffusion of large amounts of water from the medullary

5. ADH act on the following except:

♦ Distal tubule

"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." -Isek Dinesen 8|8

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