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2191-48497 5300 +000 Conytight 1988 Perron Pres A REVISED VERSION OF THE PSYCHOTICISM SCALE S.B.G. Eysenck, H. J. Eysenck and PAUL BARRETT Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, De Cresrigny Park, Denovark Hill, London SES BAF, England (Received 8 June 1984) scale,an attempt was ternal reliability of the scale, improve the shape of the distribution and increase the mean a ‘score. Two diferent studies ate discussed. Rel ‘loser to normal and mean scores arc higher item seales forthe measurement of P,E, Nand L are also given. INTRODUCTION ‘The publication of Psychoticism as a Dimension of Personality (Eysenck and Eysenck, 1976) and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ; Eysenck and Eysenck, 1975) was accompanied by numerous criticisms of the psychometric properties of the P scale (Block, 1977a, b; Bishop, 1977), as well as other aspects of the concept itself; some of these were answered by Claridge and Birchall (1978), Eysenck (1977) and Eysenck and Eysenck (1977). A summary of the available evidence to date on all the points has been presented by Claridge (1981), and there is no intention here to discuss these issues any further. Our intention is to try and improve what are undoubtedly psychometric weaknesses in the P scale of the EPQ, by designing new items, based on the development of the original concept, testing the relevance of these items by new factor-analytic studies and construct improved questionnaires in the hope of improving upon the original version of the P scale. There are three major faults in the original P scale which, while not apparently interfering too much with its validity in group comparisons, made individual application rather hazardous. The first of these faults is the low reliability of the scale, 0.74 for males and 0.68 for females. (These are internal reliabilities; test-retest reliabilities are rather higher, viz. 0.83 and 0.71.) The second fault is the low range of scoring, with means of 3.78 for males and 2.63 for females. The fact that standard deviations were almost identical with means (3.09 and 2.36) indicates the third fault, namely the grossly skewed distribution of scores, which almost resembled a Poissonian distribution. The fact that in spite of these faults the scale was found to behave very consistently and predictably (Claridge, 1981) suggests that the validity was not depressed too much by these psychometric faults, but clearly improvements should be made if possible SAMPLES AND METHODS Two studies were, in fact, carried out to this end. The first (A) used a 90-item questionn: which contained the EPQ P scale plus possible new P items, together with 12 E and 13 N items selected from the EPQ. There were no L-scale items. The sample tested consisted of 384 males and 290 females, whose ages ranged from 17 to 70 yr, their respective age means being 40.01 + 14,39 and 37.99 + 14.47 ys. Sample A was collected by random approach in the street and by house-to- house circulation of questionnaires. ‘The second sample (B) used a 117-item questionnaire which contained all the 90 items of the EPQ plus almost all the possible now P items used for the questionnaire of Study A. This sample was collected in a more orthodox manner, with groups of students, teachers and gther willing and varied Ss being approached to complete the questionnaire and returned by post. There were 408 males and 494 females aged 38.44 + 17.67 and 31.80 + 15.84 yr, respectively, the range being the same as in Study A. a A revised version of the P scale 2 Tble2. Meas nd tnd eto fF. an Lt dice ronson he EPR Senna FB a Age P E w L ‘oo (yr) . x SD . x sD x sD x sD Wem mo sae se sae oO mo mo ke Se ote 8 OB a ts one ue om Ag NB is GRAS Wo as as Tawa so esas wom 10% wm ws as mm Om OS 2 i os wR jo SH Si gt Be Bas BORN ae 72 8 Oe 3 ss S 8 St R38 Tost oes Sos esa sas se Mets an nar dvi tr the Pe for Sampls .B an + coined = Senet co Senna VA ‘ ———y ee malts ws sx WB Se a os & yee Fr 3S 2 UO uw 3 $88 Me i$ a $8 Bd 8 rm “ io rete “oo oem me wo $B Roe OR 3 PR aeRO 3 # BS BB $2 8 OS 3 oR eae ws 8 2° oF 8 Tat oe Seas eas Tle Serop yore EPO (encumbered fer he em usmle Yes 2,2. 9.4, 3718 20,56, 7.8 TENT w.969 e 1h 2,96. 51,58, 38,61,62.62,0,7., 90.94 4 is} YES 319 1.2.26 31,38 38446, 3.08,68, 70,2. 00,869.97. 10 @ 3,57, 66,,93, yseNek etal n S.B.G. Bysenck et items were intercorrelated separately for males and females and the resulting mmtice faconanalyaed by principal components. In Study A, three factors were extracted and fotated through Varimax and then Promax, these being identified as P, E and N. In Study D, however, four factors were extracted and were similarly rotated using Direct Oblimin rotation “These were clearly identified as P, E, N and the L scale. a Both sets of loadings were scrutinized for suitable P items to improve the original scale. Table | gives the 32 items which were finally chosen to make up the P scale of the EPQ—Revised (EPQ-R). Te will be seen that only the P loadings are given for Sample A, but all P, E, N and L loadings are ven for Sample B, This is because of the few E and N items in Study A, and the complete absence of L items. “Table. Factor loadings on P or Sarmple Aand on PEN and Lfor Sample B for items on EPQ-R MALES FEMALES ‘Sample B Sample (= 08) re) 5 E N tL ° F on 02 00) 009 ol a 002 002 “on -on 023 08 025 031 0x an 022 =o mon =o Zoo a6 on ons 210 008 4 21 aie 017 oe on 07 009 001 00 010 on oat 00 002 0 as 020 an on 026 007 00) on an en on 035 210 036 ais 0 a2 020 au 006 001 08 Tote RESULTS Although Sample A were somewhat older than Sample B (especially the females), and the collection of the data was somewhat different, the P-scale means and standard deviations were pooled. These are given, for different age groups, in Table 2 and contain Ss from Samples A and B ‘combined for P, but only from Sample B for E, N and L. However, just as a matter of interest, Table 3 gives the actual means and standard deviations on P obtained by each of the age groups in ‘Samples A and B, respectively. ‘The scoring key on which these means were calculated is given in Table 4, the item numbers referring to questions on the 100 item EPQ-R given in Appendix 1. There are now 32 items on the new P scale, i. 7 more than in the EPQ P scale and very slight changes to E and N were made so that the former has 23 and the latter 24 items, leaving L with the original 21 items. The total number of items, therefore, is now 100. Eysexex ol * 5.8.6. Evs _— sociability ies are now ke E which comprises large! an would be true of a seale lil sia may hold reliabilities lower th: and activity items only (Cattell and Tsujioka, 1964). At any al acceptable and are certainly an improvement on those of the EPQ cate hat means of 3.78 “The low range of scoring of the 25-item P scale was a great disadvantags ae litle room for 3.09 for males and 2.63 +2.36 for females, quoted in the manual of the EPQ gave very At Cm differentiation. The nature of the scale, unfortunately, is such that most discriminating "6 tty ‘somewhat ‘way out’ for most people, The original PEN P scale contained even more parano\ aa schizoid type items than the EPQ P scale, and some criticism of this latter scale from research like Claridge (1981) dwells on the better discrimination of the old PEN P scale as far as schizophrenics are concemed. Hopefully the present changes of the P scale will not further reduce the usefulness of the EPQ-R for work with schizophrenics, but this remains to ‘be seen when the scaleis applied to clinical groupsin due course. Meanwhile, Table 2, shows means of 7.19 + 4.60 for malesand 5.73 +3.85 for females; this contrasts with 4.15 + 3.42 for: males and 2.97 +2.59 for females ‘when the same groups are scored for P on the original 25 items of the EPQ. This difference seems a considerable improvement giving greater leeway in scoring. Finally, the question of skewness and kurtosis of distribution was investigated. Since all 25 original EPQ P scale items are contained in the questionnaires used in both Studies A and B, it was possible to compute the moments for this scale as well as for the 32-item new P scale form. Both distributions, of combined Studies A and B Ss, were plotted as histograms and are given in Figs | and 2. It can be seen that there is a somewhat improved skewness in the new distribution, especially so for the females, and this is reflected in the drop in both skewness and kurtosis values listed in the figures. It would be unreasonable lo cxpect a dramatic normalizing of the distribution for the P scale, since the scale itself must inevitably, by its very nature, constitute some departure from normality. This is so, not only by reason of the type of items wl differentiate high and low P scorers, but also highlights a proven hallmark of high P scorers to be uncooperative as far as helping researchers with questionnaire replies. “Did you mind filling in this form?" gives consistent loadings on P and suggests that high P scorers would be much less likely to complete a personality questionnaire than low P scorers. Thus, however improved the P scale, it seems likely to be doomed to a slightly J-shaped distribution as long as high P scorers are able to decline to cooperate. rreouency smequener Fig 1, Distributions of combined Studies A+ Bfor _Fig. 2 Distributions of combined Studies A + B for males’ (n = 6931. —25-item scale; ~~~ 32-item females (n = 878) —25.tem scale; ~~~ 32-item [A revised version ofthe P scale 25 ‘Table7, Means and san ‘Means and standard deviations forthe shor. scale EPQLR P sae en for Samples A,B and(A 4B) combined Ae Sam As, eB _ ‘Sample Sample 8+ A n * ¥ 30 * ¥ 3D * ¥ > 16.20 108 405 3 2 r se “ews 1 rn an a ane a ar a0 3 a2 a de i @ in i 38 au a ao 2 iol 8 2 a 2a ia ie tat a0 2 2a 2 ro 136 ot He 26 Tou! 8 333 ns mw aon 20 Fens 1 2m a 7s 203 a 195 i om 7 ise 236 135 * 28 7 re rr a o 2 a 1 to 305 “& 198 a ie 12 in a 220 2 13 n 16 om 261 sae os as “Taliek shorvseatereinbiites of P (Sample A) and PE N and L (Sample B) (hort ace ntrcorrdatons of PE, and Lfor Sample B on Faith Tarercoreaion, Sampled Sample P P E N L Mae rr rT Females os as! GD OTD te, Shon-seale EPQ-R soring key ————————_— OU YES: 128, 5.03 ® 23.52, 3A AE @ 21,25, 30,4. 38.42.46 ®@ @ DISCUSSION ‘Since, admittedly, the P scale of the EPQ suffered from several psychometric shortcomings, an attempt has now been made to rectify some of these. The three main areas of criticism have been sted in the Introduction as: (1) low reliability, (2) low range of scoring and (3) grossly skewed ribution. ‘The reliabilities (see Table 5) are 0.78 for males and 0.76 for females which contrasts with 0.74 for ‘males and 0.68 for females as quoted in the EPQ manual (Eysenck and Eysenck, 1975). Although this is still not as high as the reliabilities achieved for E, N and L, it must be remembered that the P scale tape several different facets (hostility, cruelty, lack of empathy, non-conformism etc) which 7 5.B.G, Brsevex et al 7 ‘git item EPQ P scale, which Itshould be mentioned that there were 6 Heme from the orignal 25-item EPQ eae Pf ted from te present revised scale. TH Wer “Do you lock up your house carefully at NiEKIT” 4, “Do you believe insurance schemes area aoo8 idea? “Do people who drive carefully annoy you! | Wvhen you atch a train do you often arrive at the last minute?” “Do your friendships break up easily without it being Your fault? and “Do you sometimes like teasing animals?” . ‘The main reason for these omissions was the lack of consistent loading However, 13 new P items were incorporated into the P- scale which, al ia EPQ P scale items now totals 32 items. In addition, two new E items warranted inclusion in the Fe cei coxtt N item was added tothe N scale, leaving L atthe origina) 21 120, Reliabilities (a-coefficients) and intercorrelations of the scales are given Table 5. It will be noted that separate reliabilities for P are given for Samples A ‘and B. For interest, the correlations between the new P scale (EPQ-R) and that ‘of the EPQ were calculated and the values were 0.88 for males and 0.81 for females (Sample B only). inally, it seemed desirable to try to devise a short scale of the EPQ-R for use when time is very Timited. Twelve items were chosen from each of the scales and the short scale questionnaire is given in Appendix 2. The means and standard deviations of all the age groups are given in Table 6. Again, as with the longer scale, ‘Table 6 gives the P means and standard deviations of Samples A and B pooled, while Table 7 shows the individual age group means for the separate samples on P. Reliabilities for both samples are given in Table 8 and also intercorrelations of the scales for ‘Sample B. The scoring key on Table 9 gives item numbers to correspond with the 48-item short scale given in Appendix 2. .gs on the P factor. ong with 19 of the original (rorrdatons of PE, N and L for Sample 8 only) “Table 5. Relate of P (Sample AL and P, ELN and L Samat ‘Retobies Tecorrlasons Sample A Sample Bonpie® oobi, P Pe E N Lo Makes Females Males ost a 0m (OP on i. Fees rr a 0s PL 03 018 IN ‘002 Zoo BL 032 Zo NL 202 Tn36 roupt onthe short scale ofthe EPO-R “Table 6. Means and standard devitins of PE, ‘Samples(A + 8) ‘Some as rn aos). 26 rT 261 33 « Ma 573s 28200 2m 3 BB 373 sas 38a Fat 3 Be ara Ea 8 ae 3 SIG 2 aap aie Sok S126 08 on sao 49S Mak 3a Fenoles te oc em mo ke 32) HBOS 2S 2 230 moO 913m S932 Ma “0 bs TSMR $8028 9 205 so ae 32D $0832 2 2 mL wo S135 496270 a ee eS ec a eC] Tou! SC 5. B.G. Eysusce et al 2 comin yes NO 43, Do you prefer reaing 0 mectng ponte : YES NO 34. Do Jou have enemies who want ohare yu LL Yes No 35, Woutd you eal yourel a nervous przon? c) YES NO 36, Do you ave mang fends? ee useing Tl YES NO 35, Ba You tay pracat jokes that can sametioes ell hut peone Ys NO 38. Areyoua wartier cen eee reareageatsteabiak. vB No 39, Ab ond Wid you do as you were oid immediately and without grombling?- yes NO 40, Would you call youreltRappy-gotocky?« Seana Deans YES NO 41, De good manners and cleanliness mater much 49 you? ee 42. Have you ellen gone against your parent wishes? we he 43, Doyo worry about swful things tat might bappea?. ey $e HadSyou ever broken or lot something belonging ta someone es? xe Be 4S. baryon vsualy tke the fitative sn making nw fiends? o yes No 46. Would you cal youself tense or ighy-srune” ve No IF rege Tetoniy quiet when you arewith other people? eon. ES_NO 4h. Be Jou think arrage is 01 ashioned and shouldbe done away yEs NO $8. Do yousometimes boss tle = No So. Ricyov marc ens. going about ight and wrong than os! peop YES Bt Mae Cay ge me fe int mater dul pay one oe o> YES NO 32 Bevataaery about your heal? esescereeeccgeo on YES NO 35, Hace you ever sod anything bad or nasty about anyone? YES NO 34. Bo you enioy cooperating with ohers?. os. YES NO 55. Do soul teling kes and funny storiesto your fiends... yes NO $6, De bow ihings tse the same (0 90W2. ons sevvecesseess YES NO S7. Read were you ever chesky to your parents « yes NO SE. Doyoutike mixing with people? veaaiikes tons YES NO $9. Docrat worsy you you Frow there are misas in your work? YES NO @ Do yousufer ftom lesplessneslo ss ae YES NO St. Have people sad that you sometimes at too cshiyt« YES NO &F Deyouatwoys wash beore amen ressereassevec grea ccceecce = YES NO & De fou nenty ahwayshave a ready answer when peopl ak to you? « 1 YES NO 6 Do gou ticet arnve at appoiniments in plenty of time... .-+.-0+ Yes NO 5. Have yousten fet lstesr aad red or mp teasers eco. YES NO GE. Have you ever heated at game’. cuss. oma YES NO GF. Detyoutice doing things in which you have to act quick? Yes NO GE La(or was) your mather a good woman? erase YES NO 8 Ds youcten make dedstons onthe spur af he moment YEs NO 90. Do you een fc ies very dull? Yes NO Th Pan you teeriaken advantage of romeavehe cover na Yes NO 72 De'gou atone on mate aetivites han you hav ie for. YES NO 3B. aiclhere several people who keep trying to avoid you? oo. cs ccc sere Yes NO TE Ba youwonrya lo about yourloohds sees sever geese : IED yes No Fae a eyend too much time safeguarding therfore wih savings and insurance}... YES NO HE De yoo hin Fatbd Batjenveredead? svctescesesceaveegcstrtzsesceseceserseseeeeceee YES NO Th, woud you dodge paying tance i you were sure you ould ner be found ou? « YES NO TB. Gan you set party goin is : ot YES NO 35, Do youtry go to be ruse to people. a Loren YES NO 30. Bo you wor too long after am embarrassing expevcnet. Yes No 81; Do you generally ook before you leap? =... an YES NO £2, Rave you ever insisted on having your own way? 20. =. aa YES NO 33, Do you sller rom nerves nn Yes No 34. Do you often fe foney? Yes NO $5. Can youn the whole tru papi lhe tad Yes NO 86. Do you always practice what you preach’ ue RIND ves No fr, arcyou easily hort whea people find fault with you or the work you da. STEIN. YES Ng YES BB. Tsit better to follow society's rales than go your own way! 89. Have you ever been late for an appointment or work? « 90, Do you like plenty of bustle and excitement around you? . ee : YES NO 51, Would you ike other people to be afraid of you? eee. seccee sass YES NO 52. Are you sometimes bubbling over with energy and sometimes very sluggish? YES NO. 93, Do Jou sometimes pat off until lomorrow what you ought to do todsy?.. YES NO. 94. Docther people think of you as bing very lively? .. YES NO 95. Do people tel yous lot of lies? + : YES NO 96. Do you believe onc has special duties to one's fail? - YES NO 97, Are you touchy about some things... +++ YES NO 8. Ate you always willing to admit it when you have made a mistake? YES NO. 99, Would you fel very sorry for an animal caught ina trapt,....« > YES NO 100. When your temper rises, do you find it iffiult to controls... eos ave YES NO PLEASE CHECK THAT YOU HAVE ANSWERED ALL THE QUESTIONS A revised version of the P scale APPENDIX 2 Shorvscale EPQ-R Dots your mood oen go upand down? oyou ate mich note ef vat ea ahi Ac yous alate prot might ooh 20 Mil do something, do you slays ween} our promise ‘no matter how inconvenient i Do you ever feel’ just miserable for no on, ‘Would being in debt worry you?. Aeyourar ey : ere yu ever reed) by bling oui mote in your hare ot Kerszon ty being than sours tang? ‘oul you tke drags wich ma hve Svage or anges ca ‘Do you enjoy meeting new people? .. . Hive oun taeda fo los you ne a a aro. Icyou eligi hoet ce Do sou pte go yarn nay ahr ‘Can you usually let yourself go and enjoy yourself at a lively eat i. fee aT your hb Do you ote feb ap Do dood monse asd Geanincr mater mach oy Do jou ust abe ene nmaking new end Re you ceric app oen spot bate bet sneak Mould jou clout’ nto pero. Bek alae mtrtes stants ond shout dane away Can you tay pesos iene ae ul page " Fielgou ene Groen ovo someting ening osc ch po tee Doser aver co Barbe itoketpin he cloud ow scl oto Bet try goal gouoow ere nemisates your Hite sole cid sdk bed ny shoe tyne ‘Would yoo all yourel oo: insane? Serene peopl tend tes mt ie megs Beer eign pee poset atc Gay to your pach” Siero ras easing expo Beit maenyest Bojostiepay of aed Eton solo Bee ra iaaed sapnl correcta ie De yusuf em eres Pete oe pope tobe id ayo Hoc ydo cert ake Snenogzofamecod Maree heathen yor are Oe pei. BS you dee only Feitbeurt ew soja ang your ova way Baltic pene i ot yo as bang vey te Doses shay pete wha jou psa echo td woe books fi f foun pl auto ie aio oa Cavyou tea gegen a fete “i savings and insurances? - » A cevised version of the P sale n ontretclen. weet that all these areas of improvement which we sct out to tackle, have yielded and, hopefully, researchers may try the new questionnaire out in future studies. dnlelpseeWE wu 6 0 El Sm 1 iheda ovout nko ie cs Beg eh eta Gi hl he teen of thane oso lacie haere aereDeny and te Bish Humanist Ancien or cactrbuting Souda, Our REFERENCES Bishop D. V. M. (1977) The P scaleand psychosis J. abmorm Psychol. 86, 127-134. Block J. (19773) P scale and psychosis: continued concems J, a’uorm. Psychol. 85, 431-434 Block J. (19770) The Eysenchs and psychotiism. J alarm. Psychol 6, 656~ Cate Re B. and Tsujioks B. (1964) The importance of factor trueness and of validity versus homogencity and ‘orthogonality in test scales Educ. psycho! Meas. 24, 3-30, Claridge G, (1981) Psychoticiem In Dimension of Personality (Edited by Lynn R.), pp. 79-110. Pergamon Press, New York. ‘Glaridge G, and Birchall P. (1978) Bishop, Fysenck, Block and psychotiism. J. abmorm. Psychol. 87, 664-668. Eysenck H. J. (1977) Psychasis and psychoticim: a teply to Hishop. J. abrorm. Psychol. 86, 427-830, Eyeenck H. J. and Eysenek S. BG. (1975) Mosual ofthe Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Hodder & Stoughton, London. Eysenck H. J. and Eysenck &. BG. (1976) Paychoticion ata Dimension af Pesonallty. Hodder & Stoughton, London. Eysenck H. J. and Eysenck 8, BG. (1977) Dlock and pays ‘brorm. Psychol 86, 651-652. APPENDIX 1 EPO-R Ate. Instructions Please answer each question by putting a circle around the "YES" or the ‘NO* following the ‘Qosttion There ate no night or wrong answers and no tick questions. Work quickly and do not think too Tong about the exact meaning of the questions. PLEASE REMEMDER TO ANSWER EACH QUESTION 1, Do you have many different hobbies? 2 Do you stop to thick things over before d : 3 Dow your mood often go upand down, senses 2 no a 4 ave you tver taken the praise for something you knew someone ese had realy cone? : 5. Do you tke much notice of what people think? ... wereees & Are yous talkative person”... j 7, Wosld being in debt worry you? 2s. Da you ever fel ust miserable for no reason? 9. Do you give money to charities? se cegeer ogee 10. Were you ever greedy by helping yoursl to more than your share of any 12, Ate you rather lively? Facer ee rin otee 12. Would it upset you a Jol to see a ehild or an animal suffer? oe ccaricseaveace 13. Do you often worry about things you should not have done or said? - : 14 Do jou dislike people who don't know how to behave themselves?..2 0020 so ooo 15. Ifyou say you will €o something, do you always keep your promise no matier how inconvenicat it might be aigieearasveeend saeeeat eds : YES NO 16, Can you usually et yourself go and enjoy yourself at a lvely party? YES NO 17, Are you am ievtable person? «2 - YES NO 18, Should people always respect he law? voce YES NO 19 Have you ever blamed someone for doing somethi YES NO 20. Do you enjoy meeting new people? - YES NO 21. Are good manners vey important? YES NO 22. Are your felings easily hur? HL YES NO 123, Areal your habits good and desira IN YES No 24 Do you tend to keepin the background on soca ste ID ves No. 25, Would you tke drugs which may have stange or dangerous eects? YES NO 26. Do you often fel fed-upT. os. é _ YES NO. 27, Have you ever taken anything (even a pin or button) that belonged io someone ese. YES NO 28 Do you like going out slot? mens YES NO. 28. Do you prefer to go your own way rather than act by he rules? YES NO. 30. Do you enjoy hurting people you love? ghia aga cau YES NO 31, Ate you often troubled about feelings of gil YES NO. 32. Do you sometimes talk about things you know nothing about... YES NO

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