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Second Terminal Examination - 2080

Class : XI Subject: Biology (Sub code: 2011) Full Marks: 75

Time: 3 hrs. SET ‘B’ Pass Marks: 30
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as
practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt All Questions
Group ‘A’ [BOTANY]
Rewrite the best alternative of each question in your answer sheet. [6 × 1 = 6]

1. There are ribosomes in chloroplasts and mitochondria. Their type is

a. 80S b. 70S c. 50S d. 60S
2. If some solid substances enter a cell through cell membrane, it is called
a. Exocytosis b. Pinocytosis
c. Endocytosis d. Phagocytosis
3. Fishes respire inside water, the source of oxygen for the process is
a. Dissolved oxygen b. Free oxygen of the air
c. Oxygen present in H2O molecule d. BOD
4. The stem branch which bears flowers is called
a. Pedicel b. Rachis c. Petiole d. Peduncle
5. The correct order in hierarchic system of classification is
a. Kingdom-Division-Order-Class-Family-Genus-Species
b. Kingdom- Division-Class- Family-Order-Genus-Species
c. Kingdom- Division-Class-Order-family-Genus-Species
d. Kingdom-Class-Division- Family-Order-Genus-Species
6. What type of modified tap root is turnip?
a. Fusiform root b. Napiform root
c. Conical root d. Tuberous root

Group ‘B’ [BOTANY]
Give short answer to the following questions. [4 × 4 = 16]
7. Explain the structure and functions of chloroplast. [4]
8. Study the diagram given below &
answer the questions. [1×4 = 4]

a. What plant is shown in the

b. Name the labelled parts a, b & c.

9. Name the structure which is: [1×4 = 4]

a. The cytoplasmic skeleton b. The power house of the cell
c. The green pigment in plants d. Master control of a cell
10. What do you mean by a hypogynous flower? Mention the identifying
characters of family Solanaceae. [1+3]
Who proposed five kingdom system of classification? Mention the
advantages of five kingdom system over two kingdom system. [1+3]

Group ‘C’ [BOTANY]

Give long answer to the following questions. [8 × 2 = 16]

11. Define ecology. Explain different factors associated to pond ecosystem
with necessary sketches. [1+7 = 8]
12. Describe family Brassicaceae in semi technical terms with floral formula
and floral diagram. Also state the scientific names of any two economic
plants of the family. [3+4+1 = 8]

What is alternation of generation? Explain the phenomenon of alternation
of generation with reference to the life cycle of Marchantia. [1+7=8]


Group ‘A’ [ZOOLOGY]

Rewrite the best alternative of each question in your answer sheet. [5 × 1 = 5]

1. Study of interactions of antigen and antibody is known as

a. Cryobiology
b. Serology
c. Herpetology
d. Angiology
2. Appearance of ancestral characters in the new born, such as tail, multiple
mammae, etc., are known as
a. Homologous
b. Analogous
c. Atavism
d. Vestigial
3. Plasmodium was discovered by
a. Sir Patric Menson
b. Sir Ronald Ross
c. Charles Laveran
d. Golgi and Celli
4. The main function of the contractile vacuole in aquatic protozoans is
a. Nutrition
b. Excretion of nitrogenous wastes
c. Osmoregulation
d. Circulation of food
5. Scientific name of human is
a. Homo humanis
b. Homo neanderthalensis
c. Homo sapiens sapiens
d. Piltdown man
Group ‘B’ [ZOOLOGY]

Give short answers to the following questions. [4 × 4 =16]

6. What are coacervates? How are they formed? [2+2]
7. Why are most mosquitoes now found to be DDT resistant although DDT
was supposed to be highly effective insecticide in the past? [2+2]
8. Describe the process of Transverse Binary Fission in Paramecium with
well labelled diagram. [2+2]
Describe the process of liver schizogony in Plasmodium. [2+2]
9. Draw well labelled diagram of Paramecium. [2+2]

Group ‘C’ [ZOOLOGY]

Give long answers to the following questions. [2 × 8 = 16]

10. Give the salient features of the “theory of natural selection” proposed by
Darwin. [8]
11. Elaborate on the life cycle of Plasmodium in man. [2+2+4]
What is conjugation? Describe the process of Conjugation in
Paramecium. [1+4+3]

 The End 


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