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Journal July 07 Technical Paper 1 080207:Layout 1 8/17/2007 10:02 AM Page 7



An innovative approach to earthquake safety and concrete construction in buildings



The defining feature of the post-tensioned wall system is its
Lateral force resisting systems utilizing ductile concrete self-centering tendency, which can minimize or virtually
walls offer inherent advantages for the seismic perform- eliminate permanent deformations following a major
ance of building structures, in both new construction and earthquake. The high-strength unbonded post-tensioning
in retrofit applications. By combining conventional rein- tendons provide an elastic restoring force, while the mild-
forced concrete construction with unbonded post-tension- steel reinforcement yields to dissipate seismic energy and
ing, a novel hybrid is created that provides the opportunity deliver a ductile and controlled response. The addition of
to significantly and cost-effectively improve the seismic post-tensioning provides a significant increase in flexural
performance of structural wall systems beyond current strength with reduced quantities of mild reinforcement,
expectations. which results in more compact wall dimensions and
This paper describes the conceptual background of and improved constructability.
provides basic guidelines for the design and construction Properly proportioned, the system is expected to limit max-
of hybrid post-tensioned cast-in-place (PT-CIP) concrete imum seismic displacements to that of a reinforced concrete
walls for seismic resistance. The approach and implemen- system of equivalent strength. The PT-CIP technology
tation of a PT-CIP wall system is illustrated in the context blends the inherent advantages of reinforced concrete wall
of project case studies. In particular, a recently completed construction with the self-centering capability provided by
seismic retrofit of an existing six-story non-ductile con- the vertical post-tensioning to provide a more effective and
crete building in Berkeley, California is described to high- efficient means of seismic resistance. This results in
light the unique characteristics of the proposed system. enhanced seismic protection of the gravity load resisting
systems and architectural components of the building, par-
ticularly when compared to traditional, fully inelastic rein-
KEYWORDS forced concrete walls and moment-resisting frames.
wall, post-tension, prestress, seismic, earthquake, capacity The evolution of reinforced concrete shear wall design tradi-
design, hybrid, ductile, rocking, self-centering tionally has been marked by sporadic shifts in practice
brought about by building code revisions that attempt to mit-
igate the deficiencies exposed during major earthquakes. The
cumulative effect of this reactive process has been to effec-
tively relegate structures incorporating reinforced concrete
walls for seismic resistance to a second-tier status; largely on
the basis of the historically poor performance of these types
of structures. This is evidenced by the assignment of a lower
ductility capacity factor, R, and non-rational limitations on
building height based entirely on structure type.
An alternative approach that seeks to fully realize the
potential benefits that concrete wall construction can pro-
vide, forms the basis for the development of post-tensioned
PTI Journal, V. 5, No. 1, July 2007. Received and reviewed under Institute concrete walls described herein. While such an approach
Journal publication policies. Copyright ©2007, Post-Tensioning Institute.
All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
may be regarded as experimental, and admittedly departs
obtained from the Post-Tensioning Institute. Pertinent discussion will be from the traditional code based solutions, it is based on the
published in the next issue of the PTI Journal if received within 3 months careful and explicit consideration of inelastic response and
from the publication. is well supported by recent research.

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The design approach to the PT-CIP wall system has develop relatively higher compressive forces at the bound-
adhered to the force-based methods outlined in the ary zones and rely on the shear strength of the walls to
California Building Code1. An important departure from dependably develop their flexural capacity. The design
the code basis is made, however, regarding the proportion- compressive strength of the concrete is typically specified
ing and detailing of the system. Capacity design principles to be 6 to 10 ksi for efficient proportioning the system. This
developed by Paulay and Priestley2 are rigorously applied to is more economically achieved by specifying concrete
determine the seismic demands on the structure based on strengths at 56 or 84 days, rather at 28 days, as is common
inelastic mechanisms, rather than the traditional approach practice. This flexibility allows the substitution of cement
of assigning design forces on the basis of elastic analysis, with slower reactivity admixtures such as blast furnace slag
or fly-ash, which can improve the workability and consoli-
The successful integration of this novel approach into actu-
dation properties of the mix while minimizing the cement
al design practice within a competitive construction envi-
ronment relies on careful consideration of not only those
aspects of design that affect seismic response and behavior, Achieving adequate consolidation of the concrete matrix
but also those practical aspects that affect architectural without deleterious voids is essential to developing the
space planning, constructability, and ultimately cost. The expected performance of the system. This is especially true
highlighted project demonstrates key aspects of the design at critical locations such as PT anchors, boundary zones,
and construction of PT-CIP walls and provides a concrete and large reinforcing bar terminations. These areas, where
example in a seismic retrofit application. consolidation is most important, often become congested,
increasing the potential for voids if not carefully detailed.
Post-Tensioning Tendons – Post-tensioning tendons are
While aspects of the seismic response of a hybrid PT-CIP bundles of individual strands sharing a common anchor-
wall are fundamentally different than a traditional rein- age. The strands themselves consist of seven helically-
forced concrete wall, the components of their construction wound high-strength wires, conforming to ASTM A416,
are conventional and standardized, not requiring special with an ultimate strength of 270 ksi. To keep the tendons
manufacture. Fig. 1 describes the basic elements that form isolated from the surrounding concrete, they can be indi-
the PT-CIP wall. vidually sheathed in plastic ducts along their length or col-
lectively grouped bare inside a common duct depending on
Concrete – The strength and workability of the concrete
construction methods and sequence.
are always factors in specifying concrete. They are especial-
ly important in PT-CIP walls for several reasons. A mix Fig. 2 depicts a typical multi-strand anchorage, which is
with high long-term strength gain is essential to fully provided at both the fixed and stressing ends of the ten-
exploit the benefits that post-tensioning provides. PT walls dons. Tendons are typically arranged such that all of the
post-tensioning forces are concentric to both horizontal
axes of the wall. In addition, it is advantageous to keep the
tendons grouped closely in the middle of the wall to mini-
mize strains resulting from large lateral drifts. Since the
tendons are unbonded, the change in stress in the tendons
can only occur by vertical deformation between anchors.

Fig. 1 - Schematic PT-CIP wall elevation Fig. 2- Multi-strand tendon anchor

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This protects the tendons by distributing the extension

along the full length of the tendon, thereby minimizing the
strain on the strands.
Mild Steel Reinforcement – Mild steel reinforcement is an
essential part of a PT-CIP wall. To have greater confidence
in the range of reinforcement strength, and thereby more
accurately understand the boundaries of wall behavior,
specifying A706 reinforcement is preferable. The impera-
tive to make PT-CIP walls more compact in size will often
lead to heavily reinforced boundary zones where the rein-
forcing is essential for both tension and compression. In
addition, in order to preclude undesirable shear failure
modes through capacity design principles, heavy horizon-
tal reinforcing is to be expected, especially at the plastic
hinge region. Fig. 4 - Response of hybrid PT-CIP wall
Confinement Reinforcement – The element that is
responsible for literally holding the whole wall together, and BEHAVIOR OF PT-CIP WALLS
ensuring a ductile flexural response, is the confining rein-
The behavior of hybrid post-tensioned walls can be con-
forcement. Confinement at the boundary zones prevents
ceptualized by considering the simplified model shown in
premature crushing of the concrete and buckling of the lon-
Fig. 3. The wall is idealized as a rigid cantilever supported
gitudinal bars. Confinement between boundaries, in the
by a rotational spring and damper assembly, exhibiting the
body of the wall, helps to stabilize the diagonal compression
cyclic lateral force-deformation response described by Fig.
struts that form the shear mechanism. Finally, local con-
4. Both the PT tendons and mild steel reinforcing provide
finement at the tendon anchors is necessary to contain the
flexural strength to PT-CIP walls. As the wall deforms
splitting forces generated in the anchorage zone. Headed
inelastically, the mild steel provides energy dissipation and
reinforcement (www.hrc-usa.com) is typically used at criti-
the tendons generate restoring forces and self-centering
cal locations to provide superior confinement and facilitate
constructability by minimizing congestion typically associ-
ated with overlapping layers of bent stirrups The response of a cantilevered PT-CIP wall can be repre-
sented by the superposition of two components of its
behavior as indicated in Fig. 5:
1. A non-linear elastic component representing the
contribution of the axial load largely provided by the
PT tendons (In general, though particularly in seis-
mic retrofit applications for buildings of moderate
height, the axial forces supported by structural walls
resulting from the combined weight of slabs and
walls themselves are small. As such, their contribu-
tion to the flexural strength of the wall is minimal
(typically less than 5%) in comparison with the two
main components listed.); and
2. An inelastic yielding component representing the
contribution of the mild steel reinforcing.
There is a wide and growing body of academic research
that has been conducted into the behavior of pre-cast
unbonded post-tensioned concrete walls. The majority of
this research was initiated by the Precast Seismic
Structural Systems (PRESSS)3 research program, which
spurred a great deal of subsequent interest and study.
While there are important detailing aspects that separate
pre-cast and cast-in-place construction, the behavior of
the two systems is analogous. This body of research pro-
vides substantial insight into the expected performance of
Fig. 3 - Force-deformation response hybrid PT-CIP walls.

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Fig. 5 - Mechanism study

PT-Component: Rocking and Self-Centering – where,

Unbonded post-tensioned precast concrete (PT) walls
Mws = contribution of mild steel to wall flexural strength
without any mild steel reinforcing have been shown to
undergo large nonlinear displacements with little damage Mwp = contribution of PT tendons to wall flexural strength
(Kurama et al.4). It has also been shown that even at the
Mwn = contribution of applied axial loads to wall flexural
limit where the tendons begin to yield, “a properly
designed PT precast system is able to develop very large lat-
eral drifts [up to 6%] without loss of strength or SC [self- It is suggested that values of βm between 0.75 and 1.0 result
centering] capacity” (Seo and Sause5). However, it has been in an efficient and effective use of the various components.
observed and is generally accepted that walls incorporating At lower values, the wall may not provide adequate energy
only post-tensioning tendons to provided lateral resistance dissipation. At higher values, the PT tendon contribution
do not provide a sufficient amount of energy dissipation to may be inadequate to fully self-center after a large earth-
adequately limit seismic displacements (Seo and Sause5). quake, resulting in increased permanent deformations – in
Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that PT walls effect, reverting to the response of a conventional rein-
incorporating only post-tensioning tendons experience forced concrete wall.
larger deformations than reinforced concrete walls of
As seen in Fig. 5c, the hysteresis loop of a PT-CIP wall
equivalent resistance subjected to the same loading
exhibits a flagpole shape resulting from the superposition
(Kurama et. al4, Kurama6).
of two component curves.
While the use of friction and viscous damping devices can
Mode Shaping – A mode shaping element is a spine with
provide the necessary energy dissipation to improve the
sufficient strength and stiffness to uniformly distribute
performance of PT systems in general, from a practical
inter-story deformations and prevent story mechanisms
standpoint, these systems represent a specialized, relatively
from forming. Fig. 6 depicts the basic action of such a spine.
unfamiliar, and potentially costly technology that create
It is worthwhile noting that the spine itself need not neces-
additional barriers to the adoption of post-tensioned wall
sarily provide additional lateral resistance to be effective.
systems in practice. Using conventional yielding reinforce-
ment as means of providing adequate energy dissipation Using capacity design methods to proportion PT CIP walls
remains the most practical approach to creating an effec- can ensure this mode shaping behavior, providing an effec-
tive hybrid. tive means of better protecting architectural components
and the gravity system from concentrated inter-story
The parameter βm, suggested by Kurama7 and adopted
here, describes the ratio between the flexural resistance
provided by the mild steel reinforcement and that provid- Lateral Strength and Ductility Demand – The elastic spec-
ed by the post-tensioning tendons: trum strength reduction factor, R in general correlates the
strength of the system with the expected ductility demand.
M ws For systems with low relative strength, designed for higher
βm = R values, larger deformations are expected. Hence, assuring
(M wp + M wn )
adequate ductility capacity is more essential.

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Fig. 6 - Mode shaping effect

Research indicates that a properly designed PT-CIP wall mined to provide an acceptable value of βm. The walls
will have comparable ductility demands to that of a con- should be reasonably sized so that compressive stress in the
ventional reinforced concrete system, with higher ductility concrete is in the range of 0.1 to 0.25 f ’c. Detailed moment
capacities and the added benefit of self-centering capabili- curvature analysis is used to estimate the response of the
ty (Seo and Sause5). This suggests that an R value of 4.5 or wall for nominal loading and to explicitly evaluate the
5.5 (based on CBC1 and depending on building type) is probable over-strength using realistic material properties.
reasonable and perhaps conservative for design. Due to the larger axial forces at the boundaries, localized
reinforcement may be needed to create an efficient com-
Probable Over-strength, Ω – The over-strength factor
pression block.
represents the ratio of the expected maximum capacity of a
system or component to its nominal capacity. This factor
varies from system to system and component to compo-
nent, and can usually be reliably calculated. Accurate esti-
mation of these factors forms the basis for capacity design.
The building code (CBC1) typically prescribes a single
value for Ω for a given structural system. For structural
walls this value is 2.8. To carry out a capacity based design,
using this value without further consideration can be
appropriate and maybe somewhat conservative. However, a
detailed evaluation will show that a PT-CIP wall system
inherently has a reduced (by roughly 1⁄3) associated over-
strength. This recognition creates a meaningful incentive
that makes capacity based design, and, consequently,
improved seismic performance, economically advanta-
geous in the design of PT-CIP walls.


The basic parameters that affect the proportioning and
detailing of various components can be simplified to make
preliminary estimates for design. The following general
approach describes the basic considerations that affect the
Once the strength demands are determined, the walls are
preliminarily sized to resist the over-strength shear
demands as discussed above. Once the overall layout and
basic footprint of the walls is determined, the proportions Fig. 7 - Superposition of rocking and elasto-plastic
of pre-stressing and mild steel reinforcement is then deter- components hybrid PT-CIP wall behavior

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To provide reserve strength in the tendons themselves, the Hayward fault, posed a significant financial risk to the
jacking forces can be somewhat lower than typical post- owner in the event of even a moderate earthquake, as well
tensioning applications. Jacking stresses around 0.6 fpu as a life-safety risk to the building’s occupants in the event
may be more appropriate to minimize the risk of over- of a major earthquake. The unusually massive structure,
stressing the tendons under larger than expected displace- subject to strong near-fault ground shaking, would require
ments. As a minimum, it is recommended that the tendons significant strengthening to satisfy the needs of the seismic
be designed to remain elastic for plastic hinge rotations of safety project.
up to 2.5%. Achieving this is largely a function of tendon
lengths and arrangements in the walls. The building owners outlined a key set of considerations to
be integrated into the project:
As a reference to highlight the effectiveness of the post-ten-
sioning in providing flexural resistance consider the fol- • Its proximity to the University of California, regard-
lowing. In a typical application, assuming a wall 2 ft-0 in. ed as a likely tenant for the building, meant that the
thick, moderately sized tendons consisting of 20-0.5 in. design needed to comply with the University’s strin-
diameter strands arranged in a single row at 20 in. o.c., gent seismic safety criteria. An independent peer-
resulting in roughly 1000 psi of uniform compression review was conducted.
(P/A), effectively provide the strength equivalent of using
#14 bars at 10 in. o.c. on each face. • Since the seismic improvements were voluntary, the
project had a fixed construction budget based on the
Fig. 7 shows a diagrammatic study of the intended flexural
economics of the office real-estate market.
mechanism for a PT-CIP wall.
• Any scheme that would result in exterior modifica-
CASE STUDY – SEISMIC RETROFIT tions was considered unviable, due to the time
A recent voluntary seismic retrofit in Berkeley, California required to undergo design review and obtain a plan-
provided an opportunity for the use of PT-CIP walls to ning permit from the city.
enhance the safety of a six-story medical office building.
• The retrofit needed to accommodate all existing
The building at 2850 Telegraph Avenue was originally
mechanical systems while minimizing intrusion into
constructed around 1970 as a non-ductile concrete
the floor area, in order to preserve the flexibility and
moment frame structure with reinforced masonry infill
value of the space.
exterior walls.
The seismic deficiencies that were identified as critical life- The PT-CIP system provided a retrofit solution well-suited
safety risks related to the overall lack of ductile detailing, to address these criteria. The typical floor plan at 2850
irregularities in load path, and a potential weak/soft story. Telegraph, shown in Fig. 8, measures roughly 120 ft by
Damage to this structure, located only 1 km from the 80 ft.

Fig. 8 - Floor plan of retrofitted structure

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Plastic Hinge Zone - To ensure a flexural mechanism at

the plastic hinge zone without premature strength degra-
dation, the design achieves ductile yielding of the walls’
vertical reinforcement through the use of several important
detailing considerations:
Mechanical couplers were used to splice vertical reinforce-
ment, ensuring full strength development of the bars and
eliminating the possibility of cyclic lap splice failure, while
reducing congestion to facilitate constructability.
Headed cross ties are used at the boundary zones to pro-
vide the confinement necessary to maximize concrete
compressive strength and prevent buckling of heavy verti-
cal boundary bars. See Fig. 10. Outside the boundary zone,
headed cross-ties were used at a regular spacing to
enhance the concrete compressive strength through con-
finement of the “web” of the wall to minimize the likeli-
hood of diagonal compression failure.
Shear reinforcement was capacity designed considering
higher mode effects as well as probable flexural over-
Fig. 9 - Exploded view showing wall arrangement strength to preclude diagonal tension failure. This demand
was met following the design equations for shear capacity
Four new PT-CIP concrete walls, each 2 ft-6 in. in thick- described in FEMA 306 (FEMA8). Headed bars are used to
ness and 20 ft in length, were integrated into the floor plan ensure adequate anchorage of the heavy horizontal shear
to stabilize the structure as shown in Fig. 9. reinforcing, and to reduce congestion. See Fig. 11.

These walls were located close enough to the building exte- High Performance Shotcrete - A key feature of the design
rior to form a stable, broad-based four-sided system, yet far was a specialized concrete mix that was developed to:
enough away to ensure that the new offices will retain their • Satisfy the high compressive strength requirement of
views of the nearby hills and the bay. 8,000 psi;
The walls were able to satisfy the force-based strength • Provide enough early strength gain to permit timely
demands prescribed in the building code with a compact stressing of the tendons; and
footprint and a significant reduction in mild steel rein- • Allow the concrete to be “shot”, or pneumatically
forcement. More importantly, the post-tensioned walls, applied.
through their mode shaping and self-centering capability
add value to the project by providing an extra measure of The resulting mix incorporated a roughly 50% replacement
protection that minimizes economic loss as a result of of the cement with blast furnace slag. In addition to the
damage to the building during an earthquake. expected strength gain, the inclusion of slag resulted in

Fig. 10 - Detail of reinforcement at plastic hinge

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good workability and self-consolidating behavior that

made it suitable for shotcrete placement.

With this innovative mix design, a high performance con-

crete was achieved that resulted in significant cost savings
through the elimination of formwork.

Reinforcement Proportions - The typical reinforcement

specified can be seen in Figs. 10 and 11. The post-tension-
ing force is provided by 8 tendons, each consisting of 27-
0.6 in. diameter strands and stressed to about 900 kips.
This provides a uniform axial stress on the cross-section
equivalent to about 1000 psi or 0.125 f ’c which corresponds
to a mild-steel reinforcing ratio of βm ≈ 0.85 as described
above. This proportion ensured enough energy dissipation
while maintaining a high degree of self-centering capacity.

Fig. 12 - Wall construction showing tendon anchors

Construction Considerations - Although the majority of

work in proportioning the PT-CIP wall was the result of
structural analysis and careful seismic detailing, practi-
cal considerations such as constructability played a sig-
nificant role in determining the final layout of the wall
Shotcrete PT-CIP walls benefit from a rationally arranged,
repetitive reinforcement cage that is not overly congested.
This is necessary to minimize concrete voids, and to permit
enough working space within the mild steel for the stress-
ing operation.
Precise two- and three-dimensional models and drawings
of all wall plans and sections were developed to ensure cor-
rect layout and minimize unintended interferences. These
were complete with all of the components anticipated dur-
ing construction, including true bar diameters for all major
and minor reinforcement, termination plates, T-heads, PT
anchorages, epoxy dowels, existing elements, and clear-
ances. These models were used to detect conflicts and
assess trial layouts iteratively until optimized sizes were
Optimal layout of the PT tendons shown in Fig. 12 requires
a balancing act to satisfy the different performance
requirements. On the one hand, locating them far from the
Fig. 11 - Detail of reinforcement at foundation wall center of the wall increases moment strength under small

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to moderate drifts, due to the increased moment arm of the

internal tension-compression couple. However, under large
lateral drifts, if the tendons are placed too close to the ends
of the wall, those near the compression block will be
underutilized, while those near the tension boundary zone
will undergo excessive strains and may yield. Another fac-
tor to consider is the size of the anchors places practical
limits on how close together the different tendons can be.
The details of the boundary zone reinforcement at the plas-
tic hinge are designed to enhance both performance and
constructability. Fig. 13 shows the construction of the wall.
Note the bundled strands, mechanically coupled #18 verti-
cal bars, and headed reinforcement.
Due to tight site constraints, no cranes were used on the
project. This meant that the PT tendons were assembled
strand by strand at the top anchorage and lowered into
place at the foundation level through penetrations in the Fig. 14 - Wall construction showing PT installation
floors as shown in Figs. 12 and 14.
Site constraints led the contractor to conclude that the
most efficient way to tension the PT strands would be to CONCLUSIONS
individually tension each strand using hand-held jacks. Presented above is a discussion of the behavior of post-ten-
Even so, what would seem like a tedious procedure was one sioned cast-in-place concrete walls, and the design consid-
that moved rapidly. A two person crew was able to tension erations necessary for their implementation. This discus-
all four walls in less than a week. In fact, all of the 864 sion provides the basis for the development of a novel and
strands in the walls were satisfactorily stressed to the promising lateral force resisting system, with these notable
design load. characteristics:
• Self centering capacity that minimizes or eliminates
post earthquake deformations: PT CIP walls have the
potential to sustain no permanent structural damage
in moderate earthquakes and significantly reduce
post occupancy structural repair costs after major
• Mode shaping capacity that eliminates large soft
story drifts: PT-CIP walls can offer increased protec-
tion of gravity and architectural systems that will
serve to reduce economic losses during a seismic
• Economically feasible construction: PT walls com-
bine two established means of concrete construction
technology into a single technology well suited for
seismic applications. This combination results in
greatly reduced barriers to adoption of the technolo-
gy by engineers, owners, contractors and building
officials. This is evident in the case study above
which describes a voluntary seismic upgrade with a
limited budget that was completed on schedule with
minimal field change orders.
The design approach to PT-CIP walls builds upon and inte-
grates several bodies of knowledge, including:
• Analytical and experiment research on the behavior
of analogous precast wall systems;
Fig. 13 - Wall construction showing boundary zone • An adherence to capacity design principles;

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• Code mandated force based design; and 6. Kurama, Y., 2002, “Hybrid Post-Tensioned Precast
• Means and methods of construction and their Concrete Walls for Use in Seismic Regions,” PCI Journal,
impact on cost. Vol. 47, pp. 36-59

A possible improvement to the design approach taken for 7. Kurama, Y., 2005, “Seismic Design of Partially Post-
PT-CIP walls would be to use a displacement design Tensioned Precast Concrete Walls,” PCI Journal, pp. 100-
method such as developed by Priestley and Kowalski9 to 125
determine strength parameters. Because the failure mecha-
nisms can be explicitly and reliably defined, and those limit 8. FEMA, 1999, FEMA 306: Evaluation of Earthquake
states can be directly related to the details of construction, Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings, May
the PT-CIP system easily lends itself to this rational 1999, pp.77-94, Federal Emergency Management
method. Agency, Washington D.C.

To fully understand the potential of the PT-CIP system, 9. Priestley, M.J.N., Kowalsky, M.J. 2000, “Direct
additional research is required to better quantify the sys- Displacement-based Design of Concrete Buildings,”
tem’s ductility demand vis-à-vis the chosen lateral strength Bulletin NZS National Society for Earthquake Engineering,
factor (R), and selected proportions of mild steel and pre- Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 421-444
stressing. Though many analytical studies establish such
relationships for hysteretic systems and support the con- 10. Park, R. and Paulay, T., 2006, Connections. The EERI Oral
cept of self-centering systems in general, physical testing History Series, Earthquake Engineering Research
based on the viable design concepts presented herein Institute, Oakland CA, 2006
would go a long way in establishing a firm basis for larger
scale adoption.
As to the relationship between research and practice, it is
worthwhile to quote Paulay: “It may sound obvious, but
improvements in seismic performance of engineering
structures are achieved only after structures are construct-
ed that embody improved seismic design knowledge.”(Park
and Paulay10)
Leo Panian is an associate of Tipping Mar +associates,
REFERENCES Structural Engineers, in Berkeley, CA. He is a registered
structural and civil engineer with over thirteen years of
1. CBC, International Conference of Building experience, specializing in the design of steel and concrete
Officials/California Building Standards Commission, structures with particular expertise in seismic engineering.
2001 California Building Code – California Code of He is a graduate of UC Berkeley and UC San Diego with
Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2, Chapter 16 a Master’s Degree in Structural Engineering.

2. Paulay, T. and Priestley, M.J.N., 1992, Seismic Design of Marc Steyer is a project enginer at Tipping Mar +associ-
Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, pp. 420-440 ates. He is a registered civil engineer with over 5 years of
experience. He is a graduate of Princeton University and
3. Priestley, M., Sritharan, S., Conley, J, and Pampanin, S., the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a Master’s
1999, “Preliminary Results and Conclusions From the Degree in Structural Engineering.
PRESS Five-Story Precast Concrete Test Building,” PCI
Steven Tipping is the president of Tipping Mar +associ-
Journal, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 42-67
ates. He is a registered structural and civil engineer with
4. Kurama, Y., Pessiki, S., Sause, R., and Lu, L.W., 1999, over thirty-five years of experience in a wide range of
“Seismic Behavior and Design of Unbonded Post- building projects. Under his leadership, the firm has estab-
Tensioned Precast Concrete Walls,” PCI Journal, Vol. 44, lished a reputation of creativity and excellence for which it
No.3, pp. 72-89 has been repeatedly recognized by peers and industry
groups at state and national levels. Mr. Tipping served as
5. Seo, C.Y., and Sause, R., 2005, “Ductility Demands on Self- the President of the Structural Engineers Association of
Centering Systems under Earthquake Loading”, ACI Northern California and was a member of the Structural
Structural Journal, Vol. 102, No. 2, pp. 275-285 Engineers of California Board of Directors.

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