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Introversion/Extroversion, Time Stress, and Caffeine: Effect on Verbal


Article in Science · May 1976

DOI: 10.1126/science.1257762 · Source: PubMed

116 1,185

3 authors, including:

William Revelle
Northwestern University


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Introversion/Extroversion, Time Stres s, and Caffeine: spend as much time as necessary. On
another night, the subjects were allowed
Effect on Verbal Performance to spend only 10 minutes on the test,
were told to work as quickly as possible,
Abstract. Time pressure and caffeine differentia fly affected the performance ofintro- and were given two placebo pills which
verts on verbal ability tests similar to the Graduarte Record Examination. With time they were told contained 200 mg of either
pressure and 200 milligrams of caffeine, the per. formance of introverts fell by 0.63 caffeine or lactose. The same procedure
standard deviation, but extroverts by 0.44 standard deviation. was followed on the third night, except
that the pills actually contained 200 mg
A classic, although widely challenged, troveirsion reflect this differential arousal of caffeine (13). Subjects had been in-
finding in human and animal perform- (7, 8) I. Other behaviors associated with structed not to consume any caffeine or
ance is that efficiency of performance is a introviersion and extroversion are be- other drugs for 6 hours preceeding each
curvilinear function of the stress induced lieved to be caused by homeostatic at- condition. They filled out the Eysenck
by the task. Both high and low levels of temptts to increase arousal (for example, Personality Inventory Form A (14) while
stress are thought to be associated with by s,eeking -stimulation) by under- waiting for the "caffeine" to take effect.
inefficient performance, and moderate arous4ed extroverts and to decrease The correlations between number cor-
levels lead to optimum performance (1). arousral (for example, by avoiding stimu- rect [corrected for guessing (15)] and
Many anecdotal examples can be found lationi) by over-aroused introverts (9). the introversion-extroversion dimension
of performance decrements under high When proper controls are applied, psy- were -.29 in the relaxed condition, -.18
stress, usually that associated with mili- chophiysiological studies of the differ- under time pressure with placebos, and
tary combat or natural disasters (2), but ences between introverts and extroverts +. 12 under time pressure with caffeine.
it is difficult to find clear examples of tend to substantiate this theory (7-9), Although the change in correlation from
decrements in performance for normal althouigh there is considerable question the relaxed to placebo conditions was
levels of stress (3, 4). Such decrements as to the unidimensionality of the in- not statistically significant, the change
are usually open to the criticism that trovei rsion-extroversion construct (10). from placebo to caffeine conditions was
they occurred as a result of increases in We gave verbal ability tests under con- (t-test of the difference between depen-
distracting stimuli or because of con- ditionis presumed to differ in their arous- dent correlations, t = 3.38, d.f. = 98,
tradictory task demands (5). The stress ing pr^operties. The results are consistent P < .005).
induced by taking an examination is usu- with crur predictions and indicate that the The distribution of introversion-ex-
ally assumed to be too little to lead to persoinality dimension of introversion- troversion scores can be divided into
inefficient performance although per- extro)version is related to test perform- three groups, introverts, ambiverts, and
formance on tests has occasionally been ance iin a complex manner, and that cer- extroverts (14) (Fig. 1). To allow for
claimed to demonstrate curvilinear ef- tain t esting conditions favor one end of comparisons between scores achieved in
fects (3, 6). If performance on tests is the diimension while other conditions fa- different lengths of time, we converted
curvilinearly related to stress, and if vor thie opposing end. all scores to standard scores. Scores
some individuals are more susceptible to We administered three equivalent from the relaxed condition were stan-
this stress than others, then changes in tests of verbal ability (11) under three dardized separately, but means and vari-
the testing situation that lead to slight separ;ate conditions to each of 101 under- ances from the two timed conditions
increases in stress should be beneficial gradu ate students. The forms and condi- were pooled before the scores were
for some individuals and harmful to oth- tions were randomized for each subject standardized. The appropriate correc-
ers. In correlational terms, susceptibility (12). On one night the subjects were tion for guessing (number correct - 1/4
to stress should be positively related to instru cted to solve all 60 problems and to number incorrect) was applied to the
performance for low levels of stress, un- scores before they were standardized
related at moderate levels, and negative- (16).
ly related at high levels. We have found The interaction between introversion-
this to be the case. extroversion and situational stress (Fig.
We predicted that introverted individ- introverts 1) is statistically significant (unweighted
uals should be more susceptible to per- -00
means analysis of variance, F = 4.92,
formance decrements under moderate a4 d.f. = 4, 196, P < .005) (17, 18). In the
levels of stress than should extroverted -oC 0.3 two timed conditions, total performance
individuals. We expected that, with mod- can be separated into two components:
erate increases in stress, introverts \/ speed (the number of problems attempted)
would decline in efficiency (and hence in c
\/ and accuracy (the ratio of the number of
performance) and extroverts would im-
-x - x problems correct to the number of prob-
prove. That is, we expected the correla- 0
lems attempted). The correlation be-
tion between the introversion-extro- Ambiverts, / tween the introversion-extroversion di-
version dimension and performance to -2 /
,r' mension and speed did not increase sig-
increase as stress was increased. This ..-_ / nificantly. For accuracy, however, there
prediction derived from a theory of the Extroverts was a significant change in the correla-
behavioral and physiological differences Relaxed Timed Timed tion (from -.31 with placebos to +.02
between introverts and extroverts (7). In (placebo) (caffeine) with caffeine: t = 3.15, P < .005). For
brief, this theory states that when varia- Fig. ]1. Standardized performance scores the grouped data, this indicated a de-
tions in the environmental level of stimu- (mean = 0, S.D. = 1) on practice verbal crease in accuracy from .69 to .63 for
lation are controlled, introversion is posi- Graduwate Record Examinations as function of the introverts and an increase in accuracy
introveersion-extroversion, time pressure, and from .60 to .64 for the extroverts. This im-
tively correlated with cortical activation caffeinle. The relaxed condition was standard-
or arousal (7). Many of the behavioral ized si,eparately; the timed conditions were plies that the locus of the effect is not
correlates of introversion and ex- standairdized together. merely a response style of trading off
9 APRIL 1976 149
speed for accuracy on the part ofthe intro- El-Beheri, C. C. Gieseking. Psychophysiology ditions or the tests. All sessions began at ap-
verts. 9, 529 (1972). proximately 7 p.m. to control for possible diur-
4. P. Patkai, Int. J. Psychiatry Med. 5, 575 (1974). nal effects [M. J. F. Blake, Nature (London)
Before we generalize from these re- 5. R. Naatanen, in Attention and Performance IV, 215, 896 (1967)].
S. Kornblum, Ed.(Academic Press, New York, 13. Actually 400 mg of caffeine citrate was adminis-
sults, several limitations should be con- 1973), pp. 155-174. tered. This contained 200 mg of caffeine which is
sidered. (i) The relaxed condition al- 6. J. W. Atkinson and J. 0. Raynor, Eds., Motiva- roughly equivalent to one and one-half to two
tion and Achievement (Winston, Washington, cups of coffee [J. F. Greden, Am. J. Psychiatry
lowed the subjects as much time as they D.C., 1974); C. D. Spielberger and I. G. Saron- 131, 1089 (1974)].
required to complete the test. This is son, Eds., Stress and Anxiety (Halsted, New 14. H. J. Eysenck and S. B. Eysenck, Eysenck
York, 1975); E. Gaudry and C. D. Spielber- Personality Inventory (Educational and Indus-
more generous than even normal "pow- ger, Eds., Anxiety and Educational Achieve- trial Testing Service, San Diego, 1964). The
er" (untimed) instructions. (ii) The timed ment (Wiley, New York, 1971). scores defining each group were 2 to 9 (in-
7. H. J. Eysenck, Biological Basis of Personality troverts, N = 27), 10 to 15 (ambiverts, N = 45),
conditions were shorter than normally (Thomas, Springfield, Ill., 1967); J. A. Gray, in and 16 to 21 (extroverts, N = 29). The mean
Multivariate Analysis and Psychological Theo- extroversion score was 12.5 (S.D. = 4.5).
allowed on standard ability tests. (iii) ry, J. R. Royce, Ed. (Academic Press, New 15. The correlations with number right (uncor-
The performance shift from relaxed to York, 1973). rected) were -.28, -.13, and +.14.
8. G. S. Claridge, Personality and Arousal (Per- 16. The means before standardization were 37.3,
time stress is a relative shift (scores were gamon, Oxford, 1967); M. G. H. Coles, A. Gale, 21.1, and 21.9 (S.D. = 8.6, 8.5, and 9.0) for the
standardized within condition); almost P. Kline, Psychophysiology 8, 54 (1971); A. relaxed, placebo, and caffeine conditions, re-
Crider and R. Lunn, J. Exp. Res. Pers. 5, 145 spectively.
all subjects solved more&problems in the (1971); R. B. Sloane, P. 0. Davidson, R. W. 17. Similar analyses were done with the neuroticism
Payne, Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 13, 19 (1965). scale from the Eysenck Personality Inventory,
power condition. In the timed condi- 9. H. J. Eysenck, in Emotions-Their Parameters but there were no significant effects.
tions, however, the shift is absolute rath- and Measurement, L. Levi, Ed. (Raven, New
York, 1975), pp. 439-467; F. Farley and S. V. J.
18. A preliminary study with 60 subjects and 100 mg
of caffeine had similar results. Introverts (N =
er than relative; when treated with caf- Farley, Consult. Psychol. 31, 215 (1967). 18) fell from +0.25 to -0.36 sigma units, while ex-
feine, introverts correctly answered few- 10. J. P. Guilford, Psychol. Bull. 82, 802 (1975). troverts (N = 11) rose from +0.01 to +0.22.
11. G. R. Gruber and E. C. Gruber, Graduate Ambiverts (N = 31) rose slightly from -0.2 to
er problems and extroverts more prob- Record Examination Aptitute Test: A Complete -0.16.
lems. (iv) Differences in performance in Review for the Verbal and Math Parts of the 19. We thank J. Barry and L. Gourley for assistance
Test (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1973). The in collecting the data for the pilot study and L.
the relaxed condition could be a result of first 60 questions (20 each of analogies, anto- G. Humphreys, M. Humphreys, and two anony-
nyms, and sentence completions) of practice mous reviewers for helpful comments on an
differences in arousal (our hypothesis) or tests 2, 3, and 4 were used. earlier draft of this paper.
represent different levels of involvement 12. There were no noticeable relationships between
performance and the sequence of either the con- 30 January 1976
in the task. If introverts are assumed to
be relatively more interested in in-
tellectual problems, they might be ex-
pected to do better when allowed unlimit-
ed time. In the timed conditions, how- Two Functional Effects of Decreased Conductance EPSP's:
ever, this explanation is less convincing.
In the same testing session some sub- Synaptic Augmentation and Increased Electrotonic Coupling
jects were administered placebo and oth-
ers caffeine-a condition that diminishes Abstract. Three electronically coupled motor neurons, which mediate inking
the likelihood of differential susceptibili- behavior in Aplysia californica, receive both increased and decreased conductance
ty of introverts and extroverts to pos- excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP's). The increased conductance EPSP's
sible,expectations of the experimenter. reduce electrical coupling among 'the cells, whereas the decreased conductance
Our effects are interactive ones and EPSP's increase electrical coupling. The decreased conductance EPSP's also
not main effects. Caffeine-induced stress augment the action of a previously ineffective sensory input and this augmentation is
neither raises nor lowers average per- enhanced by the increase in electrical coupling. Both effects combine to trigger a
formance but rather increases the per- stereotypic behavioral response.
formance for some individuals and de-
creases it for others. Similarly, across Studies of vertebrate and invertebrate stimulus. The synaptically activated
the two drug conditions, there was no nerve cells indicate that different neu- decrease in membrane conductance in-
net superiority for either introverts or rons receive and generate a variety of creases electrotonic coupling. In addition,
extroverts. These findings suggest a para- electrical and chemical synaptic actions. it augments the action of a previously
digm for studying the effects on perform- For example, excitatory chemical synap- ineffective sensory input (5). Both ef-
ance of stressors in conjunction with di- tic actions are usually mediated by an fects combine to trigger inking in re-
mensions of personality. Specifically, increased conductance to Na+ and K+ sponse to closely timed subthreshold
this methodology overcomes many of (1), but similar although slower synaptic stimuli.
the objections raised to previous studies excitation can be mediated by a de- In response to noxious stimuli, Aply-
of the curvilinear relationship between creased conductance to K+ (2). Some sia californica exhibits an all-or-none ste-
stress and performance (5). insight into the functional role of the reotypic response in which copious
WILLIAM REVELLE synaptic diversity of neurons can be amounts of dark purple ink are ejected
PHYLLIS AMARAL gained by examining the synaptic actions from the mantle cavity (6). This response
SUSAN TURRIFF of nerve cells in relation to behavior. is mediated by three identified motor
Department of Psychology, We here compare the functional con- neurons located in the abdominal gangli-
Northwestern University, sequences of increased and decreased on (L14A, L14B, and L14c). The three
Evanston, Illinois 60201 conductance synaptic excitation for three motor neurons are silent, have a high
electrotonically coupled motor cells and resting potential (approximately -65
References and Notes the behavior which they mediate. We mv), and are electrotonically coupled to
1. R. M. Yerkes and J. D. Dodson, J. Comp. find that a synaptically activated increase one another (see Fig. 2A). A single brief
Neurol. Psychol. 18, 459 (1908); P. L. Broadhurst,
Acta Psychol. 16, 321 (1959); E. Duffy,Activation in membrane conductance reduces elec- electrical stimulus to the connectives
and Behavior (Wiley, New York, 1962). trotonic coupling [see also Spira and (nerve tracts that carry input to the ab-
2. R. B. Malmo, On Emotions, Needs, and Our
Archaic Brain (Holt, Reinhart, and Winston, Bennett (3) and Kater (4)]. This synaptic dominal ganglion from the head ganglia),
New York, 1962). input triggers a stereotypic inking re- or to peripheral nerves, produces similar
3. J. E. Hokanson and M. Burgess. J. Abnorm.
Soc. Psychol. 68,698 (1964); R. T. Wilkinson, S. sponse to a single strong, suprathreshold synaptic responses in all three nerve
150 SCIENCE, VOL. 192

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