bch mcq 1

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TYPE A 1hr


1 pH describes the degree of _______ a solution: a) Sweetness (b) Acidity or alkalinity (c) Hotness (d)
2 Carbohydrate generally made up of carbon, hydrogen and: (a) Nitrogen (b) Phosphorus (c) Oxygen
(d) Sulphur
3 pH of pure water is close to: (a) 8 (b) 7 (c) 14 (d) 9
4 Major source of carbohydrate is: (a) Animal source (b) Mineral source (c) Plant source (d) Sea water
5 Carbohydrates are utilized by the body for the production of: (a) Proteins (b) Amino acids (c) Oxygen
(d) Energy
6 Empirical formula of monosaccharide with o=3 or larger is:(a) (CH2O2)o (b) (CH2O)n (c) (CHO2)o (d)
7 Glucose is the example of: (a) Aldoses (b) Ketoses (c) Alkyls (d) Oligosaccharides
8 Fructose is the example of: (a) Aldoses (b) Ketoses (c) Derivatives carbs (d) Pentose
9 Polysaccharides are composed of _____ numbers of simple sugar molecules: (a) 1 to 6 (b) 3 to 9 (c) 1
to 9 (d) More than 10
10 Steroids, oils and waxes belong to: (a) Carbohydrates (b) Lipids (c) Proteins (d) Nucleic acids
11 Lipids are: (a) Soluble in water (b) Insoluble in water (c) Soluble in non-polar solution (d) Both b & c
12 Primary building blocks of lipids are fatty acids and: (a) Amino acids (b) Glycerol (c) Nucleotides (d)
13 Which one is amino group: (a) –COOH (b) –NH2 (c) –R (d) –C—R
14 Proteins are composed of: (a) Monosaccharide (b) Fatty acids (c) Amino acids (d) Nucleotides
15 Polypeptide bond is formed between amino group and: (a) Nitrogenous group (b) Carbonyl group (c)
Phosphorus group (d) Carboxyl group
16 Secondary coiled structure of protein is held together by: (a) Nitrogen bonding (b) Oxygen bonding
(c) Hydrogen bonding (d) Sharing of electron pairs
17 Simple Proteins on hydrolysis yields only: (a) Fatty acids (b) Amino acids (c) Sugars (d) Oils
18 A natural or artificial substance made from many small molecules called: (a) Compound (b) Empirical
formula (c) Ester (d) Polymer
19 Hemoglobin transport in the blood: (a) Carbon dioxide (b) Oxygen (c) Nutrient (d) Water
20 Enzymes are _____ in nature: (a) Carbohydrate (b) Cholesterol (c) Waxes (d) Proteins
21 Aerobic dehydrogenases are an example of: (a) Oxidoreductases (b) Transferases (c) Hydrolases (d)
22 Rate of reaction increase with: (a) Increase of enzyme (b) Decrease of enzyme (c) Increase of
temperature (d) Both a & c
23 If optimum temperature and pH are not present then reaction is completed in: (a) Short time (b)
Long time (c) Expected time (d) None of these
24 The complete structure of Apo enzyme and prosthetic group is: (a) Co-enzyme (b) Holo enzyme (c)
Both a & b (d) None of these
25 Enzymes which catalyze the transfer of a functional group from one molecule to another: (a)
Hydrolases (b) Isomerases (c) Transferases (d) Lyases
26 Pepsin works best in: (a) Acidic pH (b) Basic pH (c) Both a & b (d) Neutral pH
27 In Conjugated protein the protein part is called: (a) Holo enzyme (b) Apo enzyme (c) Prosthetic
group (d) None of these
28 Lassitude, anemia, dermatitis, fall of hairs, muscular pain, are symptoms of deficiency of Vitamin; (a)
B9 (b) B12 (c) B7 (d) C
29 Vitamin K is also called; (a) Ant-sterility vitamin (b) Ant-coagulant vitamin (c) Anti-Hemorrhagic
vitamin (d) B & C
30 Vitamin C & B are soluble in; (a) Fat (b) Water (c) Alcohol (d) None
31 Vitamin necessary for the production of hemoglobin; (a) Vit.B1 (b) Vit.B2 (c) Vit.B5 (d) Vit.B6
32 Vitamin involved in blood clotting; (a) B6 (b) C (c) D (d) K
33 Beriberi is treated by vitamin; (a) B5 (b) B1 (c) B6 (d) B12
34 Vitamin A is also called; (a) Calciferol (b) Tocopherol (c) Retinol (d) Riboflavin
35 Naturally occurring , essential, organic constituents of the diet, which in minute amount aid in
maintaining the normal metabolic actives of the tissues is called; (a) Enzyme (b) Protein (c) Hormone
(d) Vitamin
36 Development of nodule at costochoodral junction is called; (a) Kyphosis (b) Lordosis (c) Rickety
rosary (d) None
37 Another name for vitamin B6 is---------------------------------------------------------------
38 ---------------------------- have been shown to be dietary essentials as these are vital to the enzymatic
processes of the living cell. (a) non-essential trace element (b) essential trace element (c) possible
essential trace element (d) none of the above
39 ------------------------is present in amino acids as constituents of proteins a) Iron (b)Iodine (c) Selenium
(d) Copper
40 ------------------------ in prescribing diets for individuals and in diet planning for communities (a) SDA
(b) BMR (c) RQ (d) none of the above

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