Activity 7_ Individual Analysis of the Legal Guide to Video Gam

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Activity 7: Individual Analysis of the Legal Guide to Video Games

Objective: To analyze and understand the legal aspects related to intellectual property in the context
of video games individually.

Materials Needed: Internet access, the legal guide to video games available at


1. Carefully read the legal guide to video games at the provided link.
2. Take notes on key concepts, relevant examples, and any questions that arise during the
3. Reflect on the legal challenges that video game developers face in terms of intellectual
property and the legal strategies they can adopt to protect their creations.
4. Consider how intellectual property legislation affects innovation and competition in the video
game industry, as well as the ethical implications of these laws.
5. Write a brief essay or report summarizing your findings and reflections on the topic.
6. If you have any questions or doubts, further research or seek clarifications from additional

Reflection Questions:

 What are the main legal challenges that video game developers face in terms of intellectual
 What legal strategies can developers adopt to protect their creations?
 How does intellectual property legislation affect innovation and competition in the video
game industry?
 What ethical implications do intellectual property laws have regarding access to video games
and digital culture in general?

Note: This activity is designed to be carried out individually, allowing each student to delve into the
content and reflect on it personally.

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