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Choose from the alternatives A to D the one which is nearest in meaning to the underlined

words in each sentence.

41. Abass was not selected to play because he had little stamina.

A. love
B. potential
C. endurance
D. skill

42. The town was deserted after the war.

A. destroyed
B. built
C. quiet
D. abandoned

43. The police interrogated the suspect at the police station

A. warned
B. questioned
C. detained
D. beat

44. John was impressed with Joana’s gift.

A. moved
B. deceived
C. calmed
D. pleased

45. Most doctors are cautious in treating patients.

A. careful
B. good
C. experienced
D. friendly

In each of the following sentences a group of words has been underlined. Choose from the
alternatives lettered A to D the one that best explains the underlined words.

46. The chairman was disturbed because only fifteen members turned up for the meeting. This
means that fifteen members………. the meeting.
A. attended
B. avoided
C. postponed
D. disturbed

47. Tony held his tongue for an hour before speaking. This means that Tony

A. was angry
B. was happy
C. smile for a while
D. kept quiet

48. Jones will let the cat out of the bag if he is invited. This means he will

A. cause trouble.
B. confuse everybody.
C. reveal the secret.
D. release the cat.

49. The PTA Chairman cleared the air about the increase in dues. This means that he

A. explained why there was an increase.

B. announced the increase.
C. published the increase in the papers.
D. was sorry about the increase.

50. Charles Taylor’s shot missed its target by a hair’s breadth. This means that

A. he shot wide.
B. the goal was disallowed.
C. he nearly scored a goal.
D. the keeper caught the ball.

From the alternatives lettered A to D choose the one which is most nearly opposite in meaning
to the underlined word in each sentence.

51. Applying cocoa butter to the skin makes it smooth.

A. soft
B. rough
C. warm
D. dark

52. Do not despise poor people because you are rich.

A. cheat
B. avoid
C. admire
D. annoy

53. Hearing is an involuntary action.

A. difficult
B. slow
C. quick
D. intentional

54. Iddrisu swore that he would rather be a spendthrift than a

A. miser
B. pauper
C. weakling
D. thief

55. Our friends gave us a cordial welcome.

A. plain
B. hostile
C. calm
D. steady

From the alternatives lettered A to D, the one which most suitably completes each sentence.

56. The youth are advised to abstain………. sex.

A. in
B. on
C. from
D. through

57. Daddy writes beautifully………. he?

A. would
B. wouldn’t
C. doesn’t
D. didn’t

58. Bulky goods are transported………. sea.

A. through
B. to
C. on
D. by
59. Life Skills………. my favourite subject when I was in school.

A. has been
B. were
C. was
D. have been

60. ‘Will you mind if I borrowed your book?’

A. ‘Yes, I do.’
B. ‘Yes, I mind.’
C. ‘No, I don’t.’
D. ‘No, I won’t.’

61. ‘Has Sister Edith………. her glass of water this evening?’

A. drunk
B. drink
C. drinks
D. drank

62. If my uncle had come, I………. have had some money.

A. may
B. will
C. shall
D. would
63. Newspapers are………. magazines.

A. cheap as
B. cheaper than
C. cheapest of
D. cheap than

64. I have discovered a new………. rhyme.

A. children
B. childrens’
C. children’s
D. childrens

65. I told mum I………. take my breakfast later.

A. will
B. can
C. would
D. shall

66. The final match was played………. three and five o’clock in the afternoon.

A. by
B. toward
C. from
D. between

67. The girl told her mother that she………. from church.

A. comes
B. had come
C. has come
D. has been coming

68. ………. I joined the class late I could pass the examination.

A. Since
B. As
C. Despite
D. Although

69. The book was………. difficult to read.

A. much
B. too
C. little
D. so

70. These walls have ears. This sentence is an example of a/an:

A. cliche B. personification C. metaphor D. hyperbole

71. His room was a junk pile. This sentence is an example of a/an:
A. simile B. personification C. metaphor D. alliteration

72. The baby's skin was like a rose petal. This sentence is an example of a/an:
A. similie B. personification C. metaphor D. oxymoron

73. The leaves danced in the wind. This sentence is an example of a/an:
A. simile B. metaphor C. personification D. hyperbole

74. I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse. This sentence is an example of a/an:
A. simile B. hyperbole C. oxymoron D. personification

75. She played beautifully on the baby grand. This sentence is an example of a/an:
A. alliteration B. hyperbole C. personification D. oxymoron

76. He was running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. This sentence is an example of
a/an: A. metaphor B. oxymoron C. hyperbole D. cliché

77. Rain races, ripping and restless in it’s rage. This sentence is an example of a/an:
A. alliteration B. hyperbole C. personification D. oxymoron

78. The daffodils nodded their yellow heads at the walkers. . This sentence is an example of
a/an: A. alliteration B. personification C. hyperbole D.
79. Your answers are perfectly wrong. This sentence is an example of a/an:
A. alliteration B. hyperbole C. personification D. oxymoron

80. Personal letters may be short or long but they are usually ________.
A. formal
B. informal
C. professional
D. unimportant

81. A letter may be written to communicate something that’s difficult to say face-to-face.
82. _______ letters are letters to people who we don’t know on a personal level.
A. Chain
B. Informal
C. Formal
D. Reference
83. One may write a(n) ____ letter find out information, to apply for a job or a course,or
to send an apology.

A. formal
B. informal

84. Information necessary to include in a formal letter are _______.

A. dates, names, and addresses
B. dates, serial numbers, and locations
C. date, relationship, and age
D. date, preferred language, and race

85. ______ letters are generally precise and to-the-point, without any unnecessary detail.
A. Formal
B. Informal

86. All business letters have one thing in common, ________.

A. their purpose
B. professionalism
C. they are private
D. publicity
87. The two most common business letter formats are _____ format and _____format.
A. block, unblocked
B. block, indented
C. indented, non-indented
D. personal, professional

88. The three types of block format include:

A. non-block, modified block, or semi-block format
B. block, modified block, or semi-block format
C. block, midi-block, or semi-block format
D. block, modified block, or quasi-block format

89. ______ is the most common out of the three and the simplest.
A. Demi-block
B. Semi-block
C. Quasi-Block
D. Block

90. When writing a business letter in ______ form, the senders name, address, phone
number, and date is located at the top of the page, either in the center or a few spaces from
the center towards the right side.
A. block
B. modified indented
C. indented
D. modified block

Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one which is nearest in meaning to the
underlined word or expression in each sentence.

91. Mary’s mother is confident that her daughter will win a prize.
A. anxious
B. proud
C. certain
D. determined

92. The troops retreated when they were attacked

A. escaped
B. scattered
C. fought
D. withdrew

93. Our teacher advised us to be courteous always.

A. punctual
B. mannerly
C. hard-working
D. kind

94. All latecomers were promptly punished.

A. immediately
B. mercilessly
C. roughly
D. severely

95. We should all learn to restrain our anger.

A. avoid
B. control
C. apply
D. delay

In each of the following sentences a group of words has be been underlined. choose from the
alternatives lettered A to D the one that best explains the underlined words.
96. The two brothers are always quarreling: they never see eye to eye. This means they do
not……….each other.
A. agree with
B. admire
C. respect
D. trust

97. You must be off your head if you really believe that the moon is a huge cake. This means
that you must be……….
A. crazy
B. joking
C. unintelligent
D. dreaming

98. Amale does not earn much, but she has some money put by. This means Amale has some
A. to live on
B. for charity
C. saved for the future
D. to pay her children ‘s fees.

99. Several passengers were killed in the accident, but the driver escaped by the skin of his
teeth. This means that the driver……….
A. missed death narrowly
B. lost all his teeth
C. ran into the bush
D. had only a scratch on his skin.

100. When the armed robbers could no longer fight the police, they gave in. this means the
armed robbers……….
A. Fled
B. surrendered
C. shot themselves
D. cried for help

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