Lesson 35_6th grade

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OA 14: Escribir para realizar las siguientes funciones: Comparar, por ejemplo: he’s is taller than Tom; this game
is the easiest/most difficult of all.

A. Look at the adjectives and write down the comparative form.

1. Big __________ 6. Good __________ 11. Historic __________

2. Happy __________ 7. Easy __________ 12. Noisy __________
3. Expensive __________ 8. Great __________ 13. Dark __________
4. Intelligent __________ 9. Interesting __________ 14. Bright __________
5. Boring __________ 10. Bad __________ 15. Old __________

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the comparative adjectives.

1. An elephant is ............................................ (strong) a kangaroo.

2. Our teacher is ............................................ (beautiful) that film star.
3. A school is ............................................ (noisy) a hospital.
4. Jane’s hair is ............................................ (long) yours.
5. John’s work is ............................................ (good) Mary’s.
6. Yesterday was ............................................ (hot) today.
7. This book is ............................................ (interesting) that one.
8. Athletes are usually ............................................ (famous) scientists

C. Write down sentences comparing the nouns.

1. English / maths (important) English is more important than maths

2. A tortoise / a cat (slow) __________________________________________________________
3. My friend / I (handsome) _________________________________________________________
4. Chocolate milkshakes / lemonade (good) ____________________________________________
5. A tiger / a rabbit (dangerous) ______________________________________________________
6. The North Pole / Africa (cold) ______________________________________________________
7. Swimming / skating (easy) ________________________________________________________
8. The Eiffel Tower / my house (big) ___________________________________________________
9. A stone / a feather (heavy) ________________________________________________________

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Idioma extranjero inglés - Profesora Camila Seguel - Red de Colegios SEG
D. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

Countryside v/s City

Peacefull – Slow – Crowded – Low – Stressfull – Friendly – Dangerous – Bad

– Exciting – Easy – Good - Fresh

1. The air in the countryside ______________________________ the air in the city.

2. The job in the city ______________________________ the job in the countryside.
3. The life in the countryside ______________________________ the life in the city.
4. The city ____________________________ the countryside. There are more people here.
5. The activities in the city ______________________________ the ones in the countryside.
6. The streets in the city ______________________________ the streets in the countryside.

E. Look at the pictures and write down sentences using the comparative adjectives.

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Young Old Big

1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________

F. Read the sentences and draw according to them.

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The apple is smaller The Eiffel tower is My grandpa is elder

than the watermelon. more touristic than than my dad.
China wall.

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Idioma extranjero inglés - Profesora Camila Seguel - Red de Colegios SEG

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