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The necessary tasks and activities for the event have been identified as follows:
a. Definition of Event’s Objectives and Goals: The purpose of the event should be
identified to formulate the structure and planning of the event.
b. Forming the team: The team members should be identified, employed, and
assigned tasks. The objectives should also be conveyed to them for full
understanding and onboarding.
c. Project Kickoff meeting: A Meeting with team members and stakeholders before
the project starts to align on key details like budget, date, event’s platform, risks,
etc and get buy-in on critical milestones.
d. Risk Management: Identify potential risks and develop contingency plans.
e. Program Development: Design the agenda, including sessions, workshops,
speakers, and activities.
f. Speakers’ Identification: The speakers suited for the events’ contents should
be identified.
g. Invitation of Speakers: Identified speakers should be invited to affirm their
interest and availability for the event.
h. Preparation of presentations: The contents of the presentations for the
speakers should be developed by the speakers and the content creator for
quality purposes.
i. Scheduling of the event’s programme: The timing for the event and different
programmes of the day should be scheduled, with special consideration of
different timezones, keeping in mind that the event is to be a global one.
j. Website creation: The website should be created and maintained, with a
registration link included for participants.
k. Promotion and Marketing: Create a marketing plan to attract attendees and
promote the event globally.
l. Participant Registration: Set up a registration system and manage participant
m. Virtual Platform and Technology testing: Ensure all necessary tech equipment
and tools (audiovisual, streaming, etc.) and virtual event platform are
available and tested.
n. Checks and Confirmations: Speakers and attendees' attendance should be
confirmed and meeting links should be sent out to all involved. All other final
checks should be conducted as well.
o. Documentation and Reporting: Document the event proceedings and prepare
reports for stakeholders and future reference.
p. Event: The event should be hosted as planned, and all tasks should be
conducted, including gifting the speakers.
q. Evaluation and Feedback: Plan post-event evaluations to gather feedback and
measure the event's success against objectives.


Project Plan Table

Main Task Subtask Dependencies Time Total Time Resources

Required Required
(days) (days)

Project Define goals and objectives 1st task 7 33 Project Team


Create Project Charter 2nd Task 7 Project Manager

Set up the team 3rd task 18 Project Manager

Project Kickoff: Assemble 4th Task 1 1 Project Manager

team, outline scope, risk

Documentation and Reporting Concurrent with 1 1 Project Manager,

4th Task General Assistant

Milestone 1 Project Kickoff meeting

Planning and Budget Planning 5th Task 1 45 Project Team

Platform Selection: 6th Task 15 Technical Support
Requirement Analysis, Market
Research, Demos and Trials,
Evaluation and Scoring,
Vendor Negotiation, Final
Decision and Setup

Program Content Starts at the 43 Project Manager,

Development: Secure same time as Content creator,
speakers, develop materials, 6th task = 7th General Assistant
Design workshop content, Task
Create activity materials

Identification of Speakers Starts 7 days 14 Project Manager,

after 6th task Content creator,
starts = 8th Task General Assistant

Invitation of Speakers Starts at the end 15 Project Manager

of 8th Task = 9th and General
Task Assistant

Scheduling of event timeline Starts at the end 5 Project Manager,

of 9th Task = Content creator,
10th task General Assistant

Develop marketing strategy Starts at the end 9 Promotion and

of 10th Task = Marketing Manager
11th Task
Creation of Website Starts at the end 28 Technical Support
of 6th Task =
12th Task

Documentation and reporting Starts at the 45 Project Manager

beginning of the and General
project phase = Assistant
13th Task

Milestone 2 Program Content

Development and Marketing

Execution Launch Publicity Starts at the end 62 65 Technical Support

of 7th Task =
14th Task

Registration of Participants Concurrent with 62 Technical Support

14th Task = 15th

Technical Setup and Tests: Starts in the 30 Technical Support

Configure platform, Conduct middle of 14th &
tests and rehearsals, Conduct 15th Task = 16th
dry runs Task

Checks and Confirmations: Starts in the 30 Project Team

Finalize details, and confirm middle of 14th &
speakers’ attendance 15th Task = 17th
Event Launch and Execution Starts at end of 3 Project Team
14th and 15th
Task = 18th Task

Documentation and Reporting Starts at the 65 Project Manager

beginning of the and General
project phase Assistant

Milestone 3 The successful hosting of the


Evaluation Post-Event Evaluation: Collect Starts at the end 14 14 Project Team

feedback, analyze metrics, of 18th Task =
compile report 19th Task

Milestone 4 Complete documentation and



1. Inadequate familiarity with the Gantt Chart: We had to look for a suitable template to
use for the Gantt chart before settling on the use of Microsoft Project to create it.
The templates in Excel were a bit unflexible to work with, which led to our final
2. Communication Problems: There were several ideas for necessary tasks in the
project plan and it was a bit difficult to merge all ideas. We overcame this by
reaching a common ground and deciding on a final task list.

Below is the link for the Microsoft Project Document:
ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Resource Names
Qtr 2, 2024 Qtr 3, 2024 Qtr 4, 2024 Qtr 1, 2025
Mode Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
2 Initiation 33 days Mon 6/17/24Wed 7/31/24 Content Creator,General Assistant,Project manager,Promotion &
3 Define goals 7 days Mon 6/17/24Tue 6/25/24 Project manager Project manager
4 Develop Project 7 days Wed Thu 7/4/24 3 Project manager Project manager
charter 6/26/24
5 Set up Team 18 days Fri 7/5/24 Tue 7/30/24 4 Project manager Project manager
6 Project Kickoff 0 days Wed Wed 7 Content 7/31
Meeting 7/31/24 7/31/24 Creator,General
7 Project Kickoff 1 day Wed Wed 5 Assistant,Project
Content Content Creator,General Assistant,P
Meeting 7/31/24 7/31/24 Creator,General
8 Documentation and 1 day Wed Wed 5 Assistant,Project
General General Assistant,Project manager
Reporting 7/31/24 7/31/24 Assistant,Project
9 Planning and 61 days Thu 8/1/24 Tue 10/1/24 7 manager
design Creator,General
10 Budget Planning 1 day Thu 8/1/24 Thu 8/1/24 7 Assistant,Project Content Creator,General
Content Creator,General Assistant,Project Assistant,P
manager,Promotion &
11 Platform Selection 15 days Fri 8/2/24 Thu 8/22/24 10 Project
Project manager,Technical Support manager,Technical Supp
12 Program Content 43 days Fri 8/2/24 Tue 10/1/24 10 Content Content Creator,General A
Development Creator,General
13 Program Content 0 days Tue 10/1/24 Tue 10/1/24 12 Assistant,Project 10/1
14 Identification of 14 days Fri 8/2/24 Wed 10 Content Content Creator,General Assista
Speakers 8/21/24 Creator,General
Task Inactive Summary
External Tasks

Split Manual Task External Milestone

Milestone Duration-only Deadline

Project: PM Team 3 Project Gan
Summary Manual Summary Rollup Progress
Date: Mon 7/1/24
Project Summary Manual Summary Manual Progress

Inactive Task Start-only

Inactive Milestone Finish-only

Page 1
ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Resource Names
Qtr 2, 2024 Qtr 3, 2024 Qtr 4, 2024 Qtr 1, 2025
Mode Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
15 Invitation of Speakers 15 days Thu 8/22/24 Wed 9/11/2414 General Assistant,Project manager General Assistant,Project ma
16 Scheduling of Event 5 days Thu 9/12/24 Wed 15 Content Content Creator,General As
Timeline 9/18/24 Creator,General
17 Develop marketing 9 days Thu 9/19/24 Tue 10/1/24 16 Assistant,Project
Content Content Creator,General A
Strategy Creator,General
18 Creation of Website 28 days Fri 8/23/24 Tue 10/1/24 11 Assistant,Project
Technical Support Technical Support
19 Documentation and 45 days Wed Tue 10/1/24 5 General General Assistant,Project
Reporting 7/31/24 Assistant,Project
20 Execution 63 days Wed 10/2/24Tue 12/31/2412,16,17,18 managerCreator,General Assistant,Project manager,Promotion &
21 Launch Publicity 62 days Wed 10/2/24Thu 12/26/2412,17 Promotion & Marketing Manager Promotion &
22 Registration of 62 days Wed Thu 12,18 Technical Technical Su
Participants 10/2/24 12/26/24 Support
23 Technical Setup and 30 days Wed Tue Technical Technical Su
Tests 11/13/24 12/24/24 Support
24 Checks and 30 days Wed Tue Content Content Cre
Confirmations 11/13/24 12/24/24 Creator,General
25 Event Launch and 3 days Fri 12/27/24 Tue 21,22,23,24 Assistant,Project
Content Content Cre
execution 12/31/24 Creator,General
26 Event Launch and 0 days Tue Tue 25 Assistant,Project 12/31
Execution 12/31/24 12/31/24
27 Documentation and 65 days Wed Tue 19 General General Ass
Reporting 10/2/24 12/31/24 Assistant,Project
28 Evaluation 14 days Wed 1/1/25 Mon 1/20/2525 managerCreator,General Assistant,Project manager,Promotion &
29 Gather Feedback 14 days Wed 1/1/25 Mon 1/20/2525 Content
Content Creator,General Assistant,Project manager,Promotion &

Task Inactive Summary External Tasks

Split Manual Task External Milestone

Milestone Duration-only Deadline

Project: PM Team 3 Project Gan
Summary Manual Summary Rollup Progress
Date: Mon 7/1/24
Project Summary Manual Summary Manual Progress

Inactive Task Start-only

Inactive Milestone Finish-only

Page 2
ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Resource Names
Qtr 2, 2024 Qtr 3, 2024 Qtr 4, 2024 Qtr 1, 2025
Mode Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
30 Documentation and 14 days Wed 1/1/25 Mon 25 General General A
Reporting 1/20/25 Assistant,Project
31 Documentation and 0 days Mon Mon 30 manager 1/20
reporting 1/20/25 1/20/25

Task Inactive Summary External Tasks

Split Manual Task External Milestone

Milestone Duration-only Deadline

Project: PM Team 3 Project Gan
Summary Manual Summary Rollup Progress
Date: Mon 7/1/24
Project Summary Manual Summary Manual Progress

Inactive Task Start-only

Inactive Milestone Finish-only

Page 3

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