Mock 1 Answers

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Question No Answer

1 As fred benefited from the work being completed

2 Without justification, it allows a claim for wrongful dismissal
3 Normal loss, and abnormal consequences of which defendant has knownledge
4 With a court order - Unsecured creditors
5 The breach of condition .. Treat contract as discharge and claim damages
6 to indemnify the employer
7 Divisional Court of Queen's bench
8 Tipping off
9 A representaion - True
10 One which was part of Obiter dictum
11 The company itslef
12 A liquidation committee is formed
13 Indemnify employee - Common law
14 When the letter is posted
15 De facto director
16 It can be ordered where the court can supervise the order
17 There must be atleast one general partner with unlimited liability
18 If a claimant contribtuted - False
19 An emloyee of the company
20 An agent is liable on a contract if it is usual business practice for them
21 Nico can petition the court to set aside ..
22 A summary offence is a minor criminal offence
23 Ravan is liable because jasper acted within his implied authority as manager
24 Both Andrew's and Jane's
25 The burden of proof lies with the claimant
26 Arranging subsitute labour to cover illness and holidays
27 To rescue company - Administrotor
28 Joel, Kerry and Marion do not have the requisite intention
29 Integration with co-workers
30 Public companies only
31 It must be sufficient
32 Govt can never enact - False
33 They can bind the firm if a third party genuinely believe they have authority
34 Goods displayed in shop - Invititation to treat
35 The mischief rule
36 An employee aged 40 will receive one week's pay for each year service
37 A public limted company without share capital
38 Those who draft statute cannot anticipate
39 Representation
40 Breach of contract by employer, which causes employee to resign
41 Condition
42 A duty of care will only exist if the harm suffered was reasonably forseeable
43 The details of the first auditor
44 In all the cases, the distribution must come from accumulated realised profit
45 Where the subject matter of agreement is a grad..
46 Task1
47 Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
48 Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
49 Task 1
Task 3
50 Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
s knownledge
Without a court order - Floating chargeholder
The breach of warranty entitles the injured to claim damages only

Crown Court

A term can be implied - True

A meeting of members will be called

Provide time off - Statutory To provide work - Common

A defendant will have defence - True

as manager

To realise and distribute - Liquidator

There is lack of mutuality about this arrangement

Exisiting legislation must be interpreted - True

Goods taken to cash desk - Offer

A public company limited by guarantee

The electoral system means that the statute-making

No distributon may come from the capital redemption

Rebecca dealing as consumer - True Exclusion clause incorporated - False

Terminate the contract and claim damages
ACF can alter its articles by passing a written resolution ACF must submit a copy of its amended articles to registr
It is valid as it is bona fide in the interests of co as a whole
Director whose contract of employement - False A co's article can be amended - False
It can be used for an issue of bonus shares in future it can be used for expenses of previos share issues
25% of the nominal value, plus the full premium
Malcom would need to give undertaking - True The no of shares which could - True
ACB ltd is liable for the surveyor's fees
Director's power can be restricted - True Directors must exercise - False
Both PNK and Ravi have committed a bribery offence
EXL Limited has potentially committed offence of failure to prevent bribery
Partnership can be guilty - False The Directors found guilty - True
Pay min wage - Statutory

The law relating - False Exclusion clause need to fair - True

its amended articles to registrar

of previos share issues

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