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CNS Spectrums (2019), 1–9.

© Cambridge University Press 2019



Pharmacological treatment of violence in schizophrenia

Martin T. Strassnig,1 Vanessa Nascimento,2 Elizabeth Deckler,2 and
Philip D. Harvey1,3*

Department of Psychiatry, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
Bruce W. Carter VA Medical Center, Miami, FL, USA.

Chronic aggression and violence in schizophrenia are rare, but receive disproportionate negative media coverage. This contributes to
the stigma of mental illness and reduces accessibility to mental health services. Substance Use Disorders (SUD), antisocial behavior,
non-adherence and recidivism are known risk factors for violence. Treatment with antipsychotic medication can reduce violence. Aside
from clozapine, long-acting injectable antipsychotics (LAI) appear to be superior to oral antipsychotics for preventing violence,
addressing adherence and recidivism. LAI also facilitate the implementation of functional skills training. For the high-risk recidivist
target population with schizophrenia, better life skills have the potential to also reduce the risk for contact with the legal system,
including an improved ability to live independently in supported environments and interact appropriately with others. High-risk
patients who are resistant to treatment with other antipsychotics should receive treatment with clozapine due to its direct positive
effects on impulsive violence, along with a reduction in comorbid risk factors such as SUDs.

Received 14 March 2019; Accepted 14 May 2019

Key words: Clozapine, violence, aggressive behavior, long-acting injectable antipsychotic, relapse, recidivism, institutionalization.

Clinical Implications independently in supported environments and

interact appropriately with others.
• High-risk patients who are resistant to treatment
• Most patients with schizophrenia, save for a small
with other antipsychotics should receive treatment
minority, are not chronically aggressive or violent.
with clozapine due to its direct positive effects on
• Known predictors of violence include patients with
impulsive violence, along with a reduction in
comorbid substance use disorders (SUDs) and non-
comorbid risk factors such as SUDs.
adherence with prescribed treatments, those with
Acute treatment of schizophrenia patients is often trig-
comorbid personality disorders, and those with fre-
gered by attempting to thwart aggression or violence in
quent relapses/arrests/civil commitments.
an inpatient hospital setting. Administration of oral or
• Among the few modifiable risk factors for violent
behavior in patients with schizophrenia is treatment injectable antipsychotics to acutely agitated patients,
with antipsychotics. perhaps in conjunction with a benzodiazepine, can lead
• Aside from Clozapine, it appears that treatment to rapid de-escalation. Short-acting intramuscular formu-
with Long-acting Injectable Medications (LAI) is lations of atypical antipsychotics are now available, per-
superior to oral antipsychotic in terms of violence haps with better tolerability compared to the short-acting
prevention. Moreover, LAI facilitate the successful intramuscular formulation of haloperidol. New alterna-
implementation of functional skills training in tive formulations that avoid injections include inhalation
people with schizophrenia. For the high-risk recidi- and sublingual administration have also become avail-
vist target population, better life skills have the able, further adding to the therapeutic options for calm-
potential to also reduce risk for contact with the
ing down acutely agitated patients.1 In contrast, the
legal system, including an improved ability to live
treatment of chronic aggression and violence can be a
more vexing problem in clinical and community settings,
*Address correspondence to: Philip D. Harvey, Department of including successful transitioning to an outpatient set-
Psychiatry, University of Miami, Miami, FL 33136, USA.
ting and successful residence in the community.2
(Email: harveyp@med.miami.edu)

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Most patients with schizophrenia are not chronically clinical care staff, roommates, law enforcement, and
aggressive or violent; among patients with schizophre- staffs of emergency rooms and jails, adding a dynamic
nia, there is a small increase in violence and violent element that can be either helpful or detrimental,
offending on average compared to general population depending on how the interaction is perceived by the
standards in the USA and Europe.3,4 However, much of aggressor. Effective management of violence thus requires
the excess risk appears to be mediated by substance abuse consideration of these risk factors and circumstances as
comorbidity. Unfortunately, the small subgroup of they interact with the type of violence encountered, in
patients who commit violent acts under certain circum- addition to pharmacological treatment, as reviewed below.
stances are frequently the focus of intense media scru- Because a large proportion of violent patients end up
tiny, negatively affecting the public perception of the in jail, a variety of jail diversion programs has been imple-
entire population of schizophrenia patients.5 This con- mented in the USA and Europe, among other countries,
tributes to the stigma associated with mental illness, to reduce their presence in the criminal justice system.
which is considered to be the most significant obstacle Although they vary in their structure and procedures
to the development of mental health services.6 In fact, and operate from different juncture points within the
patients with psychosis are more likely to be victims criminal justice process, all jail diversion programs have
rather than perpetrators of violence.7 at their core the idea that persons with severe mental ill-
Aggression and violence are often used interchange- ness should be redirected to mental health services rather
ably although in a strict sense, they are two slightly than the penal system.11 Moreover, linking the mentally
different concepts albeit located along the same con- ill accused and offenders to community-based treatment
tinuum: aggression usually involves threatening behav- services shifts the locus of intervention to community-
ior, whereas violence goes a step further, and adds an based mental health treatment, reducing jail time while
act of furtherance, involving physical harm to others. better serving the mental health needs of these patients.
For the purpose of our review, we will include both However, patients in these programs do not typically
aggression and violence towards others, while also receive court-ordered medications and many of the
acknowledging that aggression and violence are multifac- comorbidities associated with violence risk (e.g. sub-
torially and dynamically determined. Moreover, there is stance use, antisocial PD, violence history) associated
often a systematic bias in studying violence in schizo- with future violence risk limit their effectiveness for
phrenia, with many samples examining patients who future violence prevention.
are involuntarily committed to inpatient facilities or
who are undomiciled and receive no mental health treat-
Antipsychotics, Impulsive Aggression and
ment, while also abusing substances. Because involun-
Violence in Schizophrenia
tary commitment criteria often require that the patient
has already engaged in threatening or otherwise danger- Among the few modifiable risk factors for violent behav-
ous behaviors, only the patients already likely to commit ior in patients with schizophrenia is the success of
violent acts or those who have expressed such an intent treatment with antipsychotic medication.2,12 Psychosis-
are being studied in most inpatient samples. Similarly, driven aggression and violence can be addressed with
outpatient studies are often either retrospective studies treatment of the underlying psychosis. As such, standard
of violent acts or include only patients civilly committed treatment algorithms apply including those recom-
in outpatient settings, with the same selection bias mended for otherwise treatment-resistant patients.13
applicable. Clozapine is the preferred treatment for resistant
Known predictors of violence include patients with psychosis, but remains largely underutilized. Impulsive
comorbid substance use disorders (SUDs) and non-adher- aggression, the most common form of aggression in
ence with prescribed treatments, those with comorbid per- schizophrenia patients, does appear to respond well to
sonality disorders, and those with a history of violence, clozapine also. For example, Clozapine has been shown
frequent relapses/hospitalizations/arrests/and/or com- to reduce aggression, hostility, and violent behavior,14
mitments.8 Lifelong antisocial behavior often predated coinciding with empirical observations that patients with
by childhood conduct disorder is a risk factor as well.4 schizophrenia who take clozapine are less likely to
Comprehensive earlier studies from the New York State engage in physical and verbal aggression15,16 and are less
Mental Health System, and later the California State likely to require restraints and seclusion in hospital set-
Hospital System have delineated three types of violence tings.17 In other words, along with its effects on otherwise
that are common among patients with schizophrenia: treatment-resistant
psychosis-driven, impulsive (for example, due to fear, psychotic symptoms, clozapine may have direct anti-
anger, provocation), and predatory.9,10 Viewed from a violence effects, such as its demonstrated effects on
caregiver perspective, the burden of dealing with suicidal behaviors,18 and moreover, possible direct
aggression and violence falls on family members, effects on smoking and substance abuse as well,

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addressing key independent risk factors for violence, fur- schizophrenia who are non-adherent in comparison to
ther reducing risk.19 If so, clozapine may effectively patients who are adherent. Moreover, non-adherence
address several domains involved in the generation of predisposes patients to a higher risk of psychiatric reho-
violence including psychosis-driven and impulsive vio- spitalization, emergency room visits, substance abuse or
lence while reducing a major comorbid risk factor relapse to substance use, attempted suicide,21 and being
(SUDs), a possibility we aim to examine in our review the victim of a crime.23 With every psychotic episode,
as well. patients with schizophrenia suffer from a worsened dis-
Finally, in a subset of recidivist offenders, lasting treat- ease state and further deterioration of social functioning,
ment adherence is oftentimes difficult to achieve. In these including evidence of structural brain changes associated
patients, there have been efforts to augment adherence, with relapse and re-treatment.24 Consequently, it is
including through the use of long-acting injectable imperative to consider relapse prevention as a treatment
(LAI) antipsychotics and other, non-pharmacological target in the management of schizophrenia.
interventions that aim to reduce other, dynamic risk
factors for violence. Since there is little evidence that
Long-Acting Injectable (LAI) Antipsychotics
LAI medications are effective in patients who are
treatment resistant to oral medications, we will review LAI antipsychotics assure delivery of therapeutic levels of
the databases separately as most people with schizophre- medications over several weeks, and with more recent
nia treated with clozapine are in fact treatment resistant LAI formulations for up to 3 months, essentially eliminat-
regardless of their level of violence, substance abuse or ing the need for daily oral medication administration.
smoking status. Although the primary indication for LAI use is poor treat-
ment adherence, less than one-fifth of patients with
schizophrenia receive their medication in the form of
Treatment Adherence and the use of LAI
an LAI.23 Despite the persistent stigma that follows
Antipsychotics for Violence Prevention LAIs and the unsubstantiated and antiquated notion that
Poor treatment adherence is common in the schizophre- LAIs cause more adverse effects than oral antipsychotic
nia population; rates of non-adherence have been found medications (OAPs), it has been found that LAIs and
to be as high as 50–75%.20 Although non-adherence to OAPs do not differ significantly regarding adverse
medical treatment is often this common in general medi- effects.20 Additionally, adherence remains a barrier to
cal conditions, the consequences of non-adherence in efficacious treatment in patients with schizophrenia
schizophrenia are more immediate than, say, the conse- who are treated with OAPs. One-third of patients on
quence of non-adherence to blood pressure or lipid- OAPs are poorly adherent to their medication.23
lowering medications. Factors associated with poor There is a limited number of retrospective studies and
adherence to antipsychotic medication include the prospective trials that suggest LAI may have clinical ben-
patient’s insight into illness, homelessness, family sup- efit in schizophrenia patients with high risk of violent
port, and the efficacy, side effects, and cost of medica- behavior. One study by Arango et al reported that
tion.21 Poor treatment adherence is of particular patients with schizophrenia who were considered violent
concern in patients with comorbid substance use and had significantly fewer violent episodes after treatment
those with prior involvement with the legal system, which with LAI medications compared to those treated with
are also risk factors for violence. Non-adherence often OAPs.22 Moreover, LAIs can effectively reduce the
becomes a precursor to frequent symptom exacerbations, severity of hostility, aggression, and frequency of violent
including increased propensity for violent behaviors. incidents. When patients are adherent to their treatment,
Certain predictors of violence are found in higher rates LAIs reduce both violent and nonviolent offending
among patients with schizophrenia compared to the behaviors.25
general population; these predictors include low socio- Additionally, LAI have been found to be superior to
economic status, unemployment, alcohol abuse, and oral antipsychotics in reducing violent behavior in
antisocial personality disorder.22 The relationship patients with schizophrenia both with and without
between poor adherence and violence in patients with comorbid substance abuse.25 Substance abuse is highly
schizophrenia has been demonstrated. Proper treatment prevalent among patients with schizophrenia. Studies
with antipsychotics reduces violence by decreasing posi- show that 47% of patients with schizophrenia have life-
tive symptoms of schizophrenia, whereas non-adherence time comorbid substance abuse and 27% have current
to antipsychotics is associated with higher rates among substance abuse.26 Nearly 50% of patients with schizo-
violence. phrenia report substance abuse prior to their first episode
Patients with schizophrenia who are non-adherent are of schizophrenia.27 While schizophrenia is a risk factor
faced with multiple repercussions outside of recidivism. for violence, substance abuse, regardless if accompanied
Risk of relapse is 3.7 times greater in patients with by a comorbid diagnosis or not, is known to increase the

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risk of violence.26 Therefore, the ability of LAI to treat the oral antipsychotic group were found to have an
patients with comorbid substance abuse makes it an even MPR greater than 80%. In summary, the PRIDE study
more desirable treatment option. LAIs may also benefit results indicate that medication choice may improve out-
patients in early-phase or first-episode schizophrenia,23 comes for patients with schizophrenia who are at risk for
possibly improving long-term outcome. treatment failure.
Although systematic bias is often present in studies In the PRIDE study, 40% of the paliperidone palmi-
examining violence in schizophrenia, the Paliperidone tate patients and 54% of the oral antipsychotic patients
Palmitate Research in Demonstrating Effectiveness had a treatment failure event. However, the time to first
(PRIDE) study was designed to reflect real-world manage- failure was 416 days in the Paliperidone group and 226 in
ment of patients with schizophrenia and is therefore the oral medication group. 21% of the Paliperidone
worth discussing.28 The PRIDE study was a 15-month, group and 29% of the oral treatment group had an
randomized, prospective, study of adult patients with a arrest, with the time to the first arrest being found to
history of incarceration in addition to a DSM-IV diagno- be considerably different: Median time to arrest in the
sis of schizophrenia conducted between May 2010 and Paliperidone group was over 450 days, with the time to
December 2013. The authors hypothesized that existing arrest for the oral medication group being 274 days.
clinical trials comparing LAI and oral antipsychotics Thus, there is considerable evidence that LAI treatment
generated inconclusive results due to failure to enroll provides extensive protection against hospitalization and
individuals representative of patients with schizophrenia arrest even in cases with lengthy histories of multiple
in real-world settings. The authors of the PRIDE study arrests and hospitalizations. This head-to-head random-
note that by failing to enroll patients with complex ized trial provides quite convincing evidence of efficacy
comorbidities and histories, the factors which complicate for relapse and arrest reduction.
management of schizophrenia such as comorbid sub-
stance abuse, unemployment, and unstable living condi- Additional Benefits of LAI Medications
tions remain unaccounted for. By creating broader
Many people with schizophrenia who have a history of
criteria for PRIDE study participants, the authors hoped
recidivist violence have other schizophrenia-related
to produce study results with greater generalizability in
co-morbidities. These include deficits in the abilities to
comparison to previous studies. Efforts were made to
everyday functioning skills. While functional skills
recruit participants who would normally be excluded
deficits are most strongly related to negative symptoms
from trials, such as patients from homeless shelters, soup
and cognitive deficits,29 there is emerging evidence that
kitchens, and jail-release or diversion programs.
clinical stability induced by LAI treatment is also
Furthermore, participants were not excluded for a history
correlated with improvements in everyday functioning.
of substance abuse, although individuals with history of
In the most recent example, Fu et al.30 reported that
intravenous drug abuse within 3 months of screening
long-term treatment with LAI medications led to persis-
or with an opiate dependence disorder were excluded.
tent benefits in everyday functioning indexed with a
Additionally, the study allowed for substantial flexibility
targeted clinical rating scale, particularly when com-
in terms of treatment decisions and analyzed clinically
pared to patients receiving placebo treatment. These
relevant endpoints with an explanatory approach, which
results are similar to results of previous studies that have
resulted in an overall pragmatic study design.
suggested gains in everyday functioning with successful
Participants were randomly assigned to treatment
LAI treatment,31 reductions in risk for homelessness,32
with one of the seven reviewed oral antipsychotics or with
and improvement in outcomes in first- episode sam-
a monthly long-acting injection of paliperidone palmi-
ples.33 Thus, treatment with LAI medications seems to
tate. The primary end point was time to first treatment
facilitate other interventions aimed at improving func-
failure, defined as either arrest/incarceration, psychiat-
tional outcomes in people with schizophrenia. For the
ric hospitalization, suicidal behavior, discontinuation
high-risk recidivist population, improvement in life skills
of antipsychotic treatment or supplementation with an
might also reduce risk of contact with the legal system,
additional antipsychotic due to inadequate efficacy, or
due to increases in the ability to live independently in
a necessary increase in psychiatric services to prevent
supported environments and interact more proficiently
impending psychiatric hospitalization.
with others.
The results of the PRIDE study demonstrated that
once-monthly treatment with paliperidone palmitate
Who Should not Receive LAI Treatment?
was more effective in delaying treatment failure than
treatment with daily oral antipsychotics. In terms of Although there are very few indications that LAI actually
adherence, 95.2% of patients in the paliperidone palmi- lead to more side effects than oral medications, there is
tate group has a medication possession ratio (MPR) also no evidence that patients who are treatment resistant
greater than 80%, whereas merely 24.3% of patients in to oral medication in trials with adequate adherence

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would receive any additional benefits from LAI. Thus, a disorder.36 The study compared clozapine, olanzapine,
prequalification for using LAI treatment is demonstrated and haloperidol in their anti-violence effect on these
adequate response to oral formulations of the same med- patients, and also used the MOAS as the outcomes.
ications. For patients who are treatment resistant to anti- This study found that clozapine was superior to haloperi-
psychotic medication and by extension, to LAI, there is dol and olanzapine in its anti-aggressive effect, while the
only one effective treatment for treatment resistance, antipsychotic effect of the three drugs was equal. These
and that is clozapine. In the sections below, we will findings again suggest an anti-impulsive aggression
describe the use of clozapine as a violence reduction effect of clozapine that is independent of its antipsychotic
treatment and evaluate which subset of patients would effect.
benefit the most from clozapine. A prospective, double-blinded, and randomized trial
looked at the effectiveness of clozapine, olanzapine, halo-
Clozapine for Violence peridol, and risperidone on treating hostility in 157
patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.37
Clozapine is among the most unique pharmacological
The study participants were inpatients at state psychiatric
treatments for severe mental illness. It is the only treat-
hospitals either in New York or North Carolina. The
ment approved for treatment resistance and suicidal
patients were intended to receive a target daily dose of
behavior in schizophrenia, and has also been extensively
500 mg of clozapine. The study determined that cloza-
researched for its effects on comorbid smoking and
pine decreased aggressiveness in patients compared to
SUDs, the latter being a major risk factor for violence.
the other treatments with minimal differences in anti-
As noted above, psychotic symptoms, either due to
psychotic efficacy.
nonresponse or treatment discontinuation in otherwise
In a secondary analysis from the first phase of the
treatment responsive patients, can be drivers of violence.
CATIE schizophrenia trial, patients were randomized
Clozapine may have a direct effect on violence reduction,
to one of the four atypical antipsychotics, other than clo-
in line with its known suicide risk reduction, or indi-
zapine, or a typical agent.38 Although violence was
rectly, due to a reduction in psychotic symptoms and
reduced for the entire sample, there were no differences
SUDs in otherwise nonresponsive patients.
between the groups in rates of reduction, with rates of
In our literature review, we examined prospective
violence being minimal at baseline (19%) compared to
studies and other evidence (case series, and retrospective
other studies. This study highlights the fact that most ran-
studies). We divided the prospective studies we reviewed
domized trials do not suggest that atypical medications
into randomized and nonrandomized trials.
other than clozapine have significant potential to reduce
Randomized Controlled Trials
Overall, the results from these studies suggest there
A randomized double-blind controlled trial involving 101 may be a direct anti-aggressive effect of clozapine
patients, with aggression as the target symptom, was per- operative when compared to other typical and atypical
formed with participants who were inpatients of the antipsychotic medications, independent of symptom
research ward at a hospital.34 Compared to olanzapine reductions.
and haloperidol, clozapine had the best anti-aggressive
effect in the trial, as indexed by reductions in the primary
outcomes scale, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale. The
Other Evidence (Nonrandomized Trials and Case
researchers in the study stated their belief that reduced
aggressiveness was a direct result of effects of clozapine Three nonrandomized, prospective studies examined the
on impulsivity and depression, with clozapine’s seroto- effect of clozapine on violence reduction and clozapine
nergic action likely playing a role. treatments were suggested to be protective against future
A 12-week prospective, randomized, double-blind aggressive behavior39,40 and fewer restraint episodes in
trial involving 100 inpatients diagnosed with schizophre- the hospital.41 One large, nonrandomized observational
nia targeted aggression measured with the Modified study in 675 participants with either schizophrenia or
Overt Aggression Scale (MOAS).35 Inpatients were ran- bipolar disorder, with patients recruited from homeless
domized to either haloperidol, olanzapine, or clozapine shelters, jails, hospitals, and the streets, did not find
in equal numbers. The study found that there was no sig- enough evidence to determine if clozapine decreased vio-
nificant difference in the response to psychotic symptoms lence in this population, but it asserted that not enough
across the three medications, although both olanzapine patients with schizophrenia are prescribed clozapine in
and clozapine were more effective than haloperidol at order to make an accurate conclusion.42
reducing aggressiveness. Similar results were found in A nonrandomized, prospective study of 20 children
a randomized, double-blind trial focusing on 110 inpa- examined clozapine’s impact on aggression in adoles-
tients with either schizophrenia or schizoaffective cents. The study participants were treatment-resistant

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schizophrenia inpatients at a child psychiatric center, states, often named for murder victims who were killed by
and all were treated with clozapine.43 The number and people with severe mental illness, such as “Kendra’s
frequency of emergency injectable medication events, Law” in New York or “Laura’s Law” in California.
emergency oral medication events, and/or seclusions Involuntary administration of medication is usually
were assessed for each of the patients both before and explicitly prohibited under the authority of OPC and, if
after clozapine treatment, with the incidence of these indicated, requires separate legal authority and proce-
events drastically decreasing after the administration of dures for administration of involuntary medication.
clozapine. In addition, administration of clozapine also The patient may be sent to a hospital for evaluation if
allowed patients to be discharged to less restrictive envi- needed, depending on state law.
ronments more expediently. The ethics and effectiveness of OPC orders continue
Several case series were similar in that they all pro- to be debated.54 Major limitations that have led to unclear
duced results that demonstrated clozapine’s effective- evidence include difficulties in conducting and interpret-
ness for violence reduction.44–46 ing trials, the definition and measurement of violence,
We also identified a number of large-scale retrospec- comparing outcomes across different health systems
tive studies relevant to this review. All of these studies nationally, working with a frequently uncooperative
concluded that treatment with clozapine resulted in a and risky population, small sample sizes, and selection
measurable decrease in aggressiveness, violence, and/ bias. What is often missing in the debate, however, is
or hostility in the study participants.16,47–51 the above-mentioned restriction on administering com-
In summary, clozapine appears to be beneficial in pulsory medication. This appears to be a major limitation
reducing aggressiveness in patients suffering from to programs designed to facilitate treatment in people
schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Compared whose reason for placement under involuntary treatment
to other antipsychotics, several studies demonstrate that orders is often triggered by non-adherence to medication.
clozapine’s anti-aggressive effects are superior to those of Among the United States’ civil commitment programs,
haloperidol, olanzapine, and risperidone and both the program in New York had the most solid funding
dependent and independent of its antipsychotic effects. and implementation, allowing for adequate outcome
Finally, even in the presence of comorbidities such evaluation, compared to other States. NY patients under
as intellectual disability and antisocial tendencies, OPC orders did appear to have improved outcomes, in
clozapine was effective. These data indicate that contrast to results from a recent meta-analysis utilizing
clozapine should be considered as a treatment for vio- international data: 58 among the noted results were
lence in any patient who manifests continued violence, reduced hospitalization and length of stay, higher rates
hostility, or aggression after other treatments, regardless of receiving psychotropic medication prescriptions and
of psychosis. intensive case management services, and greater engage-
ment in outpatient treatment with resultant decreased
Outpatient Civil Commitment safety-risk, a 17% reduction in offenses, 11% in initial-vic-
timizations, and 22% for repeat-perpetrations.55 Another,
A fundamental conflict exists between individual similar study pointed out that CTO-initiated-re-hospitali-
autonomy and the need for treatment of people suffering zation was associated with a 13% reduced-initial-perpetra-
from severe mental illness, inclusive of potentially vio- tion-risk, a 17% reduced-initial-victimization-risk, and a
lent patients.52 This challenge is magnified when aggres- 22% reduced-repeat-victimization-risk.56
sion and violence are involved. Given that the common
consequence of violence to patient perpetrators is incar-
ceration, often for lengthy terms, there is a clear argu-
ment that outpatient commitment (OPC), applied The treatment of chronic aggression and violence in
fairly, has benefits to both patients and society as a whole. schizophrenia involves assessment of interdependent risk
Under US Civil Law, OPC orders, issued by a judge, factors including the type of aggression (psychosis-driven,
mandate people with serious mental illness (SMI) to impulsive, or predatory), comorbidities (SUDs), antisocial
adhere to outpatient treatment in order to prevent recidi- behavior, and environmental factors. Antipsychotics are
vism and improve outcomes. According to recent data, at not effective for predatory violence. Psychosis-driven
least 46 states and the District of Columbia had commit- violence is likely the most easily accessible type of violence
ment statutes permitting some form of OPC,53 with encountered, and follows the same treatment algorithm as
inconsistent implementation, evaluation, and funding for partially/unresponsive patients, eventually oftentimes
across states. The first such program was implemented involving LAIs or clozapine. Aside from Clozapine, it
in North Carolina in 1983, a “preventive” form of appears that treatment with LAI medications is superior
OPC used as model for OPC laws implemented in other to oral antipsychotic in terms of violence prevention.

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Moreover, LAI facilitate the successful implementation of Disclosures

functional skills training in people with schizophrenia. For
In the last three years, Dr. Harvey has received consulting
the high-risk recidivist target population, better life skills
fees or travel reimbursements from Allergan, Alkermes,
have the potential to also reduce risk for contact with the
Akili, Biogen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Forum Pharma,
legal system, including an improved ability to live inde-
Genentech (Roche Pharma), Intra-Cellular Therapies,
pendently in supported environments and interact appro-
Jazz Pharma, Lundbeck Pharma, Minerva Pharma,
priately with others. High-risk patients who are resistant
Otsuka America (Otsuka Digital Health), Sanofi
to treatment with other antipsychotics should receive
Pharma, Sunovion Pharma, Takeda Pharma, and Teva.
treatment with clozapine.
This consultation work was on phase 2 or 3 drug develop-
Impulsive violence appears to respond well to cloza-
ment and is not related to the content of this paper.
pine also, due to its direct positive effects on impulsive
Dr. Strassnig has served as a consultant to Bracket.
violence, along with a reduction in comorbid risk factors
This consultation work was on phase 3 drug development
such as SUDs. Moreover, the direct antiviolence effect of
and is not related to the content of this paper.
clozapine lends itself particularly well to treating violent
Ms. Nascimento has nothing to disclose. Ms. Deckler
offenders. Community treatment orders (CTOs) should
has nothing to disclose.
be stringently implemented and if needed, hospitali-
zation is initiated so that these treatments can be safely
introduced, or restarted. REFERENCES:

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