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Key Information Document

This document contains key information about this Investment Product. It is not marketing material. This information is provided to you in
accordance with a legal obligation, to help you understand the nature of this Product and what risks, costs, potential gains and losses are
associated with it, and to help you compare it with other Products.

PLUS 2024
Sub-fund of the employee mutual fund (FCPE) “SEQUOIA PLUS”
Natixis Investment Managers International
AMF Code: 990000136379
Management Company website:
Call +33 (0)1 78 40 98 40 for more information.
The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (French Financial Markets Authority - AMF) is responsible for the supervision of Natixis Investment Managers
International with respect to this Key Information Document. Natixis Investment Managers International is authorised in France under number
90-009 and regulated by the AMF.
Date of production of the Key Information Document: 27/03/2024.
You are about to buy a product that is not simple and may be difficult to understand.
What is this Product?
Type This Product is an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) which has the legal form of a sub-fund of an employee mutual fund (FCPE). This
Product is a portfolio of financial instruments which you will hold collectively with other investors and which will be managed in accordance with
its objectives.
Duration The maturity date of the formula is 01/06/2029. On maturity, the Product may be dissolved or merged, in which case you will be
informed by any appropriate means provided for by the regulations.
The investment objective of the Product, classified as “formula-based employee mutual fund”, is (1) The Initial Investment by the
to allow the investor, the holder of units of the Product on 13/09/2024, to receive at the maturity of employee includes their Personal
this Product (before applicable tax and social security deductions), either on 01/06/2029, or upon an Contribution plus any net contribution.
(2) The Multiple equal to 650% may be
early exit: adjusted under the conditions described
- 100% of their Initial Investment , plus the greater of:
in the employee mutual fund’s
(i) a guaranteed minimum capitalised return of 4% per annum on the Initial Investment, and regulations.
(ii) 650 % (2) of any increase in Veolia Environnement shares purchased via the Product. This coefficient incorporates the effect of
Any increase observed in the event of a positive performance of the Veolia Environnement share listed the banking supplement paid by the
on Euronext Paris (Sub-fund A) will be calculated on the basis of an average of 1206 statements (3) of Bank, which enables the amount of the
transaction to be multiplied by 6.
the Veolia Environnement share price, in relation to the Benchmark Price (4).
(3) Each of the 1206 daily statements of
In the event of an early exit request received before 23/04/2029 inclusive, the possible the Veolia Environnement share price
increase will be the difference between (i) the “Average Early Exit Price” of the Veolia Environnement recorded from
share and (ii) the “Benchmark Price” (4) of the Veolia Environnement share. 13/09/2024 (inclusive) to 01/06/2029
The "Average Early Exit Price" is equal to the average of the 1206 (3) daily statements of the Veolia (inclusive).
Environnement share price. On the early exit date, the last statement corresponding to the early exit Each daily statement is equal to the
date will be reproduced on all the remaining statements, in order to obtain an average calculated based highest value between the closing price
on 1206 statements. The Average Early Exit Price may not be less than the Benchmark Price of the of the Veolia Environnement share on the
date of the relevant statement and the
Veolia Environnement share. Benchmark Price.
At maturity, the possible increase will be the difference between (i) the “Final Price” of the Veolia (4) It is anticipated that the
Environnement share and (ii) the “Benchmark Price” (4)
of the Veolia Environnement share. Reference Price will be determined on
The “Final Price” is equal to the average of the 1206 daily statements (3) of the Veolia Environnement 31/07/2024 and correspond to the
share price observed from 13/09/2024 (inclusive) to 01/06/2029 (inclusive). The Final Price may not average of the closing prices of the Veolia
be less than the Benchmark Price of the Veolia Environnement share. To achieve this objective, the Environnement share observed during
Product has entered into a swap agreement with the counterparty Crédit Agricole Corporate and the twenty (20) trading days preceding
this date.
Investment Bank (“CACIB”).

This Product is created as part of the SEQUOIA 2024 Offer as defined in the employee mutual fund's regulations:
■ Reservation period: from 3 June to 21 June 2024 inclusive.
■ Period for determining the subscription price: The subscription price is due to be defined on 31 July 2024. It will be equal to the average of the
closing prices of the Veolia Environnement share observed during the twenty (20) trading days preceding this date, less a 15% discount and
rounded to the higher euro cent.
■ Date of communication of the subscription price: 1 August 2024, by displaying at the premises of the companies participating in the Group
Savings Plan (PEG) or International Group Savings Plan (PEGI), on the dedicated website as indicated in the
communication brochure.
■ Subscription/withdrawal period: from 1 August to 6 August 2024 inclusive.
■ Date of completion of the Transaction: 13 September 2024.
The “SEQUOIA RELAIS 2024” employee mutual fund will serve as a receiving fund for payments made under the Sequoia 2024 Offer. Amounts
intended to be invested in the “PLUS 2024” sub-fund of the “SEQUOIA PLUS” employee mutual fund will be transferred automatically after the
subscription/withdrawal period and before the completion of the Transaction.
The Product capitalises its net income. Investors may request redemption of their units on a daily basis. Redemption requests are
executed monthly in accordance with the conditions set out in the employee mutual fund’s regulations.
Target retail investors
This Product is open to employees and other beneficiaries defined as part of their company's savings plan(s). It is intended for investors who wish
to invest indirectly in shares of their company by participating in the Transaction. It is intended for employees and other beneficiaries who can
afford to lock in their capital for a recommended period of at least 4 years, 8 months and 18 days (until the maturity date).

Additional information Further information on the sub-fund, including the regulations, annual report, periodic documents of the employee
mutual fund and its net asset value, may be obtained from your Company, and on your Investor's Area at or from
Natixis Investment Managers International - 43 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75648 Paris Cedex 13.
Name of the Custodian: CACEIS Bank
Unit account custodian: NATIXIS INTEREPARGNE
Legal form: Group individualised employee mutual fund

What are the risks and what could you gain in return?
Risk indicator
The risk indicator assumes that you will hold this Product until
the maturity date, i.e. for 4 years, 8 months and 18 days. This
Product benefits from a capital guarantee as well as a guaranteed
minimum return.
Lowest risk Highest risk
The synthetic risk indicator allows you to assess the level of risk of this Product compared with others. It indicates the likelihood of this Product
incurring losses in the event of market movements or our inability to pay you.
We have classified this product as a 1 out of 7 risk class, which is the lowest risk class. This means that the potential losses from future
performance are very low, and if market conditions deteriorate, it is very unlikely that our ability to pay you will be affected.
Other significant risks of the Product not taken into account in the calculation of the SRI: liquidity risk, counterparty risk, operational risks, and
sustainability risk.

Benefits of the formula for Unitholders Disadvantages of the formula for Unitholders

The investor is guaranteed to recover, both at maturity and in the event of

The investor will not receive dividends.
an early exit, 100% of their Initial Investment, plus the higher of a
The investor will not receive the discount to the Benchmark Price.
guaranteed minimum capitalised return of 4% per annum on the Initial
At maturity or in the event of an early exit request, the investor may
Investment and 650 % of any capital gain recorded between either the
not benefit in full from any increase in the Veolia Environnement
Average Early Exit Price (in the event of an early exit request), or the Final
share price, with the Final Price being recorded on an average of
Price (at maturity) and the Benchmark Price, in respect of shares purchased
1206 statements.
by the investor through their Initial Investment, via the sub-fund.
The Product is exposed to CACIB’s default risk in terms of both
At maturity or in the event of an early exit request, the averaging mechanism
counterparty and guarantor.
smooths performance by calculating the Final Price on the basis of an average
In the event of adjustment or termination of the swap agreement in
of 1206 statements of the Veolia Environnement share price. These benefits
exceptional situations, unitholders may receive an amount less than
are before taxes and social security contributions and provided that the swap
the guaranteed amount.
has not been terminated and no adjustment provided for in the swap has
been implemented.

Performance scenarios The figures shown include all costs of the Product itself, but do not include the costs you may have to pay to your
adviser or distributor. These figures do not take into account your personal tax situation, which may also affect the amounts you receive.
What you get from this Product depends on future market performance.
Future market performance is random and cannot be accurately predicted.
The unfavourable, moderate and favourable scenarios presented are examples using the best and worst performance, as well as
the median performance of the Veolia Environnement share, underlying the Product, over the last 5 years. Markets could move
very differently in the future. The stress scenario shows what you could get in extreme market situations.
Recommended vesting period: 4 years, 8 months and 18 days
If you exit after one year If you exit at maturity
Examples are based on an investment of: EUR 10,000*
This Product benefits from a capital guarantee as well as a guaranteed
Minimum EUR 10,383.19 EUR 12,032.35
minimum return of 4% per annum capitalised.
What you could get after deducting costs EUR 10,383.19 EUR 12,032.35
Average annual return +4.00% +4.00%
What you could get after deducting costs EUR 10,383.19 EUR 12,032.35
Average annual return +4.00% +4.00%
What you could get after deducting costs EUR 11,256.30 EUR 18,794.12
Average annual return +13.14% +14.31%
What you could get after deducting costs EUR 11,720.59 EUR 24,966.39
Average annual return +18.01% +21.40%
* This amount corresponds to the Initial Investment and does not take into account the leverage effect.

What happens if Natixis Investment Managers International is unable to make payments?

The assets of your Product are held with the Custodian of your Product, CACEIS Bank, and are separate from those of the management company.
In the event of the insolvency of Natixis Investment Managers International, your Product’s assets will therefore not be affected. However, in the
event of the insolvency of the Custodian or a sub-custodian to whom custody of the assets of your Product may have been delegated, there is a
potential risk of financial loss. However, this risk is mitigated to some extent by the fact that the Custodian is required by law and regulation to
separate its own assets from the Product. There is a statutory indemnity or guarantee scheme for investors in the event of a default by the

What are the costs of this investment?

You may be asked to pay additional costs by the person offering or advising you on the Product. If so, they will tell you about these costs and
show you how they will affect your investment.
Costs over time The tables show the amounts deducted from your investment in order to cover the different types of costs. These amounts
depend on the amount you invest, the length of time you hold the Product and the return on the Product. The amounts shown here are illustrations
based on an example investment amount and different possible investment periods.
We have assumed:
That for the first year, you would get back the amount you invested (i.e. an annual return of 0%); That for the other vesting periods, the Product
evolves as shown in the moderate scenario;
- That you have invested EUR 10,000
If you exit after one year If you exit at maturity
Total Costs EUR 6 EUR 30
Annual cost impact (*) 0.06 % 0.06 %
(*) It shows the extent to which costs reduce your return annually over the vesting period of less than one year. For example, it shows that if
you exit at the end of the recommended vesting period, your median annual return is 5.28% before costs and 5.22 % after costs are deducted.
This percentage cannot be directly compared with the cost impact figures provided for other Products.
We may share the costs with the person who sells you the Product in order to cover the services they provide to you. This person will inform you
of the amount. These figures include the maximum distribution costs that the person distributing the Product to you can charge, which is a
maximum of EUR 0. This person will inform you of the actual distribution costs.
Composition of costs
One-off entry or exit costs If you exit after 1 year
Entry fee There is no entry fee. None
Exit fee There is no exit fee. None
Recurring costs charged annually
0.05%, payable by the sub-fund.
Payable by the company: management fee with a non-proratable annual
Management fees and other flat rate of €35,000, payable by the company as well as 0.05% (incl. tax) EUR 5
administrative and for the Statutory Auditor's fees
operating expenses
Since the employee mutual fund has not yet closed its first accounting year, only an estimate of ongoing
charges is shown. This figure may vary from one year to the next.
0.01% of the value of your investment. This is an estimate of the costs
Transaction fees incurred when we buy and sell the investments underlying the Product. EUR 1
The actual amount will vary depending on the amounts we buy and sell.
Incidental costs charged under certain conditions
Performance fee There is no performance fee for this Product. None

How long do you need to keep this Product and can you get your money back early?
Recommended vesting period: maturity of the Product
This period corresponds to the period during which you are advised to remain invested in order to obtain a potential return while minimising the
risk of losses, without taking into account the legal lock-up period of your assets. This period is linked to the asset class of your Product, its
management objective and its investment strategy.
You may request the redemption of your Product's available assets on a quarterly basis. However, if you request redemption before the end of
the recommended vesting period, in particular in the event of early release as provided for by the regulations, you may receive less than expected.
The recommended vesting period is an estimate and should not be taken as a guarantee or commitment of future performance, the return on
your Product or maintenance of its risk level. It does not take into account the legal lock-up period for your assets.
How can you make a complaint?
If you wish to make a complaint, you can send an email to or send a letter to Natixis Investment Managers
International at the following address: Natixis Investment Managers International - 43 avenue Pierre Mendès France - 75648 Paris Cedex 13 or
contact your account keeper.
Other relevant information
Monthly calculations of the performance scenarios of your Product and its past performance represented in the form of a graph are available via
the link: or in your public or personal area made available to you by your account keeper whose contact
details appear on your annual statement and/or transaction statement.

Taxation: Income reinvested and unavailable as well as your Product’s net gains realised under a savings plan are taxed in accordance with the
tax and social legislation applicable in the State of your residence. Social security contributions are liable according to the provisions of French
tax and social security regulations.
Supervisory Board: The Supervisory Board is composed of ten (10) members for all Group companies:
-five (5) unitholding employee members representing the employee and former employee unitholders of the Company, elected from among all
its employee unitholders on the basis of the number of units held by each unitholder;
-five (5) members representing the Group, appointed by the management of Group companies.
The Supervisory Board exercises all the voting rights attached to the securities recorded in the Product's assets, except in the event of a proven
lack of liquidity of the loan, and decides on the contribution of securities. For the exercise of rights, transactions take place without the presence
of the company’s representatives. The elected members appoint a member to represent the fund at general meetings of the issuing company.

The Product regulations are available from your Company or from Natixis Investment Managers International - 43 avenue Pierre Mendès France
- 75648 Paris Cedex 13 or from your account keeper.

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