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ild and untamed, the Eldeen Reaches are a 
common background for barbarians, druids,
and rangers. Less well known is the eastern The most significant presence of arcane magic in the Eldeen
portions of the Reaches, that share the culture Reaches is in Varna, the home and headquarters of House
of Aundair but found political independence Vadalis. While the town itself is not particularly large, the
from a state they accused of abandoning them. nearby enclave of Foalswood is literally where the magic
happens. The rolling hills are filled with meadows and
 pastures for Vadalis magebreeders to observe their handicraft,
pushing the limits of what is possible. Their biggest success of

The Wardens of the Wood represented the Eldeen Reaches the past two decades was combining the Xen'drik cocoa plant
during the negotiations for the Treaty of Thronehold, but this with Karrnathi cows that can weather harsh winters.
is not because they represent some kind of central House Vadalis maintains smaller enclaves throughout the
government one might find in the Five Nations. Rather, the Reaches, supporting towns and villages with their expertise.
Wardens of the Wood are the only force capable of brokering Caribou ranchers along the northern coast, goat herders of

the competing interests of the Reaches' diverse factions. the central hills, and cattle farmers along the shores of Lake
Nobles who lived and owned land west of the Wynarn River Galifar all depend on the Handlers Guild.
were given two options, similar to the choice Thranish nobles A faction of elders in House Vadalis recognizes that the
faced after the rise of the theocracy. One was to abandon their current arrangement with the Wardens is unsustainable in the
noble status in the court of Fairhaven and to live out the rest long term. While the Wardens currently moderate the druids
of their lives as wealthy locals. The other was to abandon their of the Ashbound and Children of Winter, this faction sees
holdings in the new nation and flee to their small holdings in escalation as inevitable and doesn't believe the Wardens will
Fairhaven. The choice was often determined by how ultimately back the House. They have reached out to Aundair
thoroughly they had angered the local populace - well liked for help creating an equitable peace - maintaining the political
nobles stayed, while those who had been cruel and neglectful independence of the Reaches, but opening up trade and
wisely abandoned their land claims.
 e
Most communities in the Eldeen Reaches are advised by a
suppressing the disruptive influence of the druids.
Ari Corleis is the druidic advisor to Havenglen in the eastern
Reaches. Good-hearted and interested in the best for his
druid of the Wardens of the Wood. These druidic advisors do
not rule the communities, keeping a distance from the daily community, he's concerned about lycanthrope activity in the
minutiae. The communities in return offer what support they Wolfwood. His service in the war has left paranoid of
can to the Warden rangers that roam the Reaches to protect Aundairian agents trying to stir up trouble.
and serve the people of the nation, whether in eager new Gwen Ostren is a wandering ranger for the Wardens of the
recruits or simply hospitality to rangers that pass through. Wood. An experienced tracker, she tries to divert rather than
The Wardens leadership is a loose council of elder druids kill dangerous creatures that wander too close to
headed by the awakened Greatpine Oalian, whose decisions communities. She is currently trying to direct a Lamannian

are more suggestions than particularly binding. Still, the dire boar back to the manifest zone it emerged from.
wisdom of the council is broadly recognized and very few Sarelo Valleau is the largest land owner in Merylsward.
choose to go against their recommendations. The actual day- The town itself is slightly inland to shelter it from the harsh
to-day administration of Greenheart, where this council is storms of the Bitter Sea. He's currently concerned with local
located, is performed by Elder Faena Graymorn. She's known brigandry and piracy, which has risen to take advantage of
outside the Reaches as a powerful khoravar druid who led the renewed trade activity.
delegation to Thronehold several years ago. Vilina Thiel is the mayor of Erlaskar. A stubborn heiress,
she refused to retreat to Aundair with the rest of her family.

 Through a series of careful maneuvers she's bought the loyalty

Not everyone in the Eldeen Reaches is a worshipper of the of every other influential community member and even made
primal spirits. The communities along the shores of Silver her way into the Aurum's copper concord. Now that the war is
Lake and Lake Galifar have long engaged in trade with the over and Brelish rangers have stopped attacking supply
rest of the Five Nations, smuggling goods when Brelish boats caravans, she's looking to exert influence over Xandrar by
attempted to blockade Aundair. Similarly, the people of the controlling the Silver River that flows down to Lake Galifar.
Eastern Reaches have long shared a culture with their former Juliona d'Vadalis is a talented member of House Vadalis's
countrymen east of the Wynarn River. Handlers Guild. While most of her efforts are centered around
While Breland is most known for its democratic spirit, the educating sustainable farming practices, she's recently been
people of the Eldeen Reaches have done more to realize that investigating a strange disease spreading amongst the cattle
dream. Communities are locally controlled, with the Wardens ranches alongside Lake Galifar just to the west of Cree.
of the Wood providing significant autonomy. This is not a
solution to all local woes - former nobles retain significant
informal influence while demagogues inflame fears.

Believers in the warning shot theory see the need for action
 as immediate. Moderates take to the streets to preach
While many in the Five Nations appreciate the agriculture of repentenace, but radicals seek to bring down civilization on
the Eldeen Reaches, your average citizen of Wroat has heard their own term through lethal plagues. This has driven them
plenty of stories about attacks by radical druids on innocent into deeper conflict with House Jorasco, as packs chase down
settlements. The Ashbound and Children of Winter are rumors of hidden Jorasco enclaves stocked with experimental
similar in that they believe civilization has gone too far and bioweapons. It's also possible that House Jorasco's bioweapon
threatens the health of Eberron herself, but their targets and projects have recruited or even kidnapped Children of Winter
methods differ. Broadly speaking, the Ashbound prefer to to help refine their concoctions.
attack the edifices of industry from the outside, while the For those that see the Mourning as the beginning of the end,
Children of Winter prefer to tear them down froom within. little is left to do. Some turn to hoarding supplies for the
coming disaster, while others believe that reckless abandon in
defending Eberron will grant them leniency. Whatever their

 chosen course of action, they cannot be persuaded.
The Ashbound believe that arcane magic is unnatural, an
encroachment upon the primal truth of Eberron. While almost 
everyone agrees that the forces of Khyber are antithetical to Tigerstar is a shifter who served in the assembled forces of
life, the Ashbound take this farther and reject the touch of

Siberys. Divine magic is similarly taboo, as they believe it is the Wardens of the Wood to defend against Aundairian
just arcane magic with extra steps. incursions. After a harrowing encounter with fiends
summoned by the Manifest Legion he was convinced of the
Primal magic, unlike arcane, draws upon nature spirits of dangers of arcane magic and joined the Ashbound. Now he
Eberron. These nature spirits are not of Thelanis or seeks to turn summoning magic against Aundair and those he
Lamannia. Rather, these native spirits represent the distilled sees as sticking to its ways, conjuring elementals and plants to
truths of nature - rushing wind, stalking predators. fight by his side.
The Ashbound have a loose organization of druidic circles Kleris Gerlach is an Ashbound human who sees the
that gather each year in a conclave. High Druid Gharull, a influence and reliance on House Vadalis to be dangerous.
shifter native to the Reaches, has won majority approval at the While he personally believes Vadalis' experiments in
last eight annual conclaves, proof of his lasting influence on magebreeding are breaking the personal order, he relies on
the sect. His words have radicalized the Ashbound,
encouraging bold action to strike not just the Eastern
Reaches, but to attack industry in Breland and Aundair.
Ashbound strike forces typically consist of a mix of druids,
rangers, and natural allies - plant monsters, beasts, and even
persuading the farmers and ranchers with more acceptable
facts. He points to the high up front and maintenance costs
associated with magebred animals and the vulnerability
associated with that dependence.
occasionally an elemental freed from its Khyber shard prison. Shrike is a half-elf Child of Winter who believes that
salvation will come from embracing the end of all things. She
Collas, a human spirit talker, is of a more moderate belief, has infected herself with a particularly deadly disease that
arguing that the people of Khorvaire simply need to be taught even lesser restoration can't cure, and wants to spread it to as
how to live a life in accordance with Eberron. The news of the many people as possible. While an urban center is an option,
Mourning has done little to bolster his argument, instead even better would be a travel hub. The city of Passage, which
reinforcing Gharull's point that the magic of the Five Nations is conveniently close to the border, could serve as both.
is a reckless addiction. Ivy Bluestripe is a shifter Child of Winter concerned about

 the Mourning and believes it was a secret weapon devised by

one of the Five Nations. Her two main suspects are Karrnath
The Children of Winter believe that the people of Khorvaire and Aundair, based on their predispositions to dangerous war
have broken the natural cycle of life and death. While healing magic. She is currently tracking Emerald Claw activity in the
magic is certainly the most obvious method, the very act of Gloaming, and is realizing that their nefarious scheme is more
communities sheltering their weak from storm and disease is than she's capable of handling.
a transgression. The Children of Winter seek to actively rectify
this imbalance, tearing down the internal support structures

of communities. Other Druidic Sects

Structurally the Children of Winter are even looser than the The sects of druids presented here are merely the
Ashbound, rejecting any kind of annual meeting of the minds ones found in canon. The Eldeen Reaches is one of
and instead operating purely through local "packs". the largest nations in Khorvaire, with enormous
The core belief of this sect is that defying the natural cycle chunks of the Towering Woods remaining
will bring about the Winter of the World, an apocalyptic event unexplored even today. Smaller sects of druids,
that would wipe out almost all life to pave way for something unknown to the Five Nations, could easily simply
live their lives in obscurity. This provides room both
new. All members believe the Mourning is a grave sign for importing interesting druidic sects from non-
pointing to the coming cataclysm, but differ on the conclusion. Eberron published material, but also for the DM to
Some believe that it was a warning shot, to repent the invent their own tradition.
excesses of civilization. Others believe the Mourning is just
the beginning of the end, and that ecological collapse is

The Greensingers frequently come into conflict with the
 Gatekeepers over their contacts with the planes, although
Early scholars at the Library of Korranberg were puzzled by these conflicts are usually just heated arguments. The
maps of the Eldeen Reaches, which showed forests Greensingers tendency to consult with the fey and the
throughout the entire region. The storms coming off the Bitter Gatekeepers tendency to fight the forces of Xoriat means the
Sea in the north and from Crescent Bay in the west could not issues are primarily philosophical, but on occasion a
account for the lushness of the Towering Woods. Greensinger sect may feel particularly liberal with what planar
creatures they consort with or a Gatekeeper sect may grow
Later scholars, armed with a question seem to have found particularly conservative about appropriate contact.
the answer - the Towering Woods has a high density of
manifest zones to Lamannia, not only encouraging growth but 
even bringing in extraplanar weather. Thundering storms
form out of crystal clear skies, bringing a deluge of rain before Anka is an orc Gatekeeper who fights the forces of Xoriat.

disappearing. The water stays and filters down through the While most of her time is spent tracking down stray
Reaches until it reaches Lake Galifar, whose waters eternally aberrations that break past the seals, she has tracked an
flow up the Wynarn River to the Bitter Sea. aberrant cult to the town of Havenglen.
More broadly speaking, the Eldeen Reaches are a place Bruennan is a dwarf Gatekeeper who sees the creeping
where the magic of the planes flows more freely. The influence of the fey as a danger to the Eldeen Reaches. The

Gloamwood's connection to Mabar and the Twilight fickle and alien nature of the fey is a danger to mortals
Demesne's connection to Thelanis are the largest such ensnared in their eternal stories. He works to free people
examples. More sinister are the Gatekeeper-suppressed trapped in Thelanis and break up faerie circles that bridge the
Xoriat zones, the Vult moonstone seals also binding Dyrrn the gap between worlds.
Corruptor's legions. Other manifest zones dot the woods, Tellian Holly is an elven Greensinger working to settle
providing both resources and threats. differences between Lord Eversun of Shae Loralyndar and the
Wardens of the Woods. He has struggled to navigate the
 schemes of the Summer Court and its endless layers of favors
and petty slights, but believes he can forestall the wrath of the
The oldest tradition of druids in Khorvaire, the Gatekeepers King of Summer.
are in many ways a dying sect. The wards they maintain are
ancient and have mostly held for millenia. The encroaching
civilization of Khorvaire has drawn many defenders of the
wilds to that cause, leaving behind the ancestral duties to
ward against the influence of the planes. While the
Gatekeepers originated in the Shadow Marches, they
Pinecone is a shifter Greensinger who believes in the
revitalizing power of fire. She leads a small sect affiliated with
Fernia. Their main patron is Everflame, who ushers on other
flames to live their lives boldly rather than linger as resentful
expanded to the Towering Wood to fight the influence of Dyrrn
the Corruptor.
The Gatekeepers are only a loosely organized coalition,
respecting the voices of the elders but primarily operating
independently. While some of this is because members prefer
the freedom to act, the truth is simply the organization is not
big enough to maintain all the wards they need to while
remaining highly centralized. While a few villages are led by

Gatekeeper druids, members primarily live as hermits.

In the millenia since their founding the Gatekeepers have
expanded their mission to counter the malignant influence of
all planes. The Gatekeepers don't construct seals against all
manifest zones, just Xoriat, but will still intervene against
Fernian fiends and other planar invaders.

The youngest major tradition of druids in the Eldeen Reaches
is the Greensingers, who believe that planar outsiders are
valuable sources of knowledge and potentially powerful
patrons. The Greensingers are best known for their
connection to the fey of the Twilight Demesne, but
Greensinger circles have forged connections with creatures
from all sorts of planes.
Saying the Greensingers have any form of hierarchy would
be a lie. While they are united philosophically, each
Greensinger forges their own unique connection to the planes.
Younger Greensingers are as likely to dismiss older
practicioners as they are to seek mentorship. Members that
live in villages or towns rarely if ever seek leadership roles.

With this, the tides shifted, leading to the final, bloodiest
 years. Eager for revenge, the communities of Western Aundair
The Church of the Silver Flame has long served Khorvaire as pressed into the Towering Woods to "eradicate the threat once
a protector against supernatural forces of darkness. Amongst and for all". They left nothing to chance, slaughtering entire
these is the curse of lycanthropy, which doesn't just transform villages of shifters they suspected were still harboring
the afflicted into animals - their alignment is irrevocably lycanthropes or might transform into them.
twisted to reflect the dark image of the wilds. A werewolf isn't Eventually, the Church declared victory in 882 YK, fifty
just a half dog, but the embodiment of the fear of the predator years after the Silver Crusade began. Many of the Knights
stalking the night. A wererat is the bringer of plague that tears Militant stayed behind, fulfilling their mission of protecting
communities apart. against the lycanthropic threat. The dwarven founder of this
In the early parts of the 9th century, a templar was new order, Halagrad Doomhammer, returned to Flamekeep to
dispatched to the western wilds of Aundair to follow up on take up a position on the Council of Cardinals, a position he
holds to this day. Also left behind was the Pure Flame, a sect

reports of increased lycanthrope activity. What she found was that followed Jolan Sol's original declaration to refuse the
worse than she could have imagined. Villages lived in constant toleration of evil, bringing absolutist resistance.
fear of attack by werewolves, while towns were undermined
from within by wererats. Weretigers stalked the roads, picking 
off travelers. The nobles who owned these lands ignored the

problems, happy to enjoy the court in Fairhaven while The surviving shifter communities have slowly rebuilt over the
profiting off the labor of the masses. past century. While some shifters chose to leave the Reaches
Ieleen's report was widely distributed within the Church, to serve in the war, most stayed behind, happy to be left alone.
scholars debating, researching, and divining what was When Brelish and Karrnathi forces came to the Towering
happening. They found a change had occured sometime in the Wood to stir up trouble, many met their end at the fangs and
past 30 years that allowed those afflicted rather than born claws of Moonspeakers, an ancient tradition of shifter druids.
with the curse to also spread it. Furthermore, rather than Moonspeakers are the leaders of shifter communities,
simply devouring all of their victims, only spreading the curse practicing a unique form of spirituality that emphasizes the
to those that managed to escape, lycanthropes would different roles of the dozen moons.
intentionally capture and infect new victims to transform

them. This meant rather than a lone threat in a region, one
could become two, two become four, until a whole pack
threatens to slaughter an entire town.
Seeing the evidence, Keeper Jolan Sol declared that
lycanthropy utterly corrupted the soul, and that the afflicted
The Pure Flame remains strong in the towns and villages
along the borders of the Eldeen Reaches. While the
lycanthropic scourge was generations ago for humans, it's
firmly within living memory for the elven and dwarven
could only be put to the sword and arrow. The Silver Crusade residents. Furthermore, beliefs about the connections
took up eager arms against the the threat in 832 YK. The between shifters and lycanthropes are stubborn, passed down
fighting was hard, as even though the Church had enough from generation to generation. Mixed with an absolutist view
knowledge to equip their templars with swords of silver, the that no evil can ever be tolerated, relations with shifters are
material was still expensive and limited how many properly unfriendly at best.
equipped soldiers they could deploy. While some templar
commanders had studied at Rekkenmark, the relative peace of 
Galifar left them ill-equipped to face off against whatever dark

power was responsible for this lycanthropic surge. Elyas of the Briarwood Tribe is an elderly shifter leader who
For the average party of templars or adventurers, the raw is open-minded about the Church of the Silver Flame,
power of a wereboar is something to behold. However, those recognizing that the Pure Flame is a minority.
primitive beasts were not the true threat came from wererats. Wily of the Briarwood Tribe has proven herself a capable
Spoiling and poisoning supplies was only the most and charismatic warrior. She is deeply suspicious of the Silver
elementary method of sabotage. Propaganda and Flame, and might act on that in a leadership role.
misinformation were significantly more effective. The biggest Nathan is a human worshipper of the Silver Flame who
coup from the wererats was planting evidence that shifters wants to reach out to local shifter tribes and make amends.

were being spontaneously transformed into lycanthropes by Conscientious of the Church's reputation, he's trying to win
the spreading curse, and that their communities were their trust and support, but is overeager and liable to get
harboring fugitive lycanthropes. The mistrust and hatred himself involved in a quest too dangerous for himself.
planted then linger to today, over a century later. Galena Axeworth is a dwarven veteran of the lycanthropic
The conflict raged for decades, the tides of battle constantly purge with a particularly bitter feud against Zaeurl of the Dark
shifting throughout. During the worst years, the lycanthropes Pack. After the death of her family she swore vengeance,
threatened to spill out and infest all of Western khorvaire. tracking and slaughtering Zaeurl's family. She is training for
Other, uneasy years had the templars press them back to the one last expedition into Droaam by hunting down the
Towering Wood, uncertain if the victory would last. Eventually lycanthropes that still live in the Reaches.
though, something changed - the curse could no longer be Lord Charles Foster ir'Kaine owns the Hometown
passed by afflicted lycanthropes. Dispatch, an incendiary paper that mixes local news and anti-
shifter propaganda. While he's generally bigoted against
shifters, his publication of the Hometown Dispatch is more
about profits than pushing his viewpoint.

 
Whereas the Five Nations rely on magewrights for commonly The base gleaner stat block only has a few spells known and a
available arcane magic, the Eldeen Reaches rely on gleaners single skill proficiency. Customize a gleaner by rolling on or
to provide primal magic. Witches and shamans, their eclectic choosing from the following table, which adds a unique
access to spells is ill-suited to the industry of magic that is specialty to the gleaner's capabilities.
found in the remains of the Kingdom of Galifar. Bonus
Far more limited in magical power than a typical d6 Specialty Spells Proficiencies
spellcaster, a gleaner is dedicated to learning a handful of Augur of
spells, and gleaners cast their non-cantrip spells as rituals— 1
Control flames, Gust Arcana (+4)
even spells that can’t normally be cast in this way. Most
gleaner rituals take 10 minutes to perform, but certain Guidance. Ritual only:

complex rituals can take up to 1 hour. However long the ritual 2 Beastmaster Animal friendship, Beast
Animal (+4)
takes, it requires extra material components, usually in the bond
form of dragonshards. 3 Landspeaker Mending, Mold earth

Shape water. Ritual only:
4 Raincaller Survival (+4)
 Create or destroy water
Guidance. Ritual only: Detect
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
poison and disease, Purify Medicine
5 Spirit Healer
food and drink, Lesser (+4)
Armor Class 11 restoration
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft. Guidance. Ritual only: Locate
6 Tracker animals or plants, Locate Survival (+4)

Skills Nature +4
Senses passive Perception 12
11 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 
Thanks to D.G. Landreneau for the cover!
Languages Common, Druidic
Challenge 0 (0 xp)

Spellcasting. The magewright’s spellcasting ability is

Wisdom (spell save DC 12). To cast one of its rituals,
the gleaner must provide additional material
components whose value in gold pieces is 20 times
the spell’s level. These components are consumed

when the ritual is finished. The gleaner knows the

following spells:
At will: Druidcraft
Rituals: Goodberry
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,

reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4

+ 1) piercing damage.

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