Fundamentals of Research Sparsh Sharma

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● Developing NLP systems that can better understand and generate human

language in low-resource settings.

Even though natural language processing (NLP) has advanced significantly in recent years, low-
resource environments still prevent NLP systems from producing and understanding human
language on par with humans. This is true because many low-resource languages and topics lack the
massive text and code datasets that NLP systems are generally trained on. To build NLP systems that
can more effectively comprehend and produce human language in low-resource environments, a
variety of issues must be resolved. Low-resource languages may have less training data available,
which might make it challenging to train effective NLP models. Transferring NLP models from high-
resource languages to low-resource languages can be challenging since low-resource languages
frequently have different linguistic properties than high-resource languages. Numerous research
projects are in progress to deal with these issues. Creating innovative, more scalable, and efficient
natural language processing (NLP) methods and approaches that can be trained on smaller datasets
is one strategy. Utilizing transfer learning to move knowledge from high-resource languages to low-
resource languages is an additional strategy. New techniques for gathering and annotating training
data for low-resource languages are also being developed by researchers.


The study of the interaction between computers and human language is known as natural language
processing, or NLP. Numerous applications, including machine translation, question answering, and
text summarization, use natural language processing (NLP) systems.

However, in environments with limited resources, NLP systems frequently struggle to function well.
Low-resource circumstances are those in which the NLP task at hand has little or no access to labeled
training data. This could be caused by a variety of things, like the task being new or difficult or the
language being spoken by few people.

It is crucial to conduct research on NLP systems that can produce and comprehend human language
more effectively in low-resource environments. This is due to the fact that NLP systems have the
ability to enhance the lives of those living in low-resource environments by giving them access to
resources and information that they would not otherwise have.

To build NLP systems that can more effectively comprehend and produce human language in low-
resource environments, a variety of issues must be resolved. Low-resource languages may have less
training data available, which might make it challenging to train effective NLP models. Transferring
NLP models from high-resource languages to low-resource languages can be challenging since low-
resource languages frequently have different linguistic properties than high-resource languages.
Scholars are currently investigating various strategies to tackle these issues. Creating new, more
scalable, and efficient natural language processing (NLP) algorithms and techniques that can be
trained on smaller datasets is one strategy. Utilizing transfer learning to move knowledge from high-
resource languages to low-resource languages is an additional strategy. New techniques for
gathering and annotating training data for low-resource languages are also being developed by

Here are some specific examples of research on developing NLP systems for low-resource settings:

Creating novel techniques for learning in an unsupervised and semi-supervised manner. For low-
resource languages, where availability of labeled data is more limited, this can be used to train NLP

transferring knowledge from high-resource languages to low-resource languages through transfer

learning. Pre-trained language models or modified natural language processing (NLP) models trained
on high-resource languages can be used for this.

creating new techniques for gathering and annotating data. This may entail creating new tools for
data annotation or utilizing crowdsourcing platforms.

Assessing NLP systems for languages with limited resources. Making sure that NLP systems are
functioning well on low-resource languages in addition to the high-resource languages on which they
were trained is crucial.

Although the field of research on creating NLP systems for low-resource environments is still in its
infancy, recent years have seen a notable advancement in this area. Future developments in this
field should lead to natural language processing (NLP) systems that are more adept at producing and
comprehending human language in low-resource environments. This will improve the quality of life
for speakers of low-resource languages.

Here are some examples of how NLP systems can be used to improve the lives of people in low-
resource settings:

Educational materials and other important documents can be translated into low-resource
languages using machine translation. This can make it easier for people living in low-resource
environments to get the knowledge and tools necessary for their development and education.

In low-resource languages, question answering systems can be used to provide answers to queries
on agriculture, health, and other relevant subjects. This can assist individuals living in low-resource
environments in making wise decisions about their lives.

For low-resource languages, text summarization systems can be used to condense lengthy
documents, such as news articles. This can assist those living in low-resource environments in
keeping up with current affairs and discovering new advancements in the areas they are interested
All things considered, creating natural language processing (NLP) systems that are more adept at
comprehending and producing human language in low-resource environments is a crucial field of
study that could improve the lives of millions of people worldwide.

Lierature Survey

General approaches

Transfer learning is a general strategy for creating NLP systems in low-resource environments. A
machine learning technique called transfer learning enables a model that has been trained on one
task to be used as the foundation for a model on a different task. Because it lets us use the
knowledge gained from high-resource languages and domains, this can be helpful in environments
with limited resources.

Creating new, more scalable and efficient NLP algorithms and techniques is another common
strategy. Since we frequently need to train NLP models on smaller datasets and with fewer
resources, this is crucial for low-resource settings.

Specific approaches

The following particular methods have been suggested for creating NLP systems in low-resource

Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning: NLP models can be trained on partially or completely
labeled data using unsupervised and semi-supervised learning algorithms. Given the scarcity of
labeled data, this is helpful in environments with limited resources.

Multilingual models: These models are trained using data originating from various languages.
Because it enables us to utilize the knowledge gained from high-resource languages, this can be
helpful for low-resource languages.

Data augmentation: From preexisting data, new training data can be produced using data
augmentation techniques. This enables us to expand our training dataset, which can be helpful in
environments with limited resources.

Low-resource assessment measures: It is crucial to use metrics created especially for low-resource
languages when assessing NLP systems in these environments. This is due to the possibility that low-
resource languages will not respond well to conventional evaluation metrics.

To build NLP systems that can more effectively comprehend and produce human language in low-
resource environments, a number of issues must be resolved.

Data scarcity: For languages with limited resources, labeled data is frequently hard to come by. It
may be challenging to train effective NLP models as a result.

Language diversity: Languages with limited resources frequently possess distinct linguistic
characteristics from those with greater resources. Transferring NLP models from high-resource
languages to low-resource languages may become challenging as a result.

Lack of resources: Funding and computing power are two things that researchers working on NLP for
low-resource settings frequently lack. This may complicate the creation and training of NLP models.

Recent progress

In the past few years, a lot of progress has been made in creating NLP systems for environments
with limited resources. Many factors, such as the creation of new NLP algorithms and techniques,
the availability of more processing power, and the increasing interest in NLP for low-resource
settings, have contributed to this progress.

The creation of multilingual language models is one example of current advancements. Multilingual
language models have demonstrated strong performance on various natural language processing
(NLP) tasks for low-resource languages, owing to their training on data spanning multiple languages.

The creation of fresh methods for data augmentation is another illustration of recent advancements.
Techniques for data augmentation can be applied to generate new training data from preexisting
data, and their efficacy in enhancing NLP model performance on low-resource languages has been


Transfer learning

A machine learning technique called transfer learning enables a model that has been trained on one
task to be used as the foundation for a model on a different task. Because it enables us to apply the
knowledge gained from high-resource languages and domains, this is helpful in low-resource
For instance, we can use a sizable text and code dataset in a high-resource language like English to
pre-train a language model. After that, we can use a smaller text dataset in a low-resource language
to fine-tune the model for a particular NLP task, like text classification or machine translation.

Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning

NLP models can be trained using unsupervised and semi-supervised learning algorithms on partially
or fully labeled data. Given the scarcity of labeled data, this is helpful in environments with limited

For instance, we can group words in a low-resource language according to their semantic similarity
using an unsupervised clustering algorithm. Even without labeled data, this can aid in our
understanding of word meanings in the language.

Multilingual models

Data from various languages is used to train multilingual models. Because it enables us to utilize the
knowledge gained from high-resource languages, this can be helpful for low-resource languages.

A multilingual machine translation model, for instance, can be trained using data from several high-
resource languages. Then, even in the absence of parallel translation data for the low-resource
language, this model can be used to translate text from any of these languages to any other

Data augmentation

It is possible to generate new training data from preexisting data by using data augmentation
techniques. This enables us to expand our training dataset, which can be helpful in environments
with limited resources.

One way to create new sentences from existing ones is to replace synonyms. Back-translation is
another technique that allows us to translate sentences from a language with limited resources to
one with more resources and back again. This may result in new, distinct sentences in the low-
resource language from the ones that started out.
Low-resource evaluation metrics

It is crucial to use metrics created especially for low-resource languages when assessing NLP systems
in these environments. This is due to the possibility that low-resource languages will not respond
well to conventional evaluation metrics.

One frequently used metric for assessing machine translation systems is the BLEU score, for
instance. Nevertheless, it has been demonstrated that the BLEU score is unreliable when assessing
machine translation for languages with limited resources. Alternatively, we can use metrics like the
HTER score or the BEER score, which are made especially for low-resource languages.

These techniques are just a handful of those applied when creating NLP systems in environments
with limited resources. In order to create NLP systems that can comprehend and produce human
language more effectively in environments with limited resources, researchers are continuously
coming up with new and improved techniques.


Millions of people's lives could be improved by the development of natural language processing
(NLP) systems that can produce and comprehend human language more effectively in low-resource
environments. This is an important field of research. Nonetheless, several obstacles must be
overcome, including the scarcity of annotated data and the variety of low-resource languages. To
tackle these issues, scientists are creating novel approaches such as transfer learning, data
augmentation, multilingual models, unsupervised and semi-supervised learning, and learning.
Recent years have seen tremendous advancements, and in the years to come, we should expect to
see NLP systems that are more adept at producing and comprehending human language in
environments with limited resources. Creating NLP systems for environments with limited resources
is a difficult but significant field of study. Significant progress has been made in recent years as
researchers continue to develop new approaches to address the challenges of natural language
processing in low-resource settings. In the upcoming years, we should anticipate seeing natural
language processing (NLP) systems that are more adept at producing and comprehending human
language in low-resource environments. This will improve the lives of millions of people worldwide.


1.) A Review of Low-Resource Natural Language Processing (

2.) Enabling Natural Language Processing Systems with Limited Resources: An Overview
3.) [] provides a survey of recent approaches to natural
language processing in low-resource scenarios.
4.) Neural Language Models for Multilingual Multilingual Machine Translation Assessment
5.) An Overview of Domain Adaptation for Low-Resource Natural Language Processing
6.) Cross-Domain Adaptation for Few-Shot Text Classification
7.) Enhancing Data for Low-Resource Natural Language Processing
8.) Low-Resource NLP through Semi-Supervised Learning (

9.) ( Unsupervised Learning of Word Embeddings for Low-

Resource Languages
10.)Multilingual Language Models: A Comprehensive Survey (
11.)Transformers for Multilingual Text Processing with Limited Resources
12.)Multilingual BART ( A Pre-Trained Bidirectional Encoder-
Decoder for Cross-Lingual Tasks
13.)Low-Resource NLP Data Augmentation Techniques (
14.)Low-Resource Natural Language Processing with Back-Translation
15.)Mixup Augmentation ( for Low-Resource NLP
16.)Low-Resource Assessment of Natural Language Processing: Difficulties and Prospects

17.)Assessment of Automated Evaluation Metrics for Low-Resource Natural Language Processing

( and
18.) Machine Translation for Low-Resource Languages (
19.) Creating Natural Language Processing (NLP) Systems for Low-Resource Languages: A Case
Study (
20.) Opportunities and Difficulties in Low-Resource NLP (
21.)Resources for Natural Language Processing with Limited Resources
22.)Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Low-Resource Natural Language Understanding
23.) Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning for Low-Resource Natural Language Inference
24.)Combining Domain Adaptation and Word Representation Learning for Low-Resource Natural
Language Processing (
25.)( Unsupervised Learning of Word Embeddings for Low-
Resource Languages with Subword Information
26.)Semi-Supervised Learning with Limited Labeled Data for Low-Resource Natural Language
Processing (
27.)Low-Resource Natural Language Processing Through Self-Training
28.)Multilingual Transformer Model for Multiple Languages: Multilingual BERT
29.)A Sturdily Multilingual BERT, XLM-RoBERTa (
30.)A Multilingual Model for 100 Languages, M2M-100 (

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