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Candidate: Mentor:
Adem Omerović Lektor Mr.Minela Smailbegović

Travnik, February, 2024

1. A WAR BETWEEN MODERN AND TRADITIONAL ........................................ 4
2.1. The dawn of the Internet .................................................................................. 5
2.2. Rise of the search engines................................................................................5
2.3. Online and free encyclopedias..........................................................................5
2.4. Video and streaming platforms ........................................................................ 6
2.5. Learning platforms...........................................................................................7
3. Negative impact of modern technologies on education...........................................8
3.1. Internet..............................................................................................................8
3.2. Search engines..................................................................................................9
3.3. Online and free encyclopedias........................................................................10
3.4. Video and streaming platforms ...................................................................... 11
FINAL WORDS.........................................................................................................12
In this term paper, written by me and read by you who is hopefully interested in
this subject, so from now on I will refer us as we. So, we are going to explore corelation
between the modern technologies and the education in general. We are going to see how
modern technologies impact the education both in a positive and in a negative way.

We will also briefly cover the situation of the implementation of modern

technologies in improving the education in our country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. What is
current situation, what are the challenges and what is way forward mapped out by our
I will never forget my 2nd grade maths class when our teacher in awe and
astonishment related his first experience with a digital copy of an encyclopedia, and it goes
like this: “You know kids, it is all out there on the internet. You can go there and learn about
anything. Yesterday I bought and encyclopedia on a CD-ROM. I put CD-ROM in to the
computer and I opened a section about the nature and wild life. There was a bird, you click
on the bird and the bird flies. Isn’t that wonderful” – the whole classroom burst in to the
laughter. This was 20 years ago, back in 2000ths, but the fact that modern technology out pastes
educators is still true in our time.

Here we can sense first obstacle to adoption of modern technologies for the education.
Those who pass down knowledge to the students often do not have required level of computer
literacy and competency to properly integrate those technologies in their educational practices.
Moreover, those students that are attending their classes are quite often more familiar, skillable
and versatile with the modern technologies than their educators.

So the problem and resistance to adoption of new technologies and multimedia aids (or
gadgets) to enhance the education process and adoption of the knowledge, by the students, still
exists across the world.

Another problem is general attitude of the traditional instructors and educators towards
computer devices and modern technologies, be it portable or personal computers, are more of
distraction for the students than aid for their education1.

If look at the image on the

left, it is not hard to notice
that in nowadays we haven't
moved much from old forms
and techniques of education
used in medieval times of
14th century. But technology
is helping to change this and
instead of the teachers being
main source of the
knowledge, they are gradually
assuming the position of the
“guide on the side” while
students take responsibility of
their exploration and
Image 1 - A 14th century illustration by Laurentius de Voltolina
depicts a university lecture in medieval Italy.

Abid Haleem, Mohd Javaid, Mohd Asim Qadri, Rajiv Suman, Understanding the role of digital technologies in
education: A review, Sustainable Operations and Computers, Volume 3, 2022, Pages 275-285.
Purdue University, How Has Technology Changed Education.

2.1. The dawn of the Internet

Already with the public availability of the Internet (or World Wide Web) information
and knowledge sharing was democratized. Publishing something on the Internet was still an
exclusivity for the well financed institutions, rather than something available for the
individuals, but it was a move in to the right direction.

The problem of the early Internet era was finding all those informations published by
organizations and some individuals. They had to be indexed in to some sort of “dial book”,
easily searchable, relevant and accessible by the users (in our case students).

2.2. Rise of the search engines

It wasn’t until we saw automated indexing of the websites and internet content that the
ordinary people and students started to relay on the internet and web pages as their source of
information and knowledge. Google search engine in particular offered easily accessible
gateway to the information available on the internet with it’s clean and simple search input,
without intrusive advertisements.

This completely revolutionized how we look for and consume information and
knowledge. Suddenly academic publications, educational materials, journals, articles and
individual thoughts became promptly and readily available for the public. This approach will
forever changed how students (in fact all of us) seek for information, knowledge and answers
– by “googling it”.

Image 2 - From left to right: Yahoo search portal; Google search engine; MSN search portal, all captured in 2000.
Stark difference in the function and service presentation to the users.

2.3. Online and free encyclopedias

Next stepping stone in improving free access to the information and education was
creation of free and crowdsourced encyclopedia known as Wikipedia. Idea behind the creation
of Wikipedia is well summarized by it’s founder Jimmy Wales: “Imagine a world in which
every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's
what we're doing.”3

As many other projects on the internet, the main issue is figuring out funding and
controlling the quality of the incoming information. So Wikipedia didn’t start as open and
crowdsourced encyclopedia but rather as proprietary project that would publish articles written
by experts which would be licensed as free content4.

Soon after, Jimmy Wales started side-project that was more aligned with his vision of
the freely accessible knowledge for all that would be contributed and regulated by the public.

The strength and reliability of the Wikipedia directly correlates with the academic and
technological advances of the society contributing to the project in their language. This fact
can be easily seen on Wikpedia itself where there are 6.755.000 articles published in English
language while only 10.000 articles published in Bosnian language.

2.4. Video and streaming platforms

Although video and streaming platform started as entertainment hub, a place where
people from around the world could share funny clips and videos. It soon became a place where
share and exchange their thoughts, experiences and knowledge with others.

We could say that video and streaming platforms have revolutionized education by
offering accessible, engaging, and diverse learning resources. They play a crucial role in
fostering a globalized and inclusive educational environment while providing educators and
learners with valuable tools for effective teaching and learning.

In my time at school when someone was asked about his future profession the answer
would be the usual popular stuff at that time “I want to be a doctor!” or a “Pilot” and etc.
Nowadays kids want to be a “Youtuber” or “Content creator” or and “Influencer”.

2.5. Learning platforms

Learning platforms like the one that is used at our University – Moodle – made it easier
to provide access to knowledge and education from the comfort of ones home. It has
significantly contributed to education by providing a customizable, cost-effective, and feature-
rich learning management system. Its adaptability, collaborative features, and user-friendly
interface made it a valuable tool for educational institutions seeking to leverage technology
for effective course management and online learning.

While this platform is mostly used within educational institutions, internet saw rise of
global paid and free learning platforms that are accessible and available to all.

One such platform, worth mentioning, is Khan Academy5 that revolutionized education
by providing accessible, personalized, and interactive learning experiences. These platforms
play a crucial role in addressing educational challenges and expanding opportunities for
learners of all ages and backgrounds.

Whilst in previous section of this work we discussed and presented a positive impact
of the technologies, mainly the Internet, on education. In this section we will present some
negative impacts of the same technologies previously mentioned.

3.1. Internet

While the internet has brought about numerous positive changes in the field of
education, it also poses certain challenges and negative impacts. Some of these include:

· Misinformation and Inaccurate Content. The internet is a vast repository of

information, but not all content is accurate or reliable. Students may encounter
misinformation, leading to confusion and misconceptions. It is important to instil in
students ability to find trustworthy sources, to cross-reference and cross-check
information presented to them.
· Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Issues. Easy access to information online
contributes to plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Students may be tempted to copy
and paste information without proper citation, compromising the integrity of their work.
· Distractions and Lack of Focus. The internet is a source of various distractions, such
as social media, online games, and entertainment websites. These distractions can
hinder students' ability to focus on educational tasks and assignments.
· Dependency on Technology. Overreliance on the internet for information can lead to
a dependency on technology. Students may become less inclined to develop critical
thinking and research skills offline.
· Loss of Traditional Study Skills. The convenience of internet-based research may
lead to a decline in traditional study skills, such as library research and reading physical
books. This shift could impact students' ability to engage deeply with academic content.
· Shortened Attention Spans. Constant exposure to online content, characterized by
short videos, quick information bites, and rapid scrolling, may contribute to shortened
attention spans. This can affect students' ability to concentrate on longer, more complex
academic material.
· Lack of Face-to-Face Interaction. Increased reliance on online communication may
diminish face-to-face interactions in educational settings. This reduction in personal
connections can impact social skills and interpersonal relationships among students.

It is crucial for educators, policymakers, and parents to address these negative impacts
proactively, ensuring a balanced and responsible integration of the internet in educational
settings. This approach involves fostering digital literacy, promoting ethical online behaviour,
and emphasizing the importance of critical thinking skills.
3.2. Search engines

It is undeniable that search engines are invaluable tools for accessing information
quickly and efficiently, they also have negative impacts on education that should be
considered. We will mention some of those drawbacks:

· Information Overload. Search engines provide a vast amount of information, and

students may struggle to filter through the abundance of content to find accurate and
relevant sources. This can lead to information overload and difficulties in discerning
credible information from misinformation.
· Surface-Level Understanding. The ease of finding quick answers through search
engines may encourage students to prioritize breadth over depth. They may be inclined
to skim through content without delving deeply into a topic, resulting in a superficial
understanding of the subject matter.
· Reduced Critical Thinking Skills. Relying solely on search engines may diminish
students' critical thinking and research skills. The ability to analyse information
critically, synthesize knowledge, and evaluate the reliability of sources may be
· Algorithmic Bias and Search Bubble. Search engine algorithms may exhibit bias,
affecting the type of information that is prioritized and displayed in search results. This
can contribute to a skewed perspective and limit exposure to diverse viewpoints.
Furthermore, search engine algorithms are attuned to users tracked interests and may
display results that are adjusted to them which can create isolation from other available
information and may deepen already existing bias when approaching certain researched
subjects or topics.
· Homogenization of Information. Popular search engines may prioritize mainstream
or commonly accepted information, potentially leading to a homogenization of
knowledge. This can limit exposure to alternative perspectives and diverse viewpoints.
· Overemphasis on Quantifiable Metrics. The ranking algorithms used by search
engines may prioritize popularity and relevance based on quantitative metrics rather
than the depth or accuracy of content. This can impact the quality of information that
surfaces in search results.
· Dependency on Keywords. The reliance on keywords for search queries may limit
students' ability to think creatively about their research. It may encourage a formulaic
approach to finding information rather than encouraging exploration and curiosity.

To mitigate aforementioned negative impacts, educators should incorporate

information literacy into the curriculum, teaching students how to critically evaluate sources,
navigate digital information landscapes, and engage in meaningful, in-depth research.
Additionally, promoting a balance between online and offline research methods can help
develop a more holistic approach to learning.
3.3. Online and free encyclopedias

We already mentioned how online and free encyclopedias, such as Wikipedia, can be
valuable resources for quick reference and general information, they also come with certain
negative impacts on education. Here we will mention some of them:

· Questionable Accuracy and Reliability. The open nature of online encyclopedias

allows for collaborative content creation, but it also means that information may be
contributed by individuals with varying levels of expertise. This can result in
inaccuracies, biased perspectives, and content that has not undergone rigorous editorial
review. Also, it’s reliance on user-generated content (crowdsourcing) can lead to a lack
of accountability. Students may assume that information found in online encyclopedias
is accurate without verifying the sources or evaluating the expertise of the contributors.
· Limited Depth and Detail. Online encyclopedias are designed for brevity and
accessibility. While they provide overviews of topics, they often lack the depth and
detail required for comprehensive academic research. Students relying solely on these
sources may miss out on critical nuances and perspectives.

The accessibility of concise information in online encyclopedias may also reduce

students' motivation to engage in in-depth research and critical thinking. They may be
tempted to opt for quick answers rather than exploring complex topics in greater detail.

· Vandalism and Edit Wars. Online encyclopedias are susceptible to vandalism and
edit wars, where individuals with different viewpoints may edit articles in an ongoing
dispute. This can lead to inaccuracies, bias, and a lack of stability in the information
· Potential for Outdated Information. While many online encyclopedias strive to keep
information up-to-date, there is a risk of outdated content, especially in rapidly evolving
fields. Students may encounter information that has become obsolete or inaccurate over
· Circumventing Academic Rigour. Some educators may discourage or prohibit the
use of online encyclopedias as primary sources for academic assignments due to
concerns about accuracy and reliability. Students who rely heavily on these sources
may miss out on valuable opportunities to engage with more rigorous academic

There is also an issue of plagiarism which we already mentioned as the general issue of
easy of access to information via Internet.

To address above mentioned challenges, educators should guide students in developing

critical evaluation skills, emphasizing the importance of cross-referencing information from
multiple sources, and using online encyclopedias as supplementary rather than primary
resources. Additionally, fostering a culture of academic integrity and proper citation practices
is crucial in mitigating the negative impacts associated with these platforms.
3.4. Video and streaming platforms

While video and streaming platforms, like YouTube, have revolutionized the way we
access and consume content, there are potential negative impacts on education that should be
considered. Some of them we already mentioned in previous sections, like: accuracy and
reliability; distraction and lack of focus; superficial learning; lack of quality control.

But we will mention other potential negative impacts that are specifically related to this

· Overemphasis on Entertainment Value. Some educational content creators on

platforms like YouTube may prioritize entertainment value over educational rigour.
This can lead to a focus on sensationalism and flashy presentation styles at the expense
of accurate and in-depth educational content.
· Commercialization and Advertising Influence. Video platforms often include
advertisements, and content creators may be influenced by sponsorships or commercial
interests. This can introduce biases and promote products or perspectives that are not
necessarily aligned with educational goals.
· Dependency on Visual and Auditory Learning Styles. Video platforms primarily
cater to visual and auditory learners, potentially neglecting other learning styles.
Students who benefit more from tactile or kinaesthetic learning may find these
platforms less effective.
· Potential for Addiction and Screen Time Concerns. Excessive use of video platforms
can contribute to screen time concerns and potential addiction. Prolonged exposure to
screens may have adverse effects on students' physical and mental well-being.
· Lack of Interactivity. While videos are a passive form of learning, they may lack the
interactivity and engagement found in traditional classroom settings or other
educational methods. This passive learning style might not suit all students or learning

Videos may not always provide opportunities for immediate assessment or feedback.
Students may watch content without the benefit of interactive quizzes, assignments, or
real-time feedback, limiting the effectiveness of the learning experience.

As with previously mentioned negative impacts on education of the online technologies,

educators should guide students in critically evaluating online content, emphasize the
importance of using a variety of sources, and encourage a balanced approach to learning that
includes diverse educational resources. Additionally, promoting digital literacy skills can help
students navigate video platforms responsibly.
I wanted to reflect upon education and the use of modern technologies in our own
country, but the time just past by and I haven't finished my mid term work. It was sitting on
my computer for about 3 months waiting for my final thoughts, especially regarding the use of
modern technologies in the Bosnian education system.

There are many reasons behind it but mostly it boils down to bad or non existing
planning and lack of budgeting. If we take a look at the study done by Nino Serdarević,
sponsored by GIZ GmbH, where it says: “In elementary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
there is an average of one computer per 13 elementary school students, and the average
coverage coefficient is about 7.7%. These devices are mainly intended for computer science
classes. The low level of computer availability for students is particularly pronounced in the
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where on average there is one computer for every
21 students. On average, one class in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has 18.5
students. In the Republika Srpska, the availability of computers is significantly better, where
there is one computer per 7.3 students or more than 2 computers per class, which has an
average of 17.4 students.”6

Similar case is with the access to the IT equipment for the employees in the educational
institutions, elementary and high schools, where there is an average coverage coefficient of
about 14.5% for employees in the elementary schools and 30.4% for employees in the high
schools in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina7. Data results are damning as is without
mentioning that this average is even lower if we exclude Sarajevo Canton which is leading
ahead of other Cantons, where there is an average computers coverage coefficient of about
37% for employees in the elementary schools and 46% for employees in the high schools8.

So for Bosnia and Herzegovina to even seriously talk about the use of modern
technologies in the education, we would firstly have to address the issue of providing better
access to the IT equipment for educators and students, then provide sufficient training and
support for the educators in a hope that they will provide better education and guidance for the

Serdarević, Nastava i nastavnička profesija u digitalnom svijetu – Bosna i Hercegovina, 2023, p. 14
Ibid., p. 16
Ibid., p. 16

– Serdarević, Nastava i nastavnička profesija u digitalnom svijetu – Bosna i

Hercegovina, 2023



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