Stressed, license, stupidity

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I’m proud of you.

Even though you’re stressing out right now, you took a minute to
open this to see if it would make you feel better. Props to you on that self care! I
know you’re busy but take a minute or two to read this. You are incredible. You are
an amazing person inside and out. You’ve proven that you can do anything you set
your mind to. You’re ballsy and brave. Seriously taking all those AICE classes even
though you knew it’d be rough? You’re a literal role model. Makes me want to work
harder. You know you’re like a prodigy right? I don’t know how you do it; you juggle
swim, school, social responsibilities and my dumbass all at once! It’s amazing! Truly
inspirational. Whatever you’re stressed out about let me just say you’ve got this.
Doesn’t matter if it’s school, swim, or life in general you’re going to absolutely slay it.
Here are a couple quotes that help me when I’m stressed:

 “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” - Teddy Roosevelt

 “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”- C.S
 “Believe in yourself. You are braver, than you think, more talented than you
know, and capable of more than you imagine.” - Roy T. Bennett

If you do need help don’t hesitate to ask for it whether it’s from me or anybody else.
You don’t have to do it alone. I love you, go kill it like the little smart ass you are.

P.S. When you need a break there’s putty and a bouncy ball for you to play with. The
bouncy ball glows in the dark! Just throw it on the ground to break it.
YOU GOT YOUR LICENSE! Way to go babe, I’m so proud. Enclosed are just some
basic stuff: cleaning wipes, a tire gauge if you don’t have one already (those things
have saved my ass more times than I can count), and some smelly stuff. In the
Valentines package there is a little stuffed bear. I’ve developed an irrational belief
system that having a stuffed animal deity in your car will protect you for harm. I
know it’s stupid but really I want it to act as more of a reminder to drive safely cause
if you got in accident I’d lose my shit. His name is Trevor cause why not, matches
Dexter kind of. Change the name if you want I don’t care. Just stuff him in your glove
box or something as long as he’s in there. Trevor protects all!
So in all honesty I made this one because I wanted to have 8 because 8 is better than
6 and yeah. I don’t think you feel stupid very often or at least I hope you don’t. So if
you’re opening this just because it’s the last one and it doesn’t apply I accept that
and forgive you breaking the cardinal rule. Now if you’re reading this because you
actually feel stupid, look I’m going to be blunt with you. You do have a small lacking
in what they call “street smarts” and occasionally emotional intelligence and that is
perfectly fine. That’s normal; it’s called being a human. In fact I think it’s one of the
reasons we work well together. I am also lacking in the so-called “street smarts”
department but I am generally over emotional with things. Not even in like an actual
emotional intelligence way, I just get real emotional sometimes. So in theory, we
cancel each other out and it makes our relationship more symbiotic. I make you
express yourself more and you tone me down. Onto main intelligence, I’m 110%
sure you’re smarter than me. Literally the only reason I know more than you is
cause I’m older and have had more years of school. You’re literally the smartest
person I know and I’m in college. Even when you exclude the age gap your actual
intelligence is definitely greater than mine. So shut the fuck up about feeling stupid
because you’re not. At all. If I’m going to be pretty decent in life then that means
you’re going to be god damn amazing. Sky’s the limit with you babe. “You is kind.
You is smart. You is important.” You don’t need another human to reach your
potential but I’m still going to say that I’m proud of you and I believe in you. I didn’t
really know what to put in this one so I just Gayed It Up™ with stickers and erasers.

P.S. I wrote this in 42 degrees. Outside. No sun. My fingers are freezing off. I hope
you know how much I’m into you to do shit like this.

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