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OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch.

2 & 3)

Organizational Behavior, 19e (Robbins/Judge)

Chapter 2 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations

1) Differences in ________ indicate surface-level diversity.

Explanation: Surface-level diversity refers to differences in easily perceived characteristics, such

as gender, race, ethnicity, age, and disability, that do not necessarily reflect the ways people
think or feel but that may activate certain stereotypes.

 Style of work

2) Steven Johnson, the hiring manager for Stow-Kent Industries, recently recruited several
workers to staff the company's new construction factory in Alabama. Because the jobs that were
to be performed involved manual labor, Steven made an effort to hire physically strong
individuals who had the physical stamina to handle the job and the energy to work for long
hours. Steven most likely concentrated in which of the following surface-level characteristics
when selecting the new workers?

Explanation: Steven most likely concentrated on surface-level diversity when selecting the new
workers. Surface-level diversity refers to differences in easily perceived characteristics, such as
gender, race, ethnicity, or age, that do not necessarily reflect the ways people think or feel but
that may activate certain stereotypes.

=> Age? Gender

3) The management at Climate Action Development needs to recruit campaign managers for its
Renewable Energy Project. They are looking for candidates who are assertive, extroverted, and
who can tackle challenges head-on. Which of the following deep-level characteristics should
they focus on to best help them recruit the right candidate for the job?

 Personality

Explanation: Deep-level diversity comprises differences in values, personality, and work

preferences that become progressively more important for determining similarity as people get to
know one another better.

4) Raylon Inc. is in the process of recruiting a new operations manager. The human resources
team has narrowed the candidate list down to two candidates but cannot come to an agreement
about whom to hire. Though both candidates have the relevant qualifications for the post, one
will soon be 60 years old. The other candidate is in his early thirties. Rachel, a member of the
HR team, recommends hiring the older candidate, citing his years of experience and leadership
ability. Tim, on the other hand, strongly recommends that the company hire the younger
candidate, as he is likely to be more flexible when it comes to working. Which of the following,
if true, most strengthens Rachel's argument?
A) The job requires frequent travel around the company's six factories located across the country.
OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

B) Most of the employees the operations manager will be supervising are under 30 years of age.
C) Research has shown that older workers are more prone to absenteeism for health-related
D) Almost half of the company's top managers are in the 45-65 age bracket.
E) The company recently instituted a new production system that cuts waste by 30 percent.

 B

Explanation: The hint is that you need to select a situation or argument increasing the value of 60
years old candidate, compared to the rival in his early thirties.

5) Thurman Inc., a manufacturing company in Vermont, needs to hire employees for its new
office in the city. The positions require the employees to travel across the country regularly. The
management has specified that they are looking for employees below the age of 40 who are
young and dynamic. Which of the following beliefs is the management most likely to hold?
A) Younger workers make stronger judgments.
B) Younger workers are more flexible to change.
C) Younger workers have more experience.
D) Younger workers have stronger work ethics.
E) Younger workers are more committed to quality.

Explanation: Think first about the characteristics of this job. Then, you can select a matching
personal characteristic from the multiple choices.

 B

6) Angela Wells recently applied for a job at Spiga, a lounge in Paris. Having worked in several
restaurants and lounges in and across France, she was confident that she would get the job.
However, soon after the interview, she was informed that another candidate was offered the job,
even though the other candidate had limited experience in comparison to her. Angela feels that
she was discriminated against. Which of the following, if true, would best justify Angela's
A) The woman who was selected over her could speak French fluently.
B) Angela is a single mother with two young children.
C) Angela does not have a degree in hospitality management.
D) The lounge caters to elite business clientele in Paris.
E) Angela learned of the position through a friend working at the lounge.

 B because single mother ko flexible work schedule duoc

Explanation: Select an option that would make Angela as a social minority.

7) Raylon Inc. needs to hire a new floor supervisor. As the company has recently made an effort
to increase diversity within the organization, the HR team wants to hire a qualified female
OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

candidate for the role instead of adequately qualified male candidates. However, top
management insists that optimal performance is the top priority and that the candidate hired
should be the person best suited for the job. Which of the following, if true, would most
strengthen HR's case for hiring the female candidate?
A) There are nearly as many female employees on the floor as male employees.
B) The company has recently introduced policies that provide greater benefits for working and
single mothers.
C) Most of the top-level managers in the company are female.
D) The company policy stipulates that each employee has to work at least one week per month
on a night shift.
E) Both candidates have the qualifications required to perform up to expectations.

Explanation: In this exam question, as you can read, there are two competing approaches to
select a new person. HR thinks gender diversity should be the priority while the top management
team believes that expected performance should be always the top priority. Then, the question is
what kind of situation can make HR’s approach work better. Select an answer that would
increase the value of recruiting a female candidate rather than a male.

 E same performance but female nen diversed hon

8) Green Planet, an environmental organization, recently opened an office in Indonesia. The

organization is currently looking for employees to staff a deforestation project in the country.
They need to recruit individuals who understand the intricacies of Jakarta's culture and the
mindset of the locals and are fluent in the local language. Which of the following are they most
likely to consider while they recruit for these positions?
A) race
B) age
C) beliefs
D) gender
E) length of service

Explanation: Select an option that refers to the biological heritage people use to identify

 A vi locality same same

9) Peg Mayor, an employee at Los Alimitos Credit Union, recently filed a lawsuit against the
company, claiming that she was discriminated against. Los Alimitos Credit Union has a policy of
being unbiased toward employees and treating them fairly. Which of the following, if true, best
justifies Peg's action?
A) The company did not give her preferential treatment even though she was from the host
B) She was asked whether she was over eighteen during the first round in the interview process.
C) Her colleagues expressed their dissatisfaction over their pay and severance packages.
D) She had faced a similar situation of discrimination in her previous company.
E) She was not invited to regular Friday staff lunches with the guys.

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

Explanation: This question is to test your understanding about possible cases of discrimination.
Select an answer describing a situation of discrimination against Peg Mayor.

 A

10) April's colleague Nathan has consistently pestered her to go out on a date with him. Though
she has refused his offer several times, he keeps persisting. She found an envelope on her desk
from Nathan with inappropriate pictures and cartoons, which left her infuriated. She now intends
to go discuss the matter with the human resource department of her company. Which of the
following forms of discrimination is April most likely to cite?

Explanation: The correct answer is one of…Thus, select one of… if you see this question in the
actual exam.

=> Sexual harassment

11) Which of the following refers to a kind of discrimination that refers to overt threats or
bullying directed at members of specific groups of employees?

Explanation: This is a kind of discrimination which refers to overt threats or bullying directed at
members of specific groups of employees.

 Intimidation

12) Hazel Samuels has been working at her company for the past two years and consistently gets
yelled at by her manager even when she is not at fault. He often makes derogatory references to
her ethnicity. In addition, during team meetings, she is his target for practical jokes and nasty
pranks. She is extremely upset and decides not to be subjected to such treatment any longer.
Which of the following kinds of discrimination is she most likely to report to the human resource
department in such a situation?
A) Intimidation
B) Sexual harassment
C) Hazing
D) Mobbing
E) Incivility

Explanation: This is a kind of discrimination which refers to overt threats or bullying directed at
members of specific groups of employees.

=> A because bullying a person

13) Jill Ivey has been working as a sales executive at Orbit Bank for the last two years. However,
she has noticed that she is often not given an opportunity to attend training programs that her
team members attend every quarter. She also is disappointed about the fact that she never gets to
handle corporate clients, which provides better chances of a promotion. Which of the following
kinds of discrimination is she most likely to have been subjected to?

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

A) Exclusion
B) Mockery
C) Gaslighting
D) Destabilization
E) Mobbing

Explanation: N/A

 A vi excluding from opportunities

14) The idea that group members may often accept, rationalize, legitimize, or justify their
experiences with inequality, prejudice, and discrimination compared with other groups refers to

Explanation: N/A

 System justification

15) Jenna Blaxton is in charge of international marketing for a large multinational food
company. Jenna is waiting to meet with a colleague's niece, Britanee Bell, who is looking for
career advice from powerful women in multinational companies. When Britanee arrives, Jenna,
seeing Britanee's mini skirt and heavy makeup, immediately concludes the meeting is a waste of
time. Jenna, accustomed to seeing young women dressed in suits and light makeup at work,
thinks that Britanee's appearance does not indicate someone who is serious about work, but
instead, someone who is more interested in parties. Jenna is engaging in ________.

Explanation: This involves judging someone based on one's perception of the group to which
that person belongs.

 Stereotyping

16) Which of the following is not true of stereotype threat?

A) It can occur during preemployment tests and assessments.
B) It can occur during evaluations and everyday workplace exchanges.
C) It can lead to poor job attitudes and poor performance in the employees experiencing the
D) It is not diminished through increasing awareness of how stereotypes are perpetuated.
E) It can be reduced by adopting transparent practices that signal the value of employees.

Explanation: N/A

=> D
17) A team of four management trainees has been assigned to assess a client's financial stability.
All four team members have just completed their MBAs and have about two years of prior work
experience. Two of the team's members graduated near the bottom of their Ivy League schools,
while the other two members were among the top ten from their respective Big Ten institutions.
OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

What best explains a division of the team into the Ivy League managers and the Big Ten

Explanation: This question will not be in the exam

=> k can lam

18) Which of the following is not true of groups and teams?
A) Surface level diversity appears to decrease group conflict.
B) Functional diversity may improve team performance.
C) Functional diversity may improve innovation.
D) Diverse groups may be less likely to fall into conformity.
E) Diverse groups may make fewer factual errors.
Explanation: N/A

 A t nghi la A vi diversity leads to conflict y

19) Anika Bohn is part of the police force in Sweden. In her position, Anika is frequently called
into dangerous situations where she comes face to face with criminals. Anika is confident in her
ability as a member of the force and has a reputation for being fearless in dangerous situations.
Her male colleagues see her as an important member of the force and treat her as an equal in all
situations. Based on this information, which of the following is correct?
A) Sweden ranks high on collectivism in Hofstede's cultural framework.
B) Sweden ranks high on femininity in Hofstede's cultural framework.
C) Sweden ranks low on individualism in Hofstede's cultural framework.
D) Sweden ranks high on power distance in Hofstede's cultural framework.
E) Sweden ranks high on masculinity in Hofstede's cultural framework.

Explanation: Review the slides about Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.

 A for the good of everyone la collectivism

20) American businesswoman Kristen Adams is meeting with her Greek counterpart Alexander
Monopoulos regarding her company's new hotel location near Athens. Alexander wants Kristen
to provide more details regarding the planned opening of the hotel, but with construction behind
schedule, Kristen doesn't have much to share. Alexander is frustrated by the lack of clarity on the
schedule and demands to know how he is expected to work in such an uncertain and ambiguous
situation. Alexander's frustration reflects ________ in Hofstede's cultural framework.
A) Greece's high ranking on uncertainty avoidance
B) Greece's high ranking on masculinity
C) the United States low ranking on collectivism
D) the United States' short-term orientation
E) Greece's high ranking on femininity

 A not clear about future plan

Explanation: Review the slides about Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

21) Iyesha Alexander, a recent graduate of the same Ivy League university that her mother and
grandmother went to, is ready for her first real job. Iyesha knows that as a woman, she'll be a
minority in the male dominated industry in which she has chosen to work, but she is confident in
her ability to advocate for what she wants. Iyesha knows that as a strong American woman, she
may encounter some resistance from her counterparts in certain countries, but she is up for the
challenge. Iyesha's attitude reflects ________ in the GLOBE study of culture.
A) the low ranking of the United States on power distance
B) the high ranking of the United States on institutional collectivism
C) the low ranking of the United States on humane orientation
D) the high ranking of the United States on assertiveness
E) the low ranking of the United States on performance orientation

Explanation: Review the slides about Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.

 D confident va believe in what she want and can do

22) ________ in the GLOBE framework refers to the extent to which a society values producing
results, excellence, and productivity.

Explanation: This cultural dimension in the GLOBE framework refers to the extent to which a
society values producing results, excellence, and productivity.

 Performance orientation

23) With reference to the Hofstede's cultural framework, ________ emphasizes a tight social
framework in which people expect others in groups of which they are a part to look after them
and protect them.

Explanation: This cultural dimension emphasizes a tight social framework in which people
expect others in groups of which they are a part to look after them and protect them.

 Collectivism

24) According to Hofstede's framework, ________ indicates the degree to which people in a
country prefer structured over unstructured situations.

Explanation: Review the slides about Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.

 Uncertainty avoidance

25) With reference to the Hofstede's framework, a class or caste system that discourages upward
mobility is more likely to exist in a nation that scores ________.

Explanation: This cultural dimension describes the degree to which people in a country accept
that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally. A high rating on this
dimension means that large inequalities of power and wealth exist and are tolerated in the
culture, as in a class or caste system that discourages upward mobility.

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

 High power distance

26) ________ refers to the degree to which there are clear, passive norms within societies, a clear
understanding of sanctions for violating those norms, and no tolerance for deviating from those
A) Uncertainty avoidance
B) Cultural tightness-looseness
C) Power distance
D) Humane orientation
E) Performance orientation

Explanation: N/A

 B

27) Which is not associated with cultural intelligence?

A) Career aspirations
B) Cross-cultural leadership
C) Negotiation performance
D) Job performance
E) Physical health

Explanation: Cultural intelligence refers to a worker's ability to effectively function in culturally

diverse settings and situations. It has been found to be associated with expatriate career
aspirations and adjustment, job performance, psychological health and well-being, cross-cultural
leadership, negotiation performance, and OC.

=> D job performance

28) An organization that is striving to provide access to the same opportunities for all workers,
recognizing that some people are afforded privileges and advantages while others are confronted
with barriers and obstacles is focused on ________.
A) diversity
B) equity
C) legitimacy
D) inclusion
E) social responsibility

Explanation: N/A
=> B
29) According to the common ingroup identity model ________.
A) bias can be reduced, and inclusion can be fostered by transforming workers' focus on what
divides them to what unites them
B) stamina focus on what unites rather than what divides has little effect on implicit bias
C) using a focus on what unites rather than what divides stifles group creativity
D) the more often people from diverse backgrounds interact with one another, the more prejudice
will increase over time

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

E) the more often people from diverse backgrounds interact with one another, the more
discrimination will increase

Explanation: N/A
 A

30) Creating an environment in which all people feel valued, welcome, and included refers to
A) equity
B) inclusion
C) common in-group identity
D) diversity management
E) affirmation

Explanation: N/A
 B
Organizational Behavior, 19e (Robbins/Judge)
Chapter 3 Job Attitudes

1) The statement, "A person who eats meat and then fights for animal rights demonstrates double
standards" is an evaluative statement. Such an opinion constitutes the ________ component of an
A) cognitive
B) affective
C) reflective
D) behavioral
E) reactive

Explanation: N/A
 A

2) Which of the following statements represents the cognitive component of attitude?

A) I have decided to inform my supervisor that I will be quitting my job.
B) I intend to work during the weekend to meet the month's deadline.
C) I feel upset about having to work during Christmas.
D) It is disappointing to know that I did not get a good evaluation.
E) This job is not giving me an opportunity to explore my skills.

Explanation: The cognitive component of an attitude is a description of, or belief in the way
things are.

 E

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

3) Abigail Jones is a sales executive at Orbit Bank in Brussels. She is the best performer on her
team and often gets the highest number of corporate accounts for the company. However, she
feels that she does not get sufficient credit for her hard work. During lunch, she says to her
colleague, "I have been getting the largest accounts for the bank for the past eight months. Yet,
my manager never acknowledges the kind of effort I put in to get these accounts." Which
component of attitude is being demonstrated by Jones?
A) Positive component
B) Cognitive component
C) Affective component
D) Behavioral component
E) Reflective component

Explanation: N/A

 C

4) Which of the following is an example of the affective component of an attitude?

A) Believing that one achieved all objectives of a project
B) Relying on the information of a company's annual report
C) Perceiving whistleblowing as the right thing to do
D) Feeling hurt at being unfairly accused of a wrongdoing
E) Deciding to fire an employee because of underperformance

Explanation: N/A

 D

5) Sarah Mayer works as a security officer and is in charge of keeping track of who is in the
office at any given time. She notices that some employees do not sign out of the office when they
go out for meals, which makes it difficult to keep track of attendance of employees. Even though
Mayer has repeatedly asked the employees to sign out, they have not followed her advice. She
now decides to report the issue to her supervisor. Which of the following components of an
attitude is being demonstrated by Mayer?

Explanation: This component of an attitude is an intention to behave in a certain way toward

someone or something. Mayer's intention to report the issue to her supervisor represents the this
component of her attitude.

 Behavioral because she takes action

6) ________ refers to any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behavior
and attitudes.

Explanation: N/A
=> Cognitive dissonance

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

7) Joseph Pierce is the managing director of Drake Coal Power Plant in North Yorkshire. He
knows that coal is a major contributor to climate change and has made his research team study
impacts of coal on the environment. After knowing the facts, he faces a high degree of
dissonance between his values and behavior. Which of the following is the most likely to do to
reduce the dissonance between his belief and behavior?
A) Get government sanction to build and develop more power plants across the country
B) Increase revenue by building power plants in developing and underdeveloped countries
C) Reassure the public that there is no correlation between environment and coal production
D) Hire more employees to fill positions in new power plant stations
E) Provide locals benefits to substantiate for the effects of coal power stations

Explanation: N/A
 E dissonance la viec ca 3 process k cung nhau, behaviour k match voi 2 cai cognititve va

8) Research generally supports the idea that ________ predict(s) ________.

A) behavior; attitudes
B) emotions; attitude
C) attitudes; future behavior
D) thought processes; moods
E) conduct; feelings

Explanation: N/A
C => attitude have strong relationship to behaviour

9) Sandy Gilmore, a sales manager at a software company in Seattle has noticed over the past
few months that one member of her team, Kelly Nolan, is showing real potential as a future
project leader. Sandy thinks Kelly might be just the person to lead the next sales pitch to an
important client, however she has heard through the office grapevine that Kelly may be looking
for a new job. Which of the following questions would be most helpful to Sandy in
understanding Kelly's intentions toward the next sales pitch? However, Anderson heard from the
grapevine that Kenneth may be quitting the job. She now needs to know whether she has the
intention to lead the campaign in the next few months, which are crucial months for the
campaign. Which of the following questions would best help Anderson understand Kenneth's
intention toward the project?
A) How do you like your job on the whole?
B) Do you like the work culture in the organization?
C) Do you see yourself working with us in the next six months?
D) Are you motivated enough to achieve all project milestones?
E) Are you happy with your overall job performance?

Explanation: Specific attitudes tend to predict specific behaviors, whereas general attitudes tend
to best predict general behaviors.

 C ? not sure

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

10) With reference to cognitive dissonance, in which of the following situations is the attitude-
behavior relationship most likely to be strong?

Explanation: The attitude-behavior relationship is likely to be much stronger if an attitude refers

to something with which a person has direct personal experience.

=> kbt k co cau hoi

11) A positive feeling about one's job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics is known
as ________.

Explanation: N/A
=> Job satisfaction
12) Jane's high job involvement is best represented by which of the following actions?
A) Jane always complains about her work to her colleagues.
B) Jane actively takes part in team activities and proactively takes up additional job
C) Jane shares the organization's vision of supporting renewable energy.
D) Jane dislikes the unethical practices followed by her employer.
E) Jane wants to continue working for the organization because many of her college friends are

Explanation: Job involvement measures the degree to which people identify psychologically
with their job and consider their perceived performance level important to self-worth.

=> B
13) Employees' beliefs in the degree to which they influence their work environment, their
competence, the meaningfulness of their jobs, and their perceived autonomy is termed as

Explanation: N/A
 Psychological empowerment

14) ________ refers to the degree to which a person identifies with his or her job, actively
participates in it, and considers his or her performance as being important to self-worth.
Explanation: N/A
 Job involvement

15) Lorenzo Martinez has led three of his company's biggest deals over the last year. Lorenzo is
proud of his work because the company had been chasing two of the clients for more than 18
months. Lorenzo expected to be recognized for his efforts at his company's year-end banquet and
was disappointed that his name wasn't even among those on the Honorable Mentions list. Now,
Lorenzo is feeling frustrated and resentful. He knows that with his bonus, he makes good money
and has decent benefits, but the lack of recognition for his hard work is becoming a real problem
for him. How can Lorenzo's job attitude best be described?

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

A) Low job involvement

B) Low job satisfaction
C) High psychological empowerment
D) High positivity offset
E) Low emotional contagion

Explanation: N/A
 B

16) Ben has been working as a process executive at an accounting firm for the past two years. A
hard worker, his work is of good quality, and he often puts in extra hours at the office to ensure
his schedules are on track. Noticing his efforts, the management offers him a 20 percent hike.
Two months later, Ben submits his resignation and soon joins a startup organization, at a senior
position. Which of the following best explains this situation?
A) Ben felt the hike was unwarranted.
B) Ben, though highly skilled, lacked ambition.
C) Ben was motivated by the prospect of extrinsic rewards.
D) Ben found his work to be routine and monotonous.
E) Ben was gunning for a position at the competing firm all along.

Explanation: N/A
 E

17) Which of the following best describes organizational commitment?

A) The degree to which employees identify with the organization they work for and its goals
B) The state of discord caused by opposition of values between people working together
C) The degree to which an employee's sense of cognitive dissonance is related to his/her job
D) The employee's degree of disagreement or differential opinions about organizational practices
E) The degree to which employees believe their work impacts their organization significantly

Explanation: N/A
 A

18) The degree to which employees believe the organization values their contribution and cares
about their well-being is known as ________.

Explanation: N/A
 Perceived organizational support (POS)

19) If an organization wants to understand the degree of perceived organizational support among
employees, which question should it ask?

Explanation: Perceived organizational support (POS) is the degree to which employees believe
the organization values their contribution and cares about their well-being.
OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

=> How do you feel about the support within the organization

20) As a war zone journalist, Harry von der Hoeven often works for weeks at a time without a
day off. Harry finds his job to be stimulating and doesn't mind the long work hours because he
knows that his employer will allow him to take a month or two off to recoup following an
assignment. Which of the following best represents Harry's feeling?
A) Low employee engagement
B) High perceived organizational support
C) Low organizational commitment
D) Low job involvement
E) High interest in whistleblowing

Explanation: N/A
 B

21) Which of the following is most likely to be a characteristic of disengaged employees?

A) They feel a deep connection for their organization.
B) They have a sense of passion for their work.
C) They have the lowest levels of turnover.
D) They put in time but give no attention to their work.
E) They proactively take up responsibilities.

Explanation: Employee engagement refers to the degree of enthusiasm an employee feels for the
 D

22) Marcus Green has been asked to put together a survey for his company's employees asking
about their engagement levels in the organization. Which question should Marcus be sure to
include in his survey?
A) Do you believe in the organization's five-year plan?
B) Do you believe the organization is concerned about your well-being?
C) Do you enjoy your everyday tasks and achieving project milestones?
D) Do you feel the organization values your work?
E) Do you agree with the organization's stand on sustainable work practices?

Explanation: Employee engagement refers to an individual's involvement with, satisfaction with,

and enthusiasm for the work he or she does.

=> C
23) Which of the following statements is most likely to be true about the major job attitudes?
A) They are highly distinct from one another.
B) They are generally resistant to change.
C) They tend to overlap one another.
D) They are not correlated to one another.
E) They increase cognitive dissonance.
OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

Explanation: N/A
 C

24) Which of the following has been shown to typically provide the lowest level of satisfaction?
A) Work itself
B) Pay
C) Promotion
D) Supervision
E) Coworkers

Explanation: N/A
 D

25) Laura Choi recently started her first job out of college. In her new position, Laura is a junior
member of a consulting team assigned to work with companies to develop their social media
presence. As a new member of the team, Laura has been tasked with some of the more menial
aspects of the job but is looking forward to taking on a bigger role in the future. During her first
few weeks on the job, Laura has demonstrated positive core self-evaluations. Which of the
following did she most likely do?
A) Mentioned that she was confident about her basic competence
B) Expressed dissatisfaction with the nature of work
C) Set less ambiguous goals and objectives
D) Gave up easily on tasks when faced with difficulties
E) Did not consider her work as challenging and fulfilling

Explanation: People who have positive core self-evaluations are those who believe in their inner
worth and basic competence and are more satisfied with their jobs than those with negative core

=> A
26) Which of the following is moderately and positively correlated with organizational
citizenship behavior?
A) Emotional contagion
B) Job satisfaction
C) Absenteeism
D) Turnover rate
E) Cognitive dissonance

Explanation: N/A
 B

27) Substance abuse, stealing at work, endless scrolling on social media while on the clock,
tardiness, gossip, and absenteeism are all examples of ________.

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

Explanation: N/A
 Counterproductive work behaviour

28) ________ can be understood using the exit-voice-loyalty-neglect framework.

Explanation: N/A
 Dissatisfaction

29) Which response includes actively and constructively attempting to improve conditions,
including suggesting improvements, discussing problems with superiors, and undertaking some
forms of union activity?

Explanation: This includes actively and constructively attempting to improve conditions,

including suggesting improvements, discussing problems with superiors, and undertaking some
forms of union activity.

=> kbt vi k co cau hoi

30) Joe Dailey is unhappy with his job because he has not received the promotion due to him
several years ago. However, in spite of this, he speaks up to support his company's actions even
when the local newspaper is criticizing them. Which of the following types of response
represents his behavior?

Explanation: According to the exit-voice-loyalty-neglect framework, this response means

passively but optimistically waiting for conditions to improve.
 Ko co cau hoi

Organizational Behavior, 19e (Robbins/Judge)

Chapter 5 Personality and Individual Differences

1) Help Aid, a non-profit organization in Indonesia, works at providing education in

underdeveloped countries. They are now looking to hire a teacher who can educate children in
Namibia and prepare them for jobs which will enable them to sustain themselves. According to
Holland's personality-job fit theory, people belonging to which of the following personality types
will best suit Help Aid's requirement? Social personality

Explanation: According to Holland's personality-job fit theory, social personalities are

friendly, sociable, cooperative, and understanding. Careers for social personalities include
social worker, teacher, and counselor among others.

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

2) Esther Lugo has gone for an interview at an advertising firm in Manhattan and has been asked
to complete a self-report survey to help interviewers understand if she is the right candidate for
the job. From the interview, they have found that she is extroverted, empathic, scrupulous, and
cooperative in nature, which are key characteristics needed for the job. These characteristics
about Lugo indicate her personality.

Explanation: N/A

3) The most common means of measuring personality is through (B).

A) in-depth interviews
B) self-report surveys
C) career portfolio
D) reference interviews
E) stress interviews

Explanation: N/A

4) Which of the following is a drawback of self-report surveys?

A) They can hold only a limited number of questions.
B) They involve a large number of people in the evaluation process.
C) They may have biased results if the surveyor's judgment is biased.
D) They comprise a large number of complex statistical data.
E) They may result in the respondent rating themselves better to create a good impression.

Explanation: The most common means of measuring personality is through self-report surveys.
In general, when people know their personality scores are going to be used for hiring decisions,
they rate themselves as about half a standard deviation more conscientious and emotionally
stable than if they are taking the test to learn about themselves.

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

5) According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, people belonging to the
sensing type are practical and prefer routine and order and focus on details.

Explanation: N/A

6) Ellen Athers works as a communication executive at a travel house. She is known to be

friendly with her colleagues and interacts with them regularly to build strong work relationships.
She knows that her rapport with her co-workers is a crucial part of her work and invests time in
these relationships. In addition, she is assertive in making decisions, and colleagues take her
decisions seriously. Which of the following types is Ellen most likely to be characterized as
according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification? Extraverted

Explanation: According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, this type of
people is outgoing, sociable, and assertive.

7) Amber Downing, a human resource executive, is in charge of the recruitment process in her
organization. During the hiring process, she often needs to coordinate with prospective
employees. The organizational process does not require her to inform employees who do not get
through the selection process. However, she believes that it is rude not to give them an update.
She thus makes sure that she sends them e-mails informing them about the selection process.
Which of the following types is Downing characterized as according to the Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator (MBTI) classification? Feeling

Explanation: According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, these types
of people rely on their personal values and emotions.

8) Marina Lyon works as a reservation executive at a travel and tourism company. Though her
job requires her only to efficiently book flight tickets for customers, she has also opted to
undergo training to learn the process of hotel reservations. In addition, every evening she reads
travelogues to be aware of upcoming travel destinations and trends. She loves the industry she

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

works in and is eager to learn as much as she can. Considering the information given in this case,
which dimension of the Big Five model best describes Lyon's personality? Openness

Explanation: The this Big Five dimension addresses a range of interests and fascination with
novelty. Extremely open people are creative, curious, and artistically sensitive. Those at the other
end of the openness category are conventional and find comfort in the familiar.

9) Which of the following has been found to be more important than other traits in the success of
CEOs of private equity companies? Conscientiousness

Explanation: N/A

10) Among the Big Five model traits, emotional stability is most strongly related to life
satisfaction, job satisfaction, and reduced intentions to quit and burn out.

Explanation: N/A

Organizational Behavior, 19e (Robbins/Judge)

Chapter 6 Perception and Individual Decision Making

1) According to the attribution theory, if a behavior scores ________, we tend to attribute it to

external causes.
A) low on distinctiveness
B) low on adaptability
C) low on consistency
D) high on stability
E) low on consensus

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

Explanation: N/A

2) Janice Yoder works in an environmental campaigning organization and often needs to interact
with a large team for project implementation activities. However, she always finds it difficult to
work as a part of a team. She always seems to have major disagreements with team members
which lead to antagonistic relations between them. Though she has moved from one team to
another, her relations with colleagues always seem to be hostile and cold. How would the
attribution theory describe this behavior?
A) Low on consensus
B) High on reliability
C) High on adaptability
D) High on consistency
E) Low on distinctiveness

Explanation: N/A

3) Naomi Fisher, a sales manager at Pure, a water purifier company, had a new member, Leah
Marshall, join her team. Though during Leah's interview, Naomi felt she would be a productive
sales executive, her performance has often been below the mark. Consistently in the past three
months, Leah has been unable to reach her targets and is falling substantially behind on her
annual targets. Naomi assumes that Leah is not determined and motivated enough to do what it
takes. Which of the following, if true, weakens Naomi's assumption?
A) Leah has often arrived late for team meetings conducted in the morning.
B) Leah has been assigned a sales territory where consumers are from low-income groups.
C) Leah has good interpersonal skills and gets along well with her customers.
D) Research showed that the company's largest competitor had a lower turnover than they did.
E) Naomi recently received feedback from other team members that Leah is often uncooperative.

Explanation: N/A

4) Johanna Murray, a climate campaigner at The National Footprint Foundation, is known in her
organization to be a campaigner of caliber and high performance. She recently worked on a

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

campaign against global warming during which she worked extremely hard to achieve project
milestones. However, the campaign failed as it could not achieve the desired objective. Due to
this, her manager, Brenda Owens, gave her a poor performance appraisal. In the appraisal,
Brenda said that Johanna was not motivated and failed to reach out to 25,000 people through
Internet media to spread awareness about climate change. Which of the following, if true,
weakens Brenda's statement?
A) Johanna lacks experience in publicizing campaigns using Internet media.
B) Brenda was unable to make time for Johanna to brief her on the tasks involved in
carrying out the campaign's media strategy.
C) Johanna recently moved from the agriculture campaign to the climate campaign.
D) Johanna's previous job involved an extensive amount of researching on environmental issues.
E) Brenda is known in the organization to be a fair and unbiased manager.

Explanation: N/A

5) Jalon Edwards works as a campaign manager at Rainforest Alliance Trust, a forest protection
organization in Indonesia. She is currently working on the Palm Oil Campaign, which aims to
establish stringent laws against companies which aggravate deforestation by extracting palm oil
for commercial use. Her role is to establish allies with other forest protection organizations and
companies which use eco-friendly products that set good examples for other companies to
follow. Jalon allied with Griffin and Powell, a large multinational company, which, unknown to
Jalon, also has strong ties with local logging groups in Jakarta. Which of the following, if true,
would strengthen the argument that Jalon had an availability bias while establishing an ally with
the company?
A) Griffin and Powell ensures that all their CSR initiatives on forests are regularly and
substantially publicized.
B) Jalon has adequate experience in leading such campaigns.
C) Jalon is well acquainted with various research techniques.
D) Jalon has access to environmental records maintained by the Information Ministry.
E) Rainforest Alliance Trust has strong networks with local environmental research

Explanation: N/A

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

6) Johanna Murray, a climate campaigner at The National Footprint Foundation, is known in her
organization to be a campaigner of caliber and high performance. She has strong networks with
the Ministry of Environment and allies with several environmental organizations in the country.
Over the years, she has gained substantial knowledge on the issue of climate change. However,
recently when she prepared a consolidated report on a conference she attended on climate
change, it reflected major loopholes and limited information from the conference. Which of the
following, if true, substantiates that Johanna had anchoring bias?
A) Johanna was moved by the arguments put forth by the first speaker.
B) Johanna participated actively in the interactive session conducted at the end.
C) The speakers at the conference consisted of renowned environmental scientists and activists.
D) Johanna has attended several conferences where the panel consisted of eminent scientists.
E) Johanna was shocked by the startling facts shown during the concluding session.

Explanation: N/A

7) Sarah Covington, a sales manager at Synergy Corporation Bank, often keeps low expectations
of her team. She feels that they are underqualified for their job and do not have substantial
experience to sell a large number of accounts. Covington's team does not feel motivated enough
and invariably underperforms and misses targets on a regular basis. Which of the following
concepts best explains Covington's team's poor performance?
A) Hindsight bias
B) Self-fulfilling prophecy
C) Confirmation bias
D) Contrast effect
E) Bandwagon effect

Explanation: N/A

8) Rachel Zelenski has been asked to help train a new hire for a barista position in the coffee
shop where she works. Rachel has trained other people in the past and likes the camaraderie that
usually ensues. As the new hire walks in the door, Rachel notices that she stops to grind out her

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

cigarette before entering. Rachel, a strong anti-smoking advocate, immediately concludes that
she will not like the new hire. Rachel's behavior reflects horn effect.

Explanation: This effect refers to the tendency to draw a negative general impression based on a
single characteristic.

9) Jessica recently joined a new company and was first introduced to Michelle, her cubicle
neighbor. Michelle came across as amiable and cheerful. During lunch she met another
colleague, Carrie, who did not come across as friendly as Michelle. In this situation, Jessica's
interpretation of Carrie's personality is most likely to be affected by contrast effect.

Explanation: This is the evaluation of a person's characteristics that is affected by comparisons

with other people recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics.

10) Betsey Mills works as a driver for a high-end limousine company that is frequently hired to
for events in Hollywood and the greater Los Angeles area. In her job, Betsey has driven a
number of wealthy individuals including politicians, actors, and other celebrities. Based on her
interactions with the clients, Betsey concludes that all wealthy individuals are friendly, down to
earth, and hardworking. Which of the following best characterizes Betsey's perception?

Explanation: This effect is operating when we draw a general impression about an individual on
the basis of a single characteristic, such as intelligence, sociability, or appearance. A single
trait is allowed to influence the overall impression of the person being judged.

Organizational Behavior, 19e (Robbins/Judge)

Chapter 7 Motivation Concepts

1) Rachel's parents used to pay her an allowance every week to feed the cats and to do a few
other chores around the house. However, once her mother lost her job, her parents stopped giving
her an allowance. Although Rachel quit making her bed every morning, she still continued to
feed the cats. Which of the following best explains why Rachel continues to feed the cats?
OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

A) Without the extrinsic reward, the task itself is eliminated.

B) With the extrinsic reward, the execution of the task relies on internal motivation.
C) Without the intrinsic reward, the execution of the task relies on external motivation.
D) Without the extrinsic reward, the execution of the task relies on internal motivation.
E) With the intrinsic reward, the execution of the task relies on external motivation.

Explanation: N/A

2) Last year, managers at Excel Corp excitedly announced a new company initiative designed to
encourage sale force employees to step up their game. Under the new initiative, the employee
with the most sales at the end of special promo weeks would be assigned exclusive access to the
company lounge that is usually reserved for special meetings with clients. Now, managers are
trying to figure out why employees were not motivated by the initiative and instead could care
less about "winning" the lounge access. Which expectancy theory relationship explains why the
initiative failed?
A) Expectancy
B) Justification
C) Valence
D) Instrumentality
E) Reinforcement

Explanation: N/A

3) Weston Clark works for a company selling computer maintenance service plans. Business has
been so strong that the company has decided to add a new person to the sales team. Weston, who
has consistently received strong performance evaluations, has been asked to train the new hire
who will be doing the same job as Weston. During the training process, Weston finds out that the
new hire, a recent college graduate with no experience, is making more money than he is. Which
of the following theories will Weston most likely use to evaluate this situation?
A) Reinforcement
B) Goal setting
C) Equity
D) Expectancy

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

E) Operant conditioning

Explanation: N/A

4) Logan is an employee who processes health insurance forms. Initially he was criticized by his
supervisor for sloppy work, but thereafter he improved considerably. Now he consistently
processes his forms without errors and even does more than his fair share of work. However,
Logan's supervisor has not responded to the extra effort he has put in, giving him no praise or
monetary benefits. This leads Logan to believe that his supervisor is biased against him.
According to the expectancy theory, in this situation, there is a problem in the ________
A) rewards-personal goals
B) performance-awareness
C) performance-reward
D) performance-objectives
E) performance-achievement

Explanation: N/A

5) Oscar is looking for a new job. He used to be the company's top sales representative and was
eagerly expecting to be promoted. However, one of the regional manager's friends was promoted
to district manager instead. According to the expectancy theory, Oscar's dissatisfaction with his
current job stems from a breakdown in the ________ relationship.
A) performance-reward
B) effort-performance
C) reward-personal goal
D) satisfaction-effort
E) personal goal-self actualization

OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

6) Mark is an excellent technical writer. He has never missed a deadline and all his projects are
of superior quality. He now wants to telecommute two days a week, so that he can spend more
time with his family. He feels that he has proven his reliability. However, his boss is unable to
comply with his request and gives him a substantial raise instead. According to the expectancy
theory, Mark's disappointment demonstrates a breakdown in the ________ relationship.
A) performance-reward
B) effort-performance
C) rewards-personal goals
D) effort-satisfaction
E) performance-achievement

Explanation: N/A

7) Recognition is a motivational factor according to Herzberg's two-factor theory.

Explanation: Herzberg characterized conditions such as quality of supervision, pay, company
policies, physical working conditions, relationships with others, and job security as hygiene
factors. When they're adequate, people will not be dissatisfied; neither will they be satisfied. If
we want to motivate people on their jobs, Herzberg suggested emphasizing factors associated
with the work itself or with outcomes directly derived from it, such as promotional opportunities,
personal growth opportunities, recognition, responsibility, and achievement.

8) ________ is considered a hygiene factor in Hertzberg's two-factor theory.

Explanation: According to the two-factor theory, conditions such as quality of supervision,
pay, company policies, physical working conditions, relationships with others, and job
security are considered hygiene factors or extrinsic factors.

9) In equity theory, individuals assess the Outcome-input ratio

Explanation: Equity theory states that individuals compare their job inputs and outcomes with
those of others and then respond to eliminate any inequities. Employees perceive what they get
from a job situation (salary levels, raises, recognition) in relationship to what they put into it
(effort, experience, education, competence) and then compare their outcome-input ratio with that
of relevant others.

10) Which of the following considers how strongly people's reasons for pursuing goals are
consistent with their interests and core values?
OB/HR Exam Pool – Questions and Hints (Ch. 2 & 3)

Explanation: Self-concordance


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