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Speech Angga Suryana 26/4

Good Morning, all audience. Thank you for the chance that has given to me. Today I will
deliver a speech about meditation. My name is angga Suryana. I’m from eleventh grade two.
Before that I want all of you to do Taruna Mandara Culture. (SMA Taruna Mandara) Leader:
Our School is collaborate with transcendental meditation to increase inner spirit of taruna.
That’s why we should do the best dan focus for this meditation.
The importance of meditation
Why do we have to meditation?? .(Jeda)
Meditation is a technique to clear the mind to sharpen one’s focus and attention. This
practice is done by closing your eyes while controlling your breath to get rid of all negative
emotions. This technique is considered capable of making a person calmer, more
comfortable and productive.
(First) 1. Meditation is good for our emotional health
Because of meditation can Prevent and relieve stress, depression and anxiety. Regulate
emotions and train positive thoughts. reduces pain prevents high blood pressure and keeps
blood pressure normal.
(Second) 2. Meditation makes us fit and healthy
Because of meditation can calm the mind so that it can reduce negative thoughts that cause
delayed sleep. This relaxation technique is also quite effective in overcoming insomnia so
that the body becomes fit and healthy.
(jeda) So, do meditation well and correctly. That’s all and thank you.

Kosa Kata (Vocabulary)

1. Culture (budaya) 16. Can (Bisa)
2. Collaborate (bekerja sama) 17. Increase (Meningkatkan)
3. Inner spirit (batin) 18. Anxiety ( Kecemasan)
4. Mind (pikiran) 19. Depression (depresi)
5. Sharpen (Mengasah) 20. Fit (Bugar)
6. Considered (Dianggap) 21. Also (Juga)
7. Capable (mampu) 22. Audience (hadirin)
8. Calm (Tenang) 23. Train positive ( jalur positif)
9. Comfortable (Nyaman) 24. Because (Karena)
10. Prevent (Mencegah) 25. Heath (Kesehatan)
11. Regulate (Mengatur) 26. Reduce (Mengurangi)
12. High Blood pressure (tekanan darah tinggi) 27. Cause (Menyebabkan)
13. Thoughts (Pikiran) 28. Insomnia (Tidak bisa tidur)
14. Pain (Nyeri) 29. Becomes (menjadi)
15. Relieve (Meredakan) 30. Overcoming (Mengatasi)
Speech Angga Suryana 26/4

16. Should (Harus)

17. That’s Why (Mengapa)
18. Do the best (Lakukan Yang terbaik)
19. Keeps (Menjaga)
20. Regulates (Mengatur)
21. Cause (Menyebabkan)

Cara menghafal:
1. Pahami Bahasa indonesianya (artinya)
2. Lakukan pengulangan (repetition is mother of learning)
3. Latihan tanpa teks
4. Gestur gerak tangan.
5. Baca dan pahami terus satu per satu.
Learning is the key to unclock your potential.

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