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Authored by C.

O Paymon

Noctulian “Chaos” Cosmology Theory &


"The Sinister Whampyre sat staring deep into the void, reminding himself of his place
in the Cosmos, pondering on Aeonic Theories and wonders regarding The Haunting,
yet desirable, Journey to Become A Noctulian- The dangerous, Endless, and Ruthless
path. Nothing more - but also nothing less - than the opportunity to take to the right to
Devastate and Burn their own Heaven in the inaccessible unique summit of everyone"

Within the Cosmological Theory & Concepts within this piece, one must understand
that the framework is consistent with others. Still, the aim here is not the glorification
of the individual but the development of new faculties which Ultimately form “The
Noctulian”, a new type of individual with a new and profound wisdom of both The
Causal and Acausal, hence forming An “Aeonic” perspective which is meant to be
used collectively as a species.
Although on an individualistic level this appears as glorification via meta-deification,
the purpose is to achieve this state of “Mind” so that we may enact Worldly change as
a collective of so-called glorified self-deities.
However, the aspects of the Cosmos theorised within may differ as they are based on
the path of those which fall under the greater, darker umbrella of “The Sinister”
perspective whilst its ultimate premise is based upon the Cosmos and Cosmological
Change is in regards to The Philosophy of The Noctulian; The terms Aeon and Aeonic
will be explained as the necessary definitions must be understood to digest the
somewhat Absurd Cosmological Theory and perspective I am proposing.

Introduction- What We Must Understand First

To fully understand the theory/perspective, we must first have a strong base

understanding of the fundamentals apropos what Exotericism and Esotericism are, as
this is a conceptual notion suggesting that which we might not know i.e. is based on
(mainly) Philosophical Axioms.
Esotericism focuses on the philosophical axioms & symbolism of the "hidden
sciences" or hidden knowledge.
Therefore this must remain a postulation that has been drawn from Axioms within,
specifically The Noctulian Way and the teachings of The Sinister Tradition; the
proposed concepts thus encourage the Initiate to explore the meanings and Occult
insights of one's Tradition and others adjacent to their Exoteric ones- these are “ the
External” or Symbolic and representative meanings; such concepts are then used to
understand the world from an Aeonic perspective and open avenues into which one
may understand the Cosmos and the possibilities that may lay beyond. If the correct
understanding and practical transmission and harnessing of The Planetary Sinister
Energies are attained, then direct experience of Aeonic Magick may begin to occur
which results in alterations and changes within the Cosmos- specifically pertaining to
our Causal Realm as Humans which is Planet Earth, and the development of Earth’s
Evolution apropos what I propose as The Noctulian “Chaos” Cosmology Theory.

The essential prerequisite in any Magickal Tradition is highly appropriate and of great
relevance here, especially since this writing is apropos advanced concepts such as The
Cosmological Theories and concerns the ability to consider that the “Mind”, or
Inner-Self is itself the beginning point of all acts of growth and progression. Such so
that if a belief, an ontological point of view, or specific here, Cosmological opinion
were established which sets a limit, the Mind will believe in such limits and will not
go beyond them.

Therefore we must make sure not only the framework of the perspective pertains and
contains notions with inferences to the Sinister Concept of The Inner-Self but also the
philosophical and ontological aspects of this theory does not do so as it would
contradict any word said. Continuing on, this is to say conceptually that if Mainstream
Cosmology states that Gravity is a force then that cannot be technologically duplicated
due to it being a by-product of Mass.

This Metaphysical statement thus results in one becoming vulnerable to a limited

Mind and incoherency, such as supposing notions such as “Anti-Gravity,” because it
does not believe that such is possible in the first place.

Furthermore, this concept that materialistic science and technology have limits,
implies that materialism is the apprehension of or interpretation of the Cosmos in
materialistic ways, such that the universe is believed to be a randomised and lifeless
accident; that any science and technologies may arise from such materialist world
views of the Cosmos is not the ultimate achievable state of science, technology, and
civilization, that there is more or something greater to strive for which is more
acausal, more spiritual, more at-one with the finer aspect of creation. Such that to
greatly evolved and ancient acausal beings as our Dark Gods, our modern materialistic
technology and science are primitive and destructive to our Causal selves and the
current Aeon.
There is more than one source of life force since the whole Acausal is Life Force. It is
a matter of learning how such Acausal forces work, and how to draw such forces
down, so that enough life force can be altered and distorted to a point where Causal
beings may make use of such “force” or “energy” in order to transcend that which
shackles us to this form of time and become capable of accessing such aspects of the
Cosmos like Star Gates (a term explained further on).

If the Cosmos were just acausal energy, that energy would be static – it has no Flow.
Thus there is a cycle of energy as that energy flows through nexions into the Causal
Realm, in turn, the Causal manifests energy which feeds or Flows into the Acausal;
this dynamic motion or Flow gives rise to what we might call the Life of the Cosmos.
In a way, the Flow of Acausal Energy and Life Force can be likened to the circulatory
system of the Chaos premise of this Cosmological Theory.

In this theory of Cosmology, this theorem of Acausal and Causal Energy and its
sinister praxis is referred to as Aeonic or Aeonic Magick- a skill that is conceptually
and practically advanced in regards to the Grades of Adeptship. In relation to the
causal & acausal realms, we are but a cosmological intersection. Thus, we can
ascertain that any Entity/Energies passing through must presence/manifest in Causal
form- this form holds Energy we must drain from to direct force for specific aims
Hence, we must be able to initiate into the Praxis of the most Advanced Magick, the
one which will lead us to the profound and what may seem “absurd”, Worldly &
Cosmological change based on the Noctulian perspective.

Aeonic Magick/s Mechanisms Shown in Relation to The Cosmological Theory-

One must be consciously building & deeply aware of the necessity of the Sinister
formation of one's Dark character through an understanding of The Dark Gods, their
Properties, and their Exoteric and Esoteric meanings (Personally I find Sigil Magick
such as Visualisation and Chants to be most beneficial in the successful attainment of
the latter) in order to understand what we term “Aeon” and “Aeonic”.

Aeonic magick (Used by The Magus or Mistress as it is the most Advanced and
Dangerous of The Forms of Black Magick) can be regarded as the alteration/distortion
of Dark forces whilst also having the power to "create" new "Energies" one can
disperse across the Earth to enact Conscious Evolution across Causal Space-time"
Therefore this is the form that is the premise for Cosmological Change and is most
appropriate for The Cosmological Theory as it is the type of Magick necessary for this
context as it is that which can enact Acausal changes and changes in certain aspects of
the Cosmos to help transmit our energies for our ultimate goal of Aeonic change.
This is displayed within this concept of Cosmology and its workings esoterically in
The Dark God’s Philosophies and Ontology, such as with Naos, who is relevant here
as Naos influences the Causal & Humans in their motivation in works of evolutionary
creation, expressed in how we use The Planet Jupiter- Naos's pathway between Saturn
& Jupiter acts as the transmission of Sinister energies; The Planet Jupiter esoterically
"rules" this and a deep understanding and connection with The Tree of Wyrd or The
Tree of Life (depicted below) is required to ascertain the wisdom of the different
Planets attributes as well as the pathways and entities (as shown partially with Naos &
Jupiter) that interlink their Energies for one’s own desire.
Within this context the change of the Cosmos entirely or aspects of the Cosmos is
dependent on the Adept being able to not only presence Acausal beings, but the use of
knowledge regarding The Tree of Life, The Different Planets & their attributes and
how they can interlink to transmit or drain Energies-
The Tree of Life for reference:

This form of Magickal Wisdom is built upon different fundamentals and Magickal
“tools” that one has attained through the Esoteric understanding of The Traditions
Praxis, Mythos, and Philosophy through not only knowledge of relevant literature but
adjacent to the actual Causal practice of such- Developed throughout the journey of
the aims of Adeptship; granting Self or Worldly Evolution that could lead us to
Immortality by accessing the ability to control Causal linear Time.
In one sense, such a Cosmological Theory explains the results and is the ultimate
presence of the Master becoming somewhat of a “God” in the eyes of The Mundane-

Basics Of The “Chaos” Cosmology Theory-

Satanists have often stipulated that “Chaos” rules at the beginning & end of time;
Modern Cosmology recapitulates our Sinister concept as expert Astronomers believe
that the universe will at some time cease expanding, collapsing to then revert to
"Chaos"-From the void we came, and to the void we return. The concept and aim of
manipulation of Chaos and The Linear form of Space-Time can be metaphorically
seen as a "string of pearls" in time, expanding from an infinitesimal to fully expanded,
then collapsing back to an infinitesimal.
In other words, the destruction of such Aeon brings forth the New Aeon we strive for.

It is then, I propose within The Paradigm of The Sinister Tradition, not erroneous to
believe that the Cosmos exists as the resultant state of self-competition through
Magickal Purposes, Aeonic as the final form of Magick and Purpose of Magick in the
context of this theorem apropos Cosmology and Cosmological Change/Evolution.
The Sinister Perspective of Cosmology is referred to by three Key terms that embody
our Philosophy on what one deems “Reality”- The Acausal, Causal, and The

In essence, this is what I term The Cosmological Triad as it forms, changes, and
creates our Reality—accessing one, firstly the Acausal within this paradigm is the first
step in the process of Cosmological Change.
This triad, when used successfully in praxis is what I have deemed as the supposition
to that which I propose this Cosmological Theory.

Importantly, the ability to visualise or know the positioning of different Star-Gates &
how they are relevant to specific Planetary Energies we deem useful to prove the
proposition as it is an aspect of the Cosmos that helps guide the practitioner in their
venture past the restrictions of the current “Space-Times’” linear mode of how time
presences itself to us as Causal beings within this current Aeon.

“Star Gates" are regions in the Causal Space-Time where the Causal & Acausal link;
here the Sinister Satanist supposition is that through physical interaction with the
"Gates" & the Acausal, Dark Gods have and can presence or manifest in Earth through
"Saturns Gate" R.E The Tree of Wyrd.
Star Gate’s are important for the understanding of our version of Cosmology and by
using the different Planetary properties and energy transmissions (primarily through
The Dark/Sinister Triad Pathway) to breathe into existence, maintain, and evolve what
we within The Tradition understand and thus, must then postulate on in order to refer
to what we deem as the Cosmos with greater theoretical and ontological insight.

In order to understand this within the context of the theory, we must explain the
Acausal as the dimensions of the immaterial void-realm where the Dark Gods dwell,
and as the fundamental Source of everything. By Source, we mean to say the “Thing”
from which everything in the causal world of phenomena arises. Thus, the Acausal
manifestation is not only what we call “Acausal Energy” or just a form of
“Force/Power.” It is also what we might term the “source from which all forms of
energy arise” due to a lack of a better terminology. It must also be the sea of infinite
and all possibilities simultaneously co-existing side by side, each not affecting the
other, hence the term “Acausal.”

Such attainment of wisdom then leads us past the concept of the Acausal towards the
next and most advanced stage in our Tradition and in this theory—the purpose of
Aeonic Magick for Cosmological Purposes.

This being the Most Advanced Theoretical and Philosophical concept one as a current
Vampire/Whampyre or one practicing Vampirism, Whampyrism, Vampiric Magick or
The Black Magick of The Dark Gods should strive for as it is quite simply the theory
we should have the most concern about as it literally concerns “The Whole Universe.”

By doing so, we may begin to know whether our Praxis may be right/wrong or
accepted/disregarded in some beliefs, and if so this will cause itself to be a
presentation of Internal Magick as it can, due to the Entities/Energies involved,
change and cause alteration of one’s consciousness i.e their viewpoint on how they
have realised they were completing Rituals at the wrong time, seasonal change or
whatever else it may be- which sounds disconcerting to those attaining information on
a very complex theory and the praxis that comes to you.

We must also suppose, if we want a deeper and greater understanding beyond the
basic outline discussed, that there are also other variables involved to aid and give
authenticity to the theory, such as the necessary grasp of The Black Magick Praxis of
The Dark Gods that one must be assumed to have mastery or control over in order to
understand the workings and realities of The Causal and Acausal so one can then, not
just through the acquisition of knowledge but from the direct experience of such
Sinister Entities’ Energies, ascertain the esoteric rules of the different Planets &
Pathways governing the two realms, the Causal (“Physical Realm”) and The Acausal
(“The Psychic Realm”.) This is what I view as The Complete Cosmos. In order to
enact change within this view of the Cosmos one must be able to use, in conjunction,
their knowledge of the different Planetary transmissions involving the “Sinister”
aspect of the Cosmos and mastery of Dark Magick Praxis to aid with the steps
necessary for performing Aeonic Magick. Once understood through Esoteric means,
the Theory being proposed will thus cause one to see their relevance within our
paradigm and its uses in the concepts of my Cosmological Theory.

Magickal Practices such as the different Seasonal Correspondences, the Timing of

Rituals and their correct materials followed by others such as the internal and external
Mastery of their steps in rites such as ones premised on the Inner Self or
Indivualisation and those pertaining to Ceremonial and Hermetic Rites e.g The Grade
Ritual and The Black Mass.” and a great knowledge of their actual purposes in
progressing to the stage in which one can fully comprehend how our Cosmos works
and how we may use our Magickal “tools” to change aspects of it for the aims of our
Tradition.” One can, by reaching the level of Adeptship required, understand the
Cosmos by interacting with The Dark Gods through certain pathways of The Tree of
Wyrd and The Star Gates appropriate to them is the one who possesses the greatest
ability to enact any sort of change within the “Cosmos.”

In basic form, this is the fundamental yet somewhat rudimentary concept of

Cosmology, as Complex Concepts have yet to be added in aiding the authenticity of
the proposals’ practical workings, explanation of my Theory which simply put, is that
the two realms exoterically represented in the Septanary Sigil and The Pathways of
The Tree of Life may allow us through advanced Magickal Praxis to understand how
the transmissions of Energy works and can be used Whampyrically to Change the
World or Aeon.

The praxis of Aeonic Magick is not what forms the basis of our understanding of the
Cosmos but the esoteric mastery of understanding the steps within the Grades to reach
such a level is key in the formation of a coherent explanation regarding our viewpoint
of The Cosmological Theory, as without such mastery of the Esoteric aspect in this
context there will be no authentic depiction of the premises apropos one’s approach to
the matter of detailing successfully the “Cosmos”, and furthermore how we may
manipulate its nature- the latter being what could be deemed as the pre-Ultimate aim
within the proposed paradigm of “Aeonic Change” or Cosmological Change.
“Chaos” Cosmology Theory- Using The Dark Gods & The Tree of
Wyrds Pathways-

Before we continue further with this theory, we must understand what Ions are (aka
causal abstractions). These are manifestations of the primary (causal) nature of
mundanes and are manufactured by mundanes in their mundane attempt to understand
the world, themselves, and the causal Universe. Exoterically, abstractions re-present
the mundane simplicity of causal linearity of causal reductionism, of a simple
cause-and-effect, of limited causal thinking. All abstractions are devoid of
Dark-Empathy and the perspective of Acausality, and thus are redolent of a
Non-Noctulian Ability to perceive the Cosmos through Aeonic and Sinister Wisdom.

A Magickal and Cosmological Praxis for change through the transmission of Energies
can be shown through what we term/view “Chaos” (Dark God Nythra, the
properties/attributes) as a Noctulian Cosmological concept, which according to
Tradition, rules at the beginning & end of time.
Modern Cosmology recapitulates this Sinister Cosmological Concept as expert
Astronomers and Cosmologists believe that the universe will at some time cease
expanding, collapsing to then revert to "Chaos."

The Dark Gods Apropos Achieving/Explaining The Chaos Theory-

In Sinister Praxis & Ontology, Chaos is the symbol directly correlated with the
changes and motives of one on the Sinister Path. Before we introduce The Dark God
of Chaos, “Aosoth” (whose properties and transmissions are used as the premise of the
theory), we must introduce four others whose attributes, forces, and transmissions will
help in the culmination of the goal of Aosoth apropos Our Cosmological Theory.

Nythra is the Path between the Moon & Venus in the Tree of Life (Wyrd)-
Esoterically Associated with The Abyss & The Moon, Mercury & Venus Triad, the
vibration of this Sigil using Chants such as Agios o Nythra 3 times in 3 sets will
spread Sinister energy throughout The Trees Pathways and thus affecting aspects of
the Cosmos relevant to the actual Theory.

Noctulius, to those on the Whampyric Path & journey to becoming a Noctulian, is the
figurehead, the ultimate Archetype as Noctulius constitutes the Dark Triad of the
Sinister correlating to the Planets & relevant connected pathways of & between the
Moon, Mercury & Saturn. The Tree of Wyrd places the Moon at the bottom of the
tree, with Saturn at the top, and are closely linked together, which they, in accord,
influence the whole of the Tree in the Sinister way towards the path of mastering The
Dark triad that we strive for as Noctulians- a mechanism to fuel our bloodied
Whampyric lust for the Dark Gods Acausal power and energies. The Moons' attributes
and the focus on said attributes through rites involving the relevant Sinister Sigils &
rites will bring about the inclination to create the required conditions for this, which
also then (most importantly) will lead to the “Aeonic” transformation of the Earth and
Mankind. The aforementioned power constitutes the properties of their Sigils/Spheres
from which we accelerate our Sinister praxis in order to efficiently & more
successfully draw upon the synthesis of the Dark Art of Internal Alchemy and our
Sinister consciousness; hence allowing one to harvest & drain the energy currents of
that which pass through the Planets of The Triads’ pathways/Star Gates in The Tree of
Wyrd- that is to say the initiate is at the forefront of progression along the “Tree of
Wyrd,” beginning to reach self-mastery of one's Sinister self-consciousness,
increasing the development of what we deem the most desirable personality and
Astronomological wisdom required to hypothetically practice The Chaos Cosmology
“Dreccian Moons” or “The Moons of Baphomet” may also be of use here to aid in
understanding the esoteric nature of the Moon through the Sinister Lens as they
appear to symbolise a balance of opposite traits within the self, such as the traits of
Insight and Ruthlessness, or the Sinister and the Numinous (and the Numinous is itself
a unified dichotomy).

Atazoth hails from the third Invocation of the fourth Sphere on The Tree of Wyrd- the
Sun; understanding Atazoth is highly important. Firstly as it forms one-half of the link
The Abyss On the Tree of Wyrd, which lies between two of the Seven Spheres of The
Planets -the Sun and Mars. Working with the Dark Gods/Energies of these planets
may lead one to the Abyss and its workings, viewed as the "Nexion" between the
Causal and Acausal in the passage of the Dark Gods, those of which that are relevant
within this theorem, and that which may lay access to that of the further beyond…
Atazoth concerns Magickal and non-Magickal “Manipulation” - these are actions
revealed through the Sinister experience of The Sinister Praxis, relating to the
attainment of knowledge of the Sinister Dialectic shown as such through the results of
said personal experience of its Energy. Charging the Sigil of Atazoth is used to
produce results pertaining to the control of the varied factors that may appear during
specific situations one may find occurring during their Sinister experience- according
to Tradition, this could be deemed as Aeonic magick as the aforementioned concept is
an observation past the stage of the Initiate and Adeptship hence is used by The
Mistress or Magus; furthermore it also is regarded as the alteration/distortion of Dark
forces whilst also having the power to "create" new "Energies" one can disperse
across the Earth to enact Conscious Evolution across "Causal Space-time." For lack of
better words, Atazoth pertains to the achievement of the stage in one’s self-evolution
that supersedes the personal or relates to the dichotomy of the self and the
supra-personal and thus implies the ability to set forth the dynamic motion of
evolutionary change on a large-scale, ideally (to us according to The Sinister Tradition
and The Seven Fold Way) of the current Western Civilisation in order to “create” or
“begin” the coming of a new “Aeon.”

Aosoth is important in this regard as working with Aosoth opens the pathway between
the Moon & Jupiter, which may allow for the passage of Sinister Entities/Energies
through The Tree of Life, affecting specific aspects of the Cosmos such as the ultimate
goal of this praxis being the cessation of Causal linear time, which is, in this case, the
concept of “Chaos” in its Cosmological Sense apropos Aeonic and Cosmological

Charging Aosoths Sigil will lead to this symbol of “Chaos” to presence or manifest in
the causal, thus allowing the manifestation of said “Chaos” to the practitioner, which
will challenge and confirm if one has truly shed away the restrictions of their original
mundane aspects & perspectives so that this Cosmological conceptual view of the
dynamic-motion of “Chaos” will be able to occur i.e through “Aeonic Magick”; this is
dependant on the level of who is involved when using The Sinister Energies as doing
so for Aeonic or Cosmological Purposes of alteration and/or distortion is the most
advanced praxis one can begin and although powerful Internal Development may
occur through working with specific Planetary Pathways, it is not guaranteed that any
Cosmological Change will occur- only so when Self-Mastery and ranking past
Adeptship is attained.

However, this is still what forms The Sinister Cosmology Theory, and this is intended
only to be a broad framework for the concepts, theories, and praxis involved in not
only understanding The Noctulian Cosmology Theory but also the ability to use it to
fulfill the ultimate Noctulian goal- Immortality through the alteration and distortion of
the simplistic linear-time line (a “Human” Causal Abstraction) bound by the Acausal
which when disrupted, sets forth the beginning of Cosmological Change via the
Sinister Triad.
With mastery of working with Planetary Energies that affect the Cosmos, we are able
to ascertain that this results in allowing for the manifestation of a “Cosmological
Chaos” to occur.
A Death and then the Birth of a New Time- A New Aeon or New Aeonic Change.

Such occurrences are possible within the understanding of the aforementioned

workings and transmissions of The Dark Gods’ and their interconnection through The
Tree of Life and thus the alteration of Energies of The Tree of Wyrds Pathways that
Exoterically represent our Cosmology and the Esoteric rules that govern over it.
Primarily Naos and Noctulius are the necessary precursors when we discuss Aeonic
Magickal Changes within The Sinister Perspective as they contain the necessary
esoteric understanding and Praxis of their specific Sinister Transmissions we can use
to postulate The Chaos Cosmology Theory pertaining to Aosoth, the symbol of
“Chaos,” as the final component of the theories’ concept of Cosmological Change.

The goal of this concept is one that results in the cessation of the current era or Aeon
resulting in the “birth” of a new Aeon; done so if the correct abilities and knowledge
of The Dark God’s relation to the Cosmos are fully understood by the Practitioner and
successfully used in Sinister Magick Praxis so that we may be able to alter or
manipulate the Cosmos that directly influences oneself in the Causal Realm such as
Seasonal Changes and Moon and Equinox timings since we if this theory of
Cosmology is accurate, are able to then manipulate all pathways regarding the
Cosmos through transmitting Energy we have harnessed in order to cause and effect
the Planets themselves as we will no longer be bound by our linear timeline and have
gained the ability to use the Acausal and Planetary energies to bring about this theory
is premised on the Sigil Properties, planetary attributes and Symbolism of our Concept
of “Chaos” and other concepts pertaining to the pathways of The Dark Gods as a

This form of Magickal Wisdom is built upon different fundamentals and Magickal
“tools” that one has attained through the Esoteric understanding of The Traditions
Praxis, Mythos, and Philosophy through not only knowledge of relevant literature but
adjacent to the actual Causal practice of such- Developed throughout the journey of
the aims of Adeptship; granting Self or Worldly Evolution that could lead us to
Immortality by accessing the ability to control Causal linear Time.
In one sense, such a Cosmological Theory explains the results and is the ultimate
presence of the Master becoming somewhat of a “God” in the eyes of The Mundane.

The essential Noctulian way of reaching this “Immortality” or state where one can
enact “Aeonic Change” is The Death Immortality Ritual of Black Magick, the most
controversial and dangerous. One must be able to have transcended to an astral
“Psyche” or “Self.”

The Noctulian-

The Aspiring Whampyres Ultimate Form, An Actualised Manifestation of The Astral

Self not limited by The Mundanes' concept of “Time” or their Cosmological View;
This form is the result of The Sinister formation of one’s Dark Personality crafted
using the wisdom and direct Magickal experience of specific Planetary attributes and
Energy Transmissions and The Dark Gods that esoterically govern their Pathways and
how they interlink for certain purposes within the Paradigm of The Cosmos and
Cosmological Theory.

Achieving such a level would be akin to transcending to the level of a “Deity” and is
the final stage in Self-Evolution we know of thus far;
Hence completing the aspects and conceptual notions of My Cosmological Theory,
which are based on the main premise of Noctulian Philosophy in conjunction with The
Magickal Praxis of The Dark Gods’ & Their Planetary Pathways relating to Sinister
Energy Transmission according to the Exoteric and Esoteric Wisdom of The Tree of

The Noctulian Immortality Ritual- Black Magick

One must practice the Vibration Chants and Mantras associated with each Dark God
and the detailed use of Visualisation Techniques pertaining to the exoteric
understanding of their Sigils and the esoteric wisdom of their attributes and Sinister
energies mastered over a long period of time and strengthened through acts of Internal
and External magick over a long period of time as well as by using a Crystal
Tetrahedron to ensure there is a place for strong Magickal energy to be stored.
Then an attempt at Aeonic Magick can be made; if successful, then an Astral Double
is created and stored until the transfer is ready for a Doner to have the Sinister
transmission performed- negative energies within the Doner whatever it may be or if
the Causal being is an unwell specimen, then this should be avoided.

We then infiltrate the mind and soul of the Doner through both astral ( pertaining to
the Cosmos and its star gates) and physical contact. The Main ritual with both donor
and operator present employs a form of altering their consciousness through powerful
Internal Magick Techniques, with the consciousness being transferred to the ‘Astral
Double’ which is then used by oneself to purge out the drained, weakened mind or
psyche of the Doner.
The second form is the main goal of the Adept- the next step in the stage of conscious
evolution. We then use the essence of the Acausal- the cosmological concept/aspect
which is the force that is an apprehension to the concept of linear time to the
Mundanes and what it produces- in order to enact through successful interaction of the
chain of Sinister Energy Transmissions between The different Planets and their hidden
Pathways the Noctulian Aim of removing what we Sinisterly view as abstractions of
time that restrict us from the goal of Immortality or The Alteration of Aeonic Change
within the Cosmological System of Our Tradition.
Therefore, we can and should access the ability to, although a juxtaposition to those
who are not educated in Magick literature, Control the Sinister concept of “Chaos.”
Once this ability of the intrusion into our causal dimension disrupting liner time is
understood through one's Magickal and Practical experience of the pathways and
interlinking amongst The Tree of Life, we may be able to control time itself and
hence, become Immortal or be able to have the ability and time to create a new
species, a new ‘mind,’ one capable of functioning on levels not normally accessible to
those of the lower order-
This is how The Truly Sinister Followers theorise and put into praxis their Magickal
Evolution into that of the final aim of becoming A Noctulian.
The successful completion of such comes from an exoteric and esoteric Cosmological
Viewpoint or from an “Aeonic Perspective” where one has ranked through The Grades
of Adeptship into becoming capable of the performance of Aeonic Magick. Due to the
apprehensions involved in reaching this stage, we, therefore, deem them as being
regarded for those near the Grade of Grand Wizard/Grand Mistress, however, I wished
to construct my own Cosmological Theory based upon my knowledge and experience
in a manner all can understand to some degree by leaving complexities out.
Final Words-

Thus, in conclusion of The Sinister Cosmological Theory, we propose that “Chaos”

rules at the beginning & end of time; The concept of The Linear form of Time can be
metaphorically seen as a "string of pearls" in time, expanding from an infinitesimal to
fully expanded, then collapsing back to an infinitesimal.
Modern Cosmology recapitulates our Sinister concept as expert Astronomers believe
that the universe will at some time cease expanding, collapsing to then revert to

In other words, the destruction of the current Aeon will bring forth the New Aeonic
Age, or the ability to enact alteration or distortion of the Aeon will allow one to
unbind the Acausal shackles of the linear-simplicity form of Time so that one may
become “Immortalised” and behold the ability to shape and mold the Cosmos’s
aspects in order to fit that of the Sinister Aims of The Whampyre/Vampire into that of
the stage beyond. Causal life will end in causal death but death is nothing because our
Cosmological Theory states that life begets life, and so causal life began from acausal
life, hence we can use concepts such as Aeonic Magick, Nexions and Star Gates to
control this- something perhaps more simply explained through the following quote
“From the void we came and to the void we return”

-C.O Paymon 435

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