soalan objektif sains T3 - bab 1

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1. The term stimulus refers to

Perkataan rangsangan merujuk kepada

A the ability of an organism to respond

kebolehan organisma untuk bertindak balas
B the extent of changes in the surrounding
takat perubahan pada keadaan sekeliling
C a change in the environment
perubahan pada persekitaran
D a change in the pH of the water
perubahan pH air

2. The withdrawal of the hand from a hot object is a response to

Pengalihan tangan daripada objek panas adalah tindak balas

A a mechanical stimulus
rangsangan mekanikal
B a thermal stimulus
rangsangan terma.
C an osmotic stimulus
rangsangan osmosis
D an electrical stimulus
rangsangan elektrik

3. A receptor organ in an animal is responsible for the perception of

Organ penerima pada haiwan adalah bertanggungjawab untuk persepsi pada

A light
B a stimulus
C a sound
D humidity
4. The adrenal gland produces adrenaline. Which of the following is not a result of the
secretion of adrenaline?
Kelenjar adrenal menghasilkan adrenalin. Di antara berikut, yang manakah bukan hasil
daripada rembesan adrenalin?

A Heart rate increases

Degupan jantung meningkat
B Glucose level increases
Tahap glukosa didalam darah meningkat
C Respiratory rate increases
Kadar respirasi meningkat
D Blood becomes thicker
Darah menjadi pekat

5. A type of plant will grow tendrils and wind round a support. Name this type of reaction.
Sejenis pokok akan tumbuh rerambut dan disokong oleh pusingan angin. Namakan jenis
tindak balas ini.

A Tropism
B Nastic response
Tindak balas nastik
C Reflex action
Tindak balas refleks
D Taxis response
Tindak balas taksis

6. Pick out the WRONG statement concerning the function of the nerve cell.
Pilih kenyataan yang salah berkenaan dengan fungsi sel saraf.

A It can convey impulses in both directions

Ia boleh menghantar impuls dikedua-dua arah
B It does not weaken the impulse passing through it
Ia tidak melemahkan impuls yang melaluinya
C It conveys messages in the form of electrical impulses
Ia menghantar mesej didalam bentuk impuls elektrik
D It conveys impulses to the effector organs
Ia menghantar impuls ke organ efektor

7. The mechanism which maintains the physical and chemical characteristics of the body in a
balanced and stable state is called
Mekanisma yang mengekalkan ciri-ciri fizikal dan kimia pada badan pada keadaan yang
seimbang dan stabil dipanggil

A growth
B homeostasis
C development
D excretion

8. What is the reaction that is shown by the plant in the figure below?
Apakah tindakbalas yang ditunjukkan pada pokok pada rajah di bawah?

A Positive hydrotropism
Hidrotropisme positif
B Negative phototropism
Fototropisme negatif
C Positive thigmotropism
Tigmotropisme positif
D Negative geotropism
Geotropisme negatif


The figure above shows a mimosa plant. What is the conclusion that can be derived based
on the reaction in the figure.
Rajah di atas menunjukkan pokok semalu. Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat
berdasarkan pada tindakbalas di atas?

A The mimosa plant shows a seismonastic reaction

Pokok semalu menunjukkan tindakbalas seismonastik
B The leaf of the mimosa becomes sturgid when touched
Daun semalu menjadi layu apabila disentuh
C The osmotic pressure in the mimosa cell increases when touched
Tekanan osmtik pada sel semalu meningkat apabila disentuh
D The temperature of the glass rod becomes very high until the leaf fades when touched
Suhu rod kaca menjadi tinggi sehingga daunnya layu apabila disentuh

10. The figure below shows the reaction of a plants to a stimulus. What is the reaction shown
by the plants?
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan tindakbalas tumbuhan pada rangsangan. Apakah
tindakbalas yang ditunjukkan pada tumbuhan?

A Thermonasty
B Thigmonasty
C Photonasty
D Seismonasty

11. The movement of Euglena sp and Volvox sp. towards moderate light intensity is a type of
reaction to an external stimulus. What is the reaction?
Pergerakan pada Euglena sp dan Volvox sp terhadap keamatan cahaya sederhana adalah
sejenis tindakbalas pada rangsangan luaran. Apakah tindakbalas ini?

A Photonasty
B Phototaxis
C Thermonasty
D Phototropism

12. The root of the Hibiscus responds positively to
Akar Hibiscus merangsang secara positif kepada

I sunlight
cahaya matahari
II pressure
III gravity
IV water
A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and IV only
I dan IV sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D III and IV only
III dan IV sahaja

13. The sudden withdrawal of the hand from a hot object is

Pengasingan tangan secara tiba-tiba daripada objek panas adalah

I a voluntary action
tindakbalas terkawal
II an involuntary action
tindakbalas tidak terkawal
III a reasoned action
tindakbalas bersebab
IV a reflex action
tindakbalas refleks
A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and III only
I dan III sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D II and IV only
II dan IV sahaja

14. The advantage of the root being able to respond positively to gravity include
Kelebihan akar untuk merangsang secara positif kepada graviti termasuk

I being able to absorb water from subsoil layers

boleh menyerap air daripada lapisan bawah tanah
II being able to secrete waste into the soil
boleh merembes bahan buangan ke tanah
III being able to obtain more nutrients from the soil.
boleh memperoleh banyak nutrien daripada tanah
IV being able to anchor the plant more firmly to the soil
boleh menjadi sokongan kepada tumbuhan supaya lebih kukuh diatas tanah
A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I, II and III only
I, II dan III sahaja
C I, III and IV only
I, III dan IV sahaja
D II, III and IV only
II, III dan IV sahaja

15. Examples of reflex actions are

Contoh tindakan refleks adalah

I knee jerk
ketukan lutut
II change in pupil size
perubahan saiz pupil
III sneezing
IV blinking of the eyelids
kelipan mata
A I, II and III only
I, II dan III sahaja
B I, II and IV only
I, II dan IV sahaja
C II, III and IV only
II, III dan IV sahaja
D I, II, III and IV
I, II, III dan IV sahaja


1. C
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. D
13. D
14. A
15. D

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