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Financial Investment
Risk and Return


• What are returns?

• How can we adjust returns for various characteristics?
• What are different measures of historic risk and historic return?


Risk and Return



• A return, in its simplest terms, is the money made or lost on an

investment over some period of time (usually expressed as a
percentage of initial investment).



• In order to compute return, consider a zero-coupon bond with a

face value of $100 and a price of P0. Assume that time to maturity
is T. The T-period return on this bond is computed as follows:

P0 
1  rT 
 rT  1

Example 1

• Assume that the prices of zero-coupon bonds with $100 face value
and various maturities are as follows. Compute the return of each

Maturity Price
0.5 Year $97.36
1 Year $92.52
25 Years $23.20


Example 1

• The returns can be computed as follows:

• Return for 0.5 year = [$100/$97.36] – 1
= 2.71%
• Return for 1 year = [$100/$92.52] – 1
= 8.08%
• Return for 25 years = [$100/$23.20] – 1
= 329.18%


• One commonly quoted measure of return is the Annual

Percentage Rate (APR).
• If there are n compounding periods in a year and the per-period
rate is rT, the APR is given as follows:
• APR = n * rT



• Compute the ARR for the security with 0.5 year to maturity and
return of 2.71%.


• In this case, there are 2 compounding periods. Therefore, ARR is

computed as follows:
• APR = 2 * 2.71% = 5.42%



• If there are n compounding periods in a year, the length of each

period (T) is given as follows:
• T =1/n
• For example, if there are two compounding periods in a year (n =
2), the length of each period can be expressed as follows:
• T = 1/2 = 0.5


• From the above expression for T, we can compute the value of n as

• n = 1/T
• Inserting the value of n in the equation for APR yields the
• APR = n * rT = (1/T) * rT
• Solving above equation for rT will result in the following:
• rT = APR/n = APR/(1/T) = T*APR



• Compute the ARR for the security with 25 year to maturity and
return of 329.18%.


• In this case, there are 1/25 compounding periods.

• Therefore, ARR is computed as follows:
• APR = (1/25) * 329.18% = 13.16%


Risk and Return

Adjusting Returns

Adjusting Returns

• Previous example shows that long-term securities offer higher

return than short-term securities. However, such a statement
should be interpreted with caution.


Adjusting Returns

• Different types of adjustments should be made in returns to obtain

meaningful comparisons. Some of them are as follows:
• Adjustment for Holding Period
• Adjustment for Inflation
• Adjustment for Exchange Rate

Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Holding Period

• In order to correctly compare returns of securities with different

maturities, we need to convert each return into an Effective
Annual Rate (EAR).
• An EAR is the percentage increase in funds invested over a 1-year
horizon (with yearly compounding).


Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Holding Period

• We can relate EAR to the total return over a holding period of

length T (rT) by using the following expression:
• EAR = (1 + rT)1/T – 1

Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Holding Period: Example 2

• Compute the EAR for the following returns:

• Return for security with 0.5 year maturity = 2.71%
• Return for security with 25 year maturity = 329.18%


Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Holding Period: Example 2

• The EAR for a security with 0.5 year maturity is computed as

• EAR = (1 + 0.0271)1/0.5 – 1
= 5.49%

Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Holding Period: Example 2

• The EAR for a security with 25 years maturity is computed as

• EAR = (1 + 3.2918)1/25 – 1
= 6.00%


Adjusting Returns

• There is a link between EAR and APR. From our previous

discussion, we found that return over a holding period (rT) can be
computed as follows:
• rT = T*APR
• We can insert the value of rT in the equation for EAR to arrive at
the relationship between EAR and APR.

Adjusting Returns

• The equation for EAR can be expressed as follows:

• EAR = (1 + rT)1/T – 1
= (1 + [T*APR])1/T – 1
• Above equation can be simplified to the following:
• (1 + EAR) = (1 + [T*APR])1/T
• (1 + EAR)T = (1 + [T*APR])
• (1 + EAR) – 1 = T*APR

• Therefore, the exact relationship will be as follows:

• APR = [(1 + EAR)T – 1]/T


Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Inflation

• The returns obtained in the previous examples are not adjusted

for inflation. These unadjusted returns are called as the nominal
returns (rN).

Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Inflation

• In order to adjust the nominal returns (rN) for inflation rate (i), we
can use the following equation. The resulting returns are called as
the real returns (rR).

rR 
1  rN   1
1  i 


Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Inflation: Example 1

• Consider a U.S. investor who invested in UAE Telecom at 175.86

Dhs last year. One year later, UAE Telecom is selling at 195.24 Dhs.
What is the nominal return of this investment? What is inflation
adjusted return, if the inflation during this time period was 10%.

Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Inflation: Example 1

• The nominal return (rN) for the U.S. investor can be computed as
195.24 Dhs - 175.86 Dhs 
rN     11.02%
 175.86 Dhs 


Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Exchange Rate: Example 1

• The inflation adjusted return (rR) can be computed as follows:

1  0.1102 
rR     1  0.92%
 1  0.10 

Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Exchange Rate

• Sometimes, investors hold assets in other countries. The returns

obtained in foreign countries should be adjusted for exchange rate
• It is important to make such adjustment because exchange rate
fluctuations can convert a gain into a loss or a loss into a gain.


Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Exchange Rate

• To calculate the return to a local investor (RLC) from an investment

in an asset in foreign country, we can use the following equation:
S C 
R LC   FC, t 1 * FC, t 1   1
 SFC, t C FC, t 

• In the above expression, SFC,t is the value of foreign asset in foreign

currency at time t and CFC,t is the exchange rate of foreign currency
at time t.

Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Exchange Rate: Example 1

• Consider a U.S. investor who invested in UAE Telecom at 175.86

Dhs when the value of the dirham stated in dollars was $0.29.
• One year later, UAE Telecom is selling at 195.24 Dhs. The dirham is
now at $0.27. What is the total return in dollars?


Adjusting Returns
Adjustment for Exchange Rate: Example 1

• The return for the U.S. investor after adjusting for exchange rate is
be computed as follows:
S C 
R LC   FC,t 1 * FC, t 1   1
 SFC,t C FC, t 
195.24 Dhs $0.27 
R LC   *   1  3.36%
175.86 Dhs $0.29 

Risk and Return

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

• Following measures of risk and return can be computed on the

time series data:
• Holding Period Return
• Arithmetic Average Return
• Geometric Average Return
• Dollar-Weighted Return
• Excess Return
• Standard Deviation of Returns
• Coefficient of Variation

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Holding-Period Return

• Assume that you invested in a stock at the start of a year. The

realized rate of return (also known as the holding-period return,
HPR) on your investment is defined as follows:
D1  P1  P0 

• In the above equation, D1 is dividend paid during the holding

period, P0 and P1 are starting-period and end-period prices,


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Holding-Period Return

• The equation of HPR can be modified as follows:

D1  P1  P0  D1 P1  P0 
HPR   
P0 P0 P0

• The component of return that is due to dividends is called the

dividend yield.
• The component of return that is due to change in price is called
the capital gain/loss yield.

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Holding-Period Return: Example 1

• At the start of the year, the fund was selling for $100 per share.
Suppose that it is the end of a year and the price per share is $110.
Also suppose that the cash dividend over the year amount to $4.
What is the HPR?


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Holding-Period Return: Example 1

• The HPR is given as follows:

$4  $110  $100
HPR   0.14

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Holding-Period Return: Example 2

• At the beginning of the year, Apple stock traded for $90.75 per
share, and Wal-Mart was valued at $55.33. During the year, Apple
paid no dividends, but Wal-Mart shareholders received dividends
of $1.09 per share. At the end of the year, Apple stock was worth
$210.73 and Wal-Mart sold for $52.84. What is the HPR for both


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Holding-Period Return: Example 2

• We can calculate the HPR for each stock as follows:

• HRPApple = [$0 + ($210.73 – $90.75)] / $90.75
= 132.20%
• HRPWal-Mart = [$1.09 + ($52.84 – $55.33)] / $55.33
= –2.50%

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Arithmetic Average Return

• In historical data, we treat each observation as an equally likely

scenario. So if there are n observations, the probability of each
observation is 1/n. The expected return is estimated by the
arithmetic average of the sample rates of return:
1 n
E(r)   rs
n s1

• In the above expression, E(r) is the arithmetic average return and

rs is the return of observation ‘s’.


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Arithmetic Average Return: Example 1

• Compute the arithmetic average of the following returns:

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Arithmetic Average Return: Example 1

• The arithmetic average of the returns is as follows:

• E(r) = (1/5)*[(-0.1189) + (-0.2210) + 0.2869 + 0.1088 + 0.0491] = 0.0210
• Above value can also be obtained as follows:
• E(r) = [0.2*(-0.1189)] + [0.2*(-0.2210)] + [0.2*0.2869 ] + [0.2* 0.1088] +
[0.2* 0.0491] = 0.0210


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Geometric Average Return

• The arithmetic average provides an unbiased estimate of the

expected future return. However, it does not tell us much about the
actual performance of an asset over the past sample period.

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Geometric Average Return

• As an example, consider that returns generated by ADA

Corporation over the period of last 2 years were -50% for the first
year and +100% for the second year. The arithmetic average
return will be 25% [=(-50% + 100%)/2].


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Geometric Average Return

• Arithmetic average return does not tell us much about the growth
rate for investor’s investment in ADA Corporation. In order to find
the growth rate for investor’s investment, we need to compute the
geometric average.

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Geometric Average Return

• Geometric average is the annual return that would compound

over the period to the same terminal value as obtained from
the sequence of actual returns in the time series.


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Geometric Average Return

• In our case, if we invested $1 in ADA Corporation, the final

investment would have been the following:
• Final Value of Investment = $1*(1 - 0.50)*(1 + 1) = $1
• The annual return (g) that result in above final value is given as
• (1 + g)2 = $1*(1 - 0.50)*(1 + 1) = $1
• Solving above equation yields g = 0%.

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Geometric Average Return

• Above example can be generalized as follows:

g  (1  r1 ) * (1  r2 ) * ... * (1  r n )  1

• Each return has an equal weight in the geometric average. For this
reason, the geometric average is referred to as a time-weighted


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Geometric Average Return: Example 1

• Assume that annual returns of S&P500 for the first five years of
1970s were as follows:
• Y1970 = 3.51%
• Y1971 = 14.12%
• Y1972 = 18.72%
• Y1973 = -14.50%
• Y1974 = -26.03%
• What annual geometric average did S&P500 generate for these

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Geometric Average Return: Example 1

• The geometric average is computed as follows:

(1  0.0351) * (1  0.1412) * (1  0.1872) 
g  -1
* (1 - 0.1450) * (1 - 0.2603) 


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Geometric Average Return

• The difference between geometric average and arithmetic average

depends on the variance of returns (σ2).
• E(Geometric Average) = E(Arithmetic Average) – 0.5σ2
• Above equation indicates that greater the volatility of returns,
greater the difference between geometric average and arithmetic

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return


• Arithmetic and geometric averages can be used to compute risk

premium. However, there can be dramatic differences between the
two methods.
• Arithmetic mean is a better predictor of risk premium in the next period.
• Geometric mean is considered to be a better predictor of risk premium in
the long-run.


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Dollar-Weighted Return

• Dollar-weighted return is the internal rate of return (IRR) of the


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Dollar-Weighted Return: Example 1

• Assume that you bought a stock for $50 two years back. At the end
of first year, you received a dividend of $2. You also purchased
another share of the same stock for $53 at the end of first year.
• At the end of second year, you sold each share for $54. You also
received $2 dividend per share at the end of second year. What is
the dollar-weighted return?


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Dollar-Weighted Return: Example 1

• Total cash outlays from this investment are as follows:

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Dollar-Weighted Return: Example 1

• Using the discounted cash flow (DCF) approach, we can solve for
the average return over the 2 years by equating the present values
of the cash inflows and outflows:
53 2 4 108
NPV  0  -50    
1  r  1  r  1  r  1  r 2

 r  7.117%


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Standard Deviation of Returns

• Using the historical data with n observations, we can estimate

variance (σ2) as follows:
1 n
σ2   rs  E(r)2
n s 1
• In the above expression, E(r) is the average return and rs is the
return of observation ‘s’.

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Standard Deviation of Returns

• Standard deviation is the square root of variance.


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Standard Deviation of Returns: Example 1

• Suppose a series generated the following sequence of returns.

Compute the variance and standard deviation of the series.
Month-1 40%
Month-2 10%
Month-3 10%
Month-4 – 20%

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Standard Deviation of Returns: Example 1

• Average return for the series is given as follow:

E(r)  * 40%  10%  10%  20%
 E(r)  10%


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Standard Deviation of Returns: Example 1

• Variance can be calculated as follows:

Rate of Expected Deviation from Expected Squared Deviation
Return Return Return
+40% +10% +30 (+30)² = 900
+10% +10% 0 (0)² = 0
+10% +10% 0 (0)² = 0
-20% +10% -30 (-30)² = 900

σ 2  * 900  0  0  900
 σ  450

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Standard Deviation of Returns: Example 1

• Standard deviation can be calculated as follows:

• σ = √450 =


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return


• We would like to mention that variance estimate from previous

equation is biased. The reason is that we have taken deviations
from the sample arithmetic average, instead of true average.
Therefore, we have introduced an estimation error. This is
sometimes called a degrees of freedom bias.

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return


• We can eliminate the degrees of freedom bias by multiplying the

variance by the factor n /( n - 1).
 n  1 n
2 
σ2   
 n  1  n
 r
s 1
s  E(r)  

1  n
2 
σ2    rs  E(r)  
n  1  s 1 


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return


• For large observations, this bias is relatively small. Therefore, we

can safely ignore it and can use ‘n’ in the denominator.

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Standard Deviation of Returns

• If returns are normally distributed, as is shown in the next figure,

we can obtain useful information about future returns from
historic returns and standard deviations.


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Standard Deviation of Returns

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Standard Deviation of Returns

• The previous figure indicates that:

• There is 68.26% of chance that future return will be -1σ and +1σ around
the mean.
• There is 95.44% of chance that future return will be -2σ and +2σ around
the mean.
• There is 99.74% of chance that future return will be -3σ and +3σ around
the mean.


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Standard Deviation of Returns: Example 1

• The continuously compounded annual return on a stock is

normally distributed with a mean of 20% and standard deviation
of 30%. With 95.44% confidence, we should expect its actual
return in any particular year to be between which pair of values?
• -40.0% and 80.0%
• -30.0% and 80.0%
• -20.6% and 60.6%
• -10.4% and 50.4%

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Standard Deviation of Returns: Example 1

• With probability 0.9544, the value of a normally distributed

variable will fall within two standard deviations of the mean; that
is, between –40% and 80%.


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return


• There may be arguments that past risk is not a good indicator of

future risk. As indicated in the next figure, the relative riskiness of
equities and bonds has changed over time.
• Until the 1960s, the annual returns on common stocks were about
four times more volatile than those on bonds. Since then, common
shares have only been twice as variable as bonds.

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return



Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Coefficient of Variation

• While comparing risk of an investment, it is advisable to interpret

standard deviation in the context of the average return of the data.
In order to do so, we standardize standard deviation by average
• Coefficient of Variation allows us to determine how much risk we
are assuming in comparison to the amount of return we expect
from our investment.

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Coefficient of Variation

• The coefficient of variance (CV) is the ratio of standard deviation

of returns (σ) to average returns [E(r)]:
• CV = σ / E(r)


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Coefficient of Variation

• It is important to use the coefficient of variation while comparing

risk because standard deviation (and the variance) suffers from
the scale problem.
• The scale problem refers to the fact that the size of standard
deviation is a function of the magnitude of returns used to
calculate the standard deviation. Higher is the magnitude of
returns, higher is the standard deviation. Therefore, the standard
deviation may give an incorrect impression of the riskiness of an

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Coefficient of Variation

• In order to illustrate the scale problem, consider the following

data. Is XYZ twice as risky as ABC?
Potential Returns
10% -12% -24%
15% -5% -10%
50% 2% 4%
15% 9% 18%
10% 16% 32%
E(r) 2.0% 4.0%
Variance 0.00539 0.02156
Std. Dev. 7.34% 14.68%


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Coefficient of Variation

• The answer is: No.

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Coefficient of Variation

• The coefficient of variation (CV) provides a scale-free measure of

the riskiness of a security.


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Coefficient of Variation

• For previous example, the coefficient of variation (CV) for XYZ and
ABC are identical, indicating that they have exactly the same
degree of riskiness.
• The CV of both investments is 2.724796.

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Coefficient of Variation: Example 1

• Mr. ADA is reviewing stocks for inclusion in his investment

portfolio. The stock he wishes to analyze is OF Corporation. One of
his key concerns is risk. As a rule, he will invest only in stocks with
a coefficient of variation below 0.75.
• His analysis shows that average return of OF Corporation is
10.50% and associated standard deviation is 4.51%. Should he


Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Coefficient of Variation: Example 1

• Coefficient of variance is the ratio of standard deviation and

expected return.
CV   0.4295
• Mr. ADA should accept this investment.

Measures of Historic Risk and Historic Return

Excess Return

• The difference between the actual rate of return on a risky asset

and the risk-free rate is called the excess return. The standard
deviation of the excess return is a measure of its risk.


Risk and Return



• Bodie, Z., Kane, A., and Marcus, A.J., (2014). Investments (Chapter
5). 10th Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.


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