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DJF challenge self assesme…

Challenge Self
One of the most important factors of success is “Clarity”.

Every day we need to be clear on what we’re doing with nutrition and training, what the
targets are for this week and also what the ultimate goal is that we’re trying to hit and why.

When we’re incredibly clear on what we’re doing and why we’re doing it, we’re confident in
the approach and can actually start to sit back and enjoy the process.

How much clarity do you currently have in your fitness journey?

You’ve tried and failed with a lot of programmes in the past before, adding to your
frustration and confusion. You’re no longer sure what works, what doesn’t or what you even
want out of fitness. You desperately need some clarity and direction.

STRONG (4-7)
You have a solid understanding of fitness and nutrition. You know what you need to do and
you have periods of time where you’re motivated and consistent but these come and go.
You’re often derailed by programme hopping, social life, work and family commitments.
You’ve never really achieved and maintained the results you want despite effort and time.

You have a plan that is working and you’re seeing results every week. You know what needs
to happen to reach your goal and, in general, you’re very consistent. You likely coach
yourself and the next opportunity for improvement is hiring a coach or seeking external help
to refine and improve your current plan.

Clarity Score: __ / 10

This one is simple. We all have long term goals that we want to eventually reach.

Maybe it's finally revealing our abs or a beach body, maybe it’s feeling more confident in better fitting

MAYBE it’s protecting good health well into later life so that you can watch your kids grow

How confident are you, with what you know now and the path you’re currently on that
you’ll eventually reach that goal?

Your end goal feels like a pipe dream. You show no real sign of moving towards it and you’ve
started to tell yourself that (for a host of reasons) that you’re not cut out to achieve it.

You’ve likely started to blame genetics, age, metabolism or being too busy on the fact that
your goal is slowly moving away from you.

STRONG (4-7)
You can see a path to your end goal and how it could be possible for you. It feels doable but
you’re still a little doubtful as to whether you’re being a bit ambitious with what’s possible
for you.

You’ve never achieved anything close to the goal you’re chasing to hitting it would
require a large change.

You have a plan, you know what you need to do and you’re sticking to it. You know how
long it’s going to take (roughly) to reach your goal and you’re making consistent progress
towards it.

Confidence Score: __ / 10


The way we feel on a daily basis greatly affects our experience of life and the world.

Motivation and energy are both created by progress and (sometimes) required for progress.
So, they’re a resource we need to build and protect.

When you’re getting leaner, stronger and feeling better every day, you tend to have
boundless energy and motivation.
Equally, when you feel this way, you’re more consistent and driven to succeed than ever before.

How much motivation and energy do you experience on a daily basis?

You wake up feeling tired and under slept, often feel bloated after meals and hungry
between them. You experience ups and downs during the day, frequently feeling tired in the
mid-afternoon. It’s not uncommon that you wake up hungover and sluggish on a Saturday
and you’ll frequently have days where your mood is up and down.

STRONG (4-7)
In general you feel pretty good and you experience sustained periods of high motivation and
energy. However, it doesn’t take much to affect you negatively. One bad day or a few days
off tends to bring your motivation right down and you struggle to return to normal.

It’s normal for you to wake up feeling good and full of energy. You rarely suffer a lack of
motivation to train or stick to your diet and what you do, you understand the feeling is
fleeting and push on anyway.

Motivation & Energy Score: __ / 10

The way we feel about how we look can have a big impact on our mood and self-confidence.
For some people, the way they look is a source of positivity and power, for others it’s an
area of weakness and embarrassment.

How does your body image affect you at the moment?

I don’t enjoy the way I look and I feel that the image my body portrays isn’t one I’m happy
with. I’d love my image to be a source of confidence for me it just doesn’t feel possible right

STRONG (4-7)
A few times in the past I’ve felt great about the way I look. In general, when my diet and
training are going well, I feel great about how I look and feel but this changes when I fall of
the wagon for a week or two. However, right now I don’t feel that my body image reflects
what I’d like it to and needs work.

My physical image is a real source of personal power for me. My body represents the work I
consistently put in and I feel lean, confident and healthy.

Body Image Score: __ / 10

Clarity Score: __ / 10
Confidence Score: __ / 10
Motivation & Energy Score: __ / 10
Body Image Score: __ / 10

Total Score __ /40

Post your 4 individual scores and your total score in the group!

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