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contcxt of present iorces than hi_torical writings about thc past can

Iell us."
Q. 2. Discuss the nature of ldealistic Approach to the study of
international relations.
Idealistic apprcach to the study of international politics is the
result of liberal idcalis1n which influenced American politics betwecn
two world wars. ldeaism stands for improving the course of
international relations by climinating war, hunger, incquality, tyranny,
force, suppressiorn and violcnce from iniernaonat retations. Rem0val of
these evils is the objective before hunankind. Idealisn accepts the,
possibility al creating a werid free tronthese evils byestablishing pcace
2nd justice in the sccicty. War, violence and immorality can be çured
arough the Cstablishment of fanily of nationsThis approach believes
tha: by iollowing morality and moral values in thcir-Yelafions, the nalions
can secure not onlythcir own developnient, but aiso they can help the
wOTld 1o ciminate war, inequality despolism, lyränny, VIolcnce and
force. The idealists like Harten Butterfield, E.H. Car, Reinhold, Niebuhr

Woodrow Wilson, Aldous Huxley and Russell agree that the socicty and
sate are the results of cvolution. This process of cvolution is lcading us
from imperfection towards perfection.
According to Bertrand Russell, *Man's political dealing with one
another and based on wholly wrong idcals, and can only be saved by
guite different from continuing to bc a source of suffering, devastation
and sin."
Russell is hopeful that, "A world full of human happiness is not
bevond human power to create, the obstacles imposed by
nature arc not insuperable. The rcal obstacles lie in the hcart of a man,
fortificd by thought."
andcure for these is a firm hope informed and is
According to Couloumbis and Wolfe, "For the idcalists, politics Agood
of possible.
the art of-good government rather than lhe artrat her, he does what is
politicatperson docs not dÍ what 1s possible,
for his fellow human,
good. He provides for the good life and respect
Soth domestically and internalionally." are -
According te idcalistic approach,the main doctrines devot&
and capable of altruism.
(i) Human natureis essentially good
civilization are the concerns of
(i) Human welfare and advanced
of bad environment and
(i) Badhuman behaviour is the product
bad institutions.
end war, violence and tyranny in
(iv) G!obal efforts are necded to
international rclations.
commitied to preserve international
(v) internationalinstitutions
international order should be
pece, internationai law and and developmcnt as well as for
peace, prosperity living.
Iur sccuring otherevils from the international
cleminat ing war, hunger and on norality. The
puts greater cmphasisuphold
Thus ide alistic approach
relations on moralitv and
the ethical
sttles should base their
thoughts of
values. have enriched the
Disadvantage. ldeaiist scholars which may solve thc problcms
givcn idcas
han, bu! thcy have neveridcas are to be respected though not to be
Kisting in rHity. Their internatiozal;ics. Thc statcs are iut
Icady to
obeyed in tie study sf practice.
of idealistic approach in
iollew the i.ural doctrines
theory of interRatioral poBitics ? What are
).3. What isrealist
eiements ?

international politics avd assess the

realist theory o> international
Expiain the Morgeaihau to the study o:
Cottribution of Hans J.

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