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Third Quarter

Name: _____________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature

Grade/Section: ______________
A. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.
_____ 1. Which of the following is a source of electrical energy?
A. battery B. light bulb C. switch D. wire
_____ 2. Which of these controls electric current?
A. battery B. light bulb C. switch D. wire
_____ 3. When the switch is “ON,” the electric circuit is ________________.
A. open B. closed C. broken D. uncharged
_____ 4. Which of the circuits will produce light for a bulb?
A. closed circuit B. open circuit C. short circuit D. both A and C
_____ 5. What makes a circuit open?
A. pushing the switch on C. pushing the switch off
B. well positioned batteries D. complete path of electricity
_____ 6. What are the parts of a complete circuit?
A. battery B. battery, wire C. battery, wire, switch D. battery, wire, switch and bulb
_____ 7. What kind of circuit is appropriate to use in our homes?
A. Series Circuit B. Open Circuit C. Closed Circuit D. Parallel Circuit
_____ 8. It is a circuit which has light bulbs with different loops or pathways.
A. Series Circuit B. Parallel Circuit C. Closed Circuit D. Open Circuit
_____ 9. What will happen when we remove one bulb in a parallel circuit?
A. The other bulbs will still light up C. The wires will still function.
B. The other bulbs will not function. D. The wires will get burn.
_____ 10. What kind of circuit is shown in the picture?
A. Series Circuit C. Parallel Circuit

B. Short Circuit D. Open circuit

B. Write S if the statement tells about series circuit and P if it tells about parallel circuit.
_____ 11. It is used in homes and factories.
_____ 12. It is used to connect Christmas lights.
_____ 13. A single switch is used to put on and off all appliances.
_____ 14. All the bulb has its own circuit with the source of power.
_____ 15. All the electric current pass through each bulb.

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