Transport in plant Q

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Transport in plant

1. Select the odd one out w.r.t passive transport.

(1) Nutrients move across membrane by diffusion

(2) It is always down the concentration gradient
(3) It requires energy
(4) It is always a uphill movement
2. Phloem sap is mainly:

(1) Water and sucrose

(2) Glucose and water
(3) Amino-acids and water
(4) Hormones only
3. Which of the following element is not remobilized in

(1) Nitrogen
(3) Potassium
(2) Calcium
(4) Phosphorus
4. Root endodermis has the ability to actively transport
ions in one direction only because of the layer of :

(1) Lignin
(3) Algin
12 Cutin
(4) Suberin
5. The plant factor that affect transpiration is :

(1) Humidity
(2) Wind speed
(3) Canopy structure
(4) Light
6. Water loss in its liquid phase, in the form of droplets
around special openings of veins near the tip of grass
blades is due to

(1) Guttation
(2) Transpiration
(3) Root pressure
(4) Both (1) and (3) are correct
7. Symplastic system is the system of

(1) Inter connected protoplasts

(2) Dead tissues
(3) Adjacent cell walls
(4) Mass flow of water
8. The bulk movement of substances through the vascular
tissues of plant is called

(1) Facilitated diffusion

(2) Active transport
(3) Translocation
(4) Translation
9. In the mycorrhizal association of a fungus and the root
system of plants, the plants provide to the fungi:

(1) Minerals
(2) Water
(3) N-containing compounds
(4) Lipids
10. Seedlings have been able to emerge out of the soil
into the open and are able to establish due to:

(1) Root pressure

(3) Transpiration
(2) Guttation
(4) Imbibition
11. When the external solution balances the osmotic
pressure of the cytoplasm, it is said to be

(1) Hypotonic
(3) Isotonic
(2) Hypertonic
(4) Plasmolysed
12. What occupies the space between the cell wall and
the shrunken protoplast in the plasmolysed cell?

(1) Hypertonic solution

(2) Hypotonic solution
(3) Isotonic solution
(4) Pure water
13. Leaf surfaces are cooled, sometimes 10 to 15
degrees, due to evaporative cooling, by the process of

(1) Photosynthesis
(2) Transpiration
(3) Root pressure
(4) Guttation
14. By convention, the water potential of pure water at
standard temperatures, which is not under any pressure is
taken to be

(1) Minimum
(3) Positive
(2) Negative
(4) Zero
15. Transport in Plants Solute potential for a solution is

(1) Zero
(2) Negative
(3) Positive
(4) Equal to other solutions
16. If a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure is
applied to pure water or a solution, its water potential:

(1) Increases
(2) Decreases
(3) Remains unaffected
(4) Becomes positive
17. Active transport is

(1) Downhill transport

(2) Non-selective
(3) Not dependent on ATP
(4) Uphill movement
18. Molecules move across a membrane Independent of other
molecules in one direction in the

(1) Symport
(2) Antiport
(3) Uniport
(4) Co-port
19. Select the odd one out w.r.l. diffusion?

(1) A slow process

(2) Dependent on a living system
(3) Affected by temperature
(4) It is a passive process
20. In rooted plants, transport of water and minerals in
xylem is essentially

(1) Bi-directional
(2) Multi-directional
(3) Uni-directional
(4) Non-directional
1. The more the solute molecules _____ is the solute
2. If the external solution is more dilute than the
cytoplasm, it is called _____ solution.
3. The pathways of adjacent cell-walls that is continuous
throughout the plant, except at the casparian strips of the
endodermis in the roots, is the system of _____
4. The inner wall of each guard cell, towards the stomatal
aperture is _____
5. Usually the lower surface of leaf has a greater number
of stomata in _____.
6. The evolution of the C photosynthetic system is
probably one of the strategies for maximizing the
availability of CO₂ while minimizing _____.
7. The chief sinks for mineral elements are the growing
regions of the plant, such as the _____.
8. Ions are absorbed from the soil by both ____ transport.
9. Measurements reveal that the forces generated by
transpiration can create pressures sufficient to lift a xylem
sized column of water over _____
10. Less than _____ of the water reaching the leaves is
used in photosynthesis and plant growth.
11. The translocation in phloem is explained by ____.
12 The most acceptable model to explain the transport of
water in plants is ____.
13 The potential energy of water molecules which helps in
the movement of water is called _____.
14. On the trunk of a tree, a ring of bark up to a depth of
the phloem layer, can be carefully removed, this is called
15. _____ maintains the shape and structure of the plants
by keeping cells turgid.
16. Pinus seeds cannot germinate and establish without
the presence _____.
17. We can study water loss from a leaf using _____.
18. Movement of chloroplast in the cells of the Hydrilla
leaf is due to _____.
19. Water is absorbed along with mineral solutes by the
root hairs purely by ____
20. Numerically osmotic pressure is equivalent to the
1. (4) 2. (1)
3. (2) 4. (4)
5. (3) 6. (4)
7. (1) 8. (3)
9. (3) 10. (4)
11. (3) 12. (1)
13. (2) 14. (4)
15. (2) 16. (1)
17. (4) 18. (3)
19. (2) 20. (3)
1. The lower (more nefative)
2. Hypotonic
3. Apoplast
4. Thick and elastic
5. Dorsiventral leaf (often dicotyledonous)
6. Water loss
7. Apical and lateral meristem
8. Active and passive
9. 130 meters high
10. One percent
11. Pressure flow hypothesis
12. Transpiration pull
13. Water potential
14. Girdling experiment
15. Transpiration
16. Mycorrhizae
17. Cobalt chloride
18. Cytoplasmic streaming
19. Diffusion
20. Osmotic potential

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