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The Végnïszak Hidretehk Rite

Emrick Gottschalk a.k.a. Somnus Dreadwood

In the early days of the Maergzjiran Cabal (1436 AD), the Order was still under the constant assault of the
Vatican-funded Inquisition spearheaded by Austro-Hungarian Inquisitor, Fra Giacomo. Feeling the impending demise of
his small cult, first patriarch of the Cabal, Sybastien Drujziya sought the counsel of the Blighted Lords in order to discern
some way of improving protections, manifesting death curses and solidifying methods for the attainment of wealth in order
to give them more stability and ability to fight back. The result of this demonic communion was the Végnïszak Hidretehk
(a term for “final rest” referring to the make or break of the Cabal through this single act of ritual); a multi-layered
invocation ritual that brought the blessings of the Blighted Lords upon an individual as well as namely took greater hold
over especially named variables in the rite. It should seem rather obvious that the rite was most successful as it was quite
instrumental in the survival of the Cabal in the medieval era; thus bringing it to the fore of modern occult history.
As will be seen in this rite, there are major elements in focus to amplify the blessings of a person’s life, but also
an open range for the sorcerer to specifically call for infernal providence in highly specialized areas of their mundane,
business, family and spiritual life.
It is not unknown to me that there are many out there in the occult community, even avid followers of E.A.’s
work that question the validity of the Maergzjiran Cabal’s origin and history as well as our methods for sorcery despite his
acknowledgement of its potency. Therefore, this is my direct challenge to those readers especially to remove their ego for
a moment and trust in these words to allow the Blighted Lords and Ladies of Maergzjirah to burn their infernal influence
into their lives for good.
REQUIREMENTS FOR RITUAL: Tears of Ruin (see below), Blood-letting device, your own blood, paper,
Sigils of Prosperity & Ruin (see below)
PREPARATION: Tears of Ruin are a ritual component dating back to the Cabal’s origins, with similarities
found in Vodou practice that predated the Cabal by many centuries. It is made by combining water charged under the full
moon with black salt which has been allowed to dissolve into the water as well as adding powdered bones, snakeskin, dried
spiders (the more toxic their venom the better i.e. black widow, hobo spider, brown recluse), iron shavings (dust), graveyard
dirt, dried manure, human ashes (or ashes left from offerings). Do not worry about making the sigil or writing out your
wishes as you will do this as part of the ritual itself; lending all of that passion, desire, determination and even worry into
this as an accelerant for manifestation.
WARNING: As you begin the ritual, you will not have any form of prelude which calls for a circle of protection
nor will you open your ritual space in the name of any entity whatsoever. Doing so will rather invoke the anger of the
Blighted Lords and Ladies as they will take this as the utmost insult. Further, understand that doing this rite, you are not
attempting to seize control or compel them. Do not use any names of power to try to bind or compel either as this most
certainly will turn your life into a terrible curse by the Blighted Lords and Ladies. They are not to be trifled with nor do
they partake in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic, white light works of the spirit. They are their own entities and they bend a
knee to no one. It has been proven repeatedly throughout history that fools who think they can use the common methods
of Solomon or those as described in the major grimoires such as the Grimoirium Verum, Heptameron or Grimoire of
Armadel will sadly find themselves in a living state of torment, punishment and agony. Again, I implore you DO NOT
even think to use the JCI-corrupted forms of sorcery with the Blighted Lords and Ladies unless you sincerely wish to see
yourself, your world and the lives of those you care for completely unraveled. You are truly gambling against unbeatable
odds at that point. You have been warned.
THE RITE: You will not require a special altar or a dedication as you may perform this rite in your usual ritual
place or if you wish to be more authentic and relive some of the energy that the first Cabal Disciples felt, perform the rite
over a makeshift altar in the forest using stacks of rocks and large, fallen branches. Consider the feeling behind such a
rite… “Do or die” as it were. There was a feeling that this ritual had to succeed or else all would be lost. Try to capture
that going into this working. At the end I will also note points where you can amplify the energies of the ritual through
the use of extra words of power (known in the Cabal as “whispers” due to the way in which these unearthly nonhuman
words and phrases were first utilized to empower spiritual powers and projection), burning of duplicate sigils and
As prepatory immersion, light candles, incense, play music and do what you would normally as a prelude to ritual.
Enter into a soft meditation and conjure that feeling within of absolutely necessity. Focus on the desires of your heart;
your mundane life, your personal life, your relationships, work and/or business, your spiritual side. All of that which is
found wanting or where you are suffering; these you must focus upon. You must also focus on your ideal circumstances.
I’m not talking about, “I’m working a dead end job and my love life sucks, so I want to be a billionaire overnight with a
harem of supermodel girlfriends.” I’m talking about, “I’m working a dead end job and my love life sucks, but I have
education and finesse, so I want to have some of these employers call me in for an interview and the best opportunity for
me present itself. From that new stability and pursuit of ambition, my charisma will flourish, leading me to acquiring for
myself a compatible lover.” Think realistically while also giving in to your fantasies and wishes of higher ambition. This
can also reflect in a direr manner such as, “My grandmother who has been like a mother and best friend to me is terminally
ill and I must succeed to bring her back from the threshold of death.” Find your balance and where you need to be.
With this understanding of your situation, proceed now to draw out the sigils. With the Sigil of Prosperity, you
should ensure that you replay in your mind each aspect that you covered in your beginning meditation. See each aspect of
your life that is lacking or suffering be changed by your will. See your works manifesting into the life you desire. See with
each stroke of the sigil your desire taking shape. With the Sigil of Ruin, you shall conjure all of your hatred and malice;
every aspect of destruction, wickedness and carnage that stirs within you. This should be poured with reckless abandon
into every stroke of the sigil’s creation.
The Sigil of Prosperity

The Sigil of Ruin

From here, you shall unleash the sigils. Firstly, with the Sigil of Prosperity, you shall anoint it with your blood.
As you do so, speak, “Lords and Ladies of Maergzjirah (pronounced ‘my-air-zhee-rah’), I ask that you look upon me with
favor; blessing my life abundantly.” Take a final moment to channel everything into the sigil and then speak to the Blighted
with your special requests and finish by immolating.
Second, you shall use your blood to draw a large “X” over the Sigil of Ruin. Ensure your anger and malevolence
is heightened to the point of frenzy. Channeling it, you shall command, “Lord Cernobog, Black God, I call to you! This
seal is the very symbol of all that must be destroyed from this world in order to open the gates to all that should be. Over
it; my blood marks the open gate to absolute eradication. Through your infernal might, join me in tearing down the enemy,
the opposition, the filth! To Hell, to Hell, to Maergzjirah! Through you, Black God, let it be done! Ord Thesik Silor
Widawe Thream Louyr Nogedaidra!” With rising intensity, speak again, “Ord Thesik Silor Widawe Thream Louyr
Nogedaidra!” One final time you shall orate it with all of your might and fury, “Ord Thesik Silor Widaw Thream Louyr
Nogedaidra!” Then burn the sigil and exhale hard to push the energies summoned outward into the planar fabric. Here,
you shall also pour the Tears of Sorrow over the ashes. When your energies calm down, you shall then close simply by
saying, “As it has been ordained in Maergzjirah, may it be so done in Etheris.” Then thank the Blighted Lords and Ladies
for listening to you, seeing into the depths of your soul and working with you to manifest that which you desire.
AUGMENTATION: At this point, you have observed the basic rite. To go one step further, at the beginning
of ritual, before meditating you could cut your palms and allow blood to pool and also anoint your third eye with blood or
you could simply release your blood and draw an “X” in each palm and over your third eye. Remember, the “X” in ritual
is the Witch’s Cross; a symbol for the opening of gates which is extremely potent in such a ritual as this. Further
augmentation would be to attach the Sigil of Ruin to some type of female effigy and bury it face down in a cemetery over
the grave of a child. The meaning behind this is to tie the absolute destruction to the divine feminine; for all things emerge
from the source of Mother Earth; Gaia and any and all forms of creation that stand in the way of progress and success.
Further, you could also draw the Sigil of Ruin four times, marking them with the bloody “X’s” and burying them face down
at the four cardinal directions of a cemetery. Again, the death and destruction of all that would stand in the way of progress,
success and manifestation of one’s deepest desires. Upon burial, you shall pour the Tears of Ruin over them. In unleashing
of the Sigil of Prosperity, before you immolate, you would speak thrice, “Zanna-m’shounah” (Zah-nah-mih-shoo-nah) as
that is a favored phrase for tranquility and abundance among the Spirits of Maergzjirah. In unleashing the Sigil of Ruin,
you would boldly command, “Yin Toudegh!” after each recitation of “Ord Thesik Silor Widawe Thream Louyr
Nogedaidra”. For the truly devoted and hardcore sorcerer, you would perform all of the above and watch as your desires
unfold before you and all that deserves decimation is unraveled.
Understand that this is a very old system of sorcery though likely from a source you’re unfamiliar with. That’s
entirely okay. Learn to discern the energies of Maergzjirah and open yourself up to develop a relationship with the Blighted
Lords for they are not distant immortals who see humans as playthings. Rather, they see an opportunity to return humans
to a state of divinity and welcome those who stand before their thrones with humility and courage in balance.
I have used this rite only in the direst of circumstances. The impending collapse of my realm of influence due to
the meddling of religious zealots who sought to deface and ruin everything I had in place through local judicial execution
was quickly put to an abrupt end with the use of this rite as I watched their religious leadership suddenly grow fearful and
remove themselves, become so sick they had to withdraw from their usual efforts and others even died. The near death of
a beloved family member due to an advanced cancer that no one was aware of warranted this rite. Having been told that
she was likely to be departed in the next month or two, I set out to complete this rite. I had performed this the night
before her next doctor’s meeting, only for the traces of her cancer to be entirely absent the following morning. A close
friend of mine was raped. We had known who the individual was, but rather than seek the police, she sought out my
magicks for she was among the occult faithful. In the week of terror that followed, this man’s house burned down, his
children were taken by Child Protective Services, his car was stolen, he was fired from his job and finally mortally suffered
a heart attack at the age of thirty-four.
The Blighted Lords and Ladies of Maergzjirah do not parlay and they do not make petty pacts. When you work
with them, you’re making an agreement that states: “I will be your vassal and you will be my teacher and guide henceforth
and eternally.” They seek strength without the delusions of ego and openness to learning and personal evolution instead of
the stagnant and immobilizing bondage that so many paths and systems preach. Those who can walk the path beside them
will always know the unfathomable power they bring to this world. Magick, like everything else is evolving. Will you
evolve and harness this spiritual power they teach us so well to wield or will you be content to live according to the broken
texts and worn out methods written by dead Christians and Jews who sought to confound sorcerers and bind their our
natural demonic allies? There is a power in tradition, hence the power of this rite, but it also requires the ability to break
away from the conventional in order to see the infinitely spectacular.
Perform this rite and listen to the whispers that carry on the winds sent from Maergzjirah. You will hear new
wisdom and you will gain new power from thence. When you return your speech, do so and invite the whole of Hell into
your soul. You will be reborn; cleansed in the spiritual fires of their realm, untouchable and infinite.

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