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What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a machine to display the same capabilities as
humans, such as reasoning, learning, creativity, and the ability to plan.
AI allows technological systems to perceive the environment and solve problems and
act with a specific purpose. The machine receives ready-made data as collected
through its own sensors, for example, a camera, processes it and responds to it.
It is one of the fastest growing areas of digital technology that is transforming our lives
and also our investment portfolios.
Positive and negative aspects
Positive aspects: Among its benefits we can find an increase in efficiency as well as
there will be no problems with location and distance since through them there will be
autonomous vehicles that allow reaching unthinkable and unreachable places. And it
will also free workers to carry out operational tasks and there will be and will generate
more jobs than those it eliminates. On the other hand, it will improve people's
lifestyles with the new advances in medicine and will also favor fraud detection
through voice and facial recognition, among others. Therefore, it analyzes, processes
and saves a large amount of data in a short time.
Negative Aspects: In the artificial intelligence system we can find risks either accidents
and misuse. For now the damage they can cause is limited. Although there have
already been fatal accidents with autonomous cars.
The most relevant advantages and disadvantages
• ADVANTAGES: Among which we can find:
Automate processes
Artificial Intelligence allows robots to perform repetitive tasks and process
optimization automatically and without human intervention.
Empower creative endeavors
AI frees people from routine and repetitive tasks and allows them to dedicate
themselves to developing creative functions.
Reduce human error
AI reduces failures caused by human limitations. At the same time, AI is used to detect
defects that are undetectable by the human eye through sensors.
Increased productivity and quality in production
AI not only increases productivity at the machine level, but also increases the
productivity of workers and the quality of the work they do. Being able to enjoy more
information allows them to have a more focused view of their work and make better
Unemployment: Given the growing fear that automation
and AI will change the way we work and lead to the growth of unemployment, some
experts point out that possible changes in work are imminent: in 2030 they calculate
that between 75 and 375 million of workers (between 3 and 14% of the global
workforce) will have to change jobs and learn new professions.
Lack of transparency: Artificial intelligence can be flawed in many aspects, such as the
lack of transparency which is extremely important, and that the real problem is the
lack of visibility. Some learning algorithms are kept secret.

Big tech dominance: AI is dominated by big tech companies, for example, since 2007
Google has bought at least 30 AI companies that work on everything from image
recognition to more human-sounding computer voices, establishing a huge monopoly
on AI technology. in 2016, Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon, along
with large Chinese companies, invested up to $30 billion in AI-related research,
development, and acquisitions. In addition, it is dangerous with the control of search,
social networks, online retail and app stores, these companies have a almost
monopoly on user data. And this concentration of power is dangerous, as there is a
risk that big tech companies will impose themselves on democratically elected

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